W. & R. Chambers Selected Catalogue 1892 Part 5

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'A brightly written volume, full to the brim of interesting and instructive matter; and either as reader, reward, or library book, is equally suitable.'--_Teachers' Aid._


Ill.u.s.trated. 2/6

BENEFICENT AND USEFUL LIVES. Comprising Lord Shaftesbury, George Peabody, Andrew Carnegie, Walter Besant, &c. By R. COCHRANE. With numerous Ill.u.s.trations. 2/6

GREAT THINKERS AND WORKERS; being the Lives of Thomas Carlyle, Lord Armstrong, Lord Tennyson, Charles d.i.c.kens, Builders of the Forth Bridge, &c. Ill.u.s.trations. 2/6

'One of the most fitting presents for a thoughtful boy that we have come across.'--_Review of Reviews._

RECENT TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE. Ill.u.s.trated. Cloth. 2/6

'It is wonderful how much that is of absorbing interest has been packed into this small volume.'--_Scotsman._

LITERARY CELEBRITIES; being brief Biographies of Wordsworth, Campbell, Moore, Jeffrey, and Macaulay. Ill.u.s.trated. 2/6

GREAT HISTORIC EVENTS. The Conquest of India, Indian Mutiny, French Revolution, the Crusades, the Conquest of Mexico, Napoleon's Russian Campaign. Ill.u.s.trated. 2/6

HISTORICAL CELEBRITIES. Lives of Oliver Cromwell, Was.h.i.+ngton, Napoleon, and Wellington. Ill.u.s.trated. 2/6

'The story of their life-work is told in such a way as to teach important historical, as well as personal, lessons bearing upon the political history of this country.'--_Schoolmaster._

[Ill.u.s.tration: _From_ MORE ANIMAL STORIES, _edited by Robert Cochrane; price 2s. 6d._ Rab and his Friends. (From the Picture by W. G. Stevenson, R.S.A.)]


TALES FOR TRAVELLERS. 2 volumes, each. 2/6

Containing twelve tales by the author of _John Halifax, Gentleman_, George Cupples, and other well-known writers.

Price 2s.

THROUGH THICK AND THIN: The Story of a School Campaign. By ANDREW HOME. With four Ill.u.s.trations by W. Rainey. 2/

'This is just the kind of book for boys to rave over; it does not cram moral axioms down their throats; the characters act them instead.'--_Glasgow Daily Mail._

OUTSKERRY: The Story of an Island. By HELEN WATERS. With four Ill.u.s.trations by R. Burns. 2/

'The diversion provided is varied beyond expectation (and indeed belief). We read of an "Arabian Night's Entertainment," but here is enough for an Arctic night.'--_The Times._

HUGH MELVILLE'S QUEST: A Boy's Adventures in the Days of the Armada.

By F. M. HOLMES. With four Ill.u.s.trations by W. Boucher. 2/

'A refres.h.i.+ng, stirring story ... and one sure to delight young boys and young girls too.'--_Spectator._

THISTLE AND ROSE. By AMY WALTON. Ill.u.s.trated by R. Barnes. 2/

'Is as desirable a present to make to a girl as any one could wish.'--_Sheffield Daily Telegraph._

PRINCESS AND FAIRY; or, The Wonders of Nature. By LILY MARTYN. With sixty-eight Ill.u.s.trations by W. Rainey, &c. 2/

'A charmingly written and ill.u.s.trated little gift-book.'--T. P.

O'CONNOR in _M.A.P._

ROBINSON CRUSOE. By DANIEL DEFOE. Frontispiece by W. Rainey. 2/

THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Their Life and Adventures on a Desert Island. Profusely Ill.u.s.trated. 2/

TWO GREAT POETS (Shakespeare and Tennyson). Ill.u.s.trated. 2/


'A capital book: will be read with delight by both boys and girls.'--_Manchester Examiner._

BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. With Index; and Prefatory Memoir by Rev. JOHN BROWN, D.D., Bedford. Ill.u.s.trated by J. D. Watson. 2/

'The excellent index alone will make this edition of the masterpiece to be sought after and used.'--Rev. ALEXANDER WHYTE, D.D.

BRUCE'S TRAVELS. Through part of Africa, Syria, Egypt, and Arabia, into Abyssinia. Ill.u.s.trated. 2/

'The record of his journey in this volume is full of fascination and freshness.'--_Aberdeen Free Press._

THE HALF-CASTE: an Old Governess's Story; and other Tales. By the Author of _John Halifax, Gentleman_. 2/

'Cannot but edify, while it must of necessity gratify and please the fortunate reader.'--_Liverpool Mercury._

THE LIFE AND TRAVELS OF MUNGO PARK IN AFRICA. With Ill.u.s.trations, Introduction, and concluding chapter on the Present Position of Affairs in the Niger Territory. 2/

'Few books of travel have acquired so speedy and extensive a reputation as this of Park's.'--THOMAS CARLYLE.

TWO ROYAL LIVES: Queen Victoria, William I. 2/

FOUR GREAT PHILANTHROPISTS: Lord Shaftesbury, George Peabody, John Howard, J. F. Oberlin. Ill.u.s.trated. 2/

TWO GREAT AUTHORS. Lives of Scott and Carlyle. 2/

'Youthful readers will find these accounts of the boyhood and youth of two of the three Scotch literary giants full of interest.'--_Schoolmaster._

EMINENT ENGINEERS: Watt, Stephenson, Telford, and Brindley. 2/

'All young persons should read it, for it is in an excellent sense educational. It were devoutly to be wished that young people would take delight in such biographies.'--_Indian Engineer._


A collection of interesting biographies and anecdotes of great men and women of history, in the style of Scott's _Tales of a Grandfather_, written by a niece of the historian of Scotland.

GREAT WARRIORS: Nelson, Wellington, Napoleon. 2/

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