The 30-Minute Vegan's Taste Of The East Part 1

The 30-Minute Vegan's Taste Of The East -

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The 30-Minute Vegan's Taste of the East.

by Mark Reinfeld and Jennifer Murray.


We're pleased that you are joining us on our adventure into the rich and bountiful world of Asian vegan cuisine. In the pages of Taste of the East Taste of the East, we explore foods from several countries throughout the continent. Our goal is to introduce the distinct flavors of Asia, using ingredients that are accessible here in the West, with recipes that can be completed in 30 minutes or less. Quite a task!

The first four sections explore the cuisines of India, Thailand, China, and j.a.pan. The fifth section is our "Asian Fusion" chapter, in which we share recipes from Korea, Indonesia, Tibet, and Vietnam, in addition to Central Asian countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, and even Uzbekistan. (Yes, you can be the first kid on the block to bring an Uzbekistani dish to your next potluck!) Our experience with the cuisines is based on our visits to India, Nepal, China, and Thailand, as well as countless dining experiences in New York, San Francisco, and our many other travels. And, with an Asian population of over 40 percent, our home of Hawaii also holds a wealth of Asian culinary traditions in its islands. In some ways, The Taste of the East The Taste of the East is a culmination of our three prior books. As with is a culmination of our three prior books. As with Vegan Fusion World Cuisine Vegan Fusion World Cuisine it celebrates international cuisine, like it celebrates international cuisine, like The 30-Minute Vegan The 30-Minute Vegan it provides quick and easy recipes, and like it provides quick and easy recipes, and like The Complete Idiot's Guide to Eating Raw The Complete Idiot's Guide to Eating Raw it features some raw food dishes, a growing trend in the culinary world. it features some raw food dishes, a growing trend in the culinary world.

We had a lot of fun designing these recipes. Creating this book has been an adventure that opened us up to lots of new ingredients, cooking techniques, and tidbits of folklore. The world is becoming increasingly more interconnected. Learning about the cuisine and culture of Asia is a wonderful window into the lives of billions of others. The deeper our understanding, the more aware we become of our common humanity.

The influence of Asian foods is steadily growing here in the West. j.a.panese, Chinese, Indian, and Thai foods are continually making their way into our communities through restaurants, farmers' markets, and packaged products in grocery stores. This may be a very healthy trend, for Asians suffer much less from the major common ailments of the West. Many studies have been undertaken to determine which qualities of the Asian diet lead to greater health. Most Asian countries live on diets very low in refined flours, sugar, and processed food as well as a modest amount of sweets.

In addition to world-cla.s.s cuisine, the West has a lot to learn from the cultural traditions of the East. Important practices like yoga and meditation, practiced in Asia for thousands of years, are making their way into mainstream America. The emphasis on taking it slow, embodied in the j.a.panese tea ceremony, greatly enhances quality of life, creating balance and harmony. As we introduce you to these international kitchen pantries, we'll share each country's folklore and wisdom.

Choosing the recipes and ingredients has been an exciting balancing act. We go for authentic flavor while being mindful of ingredient availability. If you live in a small town without access to the ethnic markets of many larger cities, most of the ingredients should be available in the Asian section of the larger supermarkets and health food stores. And don't be afraid to ask your grocer to carry certain products-you'll be surprised how accommodating they can be. Otherwise, check out some of the numerous online resources listed in Appendix C. Or, if you are eager to dive in, plan a day trip to an ethnic market in your area.

In general, we chose to create wonderful flavors for our recipes rather than a strict adherence to the culinary traditions. We sprinkle in ingredients from the West that we feel enhance the dining experience. Quinoa is a South American grain that may not be sold at the farmers' market in Shanghai, yet it certainly compliments a stir-fry as much as rice. You will also see maple syrup, or agave nectar, uncommon in Asia, used as sweeteners in our recipes.

We recommend using a minimum of processed and packaged ingredients. This is much better for your health, and the reduction in packaging is good for the planet. Most traditional cultures rely on local ingredients, which are fresh and available. However, when preparing Asian cuisine in the West, many times our only source of ingredients comes in cans or bottles. You can also try asking local Asians where they get their authentic ingredients.

