The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Part 228

The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States -

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_Bifid._ Two-cleft.

_Bil.a.b.i.ate._ Two-lipped.

_Bilocellate._ Having two secondary cells.

_Bilocular._ Two-celled.

_Bis.e.xual._ Having both stamens and pistils.

_Bladdery._ Thin and inflated.

_Blade._ The limb or expanded portion of a leaf, etc.

_Bract._ A more or less modified leaf subtending a flower or belonging to an inflorescence, or sometimes cauline.

_Bracteate._ Having bracts.

_Bracteolate._ Having bractlets.

_Bracteose._ With numerous or conspicuous bracts.

_Bractlet._ A secondary bract, as one upon the pedicel of a flower.

_Bristle._ A stiff hair or any similar outgrowth.

_Bud._ The rudimentary state of a stem or branch; an unexpanded flower.

_Bulb._ A subterranean leaf-bud with fleshy scales or coats.

_Bulbiferous._ Bearing bulbs.

_Bulblet._ A small bulb, especially one borne upon the stem.

_Bulbous._ Having the character of a bulb.

_Caducous._ Falling off very early.

_Calcarate._ Produced into or having a spur.

_Callus._ A hard protuberance or callosity.

_Calyculate._ Having bracts around the calyx imitating an outer calyx.

_Calyptra._ The membranous hood or covering of the capsule in Hepaticae and Mosses.

_Calyx._ The outer perianth of the flower.

_Campanulate._ Bell-shaped; cup-shaped with a broad base.

_Campylospermous._ Having seeds with longitudinally involute margins, as in some Umbelliferae.

_Campylotropous_ (ovule or seed). So curved as to bring the apex and base nearly together.

_Ca.n.a.liculate._ Longitudinally channelled.

_Canescent._ h.o.a.ry with gray p.u.b.escence.

_Capitate._ Shaped like a head; collected into a head or dense cl.u.s.ter.

_Capitellate._ Collected into a small head.

_Capsular._ Belonging to or of the nature of a capsule.

_Capsule._ A dry dehiscent fruit composed of more than one carpel; the spore-case of Hepaticae, etc.

_Capsuliferous._ Capsule-bearing.

_Carinate._ Having a keel or a projecting longitudinal medial line on the lower surface.

_Carpel._ A simple pistil, or one member of a compound pistil.

_Cartilaginous._ Of the texture of cartilage; firm and tough.

_Caruncle._ An excrescence or appendage at or about the hilum of a seed.

_Carunculate._ Having a caruncle.

_Caryopsis._ A grain, as of; a seed-like fruit with a thin pericarp adnate to the contained seed.

_Castaneous._ Of a chestnut color; brown.

_Catkin._ An ament.

_Caudate._ Having a slender tail-like appendage.

_Caudex._ The persistent base of an otherwise annual herbaceous stem.

_Caulescent._ Having a manifest stem.

_Cauline._ Belonging to the stem.

_Cavernous._ Hollow; full of air-cavities.

_Cell._ One of the minute vesicles, of very various forms, of which plants are formed. Any structure containing a cavity, as the cells of an anther, ovary, etc.

_Cellular_ (tissue). Composed of short transparent thin-walled cells, in distinction from fibrous or vascular.

_Cespitose._ Growing in tufts; forming mats or turf.

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