Love Under Two Private Dicks Part 3

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The men smiled. They stopped at the car and turned so that she was more or less between them.

Connor ran his hand down her back. "Angel eyes, do you want to go parking?"

Chapter 4.

Emily Anne had to work to restrain the urge to giggle from a combination of nervousness and excitement. Sandwiched between Mel and Connor, she'd been practically vibrating since they'd gotten her into the car.

Now, just a few miles away from home, she felt her nerves being stretched tight. Arousal strummed a soft and sultry song through her veins. Inhaling deeply, she took in the scent of the men sitting on either side of her. Masculine, vibrant, the aroma of the two combined nearly made her dizzy. Awareness sharpened, so that she became super conscious of every breath they took.

She thought she could almost hear their hearts beating.

Then Mel slowed the vehicle, and put the turn signal on. Emily Anne didn't have a clue where they were, exactly, but she didn't really worry. Mel seemed to know where he was going, and she trusted these two men.

s.e.xual excitement skittered down her arms, leaving a trail of s.h.i.+vers in its wake.

She'd had two soft, gentle kisses from each of them. Only two kisses and she was already more aroused than she'd ever been.

Emily Anne wanted more. Had she told them she wanted a taste? The truth was she wanted, needed more than just a taste. She wanted to gorge. She wanted to drink deeply and know the full and complete flavor of them. She wanted more than just a little taste. She wanted to take them into herself completely.

It was probably a good thing they weren't going to be able to necessarily do what she wanted to do. She didn't have to ask to know these men would never risk her by making love to her in a car where someone could come upon them. "Parking" implied steamy kisses and heavy petting without achieving completion.

Darn it all, anyway.

Mel drove down the gravel road for a few minutes and then turned into a driveway. There was a slight rise and then a small dip, and then the path continued on. He kept driving and Emily Anne became curious. The path curved and led into a small grove of trees. When he finally brought the car to a stop she saw something interesting before he cut the lights and turned off the engine.

The path had ended at what appeared to be a stream or a creek.

"Whose place is this?" Emily Anne guessed they couldn't be spotted from the road.

"It's one of the parcels of land held by the l.u.s.ty Town Trust," Mel said. "We're on Benedict family land, just not in the town proper."

"It's a pretty piece of property from what I can see. Is this the one Greg, Cody, and Rebecca are building their house on?" Connor asked.

"No. That one is about a half a mile further down the road. But this creek runs through that parcel, too."

"You're shaking, baby," Connor said. "Are you all right with this? We can take you home, if you're having second thoughts. It's okay to change your mind."

"I'm fine. I'm" Emily Anne hadn't meant to be quite that open and honest. She really should be more careful. Sometimes with men it was a good idea to keep some information back.

The only problem was, she didn't think she could hold herself back very well when it came to these men.

She heard the click of seat belts being released. Both men turned in their seats so they were facing her. She looked from one to the other. Mel reached down and unfastened her seat belt, too. He used one finger to caress her chin, a soft back-and-forth motion. Then he used his finger to lift her head until she could meet his gaze. "We know you're hot, precious. We've been breathing in your scent for the last several miles."

"I've been...inhaling the two of you, too." Emily Anne was so out of her depth. Maybe she should hold some information back, but, G.o.d help her, she couldn't right now. "This is already a lot more than I'm used to-and I'm not talking about the fact that there are two of you."

Connor leaned over and kissed that place where her shoulder and neck met. She closed her eyes and simply felt, just for a moment.

"Angel eyes, are you a virgin?"

She guessed the question had to be asked, considering what she'd just said and the way she'd been acting since they'd told her they were attracted to her. "No, and I find myself wis.h.i.+ng I could say yes. I've had two relations.h.i.+ps. The last one-" She stopped because she really didn't know how she should proceed. The sound that emerged seemed, to her own ears at least, like a disgusted laugh, if there was such a thing. "The last one d.a.m.n near sent me to the loony bin."

