Polyeucte Part 3

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Yes, this may be, for ah! he loved me well!


What room for hope? Such wrath is child of h.e.l.l.

Before his righteous ire I shrink, I cower; Revenge I dread--and vengeance linked with power Unnerves me quite.


Fear not, his soul is great.


Thy comfort, oh my daughter, comes too late.

The thought to crush me down, to turn my heart to stone, This, that I prized not worth for worth's dear sake alone!

Too well, Pauline, thou hast thy sire obeyed; Thy heart was fond, but duty love betrayed.

How surely thy revolt had safety won!

'Tis thine obedience leaves us all undone.

In thee, in thee alone, one hope remains, Love held him fast, relax not thou love's chains.

O Love, my sometime foe, forgive, be mine ally, And let the dart that slew now bring the remedy!


Forbid it, Heaven! One good yet mine,--_my will_, The dart that wounded has the power to kill.

One lesson woman learns--her feebleness; Shame is the only grief without redress.

The traitor heart shall still a prisoner be; For freedom were disgrace to thee and me!

_I will not_ see him!


But one word! Be kind!


I will not, for I love!--and love is blind.

Before his kingly eye my soul to unveil Were shame and failure: and I will not fail: _I will not_ see him!


One word more--'Obey!'

Wouldst thou thy father and his weal betray?


I yield! Come woe!--come shame!--come every ill!

My father thou!--and I thy daughter still!


I know thee pure.


And pure I will remain, But, crushed and bruised, the flower no guilt shall stain.

I fear the combat that I may not fly, Hard-won the fight, and dear the victory.

Here, love, my curse! Here, dearest friend, my foe!

Yet will I arm me! Father, I would go To steel my heart--all weapons to embrace!


I too will go, the conqueror's march to grace!

Restore thy strength, ere yet it be too late, And know that in thy hands thou hold'st our fate!


Go, broken heart, to probe thy wound; cut deep and do not spare!

Herself--the crowning sacrifice--the victim shall prepare!



Let Felix bow to Jove and incense pour, I seek a dearer shrine, for I adore Nor Jove, nor Mars, nor Fortune--but Pauline.

This fruit now ripening late my hand would glean: You know, my friend, the G.o.d who wings my way, You know the only G.o.ddess I obey: What reck the G.o.ds on high our sacrifice and prayer?

An earthly wors.h.i.+p mine, sole refuge from despair!


Ah! You may see her----


Blessed be thy tongue!

O magic word, that turns my grief to song!

Yet, if she now forget each fair, fond vow?

She loved me once,--but does she love me now?

On that sweet face shall I but trouble see Who hope for love undimmed, for ecstasy?

Great Decius gives her hand, but if her heart Be mine no more--than let vain hope depart!

This mandate binds her father only; she Shall give no captive hand--her heart is free: No promise wrung, no king's command be mine to claim, Her love the boon I crave; all else an empty name!


Yes,--you may--see her--_see_ her--this you may--


Thy speech is halting--odious thy delay!

She loves no more? I grope! O give me light!


O see her not, for painful were the sight!

In Rome each matron's kind! In Rome all maids are fair!

Let lips meet other lips--seek for caresses there!

No stately Claudia will refuse--no Julia proud disdain; A hero captures every heart, from Antioch to Spain!


To wed a queen--an empress--were only loss and shame; One heart for me--Pauline's! One boast--that dearest name!

Her love was virgin gold! O ne'er shall baser metal ring From mine, who live her name to bless! her peerless praise to sing!

O, words are naught, till that I see her face, Then doubly naught till I my love embrace.

In every war my hope was placed in death, Her name upon my lips at every breath: My rank, my fame, now hers and hers alone, What is not hers, hers only--I disown!


Once more, oh see her not, 'twere for thy peace!

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