Love Under Two Private Dicks Part 2

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Chapter 3.

"You are not fat, Emily Anne." It was all Mel could do to keep his temper down. Someone had taunted her, teased her? Because they thought she was fat?

"And anyone who tells you that you are is going to have to deal with us." Connor sounded equally ticked.

"Um, it was mostly family who've spouted that line over the years-and female family at that."

"Don't matter," Connor said. "Anyone ever says anything like that to you and I hear 'em, they will wish they had kept their mouths shut."

Mel thought the blush that kissed her cheeks was pretty as h.e.l.l. She ducked her head down for just a moment. Then she looked at him and then Connor. "I am fat. I'm just not going to let that fact make me think of myself as unworthy or less than any longer."

Mel leaned closer and slid his arm around Emily Anne. "You're so d.a.m.n s.e.xy, woman, that every time I'm near you, I have to work at keeping my c.o.c.k from poking out of my pants at you."

Connor leaned closer on her other side, and Mel liked-a lot-that they had her so snugly situated between them.

He could hardly wait until they had her between them in bed.

Connor said, "I just breathe you in and I'm hard, baby. So that means we think you're perfect, just exactly the way you are."

Mel heard the opening bars of a song he recognized, and decided it was time-way past time-that he held Emily Anne Bancroft in his arms.

"Come dance with me, precious."

He helped her down, and when he offered her his hand, she took it and followed him onto the dance floor.

Hunter Hayes's voice came over the sound system as he began to sing the first verse of "Wanted"-a song that fit the moment perfectly. Mel eased Emily Anne closer, the tempo good for a slow, close dance.

She fit into his arms like a dream. Her head tucked into his chest and her womanly curves pressed close. He could feel the softness, even as her scent-something light and floral and Emily Anne-teased his senses. He thought it very likely he could get high from dancing with her alone.

He bent his head over her so he could sing the lyrics of the chorus to her, and since his lips were so close, he placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head. When she looked up, he gave her a light kiss on her lips.

"Do you feel how hard I am? That's all you, Emily Anne. I can tell you I have never reacted to a woman this strongly-not even the woman I was engaged to marry."

She trembled once, and then sighed. He saw the heat in her eyes, but more, he saw a flicker of hope there.

When she laid her head back down on his chest, he felt like the luckiest man in the world. His thoughts went back to earlier in the day, and their meeting with Jake Kendall. He and Connor had brought the manager of the l.u.s.ty Town Trust more than just an informational update on the case they'd been hired for.

They'd recovered some photographs that had once graced Donald Rhodes's desk in his real estate office. They'd had them reprinted, and framed, in two sets of four. The one that had gotten to Mel the most was the one of Donald and his wife, Alice.

Instead of looking into the camera, the couple had eyes only for each other. That picture touched him, making him ache for the unspeakable loss the young family had suffered. It underscored for him the tragedy that, for these two loving people, life had ended suddenly, but together, and their girls had been forced to go on and grow up without them.

The kind of love he saw in that picture was his ideal kind of love. It was the love his mom and dad still felt for each other after nearly fifty years of marriage.

It was the kind of love he wanted for himself. The kind, he suspected, he was beginning to feel toward the warm and wonderful woman in his arms.

Emily Anne sighed again, and for the rest of the song he contented himself to hold her close and enjoy the moment. His gaze met Connor's and he knew his friend wanted to hold her, too.

Mel led her back to their table, where their drinks awaited them. Grinning, he lifted her. Emily Anne gasped, and he laughed outright as he held her off the floor. He kissed her lips lightly and then set her on her chair.

The club started to fill up, even though it wasn't even eight o'clock, yet. Mel figured it would be another good night for his friend and that man's business partner. He looked over at the bar but couldn't see if the man on duty was Ethan, or not. For all he knew, he had the night off. The feeling of being stared at settled on him and he turned to see where the sensation was coming from.

He grinned and nodded in that direction so Connor could see who was approaching, too.

The men were familiar, but the voluptuous woman who walked between them was not. Of course he knew who the pretty blonde had to be. He and Connor both got to their feet as the threesome approached.

Mel shook hands with Ace Webster and Kemp Whittier.

"You couldn't have picked a better place for a night out," Ace said. He put his hand on the woman's back. "This is our wife, Summer. Kitten, this is Mel Richardson and Connor Talbot, from over near l.u.s.ty."

"Nice to meet you, gentlemen."

Mel could see that both men were completely besotted by their wife. He got the same good feeling from them as he did from many of the menage families over in l.u.s.ty. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mrs. Webster," he replied even as he reached for Emily Anne's hand. "This is Emily Anne Bancroft." Then to the men, he said, "Would you care to join us?"

