Love Under Two Private Dicks Part 7

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Chapter 8.

Emily Anne discovered in that instant, with Mel's question, a brand-new craving. She wanted, very much, to do as he asked.

Eagerness strummed through her, touching every nerve ending, making her insides quake. Yes, she wanted to taste him-she wanted to taste them both. She needed, more than anything, to please them both. Emily Anne licked her lips and opened her mouth.

Mel stretched out next to her, and angled his body so that she could easily reach his c.o.c.k.

All three of them groaned when she sucked his c.o.c.k into her mouth. She swirled her tongue along his shaft, then released him so she could play her lips and tongue around the bulbous, purple head of his c.o.c.k. His heat and his scent and his flavor immediately became her new favorite treat.

"Precious, you're killing me, here." For a man nearing death he wore a very s.e.xy grin.

Emily Anne certainly didn't want to kill him. She looked up, met his gaze, and then sucked his c.o.c.k into her mouth again. She reached her right hand out to him, so that she could wrap her fingers around his rigid shaft. Mel eased himself from her mouth, got on his knees, and edged closer. He leaned over her and she took him inside once more. On her back, with one lover over her head and another kneeling between her legs, she felt wild and wanton. From this position she could easily see Connor. His c.o.c.k was buried in her to the hilt but his gaze was on her mouth, as she sucked Mel's c.o.c.k. He'd stopped thrusting to watch her, and that was s.e.xy as h.e.l.l.

How had Mel known she wanted to see Connor's reaction to what she was doing to him? Connor looked impa.s.sioned, and intense.

"d.a.m.n, that is the hottest thing I've ever seen," Connor said. "I never knew this would turn me on quite like this." He closed his eyes and flexed his c.o.c.k inside her. "You have got the tastiest-and the tightest-little p.u.s.s.y I have ever sucked or f.u.c.ked."

The crude remark should have irked her, but Emily Anne felt oddly complimented. She s.h.i.+vered even as she ran her tongue over the shaft of Mel's c.o.c.k, even as she began tiny little rhythmic sucks on him-and even as she flexed her pelvic floor muscles and squeezed Connor's c.o.c.k inside her c.u.n.t.

Both men cursed, and both men trembled. Emily Anne moaned in pleasure, the sound m.u.f.fled by the c.o.c.k in her mouth. She gave herself over to the wonder of this moment. Connor moved in her, his thrusts slow, measured, and forceful. With each one he leaned in so that he managed to rub the hair that nested his c.o.c.k against her c.l.i.t.

"Talk about s.e.xy." Mel's tone told her all she needed to know about how he felt at the moment. "You look good with Connor's c.o.c.k in your c.u.n.t, precious."

The friction and the fullness of Connor's c.o.c.k f.u.c.king her fed her arousal. The taste and the fullness of Mel's c.o.c.k in her mouth only added to that sensation. Both men looked at her as if she was the s.e.xiest woman they'd ever seen.

She felt desired, and s.e.xy. She felt confident. She turned her attention to sucking Mel's c.o.c.k. The aroma and flavor combined and with each stroke of her tongue and each little suck, her own arousal grew.

Mel reached down and ran his hand over her head. "I'm close, precious. Stop now if you don't want to drink my c.u.m."

She'd never done this to completion before-had never wanted to. But she really wanted to now. She met his gaze. Then she smiled and began to draw on his c.o.c.k as if she was trying to suck the last little bit of milkshake out of the cup with a very narrow straw.

"Oh, G.o.d!" Mel sounded on the edge between desperation and bliss. She felt him fight her, felt him try to hang on to his o.r.g.a.s.m.

Connor gave her two slow, deep thrusts. His hands stroked the outside of her thighs and her hips in a kind of loving caress. "That's it, sweetheart. I'll wait. Finish him. Make him come."

Emily Anne slid her hand down the shaft of Mel's c.o.c.k until she cupped his s.c.r.o.t.u.m. Squeezing gently in sync with her sucks, she closed her eyes and willed him to give her his seed. His b.a.l.l.s seemed to get hotter and tighter, and she knew he was very close to erupting.

"Ah...I'm coming!" Mel's words drifted into sounds both feral and unrecognizable.

