The 30-Minute Vegan's Taste Of The East Part 2

The 30-Minute Vegan's Taste Of The East -

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1 (14-ounce) package extra-firm tofu 1 teaspoons ground c.u.min teaspoon chile powder 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice teaspoon sea salt teaspoon ground black pepper 1 clove garlic, pressed or minced 1 teaspoon peeled and minced fresh ginger cup vegan yogurt MASALA SAUCE.

cup soy creamer or coconut milk cup vegan yogurt 1 tablespoons tomato paste 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice Pinch ground cardamom Pinch ground cinnamon teaspoon sea salt, or to taste 1 tablespoon minced fresh cilantro 1. Preheat the oven to 375F. Slice the tofu in half lengthwise, forming two cutlets. Slice each cutlet lengthwise three times and then widthwise three times to yield sixteen cubes each (thirty-two cubes total). Place cubes in a ca.s.serole dish with all of the marinade ingredients except the yogurt and mix well, making sure all of the tofu is covered. Add the yogurt and mix well. Place in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. 1. Preheat the oven to 375F. Slice the tofu in half lengthwise, forming two cutlets. Slice each cutlet lengthwise three times and then widthwise three times to yield sixteen cubes each (thirty-two cubes total). Place cubes in a ca.s.serole dish with all of the marinade ingredients except the yogurt and mix well, making sure all of the tofu is covered. Add the yogurt and mix well. Place in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. 2. While the tofu is cooking, place all of the sauce ingredients except the cilantro in a medium saute pan on medium-low heat and gently whisk well. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. 2. While the tofu is cooking, place all of the sauce ingredients except the cilantro in a medium saute pan on medium-low heat and gently whisk well. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. 3. When the tofu is done cooking, add it to the saute pan with all of the contents of the ca.s.serole dish, and gently mix well. Allow it to simmer for an additional 5 minutes. Add the cilantro and gently mix well before serving. 3. When the tofu is done cooking, add it to the saute pan with all of the contents of the ca.s.serole dish, and gently mix well. Allow it to simmer for an additional 5 minutes. Add the cilantro and gently mix well before serving. The Asian Pantry The Asian Pantry Does vegan yogurt sound like an oxymoron to you? Believe it or not, there are several brands, mostly soy based, on the market, with a variety of flavors. Plain works best in these dishes. So Delicious has also put out a coconut-based yogurt that is incredibly flavorful and works well with this dish. Does vegan yogurt sound like an oxymoron to you? Believe it or not, there are several brands, mostly soy based, on the market, with a variety of flavors. Plain works best in these dishes. So Delicious has also put out a coconut-based yogurt that is incredibly flavorful and works well with this dish.


Our halva is a slightly sweet, dairy-free version of this traditional Indian dessert, which usually includes lots of b.u.t.ter. There are many versions of halva throughout Asia and the Middle East, some of which are sesame-seed-based. Serve warm or cold. This halva is wonderful on its own and superb when topped with the Coconut Dessert Sauce (page 81).


teaspoon saffron threads, soaked in 2 tablespoons hot water, optional 1 cup semolina flour teaspoon sea salt 2 cups water cup plus 2 tablespoons vegan b.u.t.ter to cup chopped cashews, roasted, no salt cup currants or raisins teaspoon plus a pinch of ground cardamom teaspoon ground cinnamon cup agave nectar, maple syrup, or organic sugar, or to taste 1. If you are using the saffron, place the threads in hot water in a small bowl. 1. If you are using the saffron, place the threads in hot water in a small bowl. 2. Place the semolina flour and salt in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Slowly add the water, stirring constantly until all of the liquid is dissolved and the mixture is thick. Continue to stir for a few minutes longer. 2. Place the semolina flour and salt in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Slowly add the water, stirring constantly until all of the liquid is dissolved and the mixture is thick. Continue to stir for a few minutes longer. 3. Add the remaining ingredients, including the saffron threads and soaking water, if using, and mix well. Continue to stir for another few minutes. Serve in individual dishes or pour into a small ca.s.serole dish. Serve warm, or, if you have more time, serve chilled by placing the ca.s.serole dish in the refrigerator until the halva is firm (approximately 1 hour), and cut into individual squares, rectangles, triangles, or whatever shape strikes your fancy. 3. Add the remaining ingredients, including the saffron threads and soaking water, if using, and mix well. Continue to stir for another few minutes. Serve in individual dishes or pour into a small ca.s.serole dish. Serve warm, or, if you have more time, serve chilled by placing the ca.s.serole dish in the refrigerator until the halva is firm (approximately 1 hour), and cut into individual squares, rectangles, triangles, or whatever shape strikes your fancy.