Mel gave her a quick grin. "Precious, I have to tell you that we're all about driving you crazy, too. But in a good way."

Emily Anne didn't want to think about Billy J or anyone or anything except these men and right here and now. "Yeah? Well all I know so far is there's been a whole lot of talk, but not very much action."

"Why don't we do something about that little thing?" Connor's words spread moist heat against her neck where they landed, and inside her belly where they sank.

"Mm, yes. Why don't you?"

Mel leaned forward and settled his mouth on hers. His lips were gentle, almost questing as he slid them, back and forth, against hers. His tongue slipped out of his mouth to lick against her closed lips, a sneaky and light kind of tasting.

Seduced by the magnetism and the leashed pa.s.sion of Mel's kiss, Emily Anne let her eyes drift shut. She opened her mouth to him, giving him the kind of surrender she'd never given anyone before.

Soft and succulent, wet and wonderful, Mel's kiss quietly overpowered her as his flavor flooded her senses. Her arousal became a healthy, heated fire with each stroke of his tongue against hers. A lazy, languid kind of pleasure filled her, a pleasure that whispered of treats to come and compelled her to let go. His kiss mesmerized her, begging her to drink him in and simply enjoy the experience.

Connor pressed against her back. His warm body braced her, helping her forget everything else but here and now, Mel's drugging kiss, and the sweet, hot arousal that trickled like an intoxicating wine through her blood. Emily Anne was pressed between these two men and she liked the feeling a whole lot.

"Lord, woman, you are potent." Mel lifted his lips from hers. He didn't withdraw completely, though. He scattered short, gentle kisses against her cheeks, just under her eyes.

"I'm not potent. It's you."

"Why don't I test that theory?" Connor reached around from behind and cupped her chin, gently turning her head back toward him. His mouth covered hers, and maybe she expected another slow, sweet, drugging kiss.

What she got was an inferno.

He held her chin as he kissed her, as his tongue plunged and dominated hers and his mouth suckled and sipped and drove her pa.s.sion higher. He raised his lips from hers.

"I'd say it's definitely you, baby," Connor said. He, too, placed tiny kisses on her face.

"Will you let us kiss you some more? Touch you? Will you come into the back with us and let us pet you for a while?"

Would she? She searched her heart and knew she would likely say yes to anything they asked of her. She still wanted that deeper drink, that longer taste.

"Yes. I want to kiss and touch you both, too."

Emily Anne didn't even have to worry about how she'd climb into the back of the SUV. Mel and Connor took care of that detail for her. With the truck opened from the back and the back seats down, there was plenty of room to stretch out and get comfortable. They had a blanket in the back, and folded it over to fas.h.i.+on a make-s.h.i.+ft pillow for her.

"I'm not in the habit of luring beautiful young women into the back of my truck," Mel said as he crawled up beside her.

The sheepish look he gave made her want to believe him but her history with Billy J made her skeptical until Mel went on to explain.

"Sometimes I take off for the afternoon and go fis.h.i.+ng, and I end up camping out overnight. So I always keep a blanket on hand."

"Camping, huh? I've never been camping." Neither of her parents had been nature lovers, despite the fact her father was a farmer and they'd always lived outside of town. She didn't really know if she was one herself, or not. There were a lot of things she'd never tried before.

The way she was feeling right now, she was all about trying new things.

"Maybe that's something we can do, sometime. If you're interested."

Emily Anne didn't answer him, because the look in his eyes just then held her speechless, and breathless.

"I think the lady is interested, but not in camping at the moment," Connor said. He'd stretched out on the left side of her, and Emily Anne enjoyed a preview of what it might be like to be the filling in a man sandwich.

"I believe you're right," Mel said.

Emily Anne usually didn't like to be spoken of as if she wasn't there. In the past, that had happened way too often and in a manner that could only be described as belittling. How different it was to be spoken about by these men! Her skin quivered and her belly s.h.i.+vered in response to the sound of their voices. Their tone had been full of humor, intended only to tease lightly, and heated, promising future delights.

