Love Under Two Private Dicks Part 6

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"So I'll be your first?" She didn't know what devil made her tease them at such a time. Mel grinned, but Connor's laughter exploded out of him, as if the fact that he did laugh surprised him.

"I've got news for you, Emily Anne Bancroft. If we have our way, you'll be our first, our last...our only." Connor's voice lowered on those last two words and Emily Anne s.h.i.+vered.

"I don't know that yet." She'd had enough of lies in the past, enough of empty promises given in such circ.u.mstances that she had to be completely honest, even if it hurt them all. "I don't know what this is or what it's going to become."

"Oh, precious, we understand that." Mel leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "So let's take this one day at a time, and see what we can make of us."

He reached for the hem of her T-s.h.i.+rt, and she couldn't help the way her gaze dropped, nor the way she tensed slightly. Some things were just learned responses.

"Emily Anne."

Mel's sharp tone had the effect of jerking her gaze back up to his.

"In time, what we're about to say to you will fit more comfortably for you, and hopefully you'll begin to believe it. For now, you're just going to have to take this on faith. Precious, we've got eyes and we see you just fine. And what we see, we want. Emily Anne Bancroft, you make us long for what we've never had. You turn us on."

"Not only s.e.xually, angel eyes. Looking at you makes us want to move mountains and slay dragons, just to please you."

"So lift your arms, sweet thing," Mel said, "and let us undress you and really get a good look at you."

She could not doubt the sincerity in their voices, nor the fierce fire of truth in their eyes. When they looked at her the way they were looking at her right now, she felt beautiful.

For one moment the image of Summer Webster and her husbands came to mind. Those men had looked at Summer-a woman very much like Emily Anne, physically-as if she were the sun, the moon, and all the stars combined.

Ace and Kemp had looked at Summer the same way these men were looking at her.

A curious sensation stirred in the pit of her stomach, stirred and grew and felt very much like she'd just been set free from something that had quietly held her prisoner for a long, long time.

Emily Anne's lips slid into what felt like a sultry smile. And then, gracefully, she lifted her arms.

Chapter 7.

Cool air kissed her flesh as Mel lifted her cotton T-s.h.i.+rt up and over her head. They'd seen and touched and suckled her b.r.e.a.s.t.s the night they'd gone parking, but she'd been able to hide her discomfort at the possibility of being seen in the darkness of the night, content that the shadows had concealed not only her embarra.s.sment but her body, too.

The sun hadn't even gone down yet, and while the lace curtains that spanned the thin rod over the window filtered the afternoon light, there were no shadows, this time, in which to hide.

Mel sucked in a breath when he got a look at her bra-or, more precisely, the way her b.r.e.a.s.t.s fairly pushed out of her bra.

He used a finger to trace the edge of the lace at the top of the garment. The light caress made her nipples pucker.

"Sweet." Connor's one-word compliment brushed the sh.e.l.l of her ear. Her s.h.i.+ver was completely involuntary. The solid wall of muscle that was Connor Talbot braced her back and the heat from Mel Richardson standing so close to her front became a wondrous kind of reality, something she'd never imagined for herself, not until these two men had told her they were both interested in her.

"Mm, you are sweet. But this covering has got to go." Mel leaned down and placed two gentle kisses on her, one at the top of each breast. "This pretty bra doesn't have that handy front opening the other one had."

"I've got it." Connor's deep voice reverberated in her stomach, a s.e.xy rumble that tickled and teased her c.l.i.t.

She felt the brush of his fingers on her back, and then the tension of the bra released. Before she could blink, Mel drew the lace off her, and dropped it on the floor on top of her discarded s.h.i.+rt.

Connor watched over her shoulder as Mel cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his hands. Her nipples hardened into tight little buds when he rubbed his thumbs over them.

"You have got the prettiest, softest b.r.e.a.s.t.s. They're lovely, lush and mmm, very lickable." He bent over her to demonstrate that last quality.