We highly recommend using organic ingredients whenever possible in our recipes. Organic food is grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, many of which have not been fully tested for their effects on humans. Though people debate whether or not these chemicals are harmful, we know they are not necessary-so we don't take the risk.

Eating locally grown foods whenever possible ensures freshness and saves all of the resources involved in s.h.i.+pping over long distances. Growing foods in your own garden or partic.i.p.ating in community-supported agriculture programs (CSAs) is the best option if you have the opportunity. It's very rewarding to see something grow from seed to plant. Farmers' markets are the next best choice. Get to know the people growing your food! Though some of the ingredients may require additional effort, many of the recipes in Taste of the East Taste of the East can be adapted to include whatever ingredients are fresh and available. can be adapted to include whatever ingredients are fresh and available.

In addition to creating vegan cookbooks, our company, Vegan Fusion, offers chef training and consulting services, and can a.s.sist any food service operation in menu and recipe development with our Innovative Global Cuisine. Our goal is to promote the benefits of vegan foods for our health and for the preservation of our planet. Please visit our Web site,, to learn more about us and the vegan lifestyle, and to sign up for our free newsletter.

We encourage you to create an inspiring ambiance when you prepare your meals. Listening to your favorite music and bringing flowers or other objects of beauty into the kitchen will help awaken the creative chef within. May you be inspired by these recipes to prepare more healthy and delicious foods!

With much aloha, Mark and Jennifer

Photo courtesy Elizabeth Warfield Murray.

How to Use This Book.

Virtually all of the recipes can be completed in less than 30 minutes, including preparation and cooking time. Several recipes do have cooking or baking times that exceed this time frame, but the labor time is kept under 30 minutes. We've also included some of our favorite variations to the recipes, some of which may also take longer than 30 minutes. These are clearly noted.

The clock starts ticking once the ingredients have been gathered and are ready for use. The time doesn't include searching through the cabinets for tools or ingredients. Read through the recipe carefully, perhaps even twice. Make sure you have everything you need and gather it before you begin. Also remember that with practice, everything becomes easier. The more often you make a recipe, the faster you will get.

Within the first four sections, the recipes are listed in the order you might find them on a menu-soups, salads, appetizers, side dishes, entrees, desserts. In one Asian Fusion section, recipes are listed by country of origin. Use these recipes as a starting point for creating your own versions and specialties based on your preferences and whatever ingredients are fresh and available. We are strong believers of creative expression in the kitchen; don't just try to stick to the recipe. Never let one or two missing ingredients stop you from making a recipe. There is always something you can subst.i.tute; be creative!

Throughout the book, we introduce many of the techniques of vegan natural food preparation. These techniques are also highlighted in the preparation basics section in Appendix A. For a more thorough exploration, including tips for stocking your kitchen, as well as for an extensive resource guide, please check out The 30-Minute Vegan The 30-Minute Vegan.

To fully dive into the realms of Asian foods we must experience the unique ingredients of each cuisine. Many foods transcend all borders, but some special foods have come to be identified with a culinary style. We introduce some of these ingredients in the pantry at the beginning of each section. We encourage you to make the extra effort and stock up on these specialty ingredients to achieve the most authentic flavors in your dishes.

Throughout the pages you will see the following sidebars, which alert you to highlighted features of Taste of the East: Taste of the East: Chefs' Tips and Tricks: we share the secrets that make your life in the kitchen easier and more enjoyable we share the secrets that make your life in the kitchen easier and more enjoyable The Asian Pantry: highlights special ingredients of various regions throughout Asia highlights special ingredients of various regions throughout Asia East Meets West: explores aspects of Asian culture popular in the West explores aspects of Asian culture popular in the West Additionally, we highlight certain recipes with the following symbols:

indicates a raw food raw food item, or one that can easily be adapted to a raw recipe. Raw foods are nutrient-rich foods that have not been heated above a certain temperature, thereby preserving many of the food's nutrients. item, or one that can easily be adapted to a raw recipe. Raw foods are nutrient-rich foods that have not been heated above a certain temperature, thereby preserving many of the food's nutrients.

