The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Part 217

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24. Jungermannia. Involucral leaves few, mostly larger than the entire or bidentate stem-leaves. Medium-sized or large.

[++][++] Underleaves 2--4-cleft, -parted, or -divided.

17. Geocalyx. Involucre fleshy, saccate, pendent. Leaves bidentate; underleaves 2-cleft.

18. Lophocolea. Fruit terminal on the main stem or a primary branch.

Involucral leaves distinct.

19. Chiloscyphus. Fruit on a short lateral branch. Involucral leaves distinct. (See also Jungermannia.)

[++][++][++] Underleaves mostly wanting.

[a.] Leaves entire or barely retuse.

23. Liochlaena. Involucral leaves distinct, like those of the stem; perianth truncate-depressed at the apex.

26. Nardia. Involucral leaves connate at base and adnate to the perianth.

[b.] Leaves bidentate or bilobed, rarely 3-lobed.

12. Cephalozia. Branches all from beneath. Perianth on a short branch, mostly trigonal with the odd angle beneath.

24. Jungermannia. Simple or branching laterally. Perianth terminal, mostly laterally compressed.

[c.] Leaves mostly spinulose or dentate.

20. Plagiochila. Involucral leaves large; perianth laterally compressed.

-- 2. Plant-body pseudo-foliaceous with succubous leaf-like lobes.

28. Fos...o...b..onia. Perianth large, campanulate.

-- 3. Plant-body a thallus.

[*] Thallus with a distinct costa.

29. Pallavicinia. Thallus 3--6" wide, mostly simple, the margins sinuate or undulate. Perianth tubular, at length dorsal.

30. Blasia. Thallus 3--6" wide, lobed, dichotomous, or radiate, the margins pinnatifid-sinuate.

32. Metzgeria. Thallus narrow (1--2"), ciliate at the margins or on one or both sides.

[*][*] Thallus with an inconspicuous costa or none.

33. Aneura. Thallus rather narrow, mostly palmately or pinnately lobed.

Sporogonium rising from the under side near the margin.

31. Pellia. Thallus wider, mostly simple or forked. Sporogonium rising from the upper surface.

1. FRULLaNIA, Raddi. (Pl. 24.)

Leaves incubous, complicate-bilobed, the lower lobe usually inflated, helmet- or club-shaped; underleaves bifid, rarely entire, with basal rootlets. Dicious or moncious. Fruit terminal on the branches.

Involucral leaves 2 or 4, larger than the stem-leaves; perianth 3--4-angled, mucronate. Calyptra pyriform, fleshy. Capsule globose, the lower third solid. Elaters truncate at each end, unispiral, adherent to the valves. Spores large, reddish, minutely muricate. Antheridia most often on a short branch, globose-oblong or cylindric. Archegonia 2--4, long-styled. (Named for _Leonardo Frullani_, an Italian Minister of State.)

-- 1. TRACHYCoLEA. _Perianth triangular in section, rough with tubercles or scales, or villous; lower leaf-lobe helmet-shaped, truncate at base._

[*] _Lower leaf-lobe about three fourths the size of the upper._

1. F. Oakesiana, Aust. Stems widely branching; fertile branches short; leaves obliquely orbicular, loosely imbricate, the lower lobe rotund, contiguous to the stem; underleaves ovate-rotund or subobovate, little wider than the stem, bifid; involucral leaves more or less connate, equally bilobed, the lobes entire, obtuse; perianth small, subobovate-pyriform, smooth or 1--7-nerved or alate both sides.--White Mts., on stunted spruce and birch trees.

[*][*] _Lower leaf-lobe much smaller than the upper._

[+] _Underleaves scarcely wider than the stem, ovate, bifid, the divisions entire, acute; perianth 1-carinate or smooth, except in n. 2; stems creeping._

2. F. Virginica, Lehm. Stems short, irregularly branching; leaves crowded, ovate, entire, somewhat concave, the lower lobes sometimes expanded into a lanceolate lamina; underleaves round-ovate, bifid, twice the width of the stem; perianth compressed-pyriform, tuberculate, 2--4-carinate dorsally, 4-carinate ventrally.--On bark of trees, rarely on rocks; common.

3. F. Eboracensis, Lehm. Branches cl.u.s.tered; leaves loose, imbricate on the branches, round-ovate, entire; perianth pyriform, slightly compressed and repand, smooth, obscurely carinate beneath and gibbous toward the apex. (F. saxatilis, _Lindenb._)--On trees and rocks; common northward.