Variations Add 1 tablespoon rose water. Add 1 tablespoon rose water. For an even creamier halva, replace 1 cup of water with soy or chocolate soy milk, coconut milk, rice milk, or almond milk (see page 229). For an even creamier halva, replace 1 cup of water with soy or chocolate soy milk, coconut milk, rice milk, or almond milk (see page 229). Go for it and add cup chocolate chips. Go for it and add cup chocolate chips. Replace the cashews with pistachios, macadamia nuts, or your favorite nut. Replace the cashews with pistachios, macadamia nuts, or your favorite nut. Replace the currants with other dried fruit such as chopped dates, apricots, or figs. Replace the currants with other dried fruit such as chopped dates, apricots, or figs.


There is a wide range of Indian desserts that, despite their many differences, all wind up looking like a ball covered in powdered sugar. Because many of the ingredients in those desserts are a bit obscure for the Western shopper, we offer up these little gems. Though they are not a traditional cookie, they do have the familiar tastes of India in a similar package.


cup sh.e.l.led raw pistachios, unsalted cup unroasted cashews cup vegan b.u.t.ter (Earth Balance is our favorite) 3 tablespoons agave nectar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, preferably alcohol-free teaspoon lemon zest, optional 1 cup spelt flour, sifted 1 tablespoon ground cardamom 1 cup powdered sugar 1. Preheat the oven to 300F. 1. Preheat the oven to 300F. 2. Grind the pistachios and cashews in a food processor fitted with the S-blade for about 30 seconds or until fine. 2. Grind the pistachios and cashews in a food processor fitted with the S-blade for about 30 seconds or until fine. 3. Using a standing mixer with the whisk attachment, a hand mixer, or by hand, whip the b.u.t.ter, agave nectar, vanilla extract, and lemon zest together for 1 to 2 minutes or until creamy and fluffy. 3. Using a standing mixer with the whisk attachment, a hand mixer, or by hand, whip the b.u.t.ter, agave nectar, vanilla extract, and lemon zest together for 1 to 2 minutes or until creamy and fluffy. 4. Add the flour and cardamom and stir well. Add the ground nuts and mix again. Form the batter into cookie-size b.a.l.l.s, place them on a parchment-lined baking tray, and bake for 30 minutes. 4. Add the flour and cardamom and stir well. Add the ground nuts and mix again. Form the batter into cookie-size b.a.l.l.s, place them on a parchment-lined baking tray, and bake for 30 minutes. 5. Let cool for 3 to 5 minutes and then roll them around in the powdered sugar while they are still warm. 5. Let cool for 3 to 5 minutes and then roll them around in the powdered sugar while they are still warm. East Meets West: Yoga East Meets West: Yoga Yoga has become popular in the West with good reason. It's a practice that can help us cultivate some much-needed peace of mind while staying in shape. There are countless schools of yoga. Many fitness centers and gyms now offer, some more intense than others. Some are a gentle workout whereas others are quite vigorous. There also are special yoga techniques for pregnant moms. Visit a local yoga studio near you and check out Yoga has become popular in the West with good reason. It's a practice that can help us cultivate some much-needed peace of mind while staying in shape. There are countless schools of yoga. Many fitness centers and gyms now offer, some more intense than others. Some are a gentle workout whereas others are quite vigorous. There also are special yoga techniques for pregnant moms. Visit a local yoga studio near you and check out for an overview of the many forms of yoga and its benefits. for an overview of the many forms of yoga and its benefits.

MANGO La.s.sI.

La.s.sis, both sweet and salty, are a popular yogurt-based drink throughout India. Dairy yogurt lovers frequently find soy-based yogurts to be a far cry from the original. Thankfully, there are coconut-milk-based yogurts that create the epic flavors of this drink. Combined with the tropical mango, this beverage may have you chanting Hare Krishna in no time.


2 medium-size mangoes, cubed, cold (about 3 cups) 1 cups vegan coconut-milk yogurt 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 cup ice cubes 2 tablespoons agave nectar, optional 1. Place the mango, yogurt, lemon juice, and ice cubes in a blender and blend on high speed for 20 to 30 seconds, until smooth and even. 1. Place the mango, yogurt, lemon juice, and ice cubes in a blender and blend on high speed for 20 to 30 seconds, until smooth and even. 2. Taste and add agave nectar, if using, as desired. Serve immediately or refrigerate. 2. Taste and add agave nectar, if using, as desired. Serve immediately or refrigerate.