If You Have More Time: these recipes and variations of recipes take longer than 30 minutes. Give them a try when you have more time to explore them!

Chefs' Tips and Tricks Chefs' Tips and Tricks 10 Keys to Success in a 30-Minute Kitchen: Guidelines for Quickness and Accuracy 10 Keys to Success in a 30-Minute Kitchen: Guidelines for Quickness and Accuracy Remember that food is an art. These tips will help you have great success in the kitchen and will enable you to enjoy yourself. If you're having a good time, everyone will enjoy the results, no matter what. 1. Read each recipe thoroughly. Look up words and ingredients you are unfamiliar with in our glossary or a dictionary. Understand the process involved. Understand when mult.i.tasking is necessary rather than waiting for each step to be complete before moving on to the next step. 1. Read each recipe thoroughly. Look up words and ingredients you are unfamiliar with in our glossary or a dictionary. Understand the process involved. Understand when mult.i.tasking is necessary rather than waiting for each step to be complete before moving on to the next step. 2. Before beginning any preparation, create a clean work area. Gather the ingredients in the recipe before you begin. This ensures that you have everything you need, know what you will be using if a subst.i.tute is required, and eliminate time spent searching through cabinets. Gather your measuring spoons and cups, tools, and appliances. Preparing food in a clean and organized s.p.a.ce is always easier. 2. Before beginning any preparation, create a clean work area. Gather the ingredients in the recipe before you begin. This ensures that you have everything you need, know what you will be using if a subst.i.tute is required, and eliminate time spent searching through cabinets. Gather your measuring spoons and cups, tools, and appliances. Preparing food in a clean and organized s.p.a.ce is always easier. 3. Having the proper tools is essential to being able to whip food up quickly. Preparation time may be increased if you don't have tools such as a garlic press, zester, citrus juicer, or blender. Work up to a fully stocked kitchen. 3. Having the proper tools is essential to being able to whip food up quickly. Preparation time may be increased if you don't have tools such as a garlic press, zester, citrus juicer, or blender. Work up to a fully stocked kitchen. 4. Though the recipes are designed to taste their best by following the exact measurements, approximations are often acceptable. At some point you will be able to look at ginger and know how much makes a tablespoon. In cases like these, don't worry too much about measuring everything with ultimate precision. With baking, however, measurements need to be precise because leavening is involved. 4. Though the recipes are designed to taste their best by following the exact measurements, approximations are often acceptable. At some point you will be able to look at ginger and know how much makes a tablespoon. In cases like these, don't worry too much about measuring everything with ultimate precision. With baking, however, measurements need to be precise because leavening is involved. 5. Some herbs, such as parsley, cilantro, or fennel, don't need to be plucked from the thin part of their stems before mincing or chopping. Just keep them bundled together and chop the whole bunch at once. The thin parts of the stems generally have the same flavor and, once minced, basically taste the same. 5. Some herbs, such as parsley, cilantro, or fennel, don't need to be plucked from the thin part of their stems before mincing or chopping. Just keep them bundled together and chop the whole bunch at once. The thin parts of the stems generally have the same flavor and, once minced, basically taste the same. 6. Cut stacks of veggies rather than each individual piece. Don't separate celery stalks when you can cut into the whole bunch at once. Same goes for heads of lettuce and cabbage. Stack tomato, potato, or onion slices and cut them simultaneously. 6. Cut stacks of veggies rather than each individual piece. Don't separate celery stalks when you can cut into the whole bunch at once. Same goes for heads of lettuce and cabbage. Stack tomato, potato, or onion slices and cut them simultaneously. 7. The easiest way to sift flour is with a fine mesh strainer. For accuracy, always sift baking soda, baking powder, cocoa powder, and any spices that have lumps. 7. The easiest way to sift flour is with a fine mesh strainer. For accuracy, always sift baking soda, baking powder, cocoa powder, and any spices that have lumps. 8. You don't need to peel carrots, cuc.u.mbers, potatoes, zucchini, or beets unless specified; just wash them well. This is not only quicker but also helps preserve the nutritional content of the food. 8. You don't need to peel carrots, cuc.u.mbers, potatoes, zucchini, or beets unless specified; just wash them well. This is not only quicker but also helps preserve the nutritional content of the food. 9. Most blenders have cup and fluid ounce measurements right on the pitcher; no need to dirty more measuring cups. 9. Most blenders have cup and fluid ounce measurements right on the pitcher; no need to dirty more measuring cups. 10. One of the most important tips to help cut down on preparation time is to set aside an hour or so on one of your least busy days for advance prepping. Having prepped ingredients on hand makes it easier to create meals on the go. You can cut vegetables and store them in a gla.s.s container in the fridge, and you can cook a squash, grain, or a pot of beans. These foods can then be used in recipes over the next few days. Consider preparing a pot of rice in the morning and using it for the evening meal. 10. One of the most important tips to help cut down on preparation time is to set aside an hour or so on one of your least busy days for advance prepping. Having prepped ingredients on hand makes it easier to create meals on the go. You can cut vegetables and store them in a gla.s.s container in the fridge, and you can cook a squash, grain, or a pot of beans. These foods can then be used in recipes over the next few days. Consider preparing a pot of rice in the morning and using it for the evening meal.