Emily Anne sighed and let her head fall back against Connor's chest. s.h.i.+vers swept her from the pleasure of having her b.r.e.a.s.t.s held and her nipples licked. The other night she'd wondered if it had been an aberration, her reaction to this kind of foreplay. But this was twice, now. Mel's gentle touch proved to her that she could get pleasure from this part of her body, after all.

"You taste so d.a.m.n good, woman." Mel lifted his head and met her gaze. "I can't wait until I can taste all of you."

She understood what he meant. They'd mentioned it before, where they intended to put their mouths on her. Her cheeks heated, her fair complexion betraying her once again. Then she focused on his gaze and the emotions so open to her. She couldn't deny the pa.s.sion or the truth she saw on his face.

"I bet she tastes sweeter than anything. She smells sweeter than anything." Connor nuzzled the side of her neck and kissed the sh.e.l.l of her ear. He inhaled deeply. "I can smell your arousal, angel eyes. You make me so d.a.m.n hard. I feel like I've wanted you forever."

"The two of you make me feel beautiful and desirable. You make me feel s.e.xy, when I never felt any of those things before."

"You're all of those things, baby, and more. Let us show you." Mel leaned forward and laid his lips on hers.

Emily Anne's eyes drifted shut. He kissed her with such sweet pa.s.sion that she nearly wept from the beauty of it. His tongue, firm and determined, explored her mouth and coaxed her tongue into a slow and sultry dance.

One hand cupped her cheek as Mel continued to woo her with his lips. She leaned into him, her mouth open wide for him, her body and spirit both ready and willing to accept anything he offered, to give anything he asked.

Connor's hands stroked down her arms, then around to her front. His thumbs brushed the underside of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s before his hands slid down. She felt his fingers settle on the snap to her jeans and she sighed into Mel's kiss when Connor opened that snap, and slid the zipper down.

Connor kissed a trail down her back, his lips following the trail of the jeans and panties his hands pushed down her body. He placed a string of kisses across her bottom. He paused just long enough to lift each foot so that he could slip off her sneakers and socks. Then he pushed the clothing off her, tossing it out of the way.

When he rose to his feet again she was completely naked and quivering with need.

Mel released her lips and Connor tilted her head up and back and mated his mouth to hers.

One man's lips and tongue seduced hers while another man's hands caressed and petted her, and Emily Anne felt everything inside her begin to melt. Her nipples peaked, impossibly tight, awakening an invisible connection she'd never guessed existed between those pebbled points and her c.l.i.t.

Mel fastened his mouth on her nipple and sucked. She couldn't hold back her tiny groan of pleasure, neither could she stop her hips from giving a seductive roll, her body's way of begging for more.

"You're so hot and spicy." Mel placed little kisses over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Connor lifted his mouth from hers. "Hot and spicy, yes. Are you juicy, too, sweetheart?"

"Why don't we see?" Mel held her gaze as he slid one hand down her body, a slow and sultry slide that would bring him to her c.u.n.t.

Lord have mercy, my p.u.s.s.y lips are trembling in excitement for him!

Mel slid his hand over her slit, and then rubbed back and forth as he let his fingertips penetrate her just a little. He sucked in a breath and then whispered, "Baby, you're so hot and wet for us."

Connor placed little b.u.t.terfly kisses on her neck and shoulder. Emily Anne closed her eyes in reaction to the seductive thrill that gave her. Then she opened her eyes and looked at Mel just as he lifted his fingers to his mouth and sucked on them. He closed his eyes as if what he tasted was the purest, most intoxicating treat, ever.

Emily Anne's heart began to pound in her chest at the same time that an army of b.u.t.terflies fluttered in her belly. She licked her bottom lip and wondered how much longer her legs would hold her.

"Precious, you're sopping wet. You're ready for us, aren't you? You want us."

"Yes." In fact she thought she might just die on the spot if somebody didn't do something soon. "Yes, I want you both. Please don't make me wait much longer."

Connor stepped back. Mel lifted her in his arms and laid her on the bed, setting her in the middle of the large expanse.

He tented her, lowered his head toward her, and kissed her. Hard and wet and wanton, this kiss tasted of urgency. She sampled a hint of her own essence as well as his hunger on his lips and s.h.i.+vered. No man had ever wanted her like this, not ever.

