Strictly For Cash Part 11

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aYou wouldn't care to go someplace for dinner?a I asked. aNowhere very grand. I don't want to go back and change. But maybe you've a date, or something.a I waited for her to turn me down, but she didn't.

aHave you been to Raul's yet?a aNo. Where's that?a aOh, it's part of your education to go to Raul's. It's on the waterfront. Let's go. It's fun.a We went to Raul's in her Lincoln convertible. It was a small Greek restaurant full of lighted fish tanks set in the walls, plush seats and gilt-framed mirrors.

Raul himself, a fat, cheerful Greek, waited on us. He said he knew just what we'd like. He didn't consult us, and started us with bean soup, then turtle steaks and young asparagus shoots and baked guava duff to follow.

While we ate, we talked. Don't ask me what we talked about. All I can remember was she was the easiest person in the world to talk to, and there wasn't one moment's silence during the whole meal.

We went on the verandah, overlooking the waterfront, and had coffee and brandy, and talked some more. By the time we had finished the coffee I was calling her Ginny and she was calling me Johnny. It seemed like we had known each other for years.

Later we walked along the waterfront and watched the fis.h.i.+ng-boats going out for a night's fis.h.i.+ng. She told me she had gone out in one of them the last time she was in Lincoln Beach.

aYou must go, Johnny,a she said. aOut beyond the bar the water is phosphorous. It's like sailing through a sea of fire. And the fish are phosphorous, too, and when they pull in the nets, it's marvellous. Let's go, Johnny, one night. It'll be fun, and you'll love it.a aWhy, sure,a I said. aWe will. Maybe you can . . .a I broke off as a street clock not far away started to chime, and I stood still, counting the chimes, and each stroke was like a bang under the heart with a mail-clad fist.

Ten . . . eleven . . . twelve.

aWhat's the matter, Johnny?a she asked, looking at me.

aNothing. I've got to get back. I've just remembered a very important date . . .a That was as far as I could get. It came to me like a punch in the face that for the past eight hours I'd been living in a pipe-dream.

aI'll drive you back. We won't be ten minutes.a We got into the car. My mouth had dried up and the back of my throat ached, and my heart was going like a steam-hammer.

She must have guessed something was wrong, but she didn't ask questions. She drove fast. We reached the casino gates in seven minutes. I knew that because I kept my eyes glued to the clock on the dashboard.

I got out of the car. My knees were shaking. Reisner, Della and the lion pit were now as real as the warm wind against my cold, sweating face.

aSo long, and thanks,a I said, and my voice croaked. I wanted to say something else, make a date, let her know how wonderful I thought she was, but the words wouldn't come.

aAre you in trouble, Johnny?a she asked anxiously.

aNo. It's all right. I'll look out for you.a I left her sitting in the car, wide-eyed and startled, and I walked towards the gates of the casino.

The guards opened them. The one with the green eyes gaped at me, and caught his breath sharply, but I walked on past him and headed up the long, green-lit carriageway.


I pushed open the door of the cabin and walked in. The radio was playing muted swing, and every light in the room was on.

Della was lying on the divan, a cigarette between her lips, her face as expressionless as a china mask, and as hard. She still had on the blue wrap, and her bands were clasped behind her head.

My eyes flickered from her to where he had been lying, but he wasn't there, and I felt my heart contract.

aWhere is he?a aIn there.a She pointed to the bathroom. aWhere have you been?a aKilling time. Did anyone . . .?a aI told you to keep them away from here, didn't I?a There was suppressed fury in her voice.

aI did.a aThey phoned three times, and Louis came rapping on the door. Do you call that keeping them away?a aI told them you weren't to be disturbed.a aThat was at half-past three. When you left here. What happened after that? At six o'clock they really began to look for him. That's when you should have been around. Where were you?a I was more scared of her than I was of the dead body in the bathroom. I knew instinctively she must never find out about Ginny.

aI got lost. I went down to the beach.a The words ran out of my mouth in a blurred stream. aI took the wrong turning. I got snarled up in .a forest.a She studied me, and I couldn't meet her eyes.

aYou tried to run away, Johnny.a I didn't say anything. There was nothing to say.

aYou're lucky I told the guards to stop you. You'd be under arrest by now.a aI wasn't trying to get away,a I said. aI was going for a ride. I went instead for a h.e.l.l of a long walk, but I came back.a She stared at me for a moment or so, then shrugged.

aWell, they're still looking for him. I had to tell them he left me at six. I said I thought he was going for a swim.a aWho's looking for him?a aThat fat fool Louis and Miss Doering.a She stubbed out her cigarette. aI've done my share in this. You'd better do yours.

