Urban Ladies - Club Vampire Part 2

Urban Ladies - Club Vampire -

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That by itself was one way to spot the vampires, not breathing. But some of them, I was sure were those disgusting creatures, were simulating breathing just like humans. I didn't know how they did it. Unlike Ch.e.l.le, who had a werewolf to teach her the ropes when he turned her, Haven's brother left me high and dry without even a 'stay out of sunlight'

warning. I was so going to mess him up for leaving me like that.

I found a seat at the bar and ordered a drink. The bartender's eyebrows went up in surprise. I had the feeling he could tell I was like him, a vampire. And I had learned that I couldn't hold down anything but red wine, and a tiny bit of white. But no food whatsoever. The knowledge made me want to cry. But crying meant loss of blood. Yeah, blood ran from my eyes when I cried, instead of water. I couldn't afford the loss because I refused to suck blood, even though I craved it like n.o.body's business.

"You sure about that, missy?" the bartender asked, about my drink.

I winked, like I knew what I was doing. "Yes, I'm sure."

He shrugged-"Your funeral"-and set up my gla.s.s on the counter. Before he could pour any alcohol inside it, a hand covered my gla.s.s. I turned to see who had the nerve and was shocked to come face-to-face with Haven's brother.

As before, there was no expression on his face. "I've got this," he told the bartender, and took my arm.

I yanked away then stood to my feet. "I don't know who you think you are, but-"

"I can do without the scene, Renee."


He bowed his head. "Ree, then. Will you come in the back to my office? We can talk there." He had had to shout above the music, and I figured his office was the best place. I could lay out everything on my mind without exhausting myself because I had to yell to be heard.

His office was cushy and richly appointed. Mahogany furniture, leather everywhere. I flopped down on a couch and luxuriated in the comfy feeling. I was almost purring with my eyes closed as I caressed the b.u.t.tery material beneath my fingers.

"Stop that!" he snapped.

My eyes popped open. It was the first I had heard emotion in him. And I was shocked to see him staring at my So he wasn't immune. Good to know. When I grew quiet and sat still, he finally dragged his gaze from my body.

"I told my brother you were not his type, but he wouldn't listen," he began, p.i.s.sing me off. "When he insisted that he could convince you to live as we do, I became concerned.

We do not turn people lightly or reveal our existence."

I crossed my arms. "Yet, you have a club where you mix and mingle with humans."

"We have to feed."

I cringed, but despite myself, at his words my fangs came down. A tremor rocked me, and for a moment I thought I might faint. I fought for a clear mind. "What is your name?"

"Andreas," he said simply. "When is the last time you fed?"

I pretended not to hear. "Is your brother alive...I mean undead still? Where did his car go?

I want my stuff back, especially my Jimmy Choos. And I want your head on a platter!"

He strode over to a cabinet and opened it. Inside was my purse and shoes, but even before he dumped them unfeelingly in my lap, I could see my shoes were ruined. "I'm willing to replace the shoes," he told me.

"d.a.m.n right!" I snapped, then calmed as my head began to spin again. "You didn'" All the energy felt like it was draining from my body. I had a thirst so strong, I visualized the humans out on the dance floor and me with my fangs sunk inside their necks, one after another, until my flat belly bulged with their blood. The thought of blood at that moment was sounding real good.

Andreas dropped onto the couch beside me and rested his head against the back of the chair. "You need to feed. Come here and drink from me."

Okay, when a hot man tells you to climb up on him, you're d.a.m.n crazy if you don't do it.

I eyeballed this white man, looking even hotter than Haven in all the right ways, and I was so tempted. His d.i.c.k was hard as a rock. I could see its yummy looking form easily through his pants, and judging from the bulge, he would give his brother a run for his money.

"H-How do you want me to do it," I asked nervously.

