Night School Part 7

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"Wow." He hangs his head. "I don't think any of us have even seen a real vampire, never mind slain one." Looking up, he adds, "I think I owe you an apology, Little Slayer."

I'm about to say no big deal, when pain stabs at my stomach again, forcing me to involuntarily cry out in agony.

"Are you okay?" Corbin asks worriedly. He looks down at my stomach, which has started bleeding again. "Oh G.o.d. Here I am going on and on and you're hurt. We need to get you back to the clinic." He makes an effort to move. "Can you walk? If not, I'll carry you."

"Wait," I cry. I can't have him take me to the clinic. They'll discover I'm a vampire. Not to mention a fairy. But I can't exactly just a.s.sure him that if I lie here long enough my body will heal itself either. At least not without arousing his suspicions.

I try to scramble to my feet, but there's no way. I'm too weak. I've lost too much blood. If only I had some ...

My gaze falls to Corbin. Even in the low light, my vampire eyes can lock onto the small blue vein pulsing temptingly from his neck ...

Suddenly I know exactly what I have to do.

"Corbin," I say, swallowing back my extreme unease. "Look at me."

He does. And instantly his piercing green eyes go soft, lost in my spell, just like on the practice field a day before. "Oh Rayne," he murmurs. "You're so beautiful."

I wince at the vampire scent-induced compliment. It kills me that I have to do this. Especially to him, of all people, whose parents were actually murdered by vampires. There's no way if he were in his right mind, he'd be cool with any of this.

But, of course, he's not in his right mind. He's thoroughly knocked out by my vampire seduction. And suddenly he's kissing me. His lips attacking me with a hunger I'm completely unprepared for. And as I open my mouth to protest, his tongue invades, taking me, claiming me, making me his own. He tastes sweet, like mint gum. He feels hot and heavy against my cool vampire skin. As he presses the length of his body against me, I can feel his heartbeat pounding, hard, fast, intense. And when he reaches for me, his touch is firm, with an underlying gentleness I never would have predicted, judging from his outer facade. I breathe in, lost in his scent of vanilla mixed with sandalwood.

Jareth, forgive me, I think as I surrender to his pa.s.sion, kissing him back with the same fervor he's using with me. I try to remind myself that this is just an appetizer, not foreplay. That it will lead to a meal, not s.e.x. Still, it's more than a little weird to find myself making out with a guy who's definitely not my boyfriend. Even more so when my body responds so hungrily to his touch. But, of course, that's just the bloodl.u.s.t.

I think.

He groans in pleasure as my lips leave his own to trail kisses down his face, nibbling at his jaw line, then dropping lower to his neck. The idea is to keep him seduced and not startle him out of his trance until I reach the sweet spot. That beautiful vein that will save my life. My body trembles as I lick his dewy skin, desperate for a taste.

This is it. The first time I will ever bite a human. There's no going back after this.

My fangs slide out eagerly, no hesitation at all. They slice through delicate skin as if it's softened b.u.t.ter, sinking in and piercing the vein and enabling sweet blood to start flowing into my desperate mouth. I suck hard, swallowing mouthful after mouthful of blood as Corbin moans in ecstasy, completely lost to the drug of the vampire scent.

This is old-school vampirism. Why we have that scent to begin with. While now we only use it to get out of parking tickets, back in the day before sanctioned donors, victims had to be seduced before being drained. They'd offer their bodies willingly, never imagining they were about to have their lives stolen by their hearts' greatest desires.

I drink and drink, Corbin's life force flowing through me in almost o.r.g.a.s.mic waves. Why did I wait so long to try this? It feels so good. So powerful, rich, delicious. Nothing like that disgusting, vile subst.i.tute I've been drinking. There's no way I can go back to that, now that I've tasted the real thing ...

My thoughts are interrupted by the desperate sound of Corbin's heart, pounding frantically in his chest, and I realize I need to stop-now-before I accidentally drain him dry. With major effort, I manage to retract my fangs.

