The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Part 236

The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States -

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_Pedate._ Palmately divided or parted, with the lateral segments 2-cleft.

_Pedicel._ The support of a single flower.

_Pedicellate._ Borne on a pedicel.

_Peduncle._ A primary flower-stalk, supporting either a cl.u.s.ter or a solitary flower.

_Pedunculate._ Borne upon a peduncle.

_Peltate._ s.h.i.+eld-formed and attached to the support by the lower surface.

_Pendulous._ More or less hanging or declined. _Pendulous ovule_, one that hangs from the side of the cell.

_Perennial._ Lasting year after year.

_Perfect_ (flower). Having both pistil and stamens.

_Perfoliate_ (leaf). Having the stem apparently pa.s.sing through it.

_Perianth._ The floral envelope, consisting of the calyx and corolla (when present), whatever their form; in Hepaticae, the inner usually sac-like involucre of the archegonium.

_Pericarp._ The matured ovary.

_Perigynium._ The inflated sac which encloses the ovary in Carex.

_Perigynous._ Adnate to the perianth, and therefore around the ovary and not at its base.

_Persistent._ Long-continuous, as a calyx upon the fruit, leaves through winter, etc.

_Personate_ (corolla). Bil.a.b.i.ate, and the throat closed by a prominent palate.

_Petal._ A division of the corolla.

_Petaloid._ Colored and resembling a petal.

_Petiolate._ Having a petiole.

_Petiole._ The footstalk of a leaf.

_Phaenogamous._ Having flowers with stamens and pistils and producing seeds.

_Phyllodium._ A somewhat dilated petiole having the form of and serving as a leaf-blade.

_Pilose._ Hairy, especially with soft hairs.

_Pinna_ (pl. _Pinnae_). One of the primary divisions of a pinnate or compoundly pinnate frond or leaf.

_Pinnate_ (leaf). Compound, with the leaflets arranged on each side of a common petiole.

_Pinnatifid._ Pinnately cleft.

_Pinnule._ A secondary pinna; one of the pinnately disposed divisions of a pinna.

_Pistil._ The seed-bearing organ of the flower, consisting of the ovary, stigma, and style when present.

_Pistillate._ Provided with pistils, and, in its more proper sense, without stamens.

_Pitted._ Marked with small depressions or pits.

_Placenta._ Any part of the interior of the ovary which bears ovules.

_Plane._ Flat; with a flat surface or surfaces.

_Plicate._ Folded into plaits, usually lengthwise.

_Plumose._ Having fine hairs on each side, like the plume of a feather, as the pappus-bristles of Thistles.

_Plumule._ The bud or growing point of the embryo.

_Pod._ Any dry and dehiscent fruit.

_Pointed._ Ac.u.minate.

_Pollen._ The fecundating grains contained in the anther.

_Polliniferous._ Bearing pollen.

_Pollinium_ (pl. _Pollinia_). A ma.s.s of waxy pollen or of coherent pollen-grains, as in Asclepias and Orchids.

_Polypetalous._ Having separate petals.

_Pome._ A kind of fleshy fruit of which the apple is the type.

_Porose._ Pierced with small holes or pores.

_Posterior._ In an axillary flower, on the side nearest to the axis of inflorescence.

_Posticous._ On the posterior side; extrorse.

_Praemorse._ Appearing as if bitten off.

_p.r.i.c.kle._ A small spine or more or less slender sharp outgrowth from the bark or rind.

_Prismatic._ Of the shape of a prism, angular, with flat sides, and of nearly uniform size throughout.

_Proc.u.mbent._ Lying on the ground.

_Proliferous._ Producing offshoots.

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