His shout and his c.u.m hit her at the same instant, and Emily Anne took the first into her soul and the second into her mouth. Stream after hot, pungent stream filled her mouth and she swallowed each one, the taste at once surprisingly strong and supremely satisfying in a way she couldn't totally explain.

It seemed to her that drinking him this way validated her femininity. She had aroused him, and she had pleasured him and brought him to this release. Her c.l.i.t quivered and her heart fluttered and she had never, in her entire life, felt more womanly than she did right then at that moment. He'd given her every drop and now seemed to struggle for breath. Gently, and even a bit reluctantly, Emily Anne released Mel's c.o.c.k, giving him one tiny lick more as she did.

"Holy hotness, Batman."

Mel's non sequitur made Emily Anne giggle.

"You look a little wrecked there, friend," Connor said. He flexed his c.o.c.k inside her again, and Emily Anne squeezed him back in response.

Mel grunted, then bent over her and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. "Thank you, precious. That was wonderful beyond words."

Good manners during s.e.x? That had never been her experience before. "You're most welcome." She turned her attention to Connor. Giving Mel that b.l.o.w. .j.o.b had made her h.o.r.n.y as h.e.l.l. So she did the only thing she could. She flexed her pelvic floor muscles one more time, caressing Connor's c.o.c.k in the most intimate way possible.

Mel slid down on the bed beside her and stroked her arm, shoulder to wrist. He took her hand and brought it to his lips. Then he placed it back on Connor's arm.

"Now you have to make Connor see stars, the way you just did for me."

Emily Anne sighed. "A woman's work is never done." She smoothed her hands up over Connor's hard muscles. She loved the feel of him under her hands, and the weight of him laying between her thighs, pressing her into the mattress.

"I'm work, am I?" Connor looked as if he was fighting the urge to smile.

Emily Anne continued to pet him, running her hands over his corded arms. She grabbed onto his shoulders and undulated her hips, pressing them against him.

"Every Texan woman knows that the best men are work-but also that they're most definitely worth it."

"Well, then, let me see what I can do to prove that maxim for you." He eased her legs down and put his fists on the bed on either side of her head. "Wrap those outrageously s.e.xy legs of yours around my waist, angel eyes, and then hang on to me real tight. We're about to take one h.e.l.l of a ride."

Teasing had left his tone and his expression, replaced by a kind of dangerous softness. Oh, he would never hurt her. She had no doubts whatsoever there. But he was capable of it-he was a man that only another foolish man would dare to cross and then his vengeance would be swift and sure and complete.

The feral woman in her recognized the power of the warrior in him, and rejoiced in that power. In ancient times her ancestor would have considered herself the most fortunate of women to have the attentions of such a man-such a warrior.

It was that part of him, the predator and protector that at some level she recognized. It was the warrior and the predator in him that thrilled and aroused and yes, conquered her.

The male-female dynamic really hadn't changed that much over the centuries.

Connor held her gaze as he moved inside her, his thrusts measured, powerful, and controlled. She felt that control in the trembling of his arms and the way he braced himself, refusing to allow her to take his full weight.

She s.h.i.+vered as the sensation of his hot, hard girth caressed the walls of her tunnel. He ground his hips against her with each thrust, stimulating her c.l.i.t, and driving her pa.s.sion impossibly high. Her breathing hitched and she countered each of his thrusts, moving so that she extended that c.l.i.t action to the max.

Connor growled, changed his rhythm, and slid a hand under her a.s.s, pulling her into his thrusts.

Faster now, he f.u.c.ked her with a single-minded intensity, such that he didn't need to tell her she was the center of his world right then. She knew it for fact. Then he altered his rhythm yet again, and she growled as the promised prize skittered just out of reach. Her pa.s.sion rose, tearing away the genteel facade of manners and mores until she knew that only her vital and basic inner woman remained.

"Please, Connor...f.u.c.k me harder. Make me come on your c.o.c.k."

"Don't worry, angel eyes. You're going to come. Just as soon as I find that greedy little sweet spot of yours."