You know what to do. Be careful. They're still out there searching the beach.a I went over to the liquor cabinet and poured myself a shot of Scotch.

aWhat do I do?a aYou take him down to the lion's pit and you throw him in.a I drank the Scotch. It was like drinking water.

aAnd what do you do while I'm doing it?a Her lips moved into a frozen smile.

aI stay here. What do you think I'm going to do?a aYou'd better come with me. If I ran into anyone . . .a aI'm staying here, Johnny. You haven't been much help up to now. Go ahead and make yourself useful. You killed him, lover. I didn't.a The thought of tackling this job alone scared the daylights out of me.

aNow, wait a minute. You're in this, too. You got his gun. If they're out there looking for him . . .a I stopped, the words freezing in my mouth. A sharp rap had sounded on the door.

I looked at her and she looked at me. Very slowly I put down the half-finished Scotch. I was as stiff as a statue.

The rap came again.

aAre you there, Mrs. Wertham? This is Hame.a His voice sounded sharp and impatient.

I was so scared I couldn't move or even think. I stood there while she slid off the divan.

aOne moment, Captain,a she called, her voice steady and calm, but I could see by her eyes she was nearly as shaken as I was. aGo in there,a she breathed, pointing to the bathroom. aDon't make a sound.a I opened the door, slid into darkness and closed the door, holding on to the handle so the catch wouldn't make a noise. There was a five-second pause, then Hame said, aSorry to disturb you, Mrs. Wertham. You've heard Reisner's missing?a aCome in,a she said. aHasn't he turned up yet?a aNo.a His heavy footfalls creaked across the carpet. aMiss Doering is worried about him. She phoned me so I thought I'd call up.a aBut there's nothing to worry about, surely?a Her voice sounded mildly amused. aI expect he's over at Bay Street.a aHe hasn't left the grounds.a aDo sit down. Won't you have a drink?a I stood with my head pressed against the door panels, my heart pounding, and listened.

aI guess not.a His voice was curt. aI'm on duty.a aNick'll be very flattered when he hears you came up here because his secretary was lonely without him,a Della said, and laughed.

aThis may be serious. He was with you all the afternoon, I understand ?a aWhy, yes. He left at six. He said he was going for a swim.a aNo one saw him on the beach.a There was a pause, then he asked, aWere you two talking business?a Again there was a pause. I could imagine her looking at him: he wasn't likely to rattle her.

aPerhaps, after all, Captain, I'd better take you into my confidence,a she said. aPlease sit down.a Once again there was a lengthy pause, and I guessed there was a clash of wills going on. Then a chair creaked, and I knew she had got her way.

aAnd a drink, Captain. I don't like drinking alone.a aLooks like you were managing all right before I showed up,a Hame said. aThere's a gla.s.s of Scotch on the cabinet.a aNo wonder you have such a reputation for being a clever police officer,a she said, and laughed.

aI guess I don't miss much.a He sounded mollified.

I heard her splash soda into a gla.s.s.

Then he said, aWell, here's how.a He grunted. aThat's pretty good Scotch, What's this you were saying about taking me into your confidence?a aPerhaps you have wondered why Ricca and I are here,a she said. aPaul sent us. Nick's been dipping into the reserve to cover his gambling losses. Ricca had orders from Paul to heave him out. Well, he's gone.a I had to hand it to her. She was ready for any emergency. Her voice, now cool and matter-of-fact, was very convincing.

aYou don't say.a Hame sounded startled. aMuch missing?a aWe don't know for certain a" something like ten thousand. We haven't had time for a thorough check. He didn't deny it. He could have been difficult, but as he handed over the keys and didn't make trouble, I promised him twelve hours start. I didn't antic.i.p.ate that fool of a girl would bring you into it.a aSo that's if. Well I'll be double d.a.m.ned.a There was a pause, then Hame said reluctantly, aWant me to do anything about him?a aNo. He knows too much. He might talk.a aI was thinking of that. Where's he gone?a aI have no idea. He must have gone by way of the beach. That's why the guards didn't see him.a aMust have. Funny thing, he hasn't packed. I checked his room.a I held my breath while I waited for her to talk herself out of that one.