The Cuisine of India.

Experiencing India for the first time is like meeting the other half of your mind. There truly are no words to describe the sights, colors, smells, and sounds that flood through you. The Himalayas, the Taj Mahal, the Ganges River-wow! When visiting India, be prepared for adventure. A traffic jam can consist of rickshaws, motorcycles, camels, cows, water buffalo, goats, and even an elephant.

India has a vast history of vegetarian cuisine. Unique culinary traditions have evolved in different regions throughout the country. North Indian cuisine is quite different from that in the South. Even the Northwest (Punjab) is different from the rest of the North. We selected a wide range of recipes to share, including curries, chutneys, rice dishes, soups, and sweets. We encourage you to create an Indian feast that may include Mulligatawny, Rice Pilau, Tempeh Vindaloo, Cuc.u.mber Mint Raita, Roasted Garlic Chutney, and a Mango Don't forget to save room for the Cardamom Cookies!

The Asian Pantry: India The Asian Pantry: India Asafetida: Asafetida: Also referred to as hing, asafetida has a pungent and relatively unpleasant aroma when raw but imparts the taste of garlic and onion when added to cooked food. It is frequently used by those who avoid onion and garlic in their food. It is also used as a digestive aid. Also referred to as hing, asafetida has a pungent and relatively unpleasant aroma when raw but imparts the taste of garlic and onion when added to cooked food. It is frequently used by those who avoid onion and garlic in their food. It is also used as a digestive aid.

Chutney: The salsa of India, chutneys are a sauce or relish consisting of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and/or spices that is served as a condiment with Indian meals. Chutneys provide intense flavor. Many are sweet and sour, and spicy hot. The salsa of India, chutneys are a sauce or relish consisting of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and/or spices that is served as a condiment with Indian meals. Chutneys provide intense flavor. Many are sweet and sour, and spicy hot.

Curry Leaves: Also called sweet neem leaves, curry leaves are used in South Indian cuisine in much the same way bay leaves are used in the West. Despite the name, curry leaves are not a subst.i.tute for powdered curry, nor are they generally included in a curry blend. The fresh leaves can be stored in the freezer. They also are available in dried form online and at Asian markets. Also called sweet neem leaves, curry leaves are used in South Indian cuisine in much the same way bay leaves are used in the West. Despite the name, curry leaves are not a subst.i.tute for powdered curry, nor are they generally included in a curry blend. The fresh leaves can be stored in the freezer. They also are available in dried form online and at Asian markets.

Curry Powder: The trademark of the Indian kitchen, curry powder is a ground blend of spices that varies from region to region but generally includes c.u.min, coriander, and turmeric. It's the turmeric that gives curry its yellow color. For our homemade curry powder recipe, please see page 44. The trademark of the Indian kitchen, curry powder is a ground blend of spices that varies from region to region but generally includes c.u.min, coriander, and turmeric. It's the turmeric that gives curry its yellow color. For our homemade curry powder recipe, please see page 44.