4. F. Pennsylvanica, Steph. Stems dichotomous; leaves imbricate, flat, ovate, mucronate or rarely obtuse, entire; lower lobe marginal, large, round-cucullate; underleaves broadly ovate, deeply parted, the divisions long-ac.u.minate; dicious; antheridial spikes on short lateral branches, elongated; lobes of the involucral leaves ac.u.minate, much narrowed at base, and the large underleaves carinate-concave, deeply parted, their apiculate divisions entire or toothed.--Shaded rocks, Stony Creek, Carbon Co., Penn. (_Rau_). Known only from the original description.

5. F. saxicola, Aust. Stems numerous, widely branching; leaves...o...b..cular, scarcely oblique, flat; lower lobe near the stem, small, or rarely larger and round-galeate; underleaves scarcely wider than the stem, subovate, bifid; perianth broadly oblong, bowl-shaped with very short mouth, papillose, abruptly broad-carinate beneath, 1--many-nerved each side of the keel, 2-angled.--Sloping dry trap rocks, Closter, N. J.


[+][+] _Underleaves 2--3 times wider than the stem, round or subquadrate, bifid, the divisions blunt or truncate._

[++] _Leaves lax, rather distant; lower lobe mostly expanded, ovate-lanceolate._

6. F. aeoltis, Nees. Proc.u.mbent, irregularly branched or subpinnate; leaves semi-vertical, subsquarrose, obliquely cordate, the lower lobe expanded; underleaves ovate, acutely bifid, the upper margin angular-dentate or entire; sporogonium unknown.--On trees and rocks, chiefly in mountain regions.

[++][++] _Leaves close-imbricate; lower lobe galeate, seldom expanded except on terminal leaves._

7. F. squarrsa, Nees. Dec.u.mbent, pinnately branching, the short fertile branch lateral; leaves subvertical, suborbicular, obtuse, entire; lower lobe obovate-cucullate or galeate, subappressed; underleaves cordate or rounded, sinuate-subdentate, slightly bifid; perianth oblong, triquetrous, convex dorsally, strongly keeled ventrally.--On rocks and trees, N. Y. to Ohio, and southward; rather common.

8. F. plana, Sulliv. Proc.u.mbent, widely branching or subpinnate; leaves...o...b..cular, subimbricate; lower lobe very small, as broad as long, close to the stem; underleaves rather large, flat, rounded, slightly bifid; moncious; perianth oblong-oval or subobovate, triquetrous, dorsally sulcate, acutely keeled ventrally; antheridial spikes globose.--Shaded rocks, N. Y. and N. J. to E. Tenn.

9. F. dilatata, Nees. Loosely and widely pinnate; leaves round, entire, opaque; lower lobe subrounded, cucullate, close to the stem; underleaves subquadrate, toothed at the anterior angles; involucral leaves with 2 or 3 entire lobes; perianth tuberculate, retuse.--Rocks and trunks of trees; rather common. (Eu.)

-- 2. THYOPSIeLLA. _Perianth smooth; leaves semicordate at base (marked by a central moniliform row of cells, or sometimes in n. 12 by a few scattered large cells); lower lobe near the stem (except in n. 11), cylindric-saccate, mostly erect; underleaves round-oval, the margin entire, recurved; dicious._

[*] _Leaves...o...b..cular._

10. F. Asagrayana, Mont. (Pl. 24.) Creeping, simply pinnate; leaves concave, obtuse, decurved; lower lobe oblong-clavate, emarginate at base; underleaves oblong, flat, 2-cleft, the sinus obtuse; involucral leaves unequally 2-cleft, the dorsal segment oblong, pointed, nearly entire, the ventral subulate; perianth pyriform, 3-sided, obtusely keeled beneath. (F. Grayana of authors.)--Rocks and bark of coniferous trees; frequent.

11. F. Tamarisci, Nees. Bipinnately branching, somewhat rigid; leaves obtuse, mucronately acute or subac.u.minate, decurved, entire; lower lobe distant from the stem, oval or oblong; underleaves quadrate-ovate or obovate, emarginate, the margin revolute; involucral leaves bifid, serrulate; perianth oblong, sulcate dorsally, obtusely keeled ventrally.--N. Eng. and southward; rare. (Eu.)

[*][*] _Leaves oblong from a narrowed base._

12. F. fragiliflia, Tayl. Proc.u.mbent, subpinnate, the alternate flattened branches subremote; leaves subimbricate, ascending, recurved, entire; lower lobe oblong-galeate; underleaves round-obovate, flat, appressed, bifid, the margins entire or angled; perianth obovate-cordate, concave dorsally, keeled ventrally; involucral leaves subequally lobed, obtusely few-toothed. (F. polysticta, _Mont._ F.

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