Polyeucte Part 6

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Severus he by name, yet n.o.ble in his heart!


Ah, Polyeucte bathed in blood! Depart! depart!


For Polyeucte's welfare did Severus pray!


Yes, yes, his heart is great; be that my stay!

Yet, tho' his truth, his faith, well-proved be, Most baleful is his presence here to me; Yea, tho' he would all ill for me undo Yet he hath power, he loves--he came to woo.

(Enter Polyeucte and Nearchus.)


The source of tears is dry, oh, weep no more, Thy grief lay down, thy fearful heart restore!

Let night's dark dream with superst.i.tion die, The dream is past, for here in life am I!


The day is young, and oh, the day is long,-- And half the dream is true, and Fate is strong; Severus have I seen, who thought him dead!


I know it! Let no tear for this be shed!

Secure with thee am I! Tho' great the knight, Thy father will command to do me right; The general is a man of honour,--he Would ne'er that honour dim by treachery!

He comes in amity, our friend, our guest; To greet his worth and valour now my quest.


Radiant he came, who left me hopeless, sad, But he will come no more,--this grace I had.


What? Thinkest thou that I can jealous be?


An outrage this on him, on thee, on me!

He came in peace, who all my peace hath marred.

Who would run safely, every step must guard; The wife who danger courts but courts her fall My husband, aid me!--I would tell thee all!

His worth, his charm, do my weak hearth enflame A traitor here! And he is aye the same!

If I should gaze, and long--'gainst virtue, honour, sense, The citadel I yield, and mine my own defence!

I know my virtues sure, and fair my fame, But struggle is defeat,--and combat shame!


Oh, true thy s.h.i.+eld, thy victory is won, He only who has lost thee is undone; His n.o.ble grief the cost of all my bliss, Ah, Cleopatra's pearl was naught to this!

The more my faults I see, the more thy truth I learn, The more do I admire----

(Enter Cleon.)


My lord, the altars burn With holy fire. The victim they prepare; On thee alone they wait, our rites to share.


Go, we do follow thee!


I cannot go; Severus flies my sight; to him I owe My absence--not, alas! to him alone!

Go thou, and oh, remember he is great; In his sole hands Severus holds thy fate!


A foe so great, so n.o.ble, is a friend, Oh, not from him the lance that Heaven will send!

Exeunt Pauline, Stratonice and Cleon.


Where go'st thou?


To the temple is the call.


What! Wouldst thou mingle in their heathen brawl?

Thou art a Christian, and canst thou forget?


Canst _thou_, who fore mine eyes the cross didst set?


Not mine their G.o.ds!


He calls me! I must go!


I fly their altars!


I would overthrow!

Not mine to fly a wors.h.i.+p I disown, By me Jehovah, King of kings, be known!

Not mine to tremble as I kiss the rod!

I conquer by the Cross, I fight for G.o.d!

Thou wouldst abstain! For me another course From Heaven the call, and Heaven will give the force!

What! Yield to evil! His Cross on my brow!

His freemen we! O fight, Nearchus, now!

For us our Lord was scourged, pierced, tortured, slain!

For us He bled! Say, has He died in vain?


Let timely moderation temper zeal!


His--His alone am I! His woe my weal!

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