Mr. Punch at the Seaside Part 1

Mr. Punch at the Seaside -

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Mr. Punch at the Seaside.

by Various.


One of the leading characteristics of the nineteenth century was the tremendous change effected in the social life of Great Britain by the development of cheap railway travel. The annual holiday at the seaside speedily became as inevitable a part of the year's progress as the milkman's morning call is of the day's routine. What at first had been a rare and memorable event in a life-time developed into a habit, to which, with our British love for conventions, all of us conform.

Whether or not our French critics are justified in saying that we Britishers take our pleasures sadly, these pages from the seaside chronicles of Mr. Punch will bear witness, and while at times they may seem to support the case of our critics, at others the evidence is eloquent against them. This at least is certain, that whatever the temperament of the British as displayed during the holiday season at our popular resorts, the point of view of our national jester, Mr. Punch, is unfailingly humorous, and such sadness as some of our countrymen may bring to their pleasures is but food for the mirth of merry Mr. Punch, who, we are persuaded, stands for the sum total of John Bull's good humour in his outlook on the life of his countrymen.

As the real abstract and brief chronicler of our time, Mr. Punch has mirrored in little the social history of the last sixty-five years, and apart from the genuine entertainment which this book presents, it is scarcely less instructive as a pictorial history of British manners during this period. One may here follow in the vivid sketches of the master-draughtsmen of the age the ceaseless and bewildering changes of fas.h.i.+on--the pa.s.sing of the crinoline, the coming and going of the bustle, the chignon, and similar vanities, and the evolution of the present-day styles of dress both of men and women.

It is also curious to notice how little seaside customs, amus.e.m.e.nts, troubles and delights, have varied in the last half-century. Landladies are at the end what they were at the beginning; the same old type of bathing-machine is still in use; our forefathers and their womenfolk in the days when Mr. Punch was young behaved themselves by "the silver sea"

just as their children's children do to-day. Nothing has changed, except that the most select of seaside places is no longer so select as it was in the pre-railway days, and that the wealthier, preferring the attractions of Continental resorts, are less in evidence at our own watering-places.

The motto of this little work, as of all those in the series to which it belongs, is "Our true intent is all for your delight", but if the book carry with it some measure of instruction, we trust that may not be the less to its credit.


_Mrs. Dorset_ (_of "Dorset's Sugar and b.u.t.ter Stores", Mile End Road_).

"Why on earth can't we go to a more _dressy_ place than this, 'Enery?

I'm sick of this dreary 'ole, year after year. It's nothing but sand and water, sand and water!"

_Mr. Dorset._ "If it wasn't for sand and water, you wouldn't get no 'olerday."

[Ill.u.s.tration: A FAs.h.i.+ONABLE WATERING PLACE]

SEASIDE MEM.--The Society recently started to abolish Tied-houses will not include Bathing Machines within the scope of its operations.


[Ill.u.s.tration: BIDDY-FORD]

[_Mr. Justice Hawkins._ Where is Ramsgate?

_Mr. d.i.c.kens._ It is in Thanet, your lords.h.i.+p.

_Report of Twyman v. Bligh._]

"Where's Ramsgate?" Justice Hawkins cried.

"Where on our earthly planet?"

The learned d.i.c.kens straight replied, "'Tis in the Isle of Thanet.

"Ramsgate is where the purest air Will make your head or leg well, Will jaded appet.i.te repair, With the shrimp cure of Pegwell.

"Where's Ramsgate? It is near the place Where Julius Caesar waded, And nearer still to where his Grace Augustine come one day did.

"All barristers should Ramsgate know: I speak of it with pleasure", Quoth d.i.c.kens. "There I often go When wanting a refresher.

"Where's Ramsgate? Where I've often seen.

Both S-mb-rne and Du M-r-_er_, When I have gone by 3.15 Granville Express, Victori_er_.

"With Thanet Harriers, when you are Well mounted on a pony, You'll say, for health who'd go so far As Cannes, Nice, or Mentone?

"With Poland, of the Treasury, Recorder eke of Dover, I oft go down for pleasurey.

Alack! 'tis too soon over!

"O'er Thanet's Isle where'er you trudge, My Lud, you'll find no land which----"

"d.i.c.kens take Ramsgate!" quote the Judge.

"Luncheon! I'm off to Sandwich!"

[Ill.u.s.tration: A JUDGE BY APPEARANCE

_Bathing Guide._ "Bless 'is 'art! I know'd he'd take to it kindly--by the werry looks on 'im!"]


_Contributed by_ "GLAUCUS", _who is staying at a quiet watering-place, five miles from anywhere, and three miles from a Railway Station_.


_Monday_(?) _after breakfast, lying on the beach._

Wonder if it is Monday, or Tuesday?

Wonder what time it is?

Wonder if it will be a fine day?

Wonder what I shall do if it is? On second thoughts, wonder what I shall do if it isn't?

Wonder if there are any letters?

Wonder who that is in a white petticoat with her hair down?

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