Dramatic Technique Part 80

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_Original Names_ _Later Names_

_Hajji. Hajj (as Hajji is Persian, Hajj Arabian).

A Priest. Imam Mahmud.

Guide. Nasir.

Sheikh of the Desert. Jawan.

Young Beggar. Kasim.

Sultan. The Caliph Abdallah.

His Vizier. Abu Bakr.

Shopkeeper I. Amru.

Shopkeeper II. Fayd.

Zira. Marsinah.

Old Woman I. Narjis.

Officer of Guard. Captain of the Watch.

Executioner. Mansur, Chief of Police.

/ Turned into two characters: His Scribe. < kafur,="" the="">

Afife, the Hunchback.

Old Woman II.

Executioner's Wife. Kut-Al-Kulub.

Gaoler. Kutayt.

Peasant. Trial scene at / Cut out in Two Wives. / Sultan's. final draft._

_Dancers, Soldiers, Courtiers, Women, the People._


_[Scene later introduced before the curtain.]

Scene 1. A Street before a Mosque.

Scene 2. The Bazaar.

Scene 3. Courtyard of a Poor House.

Scene 4. Courtyard of Executioner's House._


_Scene 1. Interior Room of Executioner's House.

Scene 2. Courtyard of a Poor House. (Act I, Scene 3.) Scene 3. The Sultan's Audience Hall.

Scene 4. A Dungeon._


_Scene 1. Courtyard of a Poor House (Act I, Scene 3) [cut in final version].

Scene 2. The Bath of the Executioner's House.

Scene 3. A street before a Mosque. (Act I, Scene 1.)_

_The Scene is laid in Bagdad.

The action takes place from morning to night._



_A narrow street with stone steps leading up to a Mosque left. (Small set.)_

_The sun is just beginning to rise._

_Asleep on a large stone which juts out from the angle of the wall C.

sits Hajji wrapped in his beggar's cloak. On the minaret of the Mosque appears the priest, a venerable white bearded man. He calls to prayer._ [See alterations in actual play.]

_The crowd begins to pa.s.s into the Mosque as the sun rises. Hajji wakes up, rubs his eyes, and has a drink of water from a gourd which he draws out from behind his seat. He begins to beg from the pa.s.sers-by._

_An Old Man (Jawan) preceded by a guide (Nasir) is carried across the scene in a litter. He fixes his gaze on Hajji and is carried off into the Mosque. The guide remains in the portico. Hajji follows the Old Man on his knees to the steps of the Mosque, begging._

_As he does so a lean Beggar of a younger cast of countenance takes Hajji's place._

_Hajji returns to his seat._

_Hajji._ Hajji curses young Beggar.

Explains young Beggar must be stranger.

Who is he that he does not know of Hajji?

He has sat on this seat for thirty years.

His father has sat there before him.

His grandfather before _him_.

Great pride in his ancestry of beggardom.

_Young Beggar. (Kasim.)_ The young Beggar tries to retaliate.

Hajji tells him to go and sit on a seat round the corner--"where other swine have sat before you."

He kicks the young Beggar.

_The Guide (Nasir) of the Old Man_ comes down to interfere.

_The Young Beggar (Kasim)_ sulks into a corner nursing his kick.

_Hajji._ Hajji and Guide get into conversation.

_The Guide._ (_Kasim._) Guide explains Rich Man here on a pilgrimage.

Is really a famous old Robber Chief, a Curd, One of the Sheikhs of the desert: all of whom were notorious and banished by late Sultan (_Caliph_).

Sheikh old and dying.

Come to pray to Allah to restore his son to him before he dies (if son still alive).

[_Sultan_ is used Sheikh was attacked by Sultan's troops throughout this twenty-five years ago, and his son, then four scenario--for which, years old, carried off.

in play, _Caliph_ is Hajji says he knows what that means.

subst.i.tuted. _Caliph_ Had his wife carried off many years ago.

is correct, as being The only woman he ever loved--really loved.

Arabian. The t.i.tle The Guide: "I know, Hajji, and I pity you.

_Sultan_ is of later I have a proposition to make: origin and of Turkish I know the Sheikh will give money to charity influence.] to save his soul just before dying.

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