Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured -
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JEREMIAH GOVE, Griswoldville, Ga.
+More Comfort in One Month Than Before in Years+
After more than a month's test of the Cluthe Truss, I wish to inform you how well pleased I am with it. It holds me perfectly. I have taken more comfort since wearing the Cluthe Truss than I had for years.
PRYCE W. BAILEY (Postmaster), Seneca Falls, N.Y.
+Would Not Take $500 for His Cluthe Truss+
My father, John Brierley, wishes me to write you that he would not sell his Cluthe Truss for $500 if he were unable to procure another like it.
W. P. BRIERLEY, M.D., 228 Central Ave., Albany, N.Y.
+His Rupture Has Healed+
I have been wearing the Cluthe Truss several months and my rupture has not come down in that time. I took the truss off 8 days ago and have not noticed the first sign of a rupture and I believe it is all healed up.
Thanks for the greatest of all trusses, the leader of them all.
J. J. CONLON (Box 38), Spring Valley, N.Y.
+Cluthe Truss Made New Man of Him+
Having used your Cluthe Truss for 3 months, I feel now that I can highly recommend it. It has made a new man of me and my rupture has never been out since putting the truss on.
CHAS. W. HOWELL, R.F.D. No. 3, Trenton, N.J.
+Cured His Son+
A short time ago I bought a Cluthe Truss for my son, which Truss I am thankful to say has cured his rupture entirely. He is a very strong boy continually jumping and tumbling around and still we can see no sign of the Rupture. You can refer anyone you wish to me.
A. A. DAVIS, 2844 38th Place, Chicago, Ill.
+Ruptured 13 Years, Cured by Cluthe Truss+
I suffered torture with a rupture for 13 years. Then I got the Cluthe Truss, which cured me in a short time. Your truss is more than you say it is. I can get a doctor to back all I say for the Cluthe Truss.
JOHN T. IBEY (Box 60), Meyersburg, Ont., Canada.
+Another Man Cured+
Some time ago I bought a Cluthe Truss and I write to tell you that it has cured my rupture.
FRANK E. BARNES, Philipsburg, Mont.
+Can Recommend Cluthe Truss to All+
I can recommend the Cluthe Truss to all persons suffering from rupture.
I surely have been benefited by the Cluthe Truss very much in the short time I have been wearing it.
CHAS. F. WECKER, 410 W. Princess St., York, Pa.
+Wants World to Know He was Cured+
I was cured by the Cluthe Truss after suffering from a rupture for 20 years and I want the world to know of my cure. I have not had my Cluthe Truss on in 8 months and I can see no sign of my rupture.
MILTON M. OWENS, Oak Hill, Fla.
+Another Cure and Another Thankful Man+
I am very thankful to Mr. Chas. Cluthe, for he was the first man that ever told me where my rupture was. Two doctors wanted to operate on me and were about to get me into a hospital when I heard of the Cluthe Truss and bought it and it has cured me of my rupture. Both doctors were about 6 inches out of the way of where Mr. Cluthe told me my rupture really was.
FRED A. WOOD, 269 Fayette St., Hammond, Ind.
+Sends His Patients to Us+
I have sent my patients to you with perfect satisfaction, knowing you have an excellent truss, the Cluthe Truss.
A. EUGENE AUSTIN, M.D., 616 Madison Ave., New York City.
+Now Well and Sound-- Goes Bowling+
Last month I took off your Truss as I am cured and I now go down to the bowling alley and often spend an hour and a half bowling and I do not feel anything and am satisfied that I am now cured. I will consider it a pleasure to recommend the Cluthe Truss.
H. W. ERWIN, 190 W. Brookline St., Boston, Ma.s.s.
+This New York City Man Completely Cured in Less Than a Year+
I found such good results from the use of the Cluthe Truss that I only had to wear it less than a year when I was completely cured. I have since been as well as ever I have been in my life.
ANDREW RUFF, 661 Ninth Ave., New York City.
December 22, 1911.
+Could Hardly Walk. Now Rid of All Pain+
Words cannot praise the Cluthe Truss highly enough. After suffering 9 years I purchased a Cluthe Truss and it has rid me of all pain. Before wearing your truss I was unable to walk half a mile. But one morning lately I walked 8 miles and if my feet did not give way I think I would be walking yet. I have no pain now and perform all my household duties, as I could not before wearing the Cluthe Truss, because I had such pain from my rupture. I owe much to the Cluthe Truss. It saved me from the knife.