He lifted his lips from hers and she realized he was still fully dressed. But before she could comment on that, he kissed a trail down her body, starting with her cheeks, then her shoulders and b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Finally he settled down between her thighs and gave her p.u.s.s.y a long, lovely lick.

"Oh, G.o.d. Do that again." No one had ever gone down on her, and she found the sensation more erotic than anything she'd ever experienced. They'd said they would do this, the last time when they'd only touched her with their fingers, but she never imagined...

Emily Anne whimpered as Mel did exactly what she'd asked him to do, as he licked her p.u.s.s.y, bottom to top again, and then again. He finished each long lick at her c.l.i.t and she began to shake because it felt so good.

Eyes closed, she couldn't get her mind to function enough to even form a word. She tossed her head from side to side as the most intimate kiss she'd ever received went on and on and on. Other sounds filtered to her, but her mind couldn't work well enough or fast enough to figure them out.

And then Connor laid down on the bed beside her, the heat of his naked flesh pressing close and warming her.

"Partner, you look like you're having the feast of your life," he said.

Mel lifted his face and Emily Anne opened her eyes. His mouth and chin were wet with her juices and she felt her face and b.r.e.a.s.t.s turn pink. Their gazes met and held and the pa.s.sion he showed her astounded her.

"Wait until you taste her, Connor. Now I know what ambrosia tastes like. I love this p.u.s.s.y."

Mel buried his face in her c.u.n.t again and Emily Anne cried out, her back arching so she could push her p.u.s.s.y even closer to Mel's lascivious lips.

Connor turned her face toward him. "Give me your mouth, baby."

Emily Anne responded without thought, and without embarra.s.sment. Feminine confidence rushed through her body, carried on blood heated with arousal. She opened her mouth under Connor's, returning his kiss with a wonderful new eagerness that held her captive.

She reached a hand down, bolder than bold, and when her fingers encountered his latex-covered c.o.c.k, she encircled him with fingers that barely met around the girth of him, and stroked.

Connor lifted his mouth from hers and fairly hissed with pleasure. These men didn't think she was fat and frumpy. These men were showing her, with every pa.s.sing moment, every look and every touch, that there was nothing wrong with her at all.

She whimpered when Connor carefully pried her fingers from his c.o.c.k. She needed to give as well as take. Connor bent his head to her breast and used his tongue to lap at her nipple, in much the same way Mel lapped at her c.u.n.t.

She looked down and somehow, watching Mel as he used lips and tongue on her c.u.n.t, as he gave her the most astonis.h.i.+ng thrill of her life, just made it more. Oh G.o.d, I need to come.

"Mmm." Mel made the sound against her wet flesh and Emily Anne cried out, her rapture so very close. He raised his head. "You want to come, don't you, precious?"

"Please. I need..." Desperation replaced the want and the need and she couldn't keep still. She lifted her hips, a non-verbal kind of begging. Mel responded by stroking her wet, swollen folds with his fingers.

"Shh, baby." His words, whispered against her wet p.u.s.s.y, nearly made her come right then. "I'll give you what you need, Emily Anne. Right now."

In a single move, he inserted two fingers into her and returned his lips to her p.u.s.s.y. His tongue lapped all around her opening while his fingers moved in and out, in and out, in a way that made her think he was looking for something.

Oh G.o.d! Mel hit a spot just inside and up and she shattered, arousal exploding out of her, soaring high and fast and wide.

Then he sucked her c.l.i.t into his mouth and Emily Anne erupted in o.r.g.a.s.m. She cried out as wave after wave of ecstasy swept her, the pleasure so intense she felt disconnected from the world. There was only this pleasure, only these men. Nothing else existed, and nothing else mattered.

Mel placed a sweet kiss on her inner thigh then pushed himself up and off the bed. Before she could even recover her breath, Connor rose above her and kissed his own path down her body.

"Mmm, I can hardly wait." His words tickled her stomach and then he placed a kiss on her mound. "My mouth is actually watering. Angel eyes, I'm going to lose myself in your c.u.n.t."