Variations Not a big fan of yogurt? Try subst.i.tuting the coconut yogurt with 1 cups of coconut milk and cup of a thickener such as silken tofu, cashews, or coconut b.u.t.ter, being sure to blend well. Not a big fan of yogurt? Try subst.i.tuting the coconut yogurt with 1 cups of coconut milk and cup of a thickener such as silken tofu, cashews, or coconut b.u.t.ter, being sure to blend well. Turn this into a milkshake by replacing the yogurt with vegan vanilla ice cream. (Can you say "yummy?") Turn this into a milkshake by replacing the yogurt with vegan vanilla ice cream. (Can you say "yummy?") Spice it up by adding teaspoon of ground cardamom! Spice it up by adding teaspoon of ground cardamom! East Meets West: Ayurveda East Meets West: Ayurveda Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of healing and lifestyle that is gaining popularity in the West. Its goal is to create harmony in the body and life through balancing the three substances or doshas-vata, pitta, and kapha. There is a growing number of ayurvedic spas and ayurvedic body care products on the market. Check out the recommended reading section in Appendix C for two wonderful introductions to ayurveda. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of healing and lifestyle that is gaining popularity in the West. Its goal is to create harmony in the body and life through balancing the three substances or doshas-vata, pitta, and kapha. There is a growing number of ayurvedic spas and ayurvedic body care products on the market. Check out the recommended reading section in Appendix C for two wonderful introductions to ayurveda.


Three great tastes that taste great together. This recipe can be used as the base for any kind of you can dream up. Any or all of the three flavor ingredients (cardamom, rose, and vanilla) can be omitted for a plain or exchanged for your desired flavors.


cup vegan coconut-milk yogurt 1 (12-ounce) package silken tofu 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice cup agave nectar teaspoon ground cardamom 1 tablespoon rose water 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, preferably alcohol-free 1 cup ice cubes to cup ice water, if necessary 1. Place all of the ingredients except the ice water in a blender and blend on high speed for 20 to 30 seconds, or until smooth and even. 1. Place all of the ingredients except the ice water in a blender and blend on high speed for 20 to 30 seconds, or until smooth and even. 2. Taste and, if desired, add ice water to thin the mixture. Serve immediately or refrigerate. 2. Taste and, if desired, add ice water to thin the mixture. Serve immediately or refrigerate.

Variations Not a big fan of yogurt? Try subst.i.tuting the coconut yogurt with cup of coconut milk and cup of a thickener such as cashews, macadamia nuts, or coconut b.u.t.ter, being sure to blend well. Not a big fan of yogurt? Try subst.i.tuting the coconut yogurt with cup of coconut milk and cup of a thickener such as cashews, macadamia nuts, or coconut b.u.t.ter, being sure to blend well. Turn this into a milkshake by replacing the yogurt with vegan vanilla ice cream. Turn this into a milkshake by replacing the yogurt with vegan vanilla ice cream. Omit the cardamom and rose water and replace the vanilla with one teaspoon of another extract, such as almond, b.u.t.terscotch, or even cherry! Omit the cardamom and rose water and replace the vanilla with one teaspoon of another extract, such as almond, b.u.t.terscotch, or even cherry! Make a Limetastic by omitting the cardamom, vanilla, rose water, and lemon juice and adding cup of freshly squeezed lime juice and teaspoon of lime zest. Make a Limetastic by omitting the cardamom, vanilla, rose water, and lemon juice and adding cup of freshly squeezed lime juice and teaspoon of lime zest.


You can make even quicker work of this recipe by using 4 cups of store-bought rice milk instead of making your own as in this recipe. But if you enjoy this beverage as much as we do, you'll save a lot of packaging and have a fresher product by following the recipe as it is. Either way is a win for you! Warm cardamom milk is such a soothing, nurturing, warming way to end a busy day.


1 cup uncooked brown rice 4 cups water 30 green cardamom pods, removed (about 2 teaspoons cardamom seeds) 2 tablespoons to cup sweetener of choice (try maple syrup, brown rice syrup, or agave nectar) 1. In a blender on high speed, blend the rice and water for 40 to 60 seconds or until a white liquid forms. Note: If you have a powerful blender, be sure not to overblend. If the rice is ground too fine it will not strain out and the milk will turn out very thick. 1. In a blender on high speed, blend the rice and water for 40 to 60 seconds or until a white liquid forms. Note: If you have a powerful blender, be sure not to overblend. If the rice is ground too fine it will not strain out and the milk will turn out very thick. 2. Strain the liquid through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth, into a pot. Place the pot on the stove over low heat. Add the cardamom seeds and allow the mixture to heat for 10 to 15 minutes or until the flavor of the cardamom has been well released, stirring occasionally. 2. Strain the liquid through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth, into a pot. Place the pot on the stove over low heat. Add the cardamom seeds and allow the mixture to heat for 10 to 15 minutes or until the flavor of the cardamom has been well released, stirring occasionally. 3. Whisk in your desired sweetener and serve warm. If you prefer, you may strain out the cardamom seeds, but it is not necessary to do so. 3. Whisk in your desired sweetener and serve warm. If you prefer, you may strain out the cardamom seeds, but it is not necessary to do so.

a.s.sorted Chutneys For our chutney recipes, we consulted with our friend and resident Indian food expert, Vi Herbert (see inset on page 42). Chutneys are the condiment of choice in India. They are exceedingly flavorful and typically spicy. Here we provide a few different versions for your culinary enjoyment. Try them alongside any of the Indian dishes in this section. They go particularly well with Samosas (page 7) and dosas (page 21).