aHe keeps a lot of stuff with Zoe. He knew this wouldn't last and was ready to skip.a There was no hesitation in her voice.

aHe was no fool,a Hame said, his voice ponderous. aIt'll be odd not to have him around.a aIt won't make any difference to you. Ricca and I will be taking charge.a aDid Wertham say it wouldn't make any difference?a aHe said more than that,a Della said coolly. aHe left instructions about you. He said we should do a little more for you.a aIs that right? What did he mean by that?a There was a pause, then she said, aWe think you're doing a good job for us, Captain. Paul had already spoken to Nick about you, but Nick said you were getting enough. Paul wanted to show his appreciation, but Nick blocked him off. Well, Nick's gone now. We thought another two-fifty a week might be useful. Paul said it should be back-dated six months. I'd planned to pay it into your account tomorrow as a little surprise.a aThat's pretty nice of you,a Hame said, suddenly jovial. aI guess I could use it. I got expenses same as anyone. Sounds as if we're going to get along together all right. Where's Ricca?a Again I held my breath.

aI have an idea he's enjoying himself at Zoe's place. I don't know, but that's my guess. Come up and see him tomorrow. There'll be things to talk about.a aI will, Mrs. Wertham.a The chair creaked as he stood up. aGuess I won't keep you any longer. Had I better have a word with Miss Doering? They're still searching for Reisner.a aPerhaps you'd better. Don't tell her what's happened. We don't want it talked about. You might say you've heard he's in town. We'll straighten things out tomorrow.a aI'll do that. Well, good night. I'm looking forward to working with you two. I'm looking forward to it very much.a aAnd so are we, Captain.a I listened to him tramp across the room.

aI'll be dropping in on my bank tomorrow afternoon.a aWe'll be there before that, Captain.a I could imagine the smile she gave him. aGood night.a The door shut.

We waited: she out there, and I in the darkness with Reisner's dead body somewhere behind me. We heard a car start up and drive away.

She pushed open the bathroom door.

aWell, I handled him, Johnny.a aYes.a I moved out of the darkness.

There was that cold, triumphant gleam in her eyes I had seen before.

aBetter get going,a she said. aWe're practically in the clear now. They'll think he went to say good-bye to the lions and got too close. Get going, Johnny.a I looked over my shoulder into the dark bathroom. I didn't want to do it, but I could think of no other way out. The thought of carrying him through the darkness brought me out in goose-pimples.

aMy car's outside,a she said, speaking softly. aPut him in it and follow the carriageway around to the back of the casino. You know where the pit is. It shouldn't take more than five minutes. Hurry, Johnny.a aMaybe you'd better handle the car . . .a aI'm staying right here. This is where you earn your share of the money, Johnny. Make a mistake and it's all yours. You killed him; you fix it. Get going!a I went into the bathroom and turned on the light. He was lying on his back, his head still wrapped in the towel. I kept my eyes averted as I took hold of him. His muscles were wooden, and he was heavy. I got him across my shoulder and stood up. Sweat ran down my face, and I had trouble with my breathing. As I came out of the bathroom with him, she turned off the lights and opened the door.

As I pa.s.sed her she jerked at the towel, pulling it away. I didn't stop. The car was where she had said it would be. It was an open convertible, and I dropped him in the back seat without any trouble. She came up with a blanket and spread it over him.

aGood luck, Johnny,a she said. aCome straight back. I want to talk to you.a I got in the car, trod on the starter and drove away without looking at her. The clock on the dashboard showed twenty to one. In the distance I could see the bright lights around the swimming-pool. People were out there, bathing. The casino was lit up like a Christmas tree. I could see men and women, in evening dress, on the verandah, caught glimpses of them through the windows of the gambling rooms, and heard their hard, strident voices, raised in excitement.

I drove slowly, with only the parking lights on, and followed the carriageway past the casino. There were too many lights, and it was like driving with a searchlight focused on me. But beyond the casino it was dark. I kept the car moving. I could smell the lions now. One of them gave a sudden grunting cough. I slowed down. Ahead of me I could just make out the white posts supporting the iron railings around the pit. I stopped the car and turned off the lights.