Connor eased her into his arms and slowly drew her flush against him. Their bodies met, chest to thigh. The heat that came off him penetrated her clothing, permeated her skin, sank into her blood, and melded into her soul. The warming, the arousal was so complete, and felt so d.a.m.n right, she marveled she'd lived her life so far without it.

Against her back, Mel pressed close to her. Emily Anne felt the firm presence of two solid erections. Front and back, these men gave her a hint of what very likely was in her future. She trembled from the thrill of it. What she felt poking at her felt like a whole h.e.l.l of a lot more than she'd known was possible, more than she'd experienced in her life to date.

I guess all men are not created equally.

Then Connor kissed her and every thought went right out of her head. His tongue seduced hers, enticing hers to slide and glide, to dip and dance. His kiss pulled her into a vortex of hot, exciting seduction. Already his flavor addicted her and made her hormones quiver in antic.i.p.ation. She thought she could spend an entire evening kissing Connor Talbot and never grow tired or bored.

Connor's lips moved on hers with a confidence that all on its own was s.e.xy as h.e.l.l. Emily Anne's blood heated and her heart raced.

He leaned into her and she turned supple and pliant in his arms. When he lifted his mouth from hers she found herself on her back looking up into his glittering stare.

"That's all you, angel eyes. You make me want more than I can have right now."

"I know the feeling. I want more than I can have right now, too." To h.e.l.l with holding anything back. She simply couldn't, not when she felt so wanted.

Mel stroked her face and she turned her head toward him. He smiled at her and leaned in closer. Emily Anne reached for him, slid her right hand up and around his neck, and played her fingers through the short hair at his nape. Then she curled her hand around him and drew him down.

"We'll all of us take just a little bit more," he said against her lips. "Will you let us touch you, precious?"

She didn't think she could find her voice to answer him. So she reached down for his hand and placed it over her right breast.

Then she turned her gaze on Connor and repeated the gesture, putting his hand on her left one.

Mel squeezed gently, then raised his hand from her chest and turned her face toward him. He settled his mouth on hers and used his tongue in a slow, languid rhythm to taste her. His hand returned to her breast, and his fingers squeezed her gently in a pulse that mimicked his thrusting tongue. The dual action stoked her fires higher, and put the image in her head of another kind of slow, deep and rhythmic thrusting.

Connor's hand caressed her breast, and then swept down the front of her body, brus.h.i.+ng his fingers lightly over her skirt-covered mound. Emily Anne moaned as that tantalizing touch made her arousal spike. She lost herself in the combination of these two men, and when Connor moved his hand and began to unfasten the b.u.t.tons of her blouse, her nipples hardened into tiny, tingling peaks.

Cool air kissed her flesh as the men worked together to part her blouse, pulling it out of her skirt.

"Lord, look at that. Pretty white lace filled with perfect bounty, and all held together by a tempting and easy-to-open front clasp."

Connor puffed the last word against her chest as he kissed the skin just above her bra. Then he reached out and opened the clasp.

Emily Anne's b.r.e.a.s.t.s spilled free of their confinement, and the men moved the sides of her bra out of the way. They stared at her, making her face heat and her nipples contract even more.

"G.o.d, woman, your b.r.e.a.s.t.s are beautiful." Connor looked up and met her gaze. She saw his intent. When he lowered his head and suckled one nipple, drawing it into his mouth, she closed her eyes and bit her lip to keep from crying out.

"No, don't do that." Mel ran his finger over her chin just below her lips. "Give us your pa.s.sion, precious. We want to hear you." Mel placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. She opened her eyes only to be captivated by the s.h.i.+mmering heat of pa.s.sion in his gaze.

"You're so s.e.xy, so hot. We want to hear your music as we pleasure you. We want to make you fly."

How could she doubt how these men felt about her, when they could look at her with such adoration in their eyes?