Dhal (also spelled Dal): One of the most frequent terms you will come across in Indian cuisine, One of the most frequent terms you will come across in Indian cuisine, dhal dhal refers to a preparation of pulses or legumes that removes the outer sh.e.l.l and splits the husk. It is also the name of the soup or stew that is created by using them, such as mung dhal, chana dhal, and urud dhal. refers to a preparation of pulses or legumes that removes the outer sh.e.l.l and splits the husk. It is also the name of the soup or stew that is created by using them, such as mung dhal, chana dhal, and urud dhal.

Garam Masala: This term comes from the Hindi words This term comes from the Hindi words garam, garam, meaning "hot," and meaning "hot," and masala masala, meaning "spices." In this case the hot refers to pungency, and not necessarily hot as in spicy hot. The ingredients and quant.i.ties vary widely throughout different regions in India. Please see page 45 for our garam masala recipe.

Masala: Used often in Indian cuisine, Used often in Indian cuisine, masala masala refers to a blend of spices, either in dried form or a paste. refers to a blend of spices, either in dried form or a paste.

Tamarind: Indigenous to North Africa, tamarind has been growing in India for so long that it is believed by many to be of Indian origin. The tamarind tree produces a sour and sometimes slightly sweet pod that is used throughout the world in countless culinary ways, including chutneys, jams, sauces, and drinks. If you are unable to find tamarind, you can replace it with an equal amount of lime or lemon juice as well as a minute amount of sweetener. Please see page 13 for our Tamarind Sauce recipe. Indigenous to North Africa, tamarind has been growing in India for so long that it is believed by many to be of Indian origin. The tamarind tree produces a sour and sometimes slightly sweet pod that is used throughout the world in countless culinary ways, including chutneys, jams, sauces, and drinks. If you are unable to find tamarind, you can replace it with an equal amount of lime or lemon juice as well as a minute amount of sweetener. Please see page 13 for our Tamarind Sauce recipe.

Other spices popular in Indian cuisine include cardamom, c.u.min, turmeric, clove, cinnamon, fennel, fenugreek, and mustard seed. popular in Indian cuisine include cardamom, c.u.min, turmeric, clove, cinnamon, fennel, fenugreek, and mustard seed.


Mulligatawny literally means "pepper water" in Tamil, though peppers are not a common ingredient in this curry-flavored soup. Surprisingly, the origin of Mulligatawny soup, widely considered the national soup of India, is actually of Anglo-Indian origin. There are as many variations of this soup as there are temples in India. Mulligatawny is wonderful when served with Samosas (page 7), rotis (page 17), or dosas (page 21). literally means "pepper water" in Tamil, though peppers are not a common ingredient in this curry-flavored soup. Surprisingly, the origin of Mulligatawny soup, widely considered the national soup of India, is actually of Anglo-Indian origin. There are as many variations of this soup as there are temples in India. Mulligatawny is wonderful when served with Samosas (page 7), rotis (page 17), or dosas (page 21).


2 tablespoons sesame oil 1 teaspoons curry powder 1 teaspoon ground c.u.min 1 cup diced onion 3 large cloves garlic, pressed or minced 6 cups water or vegetable stock (see page 228) cup red lentils cup white basmati rice 1 small potato, diced (1 cups) 1 medium apple, peeled and chopped small (1 cups) cup diced celery 1 carrot, diced ( cup) 1 cups soy creamer or coconut milk 2 teaspoons garam masala Pinch cayenne, or to taste 1 teaspoon tamarind paste, or 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice 1 tablespoon soy sauce, optional 2 tablespoons minced fresh cilantro 1 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste Lemon wedges 1. Place the oil in a large pot over medium high heat. Add the curry and c.u.min and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add the onions and garlic and cook for 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the water, lentils, and rice and bring to a boil. 1. Place the oil in a large pot over medium high heat. Add the curry and c.u.min and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add the onions and garlic and cook for 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the water, lentils, and rice and bring to a boil. 2. Lower the heat to medium, add the potato, apple, celery, and carrots, and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. The rice and lentils should be thoroughly cooked. 2. Lower the heat to medium, add the potato, apple, celery, and carrots, and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. The rice and lentils should be thoroughly cooked. 3. Add the remaining ingredients, mix well, and garnish with a lemon wedge. 3. Add the remaining ingredients, mix well, and garnish with a lemon wedge.