"Kitten?" Ace asked Summer.

"Sure, that would be fine."

He and Connor grabbed a couple more chairs, and noted the way Ace and Kemp saw to Summer's comfort before taking their seats.

The DJ began to play a song that both women seemed to perk up at. He tilted his head to one side to let Emily Anne know he didn't recognize the song.

"Luke Bryan." She all but sighed the name. Her eyes fairly sparkled with humor. "The name of the song is 'I Don't Want This Night To End.'"

"Neither do I, angel eyes," Connor said. "Come and dance with me."

Connor took her hand and helped her down from her seat.

"Have fun," Mel said.

"That'll be us, too," Ace said as he took his wife's hand. "We'll be right back."

Mel looked over at Kemp who smiled and shrugged, and then let his gaze follow his woman. It was clear to Mel that Summer liked to dance, and Ace and Kemp both liked to see Summer happy.

Mel let his gaze wander to his partner, and the woman they both hoped to share. He looked over at Kemp. Their gazes met for a brief moment of mutual understanding.

He knew exactly how the other man felt.

Connor held her every bit as s.e.xily as Mel had, and the s.h.i.+vers that ran through her were just as potent. The music-not just the beat but the lyrics-became like a tonic in her blood. Emily Anne had never before felt this kind of seductive warmth and erotic lure, simply from being held in a man's arms. Not until tonight, and she'd experienced it with both of these hot men.

"That's what I want, angel eyes. I want exactly what Luke's lyrics are saying. I can hardly wait to feel your mouth on mine."

The words, whispered against her ear, pulled her gaze up until it connected with his. Power, strength, and heat s.h.i.+mmered from Connor Talbot's hazel eyes. This close, with some of the club's lighting hitting them just right, she could see a hint of green, and a depth to them that invited her to get lost in them, and him. Lord have mercy, this man and his partner are dangerous.

Dangerous to her heart, and her equilibrium. She watched as he slowly lowered his face to hers, and felt powerless to stop him. She didn't want to stop him. And when he gave her just the briefest of kisses, when she felt the light stroke of his tongue against her lips, she knew she was lost. She was lost in his heat, and Mel's heat, and in whatever magic the two of them together were weaving around her.

She was completely enchanted by the music, and the night, and the two men who wanted her.

"I just felt your nipples go hard against my chest, baby. Can you feel how hard I am for you?"

She nodded slightly. "You and Mel are both trouble."

Connor laughed softly and eased her back into his arms. Laying her head on his chest was easy and natural, and he made her feel cherished and safe.

"Oh, you bet we are, Emily Anne. We're the very best kind of trouble. Are you going to let us show you how good trouble can be?"

Was she? Had there ever been any doubt? Emily Anne said the only thing she could. "I don't think I can say anything but yes."

"We won't hurt you, Emily Anne."

"I know you won't intend to," she said softly. "And I'm going to hope that in the end, you won't."

Connor kissed the top of her head and swept his hand in a comforting gesture down her back.

Too soon the music ended. When he led her back to their table, she didn't complain. Probably a good idea to take a break and let my hormones settle down. She resumed her spot, pleased when Summer Webster took one of the chairs next to her.

The waitress returned, and Emily Anne ordered a The sangria was good, but she wanted to have a clear head for whatever happened next.

"You're from l.u.s.ty?" Summer Webster reached for her own soda, and Emily Anne felt immediately at ease with the beautiful woman. She'd sensed a hint of a connection with this woman from the moment she'd been introduced earlier. There was a height difference between them-Emily Anne was shorter-but Summer was very curvy, just like her. Emily Anne couldn't help but notice the way the woman's men appeared to adore her.

"I am, now. I moved there from up near Comanche about six months ago. I work at the restaurant in town-l.u.s.ty Appet.i.tes."

"Catchy name," Summer said. "I have a boutique that I own with my sister in Morehead called Discretion."

"Oh! I've heard of your boutique! A friend of mine, Rebecca Jessop, told me about it."

Summer smiled. "Yes, I know Rebecca! She came in with Lucy Carter. Lucy introduced her as an artist." Summer leaned closer. "After I met her I looked her work up online. She's good!"

Emily Anne grinned. "She showed me what she bought from your place. You're good, too! I'm going to have to make a trip out to your boutique on my next day off. I could use a few new things." And she couldn't help the blush any more than she could help casting a sly glance at her two dates.

Summer's eyes laughed when she said, "You come on in and I'll fix you right up."