He gave me a look like I was an idiot, and I wanted to slap him. Instead, I climbed up and made sure to sit so that my p.u.s.s.y was positioned squarely on his d.i.c.k. I made a show of leaning forward and grinding slightly into him as I tried to reach his neck. Despite his seemingly steel resolve not to show an ounce of humanity, he moaned, and I sank my teeth into his neck.

Chapter Five.

Hs blood was thick and delicious. I pulled at it greedily as I clutched at his s.h.i.+rt and ground my lower half into his hard c.o.c.k. I was so turned on, I could have ripped off his clothes and raped him. Andreas began to stroke my back. He pulled at my dress until it was around my waist, and then he curled his fingers around the thin strap of my thong panties. The vibration of his moan in his throat reminded me of when we were kids and we would blow bubbles through our straw into our chocolate milk. A feeling of home washed over me.

"d.a.m.n it!" Andreas snapped. He pushed me back, unhooking my teeth from his throat and breaking the soothing spell.

I complained. "I wasn't done. Come on, just a little more."

He was the arrogant type Ch.e.l.le would have called a son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h. "Stand up and take off your panties," he demanded without a by your leave.

I was thinking about his blood and how much I wanted more. Not that I wasn't turned on.

Believe me sucking blood jacked my desires up so high, I was in orbit. My hunger held sway. Right then, my reasoning was simple. Jump his bones so I can eat or refuse him and have him turn me away, so I could go find my meal somewhere else. I didn't want to go.

Slipping off his lap, I frowned and then stood to pull off my panties. For a show, I made sure to give him a good look at my behind while I untangled the skimpy material from around my heels.

I would have un-strapped my shoes and slipped them off if he hadn't said, "Leave those on." I looked back at him. His eyes were glowing as they had that first night, and his fangs were down. I wondered if he planned to suck my neck after I drank from him. Or maybe, turned on as he was, he couldn't help himself. Sucking blood and s.e.x were apparently closely related.

Hands on my hips, I struck a pose. "It's a trip, huh? Wanting a woman you consider beneath you?"

"You know nothing about me," he grumbled.

"I should tell you what you can kiss."

For a minute, I thought he was going to tell me to take my stuff and get out, but he opened his pants, pulled out this ma.s.sive rod that made my mouth water and then leaned back so I could see his tree trunk tanned neck and the two little p.r.i.c.ks I'd left there. If it could, my heart would have skipped a beat.

I launched myself on him once again. My p.u.s.s.y already drenched, slipped down onto that warm shaft and didn't even ache with the invasion. Oh man, was he big and long, but I was built for man. I took him in deep. My tunnel ma.s.saged his d.i.c.k, and I rocked on him with a rhythm that had him quaking and clawing at his expensive couch.

"How can you...You're so..." He grasped for words. I grinned and sunk my teeth into his neck. Third time was seriously a charm. Mmm, he was warm and good.

Andreas gripped my hips, lifted me up and brought me down hard. All the time, I didn't release my hold on his neck. Soon we were crying out our simultaneous I topped off the blood filling my belly, and then he put me away from him.

I watched silently laughing as he stood and paced the room. Still his face was serious, like it would kill him to smile, or should I say re-kill him. His s.h.i.+rt was open so I could see his broad chest and abs with no excess in the least, defined muscles that gave me visions of licking them. I couldn't remember opening his s.h.i.+rt, but maybe he had.

His pants hung open. The man's d.i.c.k was still solid. I could see right off that he was the kind that could last all night, but from the look of it, he didn't want to last for me.

"You're ashamed of the fact that you want me so bad, aren't you?" I asked bluntly.

He glanced at me but didn't answer.

"Yeah, I know your type," I told him as I looked around for where I'd flung my panties.

"What do you think all races are beneath you, especially black people?"

His eyes widened. "Of course not!"

"Then what? Everybody? Humans?"

He sneered. So it was humans? Just how long had he been a vampire? I remembered Haven always talking about all his years. Maybe he was much older than he seemed.

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