Variations You can always add greens! Try adding 2 to 3 cups of kale, collard greens, or Swiss chard, sliced into -inch strips. You can always add greens! Try adding 2 to 3 cups of kale, collard greens, or Swiss chard, sliced into -inch strips. Play around with other fresh herbs you may have on hand or in your garden. A quarter cup of minced fresh parsley, and a teaspoon of oregano, thyme, or marjoram would go great in this soup. Play around with other fresh herbs you may have on hand or in your garden. A quarter cup of minced fresh parsley, and a teaspoon of oregano, thyme, or marjoram would go great in this soup.


A popular tomato-based soup in Southern India, where it is typically served daily along with idlis or dosas (page 21), and Sambar Curry (page 23).


2 tablespoons sesame oil 1 tablespoons c.u.min seeds 1 tablespoons mustard seeds 1 tablespoon curry powder 3 tablespoons toor dhal or ground yellow split peas (see Chefs' Tips below) 3 cloves garlic, pressed or minced 5 small tomatoes, chopped (3 cups) 4 cups water or vegetable stock (see page 228) 1 hot chile, seeded and diced, or 3 dried red chiles 1 to 2 teaspoons tamarind paste or freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice teaspoon garam masala teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoons sea salt, or to taste teaspoon ground black pepper 3 tablespoons minced fresh cilantro 1. Place the sesame oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the c.u.min seeds, mustard seeds, and curry powder and cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the toor dhal and garlic and stir well. 1. Place the sesame oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the c.u.min seeds, mustard seeds, and curry powder and cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the toor dhal and garlic and stir well. 2. Lower the heat to medium, add the tomatoes, water, and remaining ingredients except the cilantro, and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the cilantro and mix well before serving. 2. Lower the heat to medium, add the tomatoes, water, and remaining ingredients except the cilantro, and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the cilantro and mix well before serving. Chefs' Tips and Tricks Chefs' Tips and Tricks If you cannot find any toor dhal (also called red gram dhal) you can subst.i.tute them with yellow split peas. Grind them yourself in a strong blender or spice grinder. If you cannot find any toor dhal (also called red gram dhal) you can subst.i.tute them with yellow split peas. Grind them yourself in a strong blender or spice grinder.


Dhal is a staple of the Indian kitchen. Though chana dhal is the most popular, red lentils are the ingredient of choice for the 30-minute chef. Serve this dish with Coconut Spinach Rice (page 10) and Okra Masala (page 15).


2 tablespoons sesame oil 1 tablespoon c.u.min seeds 1 tablespoon mustard seeds 1 cup red lentils 8 cups water or vegetable stock (see page 228) 1 onion, diced (1 cups) 3 cloves garlic, pressed or minced 1 tablespoon peeled and minced fresh ginger 1 teaspoon seeded and minced jalapeno or other hot chile 1 large tomato, chopped 2 teaspoons ground c.u.min 2 teaspoons ground coriander 2 teaspoons curry powder 1 teaspoons sea salt, or to taste teaspoon ground black pepper, or to taste teaspoon chile powder Pinch cayenne 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro 1. Place the oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add the c.u.min seeds and mustard seeds and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly. 1. Place the oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add the c.u.min seeds and mustard seeds and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly. 2. Add the red lentils and water, and stir well. Add the onion, garlic, ginger, jalapeno, and tomato and cook until the lentils are soft, approximately 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. 2. Add the red lentils and water, and stir well. Add the onion, garlic, ginger, jalapeno, and tomato and cook until the lentils are soft, approximately 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. 3. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well before serving. 3. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well before serving.

Variations Try adding a bunch of chopped spinach toward the end of the cooking process. Try adding a bunch of chopped spinach toward the end of the cooking process. You can also add 2 cups of a.s.sorted chopped vegetables, such as zucchini, carrots, or parsnips. You can also add 2 cups of a.s.sorted chopped vegetables, such as zucchini, carrots, or parsnips. Toast the ground c.u.min (see page 225). Toast the ground c.u.min (see page 225).


