A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene Part 71

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HYGI-ENE. [Gr. +hugieinon+, _hugienon_, health.] The part of medicine which treats of the preservation of health.

HYOID. [Gr. +u+ and +eidos+, _edos_, shape.] A bone of the tongue resembling the Greek letter upsilon in shape.

HY-OIDE-US. Pertaining to the hyoid bone.

HYPO-GLOSSAL. Under the tongue. The name of a nerve of the tongue.

ILE-UM. [Gr. +eil+, _eil_, to wind.] A portion of the small intestines.

ILI-AC. [From the above.] The flank; pertaining to the small intestine.

ILI-UM. The haunch-bone.

IN-CISOR. [L. _incido_, to cut.] A front tooth that cuts or divides.

INDEX. [L. _indico_, to show.] The fore-finger; the pointing finger.

IN-NOM-I-NATA. [L. _in_, not, and _nomen_, name.] Parts which have no proper name.

IN-OSCU-LATE. [L. _in_ and _osculatus_, from _osculor_, to kiss.] To unite, as two vessels at their extremities.

INTER. [L.] Between.

IN-TER-COSTAL. [L. _inter_, between, and _costa_, a rib.] Between the ribs.

IN-TER-NODI-I. [L. _inter_, between, and _nodus_, knot.] A term applied to some muscles of the forearm.

IN-TER-St.i.tIAL. [L. _inter_, between, and _sto_, to stand.]

Pertaining to or containing interstices.

IN-TESTINES. [L. _intus_, within.] The ca.n.a.l that extends from the stomach to the a.n.u.s.

IRIS. [L., the rainbow.] The colored circle that surrounds the pupil of the eye.

IVO-RY. A hard, solid, fine-grained substance of a fine white color; the tusk of an elephant.

JE-JUNUM. [L., empty.] A portion of the small intestine.

JUGU-LAR. [L. _jugulum_, the neck.] Relating to the throat. The great veins of the neck.

LABI-UM, LABI-I. [L.] The lips.

LABY-RINTH. [Gr.] The internal ear, so named from its many windings.

LACHRY-MAL. [L. _lachryma_, a tear.] Pertaining to tears.

LACTE-AL. [L., _lac_, milk.] A small vessel or tube of animal bodies for conveying chyle from the intestine to the thoracic duct.

LAMI-NA, -. [L.] A plate, or thin coat lying over another.

LARYNX. [Gr. +larunx+, _larunx_.] The upper part of the windpipe.

LAR-YN-GITIS. Inflammation of the larynx.

LA-TISSI-MUS, -MI. [L., superlative of _latus_, broad.] A term applied to some muscles.

LE-VATOR. [L. _levo_, to raise.] A name applied to a muscle that raises some part.

LIGA-MENT. [L. _ligo_, to bind.] A strong, compact substance serving to bind one bone to another.

LINE-A, -. [L.] A line.

LINGUA, -. [L.] A tongue.

LIVER. The name of one of the abdominal organs, the largest gland in the system. It is situated below the diaphragm, and secretes the bile.

LOBE. A round projecting part of an organ.

LONGUS, LONGI-OR. [L., long, longer.] A term applied to several muscles.

LUMBAR. [L. _lumbus_, the loins.] Pertaining to the loins.

LYMPH. [L. _lympha_, water.] A colorless fluid in animal bodies, and contained in vessels called lymphatics.

LYM-PHATIC. A vessel of animal bodies that contains or conveys lymph.

MAG-NESI-UM. The metallic base of magnesia.

MAGNUS, -NA, -NUM. [L., great.] A term applied to certain muscles.

MAJOR. [L., greater.] Greater in extent or quant.i.ty.

MANGA-NESE. A metal of a whitish gray color.

MARROW. [Sax.] A soft, oleaginous substance, contained in the cavities of bones.

MAS-SETER. [Gr. +ma.s.saomai+, _ma.s.saomai_, to chew.] The name of a muscle of the face.

MASTI-CATE, MAS-TI-CATION. [L. _mastico_.] To chew; the act of chewing.

MASTOID. [Gr. +mastos+, _mastos_, breast, and +eidos+, _edos_, form.] the name of a process of the temporal bone behind the ear.

MAS-TOIDE-US. A name applied to muscles that are attached to the mastoid process.

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