1 bunch fresh mint (about cup) 2 bunches fresh cilantro, chopped (about 2 cups) 1 green chile 3 cloves garlic 1 tablespoon peeled and minced fresh ginger 1 cup chopped red onion Pinch chile powder 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lime juice or teaspoon tamarind paste 1 small tomato, chopped (about 1 cup) teaspoon garam masala teaspoon sea salt Remove the mint leaves from the stems. Place the leaves in a blender or food processor with the remaining ingredients. Process until smooth. Store in a gla.s.s container in a refrigerator for up to 3 days.



3 cups chopped tomatoes 1 tablespoons sesame oil teaspoon brown mustard seeds teaspoon turmeric powder cup chopped yellow onion 5 curry leaves (see Note on page 6) 3 cloves garlic, pressed or minced 1 teaspoons peeled and minced fresh ginger 1 green chile pepper, seeded teaspoon sea salt, or to taste teaspoon garam masala cup coconut milk 1 tablespoon minced fresh cilantro 1. Place the tomatoes in a blender and blend until pureed. 1. Place the tomatoes in a blender and blend until pureed. 2. Heat the oil in a saute pan over medium heat. Add the mustard seeds and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly until they pop. Add the turmeric and onion and saute for 3 more minutes, stirring frequently. 2. Heat the oil in a saute pan over medium heat. Add the mustard seeds and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly until they pop. Add the turmeric and onion and saute for 3 more minutes, stirring frequently. 3. Add the curry leaves, garlic, ginger, chile, salt, and garam masala and saute for 3 more minutes, stirring frequently. Add the tomato puree, cover, and cook for 5 minutes. 3. Add the curry leaves, garlic, ginger, chile, salt, and garam masala and saute for 3 more minutes, stirring frequently. Add the tomato puree, cover, and cook for 5 minutes. 4. Add the coconut milk and cilantro, lower the heat to low, and cook for 2 minutes. 4. Add the coconut milk and cilantro, lower the heat to low, and cook for 2 minutes.



2 tablespoons sesame oil 1 red onion, chopped 1 cup garlic cloves cup shredded coconut cup coconut milk 3 tablespoons coriander seeds 3 dried red chiles 1 teaspoon tamarind paste, or 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice Sea salt to taste 1. Place the sesame oil in a large saute pan over medium heat. Add the onions and garlic, and cook for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the shredded coconut and coconut milk, stir well, and remove from the heat. 1. Place the sesame oil in a large saute pan over medium heat. Add the onions and garlic, and cook for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the shredded coconut and coconut milk, stir well, and remove from the heat. 2. In another pan, dry-roast the coriander seeds and dried chile over low heat for 2 minutes, until a pleasant aroma is released. Remove from the heat. Grind in a spice grinder or blender. 2. In another pan, dry-roast the coriander seeds and dried chile over low heat for 2 minutes, until a pleasant aroma is released. Remove from the heat. Grind in a spice grinder or blender. 3. Place everything together in a food processor or blender and pulse chop until you have a chunky and well combined chutney. Optionally, you can puree it smooth. 3. Place everything together in a food processor or blender and pulse chop until you have a chunky and well combined chutney. Optionally, you can puree it smooth. Outreach Programs Outreach Programs Vi Herbert runs a nonprofit called the Kolam Charitable Foundation ( Vi Herbert runs a nonprofit called the Kolam Charitable Foundation ( It helps women and children in developing countries achieve economic independence. The organization is currently supporting a free rural area school in southern India in Tamil Nadu. Please visit the foundation's Web site to learn more about its outreach programs.


Raita is a yogurt-based sauce that is served as a condiment with Indian meals. It has a cooling effect on the palate and is the perfect balance to the spiciness of curries and other favorite Indian dishes. Add a small dollop to your feast, which may include Mulligatawny (page 3), Cauliflower Chickpea Subji (page 19), Tempeh Vindaloo (page 28), and Rice Pilau (page 9).