Around and around and in and out he f.u.c.ked her, harder and faster and longer than she'd ever been f.u.c.ked before and then- "Oh my G.o.d. What did you..." He'd hit what felt like a live wire inside her c.u.n.t, something that sizzled and snapped.

"Yeah, there it is." Connor hit it again. And then again. "Come for me, baby. I want to feel your hot little c.u.n.t gush cream all over my c.o.c.k."

"I can't! It's too much! Oh please...please!"


"I'll help."

Emily Anne shook her head from side to side. She couldn't seem to come, but she wanted to desperately, she was so very close. Everything blended together, the pa.s.sion in his eyes, the way his body played hers as if he understood how everything was connected and worked.

Mel slid his hand between them and stroked just above her p.u.s.s.y. He found her c.l.i.t and flicked it a couple of times.


Connor's feral-sounding command washed over her just as she realized that she wasn't the only one he said that to. He thrust once more and held himself deep, and she felt his c.o.c.k pulsing his e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n into the end of the condom that was held tight against her womb.

Mel squeezed her c.l.i.t and tugged on it, and Emily Anne's o.r.g.a.s.m exploded. She screamed as she came, as wave after wave of tremors shook her, drowning thoughts and every other faculty until there was nothing but sensations, nothing but her o.r.g.a.s.m. She became a truly rapturous woman, ecstasy her only reality.

Mel hadn't known for certain when he'd reached for the hem of Emily Anne's s.h.i.+rt how this was going to play out. He'd hoped, but he hadn't really known how he would feel, being naked with a hard-on so close to another man in the same condition. He hadn't really known if he could manage to love Emily Anne or ask her to love him with Connor right there with them, loving on her, too.

Now, as that man fought for breath beside him, his body covered in sweat as he held his weight off of and rested between the thighs of their woman, Mel had the answers to most of his questions.

All he'd been focused on since entering the bedroom was pleasuring Emily Anne, and giving her what he knew she needed. It had been clear to him, right from the start, that what she really needed was both him and Connor. He doubted she even realized how much she needed the two of them, together.

He looked at her, her pretty big brown eyes closed, her beautiful, voluptuous chest heaving as she, too, tried to catch her breath.

He thought back to the way he'd felt, having her mouth on his c.o.c.k while Connor had his c.o.c.k buried deep in her c.u.n.t. He didn't know what to think of the fact that looking down between her legs had aroused him. A slight niggling discomfort settled in the back of his mind. Mel had the sense for the first time that this might be a little trickier than he'd hoped.

He hadn't felt awkward over this last half hour or so. He'd felt something else that seemed to challenge all his preconceptions about himself and his nature.

Connor looked up and met his gaze, and he understood something else in that moment, too.

Connor Talbot was as far gone over Emily Anne as he was himself, and maybe a little uncomfortable, too.

Mel had no intention of letting these nebulous emotions get in the way of loving his woman.

Connor bent over their woman and gave her a soft kiss. Then he looked over at Mel. "Shower?"

"Sounds good."

They'd discussed between them, of course, how this would play out tonight if Emily Anne gave them a sign that she was ready to move forward. They'd been bold indeed, vowing to not only share the bed and the woman, but the shower and eventually the hot tub, too. It had helped that Connor's friends, Dev Wakefield and Drew James had been willing to discuss the intimate realities of loving one woman between two men.

It had been in the back of Mel's mind that those two men had a lifetime of brotherhood between them. Other men in this town, men who shared a woman, also had years of trust between them. Some actually were brothers, and had grown up in families that featured one mom and two-or three-fathers.

He and Connor didn't have that history, or that example, and that was the one factor that had worried him. They couldn't change that. This had just been their first time loving Emily Anne. Perhaps that was the secret-time and keeping their focus on the reason they were doing this. Maybe they didn't have to have that history-not if their feelings for the woman between them were strong enough.

Mel could honestly say that so far, he felt good about where they were. But there hadn't been much "togetherness" yet. He wasn't working under any illusions. It was altogether possible that the slight "awkwardness" might become worse once they progressed in their intimacy.

And there could be no doubt about it, before long he was going to be a lot more intimate with Connor Talbot than he'd ever been with any other man, ever. All he could do was pray it wouldn't freak him-h.e.l.l, that it wouldn't freak either of them out too badly.