Her body still vibrated from the o.r.g.a.s.m Mel had given her, but when Connor looked in her eyes and said those words, her greedy little c.l.i.t began to s.h.i.+mmy and her hormones celebrated as if they'd been years without pleasure. Before he settled down between her opened legs she got a glimpse of his sheathed c.o.c.k, still standing erect. Her eyes confirmed what her fingers had discovered.

Connor Talbot was hung like a horse.

Emily Anne nearly giggled as that old, racy cliche came to mind. Then all humor fled as need blossomed anew. She licked her lips and gave him what she hoped was a s.e.xy siren's smile. The sound of something dropping jerked her attention to the right side of the bed.

Mel wasn't quite as buff as Connor. She guessed the demands placed on his body, having been a cop and then an investigator hadn't been as rigorous as the ones Connor had faced waging war. Yet there wasn't anything soft about either man. Both were larger than she was, and both were incredibly masculine.

Then her gaze traveled downward. Oh my G.o.d, I've got two well-hung lovers! Mel's package was every bit as impressive as was Connor's.

The bed dipped and Mel came to her, crawling on his hands and knees and she understood in that moment that this man could be every bit the predator, when it suited him, as his partner could be.

A puff of air on her p.u.s.s.y pulled her attention back to the moment and the man waiting between her thighs, hunger etched in his every line.

"I'm going to gobble you down."

He didn't lick her first as Mel had done. He laid his mouth on her c.u.n.t and with lips and tongue and teeth began to suck and thrust and nip. He moved his wide-open mouth back and forth over her as he sipped and licked and drove her from zero to one hundred in a heartbeat.

Strength left her body and she collapsed back onto the bed, the wave of heat, the fire of her rekindled pa.s.sion sudden and full.

Mel moved over her and kissed her. Hot and tangy, his kiss gave her some of her own nectar back. More than the hint she'd had earlier, this was a full sample of a new flavor. The unfamiliar taste only fired her pa.s.sions more. He palmed her right breast and tweaked her nipple. When he eased his face back from hers, he said, "Come for us, precious. Come for us again."

His voice commanded and her body responded with a flash-bang kind of explosion into o.r.g.a.s.m. Bliss coated her and she cried out in joy and awe. The electric-like shock of rapture cascaded over her, making every inch of her body ultrasensitive, making every second of this new o.r.g.a.s.m overload her senses with the thrill of it.

Mel's gaze held hers, and she saw pleasure in his eyes, pleasure that she experienced such completion.

She'd come twice in just a few minutes-not counting the bliss they'd given her more than a week ago in the back of their car. But they hadn't. Neither of these men had enjoyed a single release, then or now. She needed to give to them, too. She needed to know that she could satisfy them, too. She opened her mouth to tell them that very thing.

Connor moved up her body and placed the head of his c.o.c.k at the opening of her p.u.s.s.y. He scooped her legs, one over each arm, gained his knees, and gently pressed into her. Emily Anne gasped, and moaned and lifted her hips to help as Connor pulled back, then pressed into her again.

"Oh my G.o.d, you're huge."

Connor grinned then leaned over her and kissed her lips, a fast and fun kind of kiss. "Thank you, angel eyes. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." Then his look sobered. "Am I hurting you?"

"No. More, please. I need more." He wasn't hurting her but she was being stretched, and she liked the sensation.

"Hang on, sweetheart." He eased out and then pressed forward once more in one smooth, solid thrust that buried him b.a.l.l.s deep inside her.

Emily Anne closed her eyes and moaned from the pure pleasure of being filled.

Beside her, Mel had moved, too, edging closer. When she felt him stroke her cheek, she opened her eyes and turned toward him. His c.o.c.k, unsheathed and hard, stood erect, his pulse strong and visible within the turgid flesh, as it throbbed mere inches from her face. A tiny translucent drop of pre-c.u.m glistened on his c.o.c.khead. She could smell him, an enticing male scent that made her nipples even harder than they already were.

"Will you suck my c.o.c.k while Connor f.u.c.ks you, baby?"

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