The letdown is instant and the craving inside me nearly unbearable. My victim collapses beside me, pa.s.sed out instantly in a dead faint. I press my s.h.i.+rt against his neck wound, putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding.

It's then that the fear finds me, hitting me hard and fast. What have I done? How am I going to explain this to him when he wakes up? Will he remember that I did this to him? Will he report me if he does? Or just kill me himself?

Panicked, I shake him roughly to awaken him from his slumber. He looks up at me with glazed eyes. "G.o.d, Rayne," he slurs. "You're amazing."

Amazingly awful and disgusting, I think to myself. Then I shake my head. After all, there will be plenty of time for the guilt hangover later. "Don't try to talk," I tell him. "You were bitten by a ... fairy. A nasty, evil fairy. You have a mark on your neck from him," I add. "But you'll be okay."

"Mark ... fairy ... okay ..." he murmurs. Then his eyes roll to the back of his head and he's pa.s.sed out again. I let out a frustrated breath, praying that he'll remember my words when he wakes up.

It's then that I realize I'm breathing without pain. I look down at my stomach wound, which has completely healed over. The skin is smooth, as if it were never sliced at all.

I shake my head in disbelief. The blood did the trick. I'm completely healed.

Though ... at what cost? I look over at Corbin's bruised, swollen neck and feel sick to my stomach. So disgusting. So vile. So monstrous. Who could do such a thing to a person?

I could, I guess. And I just did.

But I swallow hard, forcing myself not to throw up. After all, there's real, genuine life-giving blood in my stomach. And who knows when I'll get the chance to feed again.

Why, anytime you like, a snickering little voice inside reminds me. He's yours for the snacking now.


I wake the next morning back in my dorm room bed, totally and utterly starving. You'd think all that protein I drank the night before would stay with me for a bit, but evidently no such luck. I want more blood and I want it bad.

And I don't know how the h.e.l.l I'm going to get it.

Last night after ... feeding ... I left Corbin unconscious in the cave and went to find my sister and the other Alphas. Peter had run back to school to get the medics and when they all arrived at the clearing, about twenty minutes later, I brought them to the cave to help Corbin. I told them how a fairy had bitten him and he'd collapsed from blood loss. They accepted my story without much questioning and put him on a gurney to bring him back to the school infirmary. Guilt tore at my insides as I watched them pick up his limp, lifeless body and cart it away. What had I done? And more important, would he remember, when he woke up, that I'd done it to him?

I dodged the medics' medical examination, insisting I was fine, and headed back to the dorm where I tossed and turned all night, wondering if Corbin would wake up and implicate me in his biting. I became convinced every sound outside my door was the headmistress coming to nano me for my sins. That I'd never again see the light of day.

But no one came and I eventually fell into a restless sleep, woken only by the birds' incessant chirping this morning.

I look over at my sister's bed and see that it's empty. She'd been sound asleep when I returned to the dorm last night and had refused to acknowledge even my most excessive poking. I was dying to talk to her about what happened-to figure out how the fairies had found us-but she was too worn out so I let her sleep.

And now she's gone. I'll have to find her at lunch.

I rise from my bed-feeling stronger than I've felt in days-and glance into the nearby mirror. My skin is flush, my eyes are s.h.i.+ny, my lips are full and red. Even my little winglets have fluffed out prettily. Wow-I look awesome. I guess that's no surprise, considering last night's dinner.

Memories start flooding my brain and guilt slashes at my insides. I remember Corbin's glazed eyes. His smooth neck. His lips on mine, kissing me without relent. What would Jareth think if he'd seen us together? I mean, he'd probably be happy in a way-that I'd finally given in and drunk real blood at long last. But the way it happened ...

Okay, let's just come out and say it here. I cheated on my boyfriend. I made out with another guy. Even if he was just a midnight snack. That's not how good girlfriends-blood mates-behave.

