W. & R. Chambers Selected Catalogue 1892 Part 4

W. & R. Chambers Selected Catalogue 1892 -

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Forty charming Ill.u.s.trations by W. J. Mein. 2/6

'A very clever little book for children.'--_Outlook._

GREYLING TOWERS: A Story for the Young. By Mrs MOLESWORTH. With seventeen Ill.u.s.trations by Percy Tarrant. 2/6

'A family of real live children, full of fun and adventure.'--_Birmingham Gazette._


Profusely Ill.u.s.trated. 2/6

'Boys and girls fond of animals will find this book a perfect treasure.'--_People's Friend._

ELSIE'S MAGICIAN. By FRED WHISHAW. With ten Ill.u.s.trations by Lewis Baumer. 2/6

'This is a delicate and captivating little tale.'--_To-Day._

THE ROMANCE OF COMMERCE. By J. MACDONALD OXLEY. With fifteen Ill.u.s.trations. 2/6

'Sure to fascinate young lads fond of tales of adventure and daring.'--_Evening News._

ABIGAIL TEMPLETON; or, Brave Efforts. A Story of To-day. By EMMA MARSHALL. Ill.u.s.trated by J. Finnemore. 2/6

'A bright and happy narrative.... Told with great spirit.'--_Birmingham Gazette._

[Ill.u.s.tration: _From_ OUT OF BOUNDS. 3/6]


With thirty-four Ill.u.s.trations. 2/6

'It is hard to say which chapter is the best, for each seems more interesting than the last.'--_The Queen._

PLAYMATES: a Story for Boys and Girls. By L. T. MEADE. With six Ill.u.s.trations by G. Nicolet. 2/6

'The charm of Mrs Meade's stories for children is well sustained in this pretty and instructive tale.'--_Liverpool Mercury._

WHITE TURRETS. By Mrs MOLESWORTH. With four Ill.u.s.trations by W.

Rainey. 2/6

'A charming story.... A capital antidote to the unrest that inspires young folks that seek for some great thing to do, while the great thing for them is at their hand and at their home.'--_Scotsman._

VANISHED; or, The Strange Adventures of Arthur Hawkesleigh. By DAVID KER. Ill.u.s.trated by W. Boucher. 2/6

'A quite entrancing tale of adventure.'--_Athenaeum._

ADVENTURE AND ADVENTURERS; being True Tales of Daring, Peril, and Heroism. With Ill.u.s.trations. 2/6

'The narratives are as fascinating as fiction.'--_British Weekly._

BLACK, WHITE, AND GRAY: a Story of Three Homes. By AMY WALTON, Author of _White Lilac_, _A Pair of Clogs_, &c. With four Ill.u.s.trations by Robert Barnes. 2/6

OUT OF REACH: a Story. By ESMe STUART. With four Ill.u.s.trations by Robert Barnes. 2/6

'The story is a very good one, and the book can be recommended for girls' reading.'--_Standard._

IMOGEN; or, Only Eighteen. By Mrs MOLESWORTH. With four Ill.u.s.trations by H. A. Bone. 2/6

'The book is an extremely clever one.'--_Daily Chronicle._

THE LOST TRADER; or, The Mystery of the _Lombardy_. By HENRY FRITH.

With four Ill.u.s.trations by W. Boucher. 2/6

'Mr Frith writes good sea-stories, and this is the best of them that we have read.'--_Academy._

BASIL WOOLLCOMBE, MIDs.h.i.+PMAN. By ARTHUR LEE KNIGHT. With Frontispiece by W. S. Stacey, and other Ill.u.s.trations. 2/6

THE NEXT-DOOR HOUSE. By Mrs MOLESWORTH. With six Ill.u.s.trations by W.

Hatherell. 2/6

'I venture to predict for it as loving a welcome as that received by the inimitable _Carrots_.'--_Manchester Courier._

COSSACK AND CZAR. By D. KER. Ill.u.s.trated by W. S. Stacey. 2/6

'There is not an uninteresting line in it.'--_Spectator._

THROUGH THE FLOOD: the Story of an Out-of-the-way Place. By ESMe STUART. With Ill.u.s.trations. 2/6

'A bright story of two girls, and shows how goodness rather than beauty in a face can heal old strifes.'--_Friendly Leaves._

WHEN WE WERE YOUNG. By Mrs O'REILLY. With four Ill.u.s.trations by H.

A. Bone. 2/6

'A delightfully natural and attractive story.'--_Journal of Education._

ROSE AND LAVENDER. By the Author of _Laddie_, _Tip-Cat_, &c. With four Ill.u.s.trations by Herbert A. Bone. 2/6

'A brightly written tale, the characters in which, taken from humble life, are sketched with life-like naturalness.'--_Manchester Examiner._

[_From_ 'MY PRETTY' AND HER BROTHER 'TOO,' _by Mrs Molesworth; price 3s. 6d._]

[Ill.u.s.tration: 'Nettie,' he said, 'you won't never tell, will you?'

PAGE 188.]

JOAN AND JERRY. By Mrs O'REILLY. With four original Ill.u.s.trations by Herbert A. Bone. 2/6

'An unusually satisfactory story for girls.'--_Manchester Guardian._

THE YOUNG RANCHMEN; or, Perils of Pioneering in the Wild West. By CHARLES E. KENYON. With four Ill.u.s.trations by W. S. Stacey, and other Ill.u.s.trations. 2/6

GOOD AND GREAT WOMEN: a Book for Girls. Ill.u.s.trated. 2/6

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