Rufus and Rose Part 29

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Mr. Turner secretly admired the pluck of Rufus; but he was not a man given to compliments, so he only said, quietly, "Well, Rufus, you shall have the week I promised you. I have no doubt you will do your best. I shall not be surprised, however, if you fail."

So Rufus entered upon his second day's search.

He went up Chatham Street, and explored most of the streets intersecting it, visiting many places which he remembered as former haunts of his step-father. But he was quite off the track here. Martin's employment now was on the other side of the city, near the North River, and he had no longer occasion to visit his old haunts. Besides, he had again been sent over to New Jersey, and did not get back to the city at all till late in the afternoon.

The next day Martin complained of headache, and was permitted to remain at home. He did not think it prudent to be out during the day; but easily solaced himself in his confinement with whiskey and cigars, of which he had laid in a good supply. He was sitting in his s.h.i.+rt-sleeves at the front window, looking through the blinds, which were always closed, when his eyes lighted on Rufus pa.s.sing on the opposite side of the street.

"He's looking for me," exclaimed Martin to himself, observing that Rufus was looking about him as he walked.

"Who's looking for you?" asked his confederate, Smith, who happened just then to enter the room.

"My undootiful son. Look, there he is," said Martin, nervously. "I wonder if he has heard about my living here."

Smith went to the window, and looked out.

"He looks resolute and determined," said Smith. "We must pull his teeth."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we must put it out of his power to do you harm."

"How are we going to do that?"

"Wait a minute and I'll tell you."

Smith left the room hastily, and after a brief interval returned.

"I think I'll fetch it," he said.

"What have you done?" asked Martin.

"I've sent Humpy to follow your son. He's to carry him a message from you."

"What do you mean?" asked Martin, alarmed.

"Don't be afraid. It's all right."

"But I don't understand it. I didn't send any message. What was it?"

"I'll tell you. If I'm not mistaken Humpy will bring your son back with him, so that I shall have the pleasure of reuniting parent and child."

"You don't mean to say you are going to bring Rufus here?" said Martin, his lower jaw falling. "You aint going to betray me, are you?"

"Stuff and nonsense! What are you thinking of? All you need understand is, that the boy is getting dangerous. He is following you round as if he meant something, and that must be stopped. I mean to get him into the house, but I don't mean to part company with him very soon."

Smith here briefly detailed the instructions which he had given to his errand-boy. Martin listened with much satisfaction.

"What a head you've got!" he said admiringly.

"I'm generally ready for an emergency," remarked Smith, complacently.

"You've got to get up early in the morning to get ahead of me."

We must now follow Smith's messenger, and we shall ascertain that gentleman's plan.

Humpy was a boy of sixteen, very short, in fact almost a dwarf, and, as his name implies, disfigured by a hump. He was sharp, however, and secretive, and, though he could not help understanding the character of the men who employed him, was not likely to betray them. He had a pride in deserving the confidence which he saw was reposed in him.

After receiving the instructions of his, he crossed the street, and followed Rufus at a little distance, being particular to keep him in sight. Our hero turned a corner, and so did he. He then quickened his pace and came up with him.

"Was you a-lookin' for anybody in particular?" he said.

"What makes you ask?" said Rufus, facing round upon him.

"Maybe I could help you."

"Perhaps you know who I am after," said Rufus, looking at him steadily.

"You're looking for a man named Martin, aint you?"

"Do you know where I can find him?" asked Rufus, eagerly.

"Yes, I do. He sent me after you."

"He sent you!" repeated our hero, hardly believing his ears.

"Yes; he wants to see you."

"What does he want to see me for?" asked Rufus, inclined to be suspicious.

"There's something he's got of yours that he wants to return," said Humpy, in a low voice, looking around cautiously.

Rufus was more and more astonished. Was it possible that Martin's conscience troubled him, and that he wanted to make rest.i.tution? He could hardly believe this, knowing what he did of his step-father.

Martin was about the last man he would have suspected of being troubled in any such way.

"Yes, he has got something of mine," he said aloud. "Does he want to return it?"

"Yes, he's sorry he took it. He's afraid you'll set the copps on him."

"So he's frightened," thought Rufus. This seemed to throw light on the new phase of affairs. He had never regarded his step-father as very brave, and now concluded that he was alarmed about the consequences of the theft.

"If he'll return what he took, all right," said Rufus, venturing to make this promise on his own responsibility; "he shan't be touched. Where is he?"

"Not far off," said Humpy.

"Tell him to bring it to me, and I'll give my word not to have him arrested."

"He can't come."

"Why can't he?"

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