I shake my head. No, no, I can't be thinking like a human here. This wasn't some s.e.xual thing. I didn't want to sleep with him. I just needed to drink. And if I hadn't seduced him first, he never would have let me do it. That's why vampires have pheromones to begin with. It's all very natural and normal and not something I should feel guilty about. If I hadn't drunk, I would have, quite simply, died. And Jareth, I'm sure, would prefer me kissing a random guy rather than dying.

It was a self-preservation kiss, that's all.

I touch a finger to my lips, still swollen from Corbin's mouth.

A really good self-preservation kiss ...

I shake my head. It's over. It's done. Moving on. And Jareth never has to know. It'd just hurt him for no reason, right?

If only he were here ...

I close my eyes and picture my beautiful vampire boyfriend in my mind. Then, once I've got the image locked, I send out a cry for help. Sometimes I can reach him this way-one of my few vampire powers.

Problem is, I don't know this thing's reach. And Jareth is probably on the other side of the world. Can he hear me when I call? Unfortunately, because the sending only goes in one direction, I have no way to confirm it.

After trying a few times, I give up and get changed into sweatpants and a T-s.h.i.+rt. Slay School don't stop just because of a near-death experience. This morning we have combat training, followed by afternoon on Slayer Inc. history and Vampire Slaying 201. I wonder if Corbin will be out there. I wonder how I'll face him if he is.

It's another cold day out on the training field. All the students huddling close together, blowing on their hands, desperate to get warm. Except the Alphas, of course, who hang out by their own personal s.p.a.ce heater, a little ways down the field. As I approach, Mara sees me and waves me over. Grateful, I head in her direction, feeling the envious stares of other students burn into my back. I guess this is what it feels like to be popular. Weird.

"Hey, Rayne!" Leanna greets, putting a mittened hand on my arm and pulling me into their circle. The others throw me wan smiles, still looking stressed and nervous from the events of the night before. Several of them have cuts and bruises on their faces and probably other spots as well, underneath their long red robes. "How you holding up?"

"I'm great!" I burst out. "Just a little hungry!"

Wait, what? I cover my hand with my mouth as the others look at me in confusion. I hadn't meant to say that at all. I'd meant to play hurt, confused, scared. Why would I tell them I was great? Not to mention ... hungry ...

"Um, and scared," I add quickly, because suddenly I am very scared. Scared of what these students would do if they knew the truth about what I really am and what I'd done to their friend. "How's Corbin?"

"Still in the clinic," Mara says sadly. "They say he lost a ton of blood from the fairy bite." She shudders. "So awful. I can't even imagine!"

Okay, so they bought the whole fairy bite thing. That's good.

"Yeah, that fairy really ..." I start to say, then trail off, my words seeming to catch in my throat. I'm trying to say that fairy really messed him up. But for some reason, I can't spit out the lie. "That fairy ..." I try again, ice suddenly swimming through my veins. Oh G.o.d, what's wrong with me now?

"... completely effed him up," finishes Peter helpfully. "No kidding."

"Did you see it happen?" Varuka asks.

I swallow hard. "Y-yes," I manage to say, then shut my mouth, forcing myself to stop talking after that. Because what I want to say, for some crazy reason, is that I not only saw it, but I did it myself.

What the h.e.l.l is wrong with me?

"I'm going to go visit him after practice," I blurt out, trying desperately to figure out a way to change the subject. "To see how he's doing."

Luckily, Mr. Klaus picks that moment to blow his whistle and start cla.s.s. Relieved, I take my spot on the field. Since Corbin's out of service, Peter takes his place as my partner.

"So what really happened last night?" he asks, circling me, waving the stake dangerously in his hands. "Corbin told the powers that be that he got bit by a fairy and you dragged him off to safety."

I try to nod. I really, really, REALLY try to nod my head. But instead I find myself shaking it into a no. I suddenly remember my fairy research. How some of the Sidhe-including me, evidently-are completely unable to tell a lie. Oh G.o.d, this is going to make things tough.

"No?" Peter c.o.c.ks his head in question. "That's not how it happened?" He jabs the stake in my direction, but I block it easily. He's not half as good as Corbin in technique, thank goodness.