1 teaspoon ground c.u.min teaspoon ground coriander 2 cups plain vegan yogurt 1 medium cuc.u.mber, peeled, seeded, and thinly sliced (about 3 cups) 3 tablespoons loosely packed, julienned fresh mint 1 lime, juiced teaspoon sea salt, or to taste teaspoon ground black pepper, or to taste 1. Place the c.u.min and coriander in a small saute pan over high heat. Stir constantly for about a minute or until the c.u.min turns golden brown and a pleasant aroma is released. 1. Place the c.u.min and coriander in a small saute pan over high heat. Stir constantly for about a minute or until the c.u.min turns golden brown and a pleasant aroma is released. 2. Add to a large bowl with the remaining ingredients and mix well. 2. Add to a large bowl with the remaining ingredients and mix well.

Indian Spice Blends Why not impress yourself and create your own spice blends for the freshest flavors? Here are two of the more popular blends we use throughout the India section. These recipes create just over cup each. Feel free to double or triple the recipe depending on how fast you plan to go through them. Store in a gla.s.s jar. For maximum freshness, use within a month.


Here is a simple base recipe for curry powder. Create your own blends by experimenting with the variations and altering the quant.i.ties.

3 tablespoons ground coriander 3 tablespoons ground coriander 2 tablespoons ground c.u.min 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon turmeric powder 1 teaspoon ground black pepper teaspoon mustard powder teaspoon cayenne pepper Whisk all of the ingredients together and store in a gla.s.s container.

Variations You can add 1 teaspoon each of ground fenugreek and fennel. You can add 1 teaspoon each of ground fenugreek and fennel. Another variation is achieved by adding 1 teaspoon ground cardamom, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, and teaspoon ground nutmeg. Another variation is achieved by adding 1 teaspoon ground cardamom, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, and teaspoon ground nutmeg. If you want to start with the whole seed, grind all of the seeds separately in a spice grinder and combine in a bowl. Use mustard seeds instead of powder and dried red chiles instead of cayenne. You can toast the spices well in a large saute pan, preferably cast iron. Try toasting each one individually before blending in the spice blender (see page 225). If you want to start with the whole seed, grind all of the seeds separately in a spice grinder and combine in a bowl. Use mustard seeds instead of powder and dried red chiles instead of cayenne. You can toast the spices well in a large saute pan, preferably cast iron. Try toasting each one individually before blending in the spice blender (see page 225).


There are more variations of garam masala than there are rickshaw drivers in New Delhi. And there are a lot of rickshaw drivers in New Delhi! Try altering the spices and quant.i.ties to come up with your own signature blend.

2 tablespoons ground coriander 2 tablespoons ground coriander 1 tablespoon ground c.u.min 1 tablespoon ground black pepper 1 tablespoon powdered ginger 1 teaspoon ground cardamom 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg teaspoon turmeric powder, optional Whisk all of the ingredients together and store in a gla.s.s container.

Variations You can add teaspoon cayenne to spice it up. You can add teaspoon cayenne to spice it up. Try adding 1 tablespoon ground fennel seeds. Try adding 1 tablespoon ground fennel seeds. Grate the nutmeg fresh with a nutmeg grater-a wonderful kitchen gadget! Grate the nutmeg fresh with a nutmeg grater-a wonderful kitchen gadget! You can toast the coriander, c.u.min, black pepper, and cloves before grinding (see the toasting variation in curry powder on page 44). You can toast the coriander, c.u.min, black pepper, and cloves before grinding (see the toasting variation in curry powder on page 44).


The Cuisine of Thailand.

When you remember Thailand, images of crystalline seas, verdant hillsides, and lavish palaces linger in the background of your mind, overshadowed by some of the best food on the planet. Even if you only have a layover in Bangkok, you simply must get into town and eat the food. You can become a raw foodist when you get home. But when you're there, eat green curry. Eat it as often as you can, order it for breakfast, and when you think it would be silly to eat any more, eat one more for us.

Thai food has power-packed flavor in every mouthful. Whether it's brothy Galangal Lemongra.s.s Soup or coconut-milk-based Ma.s.saman Curry, Thai food never fails in flavor. And if you are an intense spice lover, you will meet your match in Thailand. Seemingly everything from the luscious Green Papaya Salad to the scintillating Red Curry leaps off the plate with chile pepper goodness. Thankfully, in your own kitchen, you can easily control the spice level of each dish.

Once your kitchen is stocked with the component flavors of Thai cuisine, you can create a fusion of your own devising with seasonal produce and your unique culinary style. We've combined the best of both worlds in this chapter with healthy, delicious renditions of authentic Thai cla.s.sics such as Thai Basil Eggplant and Thom Kha Pak (Thai Coconut Vegetable Soup) alongside our own inventions like the Kaffir Lemongra.s.s Tofu Cutlets and Funky Thai Salsa. Use these recipes to re-create the taste of Thailand and then sit back, relax, and enjoy yourself in true Thai fas.h.i.+on.