For a minute or so I sat motionless, my eyes searching the darkness, my ears straining for any sound. I saw nothing. I heard only the restless movement in the pit: the soft pad, pad, pad of one of the lions as it paced up and down. I got out of the car, crossed the gra.s.s verge to the railings and looked down. It was too dark to see anything: the smell of the lion came up to me; the padding suddenly stopped. I looked to right and left. No one was likely to be here. There was nothing to see. The zoo was the only place on the estate Reisner hadn't floodlit.

Drawing in a deep breath I returned to the car. I pulled the blanket off him and carefully folded it, putting it on the seat next to the driving seat. Again I looked to right and left, then I caught hold of him and heaved him out of the car. His stiff, claw-like hand brushed across my face as I got him over my shoulder, and I nearly dropped him. I was panting, and my heart was jumping about in my chest like a flea on a hot stove. I staggered with him across the close-cut gra.s.s. The lion below must have smelt him. It gave a sudden choked roar.

I leaned my heaving chest against the railings and bent forward. Reisner's body began to slide slowly off my shoulder. I shoved it into the darkness. It went easily enough. I continued to lean against the railings, my eyes closed, my hands gripping the iron spikes. I heard his body thud on to the concrete below. It was a thirty-foot drop. There was a rus.h.i.+ng sound as the lion bounded forward.

I pushed myself away from the railings, gulping in warm air, turned and moved unsteadily back to the car. Well, it was done. The horrible sounds coming out of the dark pit told me I was safe. By the time they found him no one would know I had killed him.

I crossed the gra.s.s, trying to shut out the snarling, flurrying rush of the other lions as they came out of their cave. The roaring, snarling and growling filled the silent night with a hideous pandemonium.

I began to sweat as I got hurriedly into the car. I hadn't reckoned on this awful noise. I had to get away quick. My foot went down on the starter. Nothing happened. I could see the brightly lit verandah of the casino, not a hundred yards away. Men and women, sitting under the lights, were getting up and coming to the verandah rail, looking in the direction of the pit.

Again I trod on the starter, still nothing happened. Sweat was running off my face. I had to control a crazy impulse to get out of the car and run. I had to get it started! Then it flashed through my mind I hadn't turned on the ignition. As my shaking hand reached for the key I saw three or four men running down the terrace steps. I touched the starter again and the engine fired. Keeping in bottom gear I let the car move silently forward. I was shaking like a leaf. I got around the bend as the first of the men came pounding across the lawn. s.h.i.+fting through the gears, I kept the car moving. They couldn't hear the engine above the hideous uproar that was coming from the pit.

I increased speed. A couple of minutes later I saw the lights of Della's cabin. I pulled up, got out and walked up the path. She stood in the doorway waiting. Even as far away as we were now from the zoo, we could hear the choked roars and screams of the lions.

I pushed past her, went into the cabin and slopped myself a big whisky.

She came in and shut the door. Her face was pale, and her eyes wide and shadowy.

aDid they see you?a I shook my head.

aBetter pull yourself together,a she said impatiently. aHame may be back.a aEasy for you to talk!a I snarled at her. aYou didn't have to do it.a aI had to sit with him for nine hours. I've done my share.a I finished the Scotch and poured another.

aGo into the bathroom and smarten yourself up. If Hame sees you like this, he'll know you did it.a I went into the bathroom. She had cleaned up the mess in there. I caught sight of my face in the mirror. I looked like h.e.l.l: my face was running with sweat, my hair hung over my eyes and my skin was the colour of a fish's belly.

I ran cold water into the basin and stuck my face in it. I rubbed my skin hard with a towel until it got back a little colour. I fixed my hair. I was still trembling.

She stood in the doorway, watching me.