Take your eyes off yourself and put them on Emily Anne. That sounded like the best advice he'd ever given himself. He was going to make that his number one rule, starting right now.

Connor withdrew from Emily Anne, and Mel moved in closer to her. He ranged his head above hers and grinned. She opened her eyes and he bent down and kissed her. "Let's grab a shower, precious. Then we'll get dinner going."

"All right. I have to admit, I am a little hungry." She reached up and stroked the side of his face. Such tenderness showed in her eyes and came through her touch that Mel wondered he didn't get a sappy grin on his face. Or h.e.l.l, maybe he did have one and just didn't know it.

No woman had ever looked at him as if he hung the moon and the stars. He liked the feeling more than he could ever have believed. That was one h.e.l.l of a reward for what might turn out to be only a few moments of personal discomfort.

In the meantime he intended to make her smile and laugh as often as possible. For one so young, he had the feeling that Emily Anne had needed to mature far too quickly. "We intend to feed you so you can keep up your strength." He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she chuckled.

Emily Anne gave a little squeak and threw her arms around his neck, holding tight, when he scooped her up off the bed. He laughed, held her close, and carried her into the master bathroom.

"You're going to hurt yourselves if you keep picking me up and carting me around," she said. "I'm no feather weight, you know."

Connor had already stepped into the shower, and had turned the water on, but he'd apparently heard Emily Anne's comment. He met Mel's gaze.

"Angel eyes, you need to be careful not to trash-talk yourself, especially if we're close enough to hear you doing it. It just us off."

"I'm not trying to trash talk myself or p.i.s.s you off."

Mel set her down on her feet at the door to the shower. No doubt about it, the enclosure was more than big enough for the three of them to shower comfortably. With a total of five fixtures spewing water, he figured it was the most luxurious bathroom amenity he'd ever seen-well, next to the spa tub over in the corner.

Mel stroked her cheek with one finger. "No, I imagine you're not trying to do either of those things. But the truth is, precious, you are." He stepped under the spray and held his hand out for her. When she laid her palm across his, he closed his fingers over hers and urged her in. "We don't expect you'll be able to change your self-image overnight," Mel said. "We both know it will take time."

"Hopefully, and soon, you'll begin to see yourself through our eyes," Connor said.

"All right, I'll try not to p.i.s.s you off." Emily Anne closed her eyes and tilted her head back, letting the water bathe her face and wet her hair.

Mel met Connor's gaze, smiling in response to that man's expression. They didn't have a lifetime of history between them, and they might not know what each other was thinking all the time the way he imagined some of the other men in this town could, but they certainly were on the same page when it came to Emily Anne Bancroft right then.

"She promises to try to not p.i.s.s us off, but not a word said about thinking about herself in a more positive light," Connor mused.

"Yeah, I caught that omission, too. I wonder if she realizes that we will know if she's not thinking positive things about herself anyway, whether she says anything negative or not."

"I'm right here, gentlemen." Emily Anne's body went ramrod stiff against his. She straightened to her full five-foot-two-inch height then looked at him over her shoulder. "Y'all don't need to talk as if I'm not, or as if I'm too stupid to understand that you're talking about me or that you're still p.i.s.sed with me."

Mel finally understood that overused phrase about a woman being beautiful when she was angry.

"Believe me when I say, Emily Anne, we're both very well aware of the fact that you are, indeed, right here." Connor lifted her chin so she could meet his gaze and understand how serious this moment was for them.

"Because trust me, we sure as h.e.l.l would not be showering together, otherwise." Mel said that close to her ear. It pleased him when she s.h.i.+vered.

"We're all three of us venturing into foreign territory," Connor said, "and in more ways than one. We've never done anything like this before, Mel or I, but we have done our research and we do know some things are inevitable, and some things are necessary." He leaned forward, kissed her nose, and reached for the soap. "And for the record, one of those inevitable things is the way we feel about you-not just your happiness, but your safety and well-being."

"That's why we're both determined that you're going to think more kindly about yourself."

"Even if we have to fight you to get you there."

Well, we really are of one mind when it comes to our woman. In light of how much they both cared about her, what was a little awkwardness between them?

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