The Asian Pantry: Thailand The Asian Pantry: Thailand Coconut Milk: Coconut Milk: Made from the meat of mature coconuts, this sweet, milky white liquid is used throughout Asia, frequently as the base for curries. Coconut milk is different than coconut water or juice, which is the clear liquid found inside the coconut. See page 234 for our homemade Coconut Milk recipe. Made from the meat of mature coconuts, this sweet, milky white liquid is used throughout Asia, frequently as the base for curries. Coconut milk is different than coconut water or juice, which is the clear liquid found inside the coconut. See page 234 for our homemade Coconut Milk recipe.

Fish-Free Sauce: The use of fish sauce is extremely popular in Thai cuisine. Our version on page 85 uses the sea vegetable arame to create the flavor of the sea. We also use Bragg's Liquid Aminos as a subst.i.tute. The liquid aminos are a soy-based salt subst.i.tute that contains the essential amino acids. The use of fish sauce is extremely popular in Thai cuisine. Our version on page 85 uses the sea vegetable arame to create the flavor of the sea. We also use Bragg's Liquid Aminos as a subst.i.tute. The liquid aminos are a soy-based salt subst.i.tute that contains the essential amino acids.

Galangal (Thai Ginger): This is a large k.n.o.bby rhizome with a unique earthy flavor. If you cannot find fresh galangal, subst.i.tute regular fresh ginger. Do not use the dried and powdered versions of galangal, which just are not the same. This is a large k.n.o.bby rhizome with a unique earthy flavor. If you cannot find fresh galangal, subst.i.tute regular fresh ginger. Do not use the dried and powdered versions of galangal, which just are not the same.

Green Papaya: Green papaya is immature papaya rather than unripe papaya. Unripe papaya will still look slightly orange or pinkish inside. Immature papaya is whitish with a touch of green. The papaya is picked at a young age when the enzyme levels are at their peak, making green papaya a highly nutritious antioxidant. Green papaya is immature papaya rather than unripe papaya. Unripe papaya will still look slightly orange or pinkish inside. Immature papaya is whitish with a touch of green. The papaya is picked at a young age when the enzyme levels are at their peak, making green papaya a highly nutritious antioxidant.

Jasmine Rice: An aromatic long-grain white rice with a distinct floral note, jasmine rice is commonly cultivated and eaten across Thailand. See page 230 for cooking instructions. An aromatic long-grain white rice with a distinct floral note, jasmine rice is commonly cultivated and eaten across Thailand. See page 230 for cooking instructions.

Kaffir Lime Leaf: If your neighbor doesn't have a kaffir lime tree, you can find the leaves, fresh and dried, in specialty markets or ask your grocer to order some for you. The zest from regular limes makes a fine subst.i.tute. In general, you can replace each kaffir lime leaf with teaspoon lime zest. If your neighbor doesn't have a kaffir lime tree, you can find the leaves, fresh and dried, in specialty markets or ask your grocer to order some for you. The zest from regular limes makes a fine subst.i.tute. In general, you can replace each kaffir lime leaf with teaspoon lime zest.

Lemongra.s.s: A tall gra.s.s that provides a wonderful burst of lemon flavor, fresh lemongra.s.s is more available than the kaffir lime leaf, and it's very easy to grow. A tall gra.s.s that provides a wonderful burst of lemon flavor, fresh lemongra.s.s is more available than the kaffir lime leaf, and it's very easy to grow. It can be stored frozen to have around when not in season. When lemongra.s.s is called for in recipes, trim the very bottom off, remove the outer layer, and use the white part only. It can be stored frozen to have around when not in season. When lemongra.s.s is called for in recipes, trim the very bottom off, remove the outer layer, and use the white part only. Palm Sugar: Palm Sugar: Thais frequently add a little sugar to their food. In the past, palm sugar, a brownish sugar with a deep rich flavor, was the sweetener of choice. These days, white sugar is most commonly available although there is a growing specialty market for palm sugar made the old-fas.h.i.+oned (and therefore pricier) way. We like to replace the more typical white sugar with agave nectar, which also doesn't interfere with the color of the dish. Thais frequently add a little sugar to their food. In the past, palm sugar, a brownish sugar with a deep rich flavor, was the sweetener of choice. These days, white sugar is most commonly available although there is a growing specialty market for palm sugar made the old-fas.h.i.+oned (and therefore pricier) way. We like to replace the more typical white sugar with agave nectar, which also doesn't interfere with the color of the dish.

Sriracha Sauce: Sriracha is a chile sauce typically made with Thai red peppers. It is frequently used to spice up everything from green papaya salad to Pad Thai. Sriracha can usually be found in the Asian food section of grocery stores or see page 86 for our homemade Sriracha sauce. Sriracha is a chile sauce typically made with Thai red peppers. It is frequently used to spice up everything from green papaya salad to Pad Thai. Sriracha can usually be found in the Asian food section of grocery stores or see page 86 for our homemade Sriracha sauce.