Then suddenly she said softly, aWho was she, Johnny?a I didn't think I had heard aright.

aWhat was that?a aWho was she?a I went on combing my hair, but my insides turned cold. aWho was who? What are you talking about?a Somehow I managed to keep my voice steady and my face expressionless. aThe girl who brought you back. The guards told me. Who was she?a aHow the h.e.l.l do I know?a I said, and turned to face her. aI'd lost my way. I told you. I was late. I wanted to get back quick. She pa.s.sed and I thumbed a ride. I didn't ask her who she was. What does it matter, anyway?a She stared at me, and I stared right back.

aI only wondered,a she said. aYou're good at thumbing rides, aren't you?a She moved into the sitting-room, and I followed her. aFrom now on, Johnny, our future lies together. Even if we didn't happen to love each other, we know too much about each other ever to part. You do understand that, don't you?a She didn't wait for an answer, but went right on, aI think we'd better have an understanding together. There must be no other girls. I mean that. I'd never share you with anyone. I told Paul the same thing. I just won't tolerate cheating. If the idea that you can play around with other women ever enters your head, I'll get rid of you, and there's only one way to do that. I'll turn you over to Hame.a I started to say something when the telephone bell rang. She walked swiftly across the room, picked up the receiver and said, ah.e.l.lo?a I stood and watched her. She listened to the excited voice for what seemed a long time, then she said, aI can hear the noise now. How awful. He was always a fool, going into their cages. Paul warned him time and again. Yes, Ricca's here. He's just got back. No, we'll keep clear of it. Will you handle it? We don't want to get mixed up with the newspaper men. That's fine.

I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you so much, Captain.a She listened, laughed, and said, aGood-bye, now,a and hung up.

She looked at me.

aIt's all right. It's working out just the way I said it would. Hame is making himself useful. We keep out of it.a She came over to me. aPour me a drink, darling. We must celebrate.a I gave her a whisky.

aWell, here's to us. We're set now. We're rich. Life's just beginning for us. Can you believe it, Johnny?a I didn't say anything. I couldn't.

She drank the whisky, her eyes on my face, then she moved across the room, smiling, and pushed home the bolt on the door.

aNo one will disturb us, darling. They're all too busy. Let's celebrate properly. Show me how much you love me, Johnny.a I hated her as I had never hated anyone before. She had me where she wanted me. A word from her and they'd send me to the chair. I was fixed unless I did exactly what she told me.

No other girls.

I thought of Ginny.

aWe have all the money in the world,a Della went on. aThis is the biggest moment in my life. The biggest moment in your life, too. Can you believe it?a aI can believe it all right,a I said.

She slid her arms around my neck. I stood looking down into the black, hard, triumphant eyes.

aWhat's it feel like to be a millionaire?a I said it felt fine.

aKiss me, Johnny.a I kissed her. I even caught hold of her, crus.h.i.+ng her to me. I even carried her over to the divan.

Up to now she had been a lot smarter than I. If I was to save my neck I had to be the one to be smarter, and I had to be patient, too.

I knelt over her and grinned down at her. It would have been easy to have put my hands on her white throat and throttled her, but that wouldn't have been smart. If I were going to beat this rap I'd have to out-fox her. Killing her wouldn't help me. It would only make things worse. With her help I had covered up one murder. I knew I wouldn't get away with another.

No, I had to out-fox her somehow. I wouldn't do it in five minutes, but I was going to do it.

chapter twenty-five.

The next four weeks were spent consolidating our position as Della called it. What she really meant was she was consolidating her position. I had little to say in the matter.

Although she didn't refer to it again, I knew she didn't believe for one moment that I had lost myself when I had been away from the casino during those nine hours she kept guard over Reisner's body. Nor did she believe that the girl I had said had given me a lift was a complete stranger to me. Instead of being her partner, I found myself acting as her a.s.sistant, and having to pretend I was satisfied with the position.

Trust her to be one jump ahead of me all the time. When I had left her alone with Reisner's body, she had gone through his pockets, and had got his keys and the combination of the safe. But she didn't tell me what the combination was, nor did I set eyes on the keys.

The agreement between us had been that we should share the reserve: a quarter of a million for her, and a quarter for me, but I didn't get it.

aWe're in business now, Johnny,a she said, when I rather hesitantly suggested it was time my share was paid over. aWe need the reserve. Being in control of a money-maker like the casino is fifty times better than a lump sum of money.a I didn't see it that way. With a quarter of a million I could have skipped out of the country and taken Ginny with me, but with the hundred bucks Della paid me each week, all found, including clothes, I wasn't going to get far, and she knew it.

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