If you have a wok, now is the time to use it. By stir-frying the "dressing" in this recipe you unlock a much deeper taste than the average salad. And tossing the cabbage in the wok for a minute or two gives the cabbage a softer, more munchable texture. This salad is yummers!


1 teaspoons sesame oil 1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds 10 curry leaves (see Note below) Pinch asafetida 1 to 2 green chiles, seeds removed and thinly sliced 1 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice teaspoon sea salt, or to taste 6 cups finely shredded green cabbage 1 cup shredded carrot (about 1 large carrot) 2 tablespoons minced fresh cilantro cup roasted peanuts, optional 1. Heat a wok or pot over medium heat. Add the oil and heat it for 1 minute, then add the brown mustard seeds. When they start to crackle add the curry leaves, asafetida, and chiles. Stir for 1 minute. 1. Heat a wok or pot over medium heat. Add the oil and heat it for 1 minute, then add the brown mustard seeds. When they start to crackle add the curry leaves, asafetida, and chiles. Stir for 1 minute. 2. Add the lemon juice and salt and stir. Add the cabbage and carrot and toss quickly for 1 to 2 minutes, just enough to coat the cabbage and soften it slightly. Turn off the heat and transfer to a serving bowl. Top with the cilantro and peanuts, if using, and serve. 2. Add the lemon juice and salt and stir. Add the cabbage and carrot and toss quickly for 1 to 2 minutes, just enough to coat the cabbage and soften it slightly. Turn off the heat and transfer to a serving bowl. Top with the cilantro and peanuts, if using, and serve.

Note: Curry leaves have such a unique flavor that we cannot think of an adequate alternative. Alas, if you cannot find any in your area, you can try online, or simply omit them. Extra curry leaves are stored in the freezer.


We wanted to include a samosa recipe here due to popular demand. It would push the limits on a 30-minute meal to cook the potatoes for the filling, wrap the samosas, and bake them. So for your enjoyment, we are starting with a precooked filling. You can look at it as a great way to utilize leftover Curried Potatoes (page 11) or use the Quick Samosa Filling recipe that follows. Serve with Tamarind Sauce, (page 13), chutney (pages 40-42), Cilantro Pesto (page 181), Fabulous Fig Dipping Sauce (page 102), or Mango Ginger Sauce (page 61).


9 to 12 phyllo pastry sheets, defrosted (see Chefs' Tips on page 8) to cup coconut oil, melted vegan b.u.t.ter, or sesame oil 2 cups Curried Potatoes (page 11) or Quick Samosa Filling (recipe on page 8) Oil for coating samosas Sea salt, optional 1. Preheat the oven to 400F. Place a phyllo sheet on a clean dry cutting board. Brush lightly with oil, using a pastry brush. Place another phyllo sheet on top of the first and brush lightly with oil. Repeat with one more sheet. Cut the sheets lengthwise into three equal strips. 1. Preheat the oven to 400F. Place a phyllo sheet on a clean dry cutting board. Brush lightly with oil, using a pastry brush. Place another phyllo sheet on top of the first and brush lightly with oil. Repeat with one more sheet. Cut the sheets lengthwise into three equal strips. 2. Place approximately cup of potato filling at the bottom of each strip. Traditionally samosas are shaped like triangles, so you want to fold them up as you would fold a flag. To do so, fold the bottom right corner of the strip over to the left side, enclosing the filling. Fold upwards and continue folding until you reach the end of the strip. Brush lightly with oil before placing on a well-oiled or parchment-lined baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining filling. 2. Place approximately cup of potato filling at the bottom of each strip. Traditionally samosas are shaped like triangles, so you want to fold them up as you would fold a flag. To do so, fold the bottom right corner of the strip over to the left side, enclosing the filling. Fold upwards and continue folding until you reach the end of the strip. Brush lightly with oil before placing on a well-oiled or parchment-lined baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining filling. 3. Sprinkle lightly with salt, if using, and bake for 15 minutes, or until golden brown. 3. Sprinkle lightly with salt, if using, and bake for 15 minutes, or until golden brown.