Sticky Rice: Also known as sweet rice or glutinous rice, this short-grain rice is particularly sticky when cooked. The stickiness does not come from any gluten but rather from starches. It is traditionally steamed in a banana leaf. We use it in our Thai desserts. Also known as sweet rice or glutinous rice, this short-grain rice is particularly sticky when cooked. The stickiness does not come from any gluten but rather from starches. It is traditionally steamed in a banana leaf. We use it in our Thai desserts.

Thai Basil: With smaller leaves and a purple stem, this variety of basil has a strong and slightly licorice flavor. Thai basil is used in Vietnamese as well as Thai cuisine. With smaller leaves and a purple stem, this variety of basil has a strong and slightly licorice flavor. Thai basil is used in Vietnamese as well as Thai cuisine.


In a country short on Western-style breakfast foods, these pancakes really hit the spot! Usually served as big as the plate and sprinkled with a touch of powdered sugar, they are enough to power you up for a good long morning of sight-seeing. Keep the heat low to cook all the way through the pancake without burning the bananas. Serve as they are, with maple syrup, or topped with a dab of vegan b.u.t.ter and a sprinkling of powdered sugar.


cup spelt flour cup brown rice flour 2 teaspoons baking powder teaspoon sea salt teaspoon ground cinnamon, optional 2 cups thinly sliced banana (about 3 medium bananas) 1 cups water 1 tablespoon safflower, coconut, or other oil or melted Earth Balance vegan b.u.t.ter, plus more for cooking 2 tablespoons maple syrup teaspoon vanilla extract, preferably alcohol-free 1 teaspoon granulated organic sugar, optional 1. Sift the spelt flour, rice flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon, if using, into a large mixing bowl. Whisk together well, making sure there are no lumps. 1. Sift the spelt flour, rice flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon, if using, into a large mixing bowl. Whisk together well, making sure there are no lumps. 2. Using a standing mixer with the whisk attachment or a hand mixer, whip cup of the bananas for 20 seconds or until well blended and a little bit fluffy. Add the water, oil, maple syrup, and vanilla and continue to whisk until creamy and well blended. 2. Using a standing mixer with the whisk attachment or a hand mixer, whip cup of the bananas for 20 seconds or until well blended and a little bit fluffy. Add the water, oil, maple syrup, and vanilla and continue to whisk until creamy and well blended. 3. Turn the heat under a griddle or other pan to low and allow the pan to heat up while you proceed with the batter. You may need to lightly oil the pan. Add the wet ingredients to the flour mixture and use a spoon or rubber spatula to stir until the batter is uniform. Be careful not to overmix the batter. 3. Turn the heat under a griddle or other pan to low and allow the pan to heat up while you proceed with the batter. You may need to lightly oil the pan. Add the wet ingredients to the flour mixture and use a spoon or rubber spatula to stir until the batter is uniform. Be careful not to overmix the batter. 4. When the griddle or skillet is very hot, use a cup measuring cup to form as many pancakes as room allows. Working quickly, cover the tops of the pancakes with the remaining banana slices. You can push the slices in just a little, which will spread the batter out some. If you like, sprinkle the bananas with a little of the sugar. 4. When the griddle or skillet is very hot, use a cup measuring cup to form as many pancakes as room allows. Working quickly, cover the tops of the pancakes with the remaining banana slices. You can push the slices in just a little, which will spread the batter out some. If you like, sprinkle the bananas with a little of the sugar. 5. Flip the pancakes when there are bubbles on top and they smell toasty. (Note that there won't be as much bubbling as there is with regular pancakes. The smell and perhaps a tiny bit of smoke will be the best way to tell if they are ready to flip.) Continue to cook on the banana side for about 2 minutes. Repeat with the remaining batter. Serve immediately. 5. Flip the pancakes when there are bubbles on top and they smell toasty. (Note that there won't be as much bubbling as there is with regular pancakes. The smell and perhaps a tiny bit of smoke will be the best way to tell if they are ready to flip.) Continue to cook on the banana side for about 2 minutes. Repeat with the remaining batter. Serve immediately.


Though all soups benefit from spending hours simmering on the stovetop to allow the full flavors of the dish to sing in perfect harmony, those of us short on time can also choose to increase the flavor ingredients for a similar effect. In this case, using a larger than normal amount of lemongra.s.s, kaffir lime leaves, and galangal counteracts the limited cooking time while providing you that symphonic splendor you deserve. Served with rice noodles, this dish can be a satisfying light meal.


