The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming Part 31

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Pansy White May 1/2-1 ft. Sow under same conditions Yellow to Oct. as musk in early spring.

Purple Blooms freely in the fall.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALS FOR SUNNY PLACES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balsam Red June to 1-2 ft. Plant in rich sandy loam Yellow Oct. under direct rays of sun.


Cornflower Blue May to 2 ft. Full flower. Resows itself Sept.

Cosmos White July to 4 ft. Overrich soil r.e.t.a.r.ds Pink Sept. bloom.


Gaillardia Red July to 3 ft. Good cut flower. Blossoms Yellow Oct. freely.

Marigold, Yellow July to 3 ft. Blooms profusely; stiff African Frost flower head.

Nasturtium Yellow June to 1-5 ft. Both dwarf and tall varieties Scarlet Oct. are rapid growers and free bloomers.

Rose moss White June 1/2-3/4 ft. _Portulaca grandiflora._ Magenta Aug. Plant in position direct suns.h.i.+ne.

Verbena Various July to 2 ft. Start inside for early Sept. bloom.

Wallflower Orange June 1-1/2 ft. Sown in Sept. blooms in July May.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNUALS FOR ROCKY PLACES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phlox Red June to 1-1-1/2 ft. Variety _Phlox Drumondii_ White Oct. Duration of bloom depends on richness of soil.

Candytuft Red May 1/2-1-1/2 ft. Plant in the fall and cover White Frost for early spring bloom.

Clarkia Purple June 1-1/2 ft. Use _Clarkia elegans._ Red Oct. Thrives in both sun and White partial shade.

Nasturtium Reds June 1 ft. _Tropoeolum minor;_ blooms (Dwarf) Yellows Oct. very early.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRAGRANT PERENNIALS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Winter Lilac Dec. 1 ft. Blooms outdoors in winter.

Heliotrope Feb. Flowers small.

Russian Violet March 1/2 ft. Double flowers. Hardy.


Lily-of- White May 3/4 ft. Plant by middle of March the-Valley for that season's bloom.

Needs part shade.


Valerian Pinkish June 3 ft. Finely cut foliage. Easy to grow.

Lemon Lily Yellow June 2 ft. Flowers 4 in. long. Tubers which multiply rapidly.

Fringed Pink Lilac July 1 ft. Blooms until autumn if prevented from seeding.

Bee Balm Scarlet July 2 ft. Odour of mint. Good for Aug. ma.s.s effects.

White Day White Aug. 2 ft. Lilies 4-6 in. long. Fine, Lily Sept. broad-leaved foliage.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERENNIALS FOR CUT FLOWERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Christmas Rose White Nov. 1/2 ft. Blooms outdoors in the Feb. snow. No fragrance.

Charming in

California Violet March 1/2 ft. Large flowers but single.

Violets Fragrant.

Foxglove Purple June 3-4 ft. Large flowers, long stems.

Oriental Blue June 2-3 ft. Beautiful colour, long Larkspur White stems. Let no flowers go to seed.

j.a.pan Iris Variety July 3-4 ft. Short lived when cut.

of Fine blooms.

j.a.pan Anemone Pink Sept. 3 ft. Finest September flower.

White Plant in spring. Plant for afternoon sun.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ TALL PERENNIALS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hollyhock Variety July 6 ft. Single varieties are the of hardier; double varieties last longer.

Plume Poppy Pinkish July 6 ft. Spreads rapidly. Fine for ma.s.sing and screening.

Do not plant on the west as it shuts off sun.

Golden Glow Yellow Aug. 6 ft. Multiplies rapidly. Fine bloomer. Liable to pest lice. Spray with soap solution.

Double Yellow Aug. 5 ft. Largest double flower of Sunflower any perennial. Likely to run out unless divided

Late Yellow Sept. 10-12 ft. Tallest of perennials; Sunflower blooms till October.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOW GROWING PERENNIALS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME COLOUR TIME HEIGHT SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crested Blue April 9 in. Earliest of iris. Good for Dwarf Iris edgings. Plant the middle of March.

Dwarf Flag Purple April 9 in. Increases rapidly. Large flowers. Good colouring

English Pink April 6 in. Good for spring budding Daisy White purposes.

Tufted Blue June 6 in. More but smaller flowers Pansies or Yellow than pansies. After Violets White July cut back, manure and they will bloom again in September.

Carpathian Blue July 8 in. Bloom for 6 weeks. Easy Harebell to grow.

Coral Bells Red Aug. 12 in. Grow in sandy, well-drained soil. Coral red flowers.

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