"Will you let us do that, Emily Anne?" Connor placed gentle kisses on one breast, and then the other. Her left nipple, damp and swollen from his attentions, felt puckered to the max. A soft breeze wafted into the back of the vehicle and she s.h.i.+vered from a combination of the coolness and the heat.

"We won't make love to you here, baby," Mel said. "This is about you. We want to show you how d.a.m.n s.e.xy you are to us-and how special. We want to give you pleasure."

"Please." She'd never felt s.e.xy or special. She'd never felt adored. She wanted more, and when Connor reached up and used his finger to wipe a tear away, she knew, just by his expression, that he got that.

Both of these hot, s.e.xy, powerful men got her. But more, they wanted her. The press of hard c.o.c.ks on either side of her showed her just how much.

Connor lowered his mouth to hers, his lips moist and warm and tasty. Emily Anne let her eyes drift shut as he moved his lips back and forth on hers and kissed her. Her tongue slid against his, the play so soft and stirring. And while she lost herself in this man's kiss, she moaned into his mouth as his partner took her right nipple between his lips.

Hands stroked down her body and lifted her skirt. Emily Anne s.h.i.+vered as the hem of the garment tracked up her thighs. Cool air told her when her skirt had been raised above her lace-covered mound.

The heat of masculine palms on her legs and thighs made her s.h.i.+ver.

Connor lifted his mouth from hers and she opened her eyes. He looked at her as if she was a delicious dessert he wanted to gobble down in one bite.

Mel turned her head toward him and she had no time to react, no time to even think. He closed his mouth over hers, and this time there was nothing soft or subtle or wooing about his kiss. This time, he drank her in big, sucking gulps.

Connor's mouth suckled her nipple, a long deep draw that made her bow off the carpet that covered the back of the truck. Fingers, hot, whisper light, stroked over the crotch of her panties. Back and forth they strummed her and she realized the men were taking turns playing her like a guitar that was tuned and ready to make music.

"Let's see how h.o.r.n.y you are, precious." Mel nuzzled her neck, laying a string of kisses down toward her breast while his hand settled over her p.u.s.s.y.

Fingers edged aside cotton and delved. The sudden penetration thrust her arousal high, and Emily Anne's whimper escaped her lips before she could hold it back.

"G.o.d, sweetheart, you are absolutely drenched."

"Mm, let me see," Connor spoke around her nipple which added an extra bit of sizzle to her heat. She felt Mel move the crotch of her panties out of the way, and then Connor's fingers mimicked his partner's.

Connor thrust one finger into her and moved it in and out. His breathing became so hot and ragged against her breast, she didn't need to ask if he liked what he'd just found.

"Please." These two were driving her crazy, and there was everything good about it. She needed more. She needed to come.

"Okay, precious." Mel managed to work her panties away from her waist, lift her and pull them down all in one smooth motion. He brought his lips back to hers. "Connor's going to finger f.u.c.k you and I'm going to play with your c.l.i.t. And we'll both think about the next time. Because next time, we both will want to bury our faces in your c.u.n.t and drink your release."

Emily Anne cried out, the sound m.u.f.fled against hot masculine lips. Mouth, breast, and p.u.s.s.y, these men played a melody against her flesh that spun and soared, that dipped and swirled and shot high into the heavens, a pyrotechnic crescendo of impending release.

Unable to control it, to pull it close or keep it back or stretch to reach it, Emily Anne gave over and gave in. Exploding everywhere at once, ecstasy set her ablaze. Wave after rapturous wave of her o.r.g.a.s.m shot up and through her, as it flowed and blossomed. She felt her juices gush from her c.u.n.t into their hands as a mantle of satisfaction and pride settled over her. Before the release had fully tapered, they snuggled her in tight between them. Quivers of satiation were met with the deep resonance of masculine murmurs, unintelligible sounds that comforted. Arms enfolded her as tiny aftershocks a.s.sailed her.

Emily Anne knew in a way she didn't completely understand that somehow, with this one o.r.g.a.s.m, her life had reached a turning point and nothing would never be the same again.

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