8 cups water or vegetable stock (see page 228) 3 stalks lemongra.s.s, bottoms and outer stalks removed 4 kaffir lime leaves, thinly sliced, or 2 teaspoons lime zest 2-inch piece galangal, thinly sliced, or 2 tablespoons peeled and minced fresh ginger 4 cloves garlic, pressed or minced 1 red chile, seeded and diced 1 cup thinly sliced carrot 1 (15-ounce) can straw mushrooms, or 1 cups sliced cremini mushrooms 1 handful green beans or snow peas, thinly sliced (about cup) 8 to 10 cherry tomatoes, quartered (about 1 cup) cup Bragg's Liquid Aminos, soy sauce, or a combination 1 lemon or lime, juiced cup thinly sliced green onion 2 tablespoons minced fresh cilantro 1. Place the water in a large pot and begin heating over medium heat. Slice the lemongra.s.s in half lengthwise and crush it by lightly pounding with a wooden spoon or other heavy object. Add to the pot with the lime leaves, galangal, garlic, and chile pepper. Cover and cook for 10 minutes. 1. Place the water in a large pot and begin heating over medium heat. Slice the lemongra.s.s in half lengthwise and crush it by lightly pounding with a wooden spoon or other heavy object. Add to the pot with the lime leaves, galangal, garlic, and chile pepper. Cover and cook for 10 minutes. 2. Add the carrot, mushrooms, green beans, and tomatoes and cook for at least 5 minutes more, or until the carrots are soft. 2. Add the carrot, mushrooms, green beans, and tomatoes and cook for at least 5 minutes more, or until the carrots are soft. 3. Remove from the heat and add the Bragg's, lemon juice, green onion, and cilantro. Stir well and remove the lemongra.s.s before serving hot. 3. Remove from the heat and add the Bragg's, lemon juice, green onion, and cilantro. Stir well and remove the lemongra.s.s before serving hot.


Simple and satisfying, this soup will have your guests oohhing oohhing and and aahhing. aahhing. If you aren't serving all of this soup immediately, you may want to leave the cabbage on the side. Portion out some shredded cabbage to each bowl (it will shrink down quite a bit when it gets hot), add the soup, and stir. If you aren't serving all of this soup immediately, you may want to leave the cabbage on the side. Portion out some shredded cabbage to each bowl (it will shrink down quite a bit when it gets hot), add the soup, and stir.


6 cups water or vegetable stock (see page 228) 1 stalk lemongra.s.s, bottoms and outer stalks removed 2 (14-ounce) cans coconut milk 2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 2 kaffir lime leaves, or 1 teaspoon lime zest 4 cups a.s.sorted chopped vegetables (carrots, zucchini, broccoli, eggplant, mushrooms) 1 cup yellow onion, sliced into quarter moons 2 red or green chiles, seeded and diced 1 lime, juiced cup Bragg's Liquid Aminos 1 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste cup minced fresh cilantro 4 cups shredded napa cabbage, lightly packed 1 cup mung bean sprouts, optional garnish 1. Place the water in a large pot over medium heat. Slice the lemongra.s.s in half lengthwise and crush it by lightly pounding with a wooden spoon or other heavy object, and add it to the pot. Using a blender, combine about half of the coconut milk with the ginger, and lime leaves on high speed for 20 seconds or until there are no chunks. Add the remaining coconut milk and blend for 5 to 10 seconds to incorporate. Pour this mixture into the water and continue cooking over medium heat while you prepare the vegetables. 1. Place the water in a large pot over medium heat. Slice the lemongra.s.s in half lengthwise and crush it by lightly pounding with a wooden spoon or other heavy object, and add it to the pot. Using a blender, combine about half of the coconut milk with the ginger, and lime leaves on high speed for 20 seconds or until there are no chunks. Add the remaining coconut milk and blend for 5 to 10 seconds to incorporate. Pour this mixture into the water and continue cooking over medium heat while you prepare the vegetables. 2. Place each vegetable into the soup pot as you go, starting with the hardest, longest-cooking veggies. Add the onion and chiles, cover, and heat for 10 minutes or until all the veggies are tender. 2. Place each vegetable into the soup pot as you go, starting with the hardest, longest-cooking veggies. Add the onion and chiles, cover, and heat for 10 minutes or until all the veggies are tender. 3. Add the lime juice, Bragg's, and salt, and stir. Cook for 2 more minutes and taste. If you think the soup needs more lemongra.s.s, ginger, or kaffir lime, blend more now with cup of the broth. Otherwise, add the cilantro and cabbage, stir well, and remove the lemongra.s.s stalks. Serve immediately, garnished with mung bean sprouts, if using. 3. Add the lime juice, Bragg's, and salt, and stir. Cook for 2 more minutes and taste. If you think the soup needs more lemongra.s.s, ginger, or kaffir lime, blend more now with cup of the broth. Otherwise, add the cilantro and cabbage, stir well, and remove the lemongra.s.s stalks. Serve immediately, garnished with mung bean sprouts, if using.

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