Emily Anne gave in and laughed, shrugging her shoulders. What could a woman do when faced with the prospect of not one, but two hot lovers? Somehow, realizing that Summer not only understood but didn't judge her helped her relax. She noticed the indulgent looks Summer's men gave her as she laughed with Emily Anne and a thought occurred to her. The menage relations.h.i.+p her new friend was involved in was permanent because Ace had introduced her as their wife, and Emily Anne could plainly see the big rock reflecting diamond fire from her wedding band. Everyone had a story, and Summer was probably not any different. It was very likely that prior to meeting her men, Summer hadn't thought a menage relations.h.i.+p was in her future. How had she felt, as a plus-sized woman, when she'd met two such handsome and powerful men? Probably very much like the way Emily Anne felt now. Had she struggled with feeling worthy of them?

Emily Anne wished she could ask her but the thought was cut short as a tall man with longish dark brown hair came over to their table, and Mel got to his feet and shook his hand. The others seemed to know the man-his name was Ethan-and he greeted them all before turning his attention to her.

"Emily Anne, this is Ethan Grant, one of the owners of this nightclub. Ethan, Emily Anne Bancroft."

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Bancroft."

"You can call me Emily Anne. I like your club, Ethan."


"Is Grace coming tonight, Ethan?" Summer asked.

"She and Jack will be by a bit later. Adam's going to stay home with Rose Marie." He smiled at everyone and then looked around. Emily Anne recognized the way his eyes scanned the rest of the room. A good owner, or manager, made his presence known but not necessarily felt.

Mr. Grant obviously took great pride and pleasure in The Dancing Pony.

"Have a good time, and if you need anything, just holler." He grinned. "I'll be back in a bit."

Emily Anne guessed she looked a little befuddled.

Summer leaned closer and said, "Grace is a dear friend, and Ethan's wife. She's Jack and Adam's wife as well. And they have a daughter, Rose Marie."

"I have a friend who runs the Parkview Inn, in l.u.s.ty. She's married to three men, too."

With a conspiratorial wink, Summer said, "I'd heard l.u.s.ty and Divine had more than a thing or two in common."

Emily Anne looked from her dates to Summer's husbands. "That's kind of good to know, isn't it?"

She was thoroughly enjoying her evening at The Dancing Pony. She made another new friend when they were joined a little later by another couple-she'd never met a woman as sparkling on the inside as Grace Warner was! Emily Anne looked forward to coming back to Divine, and to checking out Summer Webster's boutique at the earliest opportunity.

It was still relatively early when they left-just approaching ten. Another time, when she didn't have to work the next day, she'd enjoy a later night. She knew both Mel and Connor had been enjoying themselves, yet they didn't mind one bit cutting their evening short to accommodate her.

Emily Anne really appreciated that. They'd told her they were focused on her, but here was a way they showed her it was so.

"Do you have to get up early, precious?" Mel asked as they escorted her to the SUV.

"I'm working the later s.h.i.+ft tomorrow. I go in around two and work till closing."

"Good. We'll have you home before one-unless you'd like to stop somewhere along the way?"

Something about the twinkle in Mel's eyes made her look at Connor. The man seared her with his gaze. Clearly, they had something in mind. Her female bits started to vibrate and do a happy dance just from the expression on their faces alone.

"Did you have some place in mind?" She thought she could go for a cup of coffee, or the opportunity to spend some quiet time with the two of them. She almost decided that she might ask them in when they got to her place. The only problem was, it would be very tempting to ask them to stay the night with her.

She was more than interested, and her hormones were definitely engaged, as was her mind. Her heart had stirred from its slumber, something she really didn't think would happen so soon after her disaster with Billy J.

She didn't think she was ready to head straight to s.e.x. These men mattered too much for her to rush things. But just like the song said, she didn't want this night to end.

The two men seemed to be communicating though they said nothing. Finally Mel looked down at her. "We want to spend some quiet time with you, just the three of us, together. But we don't want to push too fast or end up going too far."

"The truth is, Emily Anne, our control isn't all that strong when we're with you. We both want you practically beyond all reason."

"I know the feeling." She could be nothing less than honest with these men, who were laying their souls bare for her. "And it would be too fast and too far for us to end up in bed tonight."

"That's how we thought you'd feel," Mel said. "So we've come up with an idea-a kind of old-fas.h.i.+oned idea, but it might give us all what we want-a bit of a taste-while not letting us go too far."

Emily Anne felt her nipples harden and became aware of a distinct dampness between her thighs. What they described sounded perfect. She would like a bit of a taste, too. "What's your idea?"

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