"I ... I ..." Oh G.o.d, I have to figure out a way to say this right. "A fairy attacked me. Then I saved him from his attack. We were both ... injured."

There. That was technically true. Even though his injuries were, like, completely minor compared to what he suffered later at my hands-er, fangs.

"And then he was bit?" Peter presses. Luckily he doesn't say "by a fairy" and I'm able to nod my head this time.

"I guess that's what's really bothering me," he adds, "the whole fairy bite thing. After all, I'm minoring in fairy studies here at Riverdale. And I've never read anything about them drinking blood. They can have fangs, sure, but that's mostly to suck the juice out of nectar-producing fruits ..."

"I ... don't know," I manage to spit out. "I don't know too much about fairies." Though I seem to be learning a little more by the second. Like, for example, the fact that they seem to find it completely impossible to lie.

"Come on, girls!" Mr. Klaus shouts. "This is not home ec. Take down your partner already!"

Peter makes his move, his foot connecting with my chest. However, his technique is poor and he's not that strong. I manage to stay upright and grab his leg, pus.h.i.+ng him backward ...

... clear across the field!

c.r.a.p! I watch in horror as he sails through the air and lands on his b.u.t.t, way, way too far down the field to rationally explain. Did I do that? I barely touched the guy. I glance around the field anxiously, but luckily no one seems to be paying too much attention.

No one except Peter, of course, who's trying to get back to his feet, holding his b.u.t.t in agony. I rush over to help him.

"Ugh. Sorry about that!" I cry, helping him up. He looks at me, a shocked expression on his face.

"d.a.m.n," he says. "Corbin said you were good, but I had no idea ..." He shakes his head in disbelief. "You're freaking Super-woman."

I wince. "Sometimes I don't know my own strength." True!

Peter reaches around to brush off his backside, then turns back to me. "I think I'm about done for today," he mumbles, then goes over to the coach. I can hear him, even from this far away, asking for a pa.s.s to the infirmary.

I can also hear the whispers of the other students as they sneak furtive glances in my direction. Great. In two days, I've sent two Alphas to the hospital. And this one I can't even be held responsible for. I mean, I'm good, but I'm not that good. That's like, vampire powers good. And you know I don't have- A thought strikes me with the force of a ten-ton truck. Vampire powers. What if they're tied to drinking blood? What if, because I finally drank from a human, I'm able to tap into all the stuff I've been missing out on?

In fact, that makes perfect sense. Why Jareth was able to get his powers back shortly after he got the blood virus and I wasn't. Maybe the key is in the blood. By drinking synthetic, I've been keeping myself down.

And if I have vampire powers ... and fairy powers, too ... Maybe, just maybe, I can figure out a super supernatural way to get my sister and me the h.e.l.l out of Slay School.

A smile slowly spreads over my face. I've got to find Sunny!


Lunchtime seems to take forever to come, but finally I hear the church bells chime and I make a mad dash for the cafeteria, excited to tell Sunny what I've discovered. I bet she's still freaking out about the night before. Scared, helpless, alone ...

Or ... talking animatedly to Lilli and Amber and Evelyn, a big smile on her face.

I c.o.c.k my head in confusion. I expected to see sh.e.l.l-shocked, freaking out, maybe even a little comatose. Posttraumatic stressed to the max at the very least. After all, we did nearly lose our lives to evil fairies h.e.l.l-bent on our abduction. But instead, my sister is beaming, looking as happy as if she'd just gotten crowned prom queen.

"Rayne!" she cries excitedly, patting the seat next to her. "Come sit with us!"

I walk over to their table, feeling completely confused, and take a seat. "How are you feeling, Sun?" I ask.

"I'm great!" she cries. "In fact, I just got promoted out of the kiddie cla.s.s. No more twelve-year-olds for me! The teacher told me I'm so improved that I'll be placed into your cla.s.s starting tomorrow. Isn't that awesome?"

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