A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene Part 72

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MAX-ILLA. [L.] The jaw-bone.

MAXIL-LA-RY. Pertaining to the jaw.

MAXI-MUS, -UM. [L., superlative of _magnus_, great.] A term applied to several muscles.

ME-ATUS. [L. _meo_, to go.] A pa.s.sage or channel.

ME-DI-AS-TINUM. A membrane that separates the chest into two parts.

MEDI-UM, -A. [L.] The s.p.a.ce or substance through which a body to any point.

MEDUL-LA-RY. [L., _medulla_, marrow.] Pertaining to marrow.

ME-DULLA OB-LON-GATA. Commencement of the spinal cord.

ME-DULLA SPI-NALIS. The spinal cord.

MEMBRA-NA. A membrane; a thin, white, flexible skin formed by fibres interwoven like net-work.

MEMBRA-NOUS. Relating to membrane.

MESEN-TER-Y. [Gr. +mesos+, _mesos_, the middle, and +enteron+, _enteron_, the intestine.] The membrane in the middle of the intestines, by which they are attached to the spine.

MES-EN-TERIC. Pertaining to the mesentery.

MET-A-CARPAL. Relating to the metacarpus.

MET-A-CARPUS. [Gr. +meta+, _meta_, after, and +karpos+, _karpos_, wrist.] The part of the hand between the wrist and fingers.

MET-A-TARSAL. Relating to the metatarsus.

MET-A-TARSUS. [Gr. +meta+, _meta_, after, and +tarsos+, _tarsos_, the tarsus.] The instep. A term applied to seven bones of the foot.

MIDRIFF. [Sax. _mid_, and _hrife_, the belly.] See DIAPHRAGM.

MINI-MUS, -I. [L.] The smallest. A term applied to several muscles.

MINOR. [L.] Less, smaller. A term applied to several muscles.

MITRAL. [L. _mitra_, a mitre.] The name of the valves in the left side of the heart.

MO-DIO-LUS. [L. _modus_, a measure.] A cone in the cochlea around which the membranes wind.

MOLAR. [L. _mola_, a mill.] The name of some of the large teeth.

MOLLIS. [L.] Soft.

MOTOR, -ES. [L. _moveo_, to move.] A mover. A term applied to certain nerves.

MUCOUS. Pertaining to mucus.

MUCUS. A viscid fluid secreted by the mucous membrane, which it serves to moisten and defend.

MUSCLE. A bundle of fibres enclosed in a sheath.

MUSCU-LAR. Relating to a muscle.

MY-ODES. A term applied to certain muscles of the neck.

NASAL. Relating to the nose.

NASUS. [L., the nose.] The nostrils.

NERVE. An organ of sensation and motion in animals.

NERVOUS. Relating to the nerves.

NEU-RI-LEMA. [Gr. +neuron+, _neuron_, a nerve, and +lemma+, _lema_, a sheath.] The sheath or covering of a nerve.

NIGRUM. [L.] Black.

NITRO-GEN. That element of the air which is called azote.

NU-TRITION. The art or process of promoting the growth, or repairing the waste of the system.

OC-CIP-I-TALIS. Pertaining to the back part of the head.

OCCI-PUT. [L. _ob_ and _caput_, the head.] The hinder part of the head.

OC-U-LORUM. Of the eyes.

OCULUS, -I. [L.] The eye.

OE-SOPHA-GUS. [Gr. +oi+, _oi_, to carry, and +phag+, _phago_, to eat.] The name of the pa.s.sage through which the food from the mouth to the stomach.

O-LECRA-NON. [Gr. +lene+, _lene_, the cubit, and +kranon+, _kranon_, the head.] The elbow; the head of the ulna.

OL-FACTO-RY. [L. _oleo_, to smell, and _facio_, to make.] Pertaining to smelling.

O-MENTUM. [L.] The caul.

OMO. [Gr. +mos+, _mos_, the shoulder.] Names compounded of this word are applied to muscles attached to the shoulder.

OPH-THALMIC. [Gr. +ophthalmos+, _ophthalmos_, the eye.] Belonging to the eye.

OP-PONENS. That which acts in opposition to something. The name of two muscles of the hand.

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