5 small potatoes, chopped small (3 cups) 1 tablespoon c.u.min seeds 1 tablespoon brown mustard seeds 1 teaspoon curry powder teaspoon sea salt, or to taste 1 tablespoon soy sauce, or to taste teaspoon ground black pepper Heat approximately 1 inch of water in a covered pot fitted with a steamer basket over high heat. Place the potatoes in the steamer basket and steam until just soft. Transfer to a bowl along with the remaining ingredients and mash well. (You can use a potato masher or a small and st.u.r.dy whisk.) Chefs' Tips and Tricks Chefs' Tips and Tricks Working with phyllo dough is definitely an art form. Packaged phyllo (sometimes spelled Working with phyllo dough is definitely an art form. Packaged phyllo (sometimes spelled filo filo) is available frozen and must be defrosted completely before using. If you try to unroll it too soon, it will break. It also dries out quickly, so you need to keep it completely covered at all times with a slightly slightly damp towel. Replace the towel as soon as you are done peeling off the sheets you need for the recipe. damp towel. Replace the towel as soon as you are done peeling off the sheets you need for the recipe.


Though similar in many ways to the popular Indian dish biryani (in which the rice is cooked separately), pilaus are cooked with all of the ingredients together in the same pot. By no means are all of these ingredients mandatory. Just use what you have on hand, subst.i.tuting whatever you like as need be. Pilau is such an easy way to jazz up rice and transform it into a respectable course of its own.


2 teaspoons brown mustard seeds 2 cups white basmati rice 4 cups water or vegetable stock (see page 228) 1 cup diced yellow onion 2 cups diced a.s.sorted vegetables (carrot, celery, zucchini, and/or peas) 2 tablespoons peeled and minced fresh ginger 2 teaspoons curry powder, optional teaspoon celery seed 8 curry leaves or 2 bay leaves (see Note on page 6) teaspoon sea salt, or to taste cup minced fresh parsley 1. Place the mustard seeds in a saucepan over medium heat and toast until they are popping. (If the seeds burn, start over; n.o.body likes burnt mustard rice.) Immediately add the rice and water. 1. Place the mustard seeds in a saucepan over medium heat and toast until they are popping. (If the seeds burn, start over; n.o.body likes burnt mustard rice.) Immediately add the rice and water. 2. Add all of the other ingredients except the parsley and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until most of the water has been absorbed. Stir in the parsley and serve hot. 2. Add all of the other ingredients except the parsley and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until most of the water has been absorbed. Stir in the parsley and serve hot.

Variation If you have more time, use brown basmati rice, and cook for 40 minutes in step 2. If you have more time, use brown basmati rice, and cook for 40 minutes in step 2.


You can't go wrong with the rice and coconut milk combo. This creamy and flavorful dish can be a meal unto itself. It also nicely compliments many of the dishes in this book, such as Okra Masala (page 15) Tofu Tikka Masala (page 33), and Indian Dhal (page 5).


1 teaspoon ground c.u.min 2 teaspoons brown mustard seeds 1 teaspoon curry powder 1 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste teaspoon ground black pepper Pinch cayenne 2 cups white basmati rice 1 (14-ounce) can coconut milk 1 cups water or vegetable stock (see page 228) 1 (10-ounce) package frozen spinach, defrosted ( cup cooked spinach, pressed firmly) 1 (14-ounce) can garbanzo beans, drained, or 1 cups cooked beans (see page 230), optional 1. Toast the c.u.min and mustard seeds in a medium pot for 1 minute over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. Add the curry powder, salt, pepper, cayenne, rice, coconut milk, and water and bring to a boil. 1. Toast the c.u.min and mustard seeds in a medium pot for 1 minute over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. Add the curry powder, salt, pepper, cayenne, rice, coconut milk, and water and bring to a boil. 2. Cover, lower the heat to simmer, and cook until the liquid is absorbed, approximately 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and allow the rice to sit for 5 minutes. 2. Cover, lower the heat to simmer, and cook until the liquid is absorbed, approximately 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and allow the rice to sit for 5 minutes. 3. Add the spinach and garbanzo beans, if using, and gently toss well. 3. Add the spinach and garbanzo beans, if using, and gently toss well.


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