The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Part 17

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Figures or words separated by a short dash (--) indicate the extremes of variation, as "5--10" long, few--many-flowered," i.e. varying from 5 to 10 lines in length, and with from few to many flowers.






Vegetables bearing proper flowers, that is, having stamens and pistils, and producing seeds, which contain an embryo.


Stems formed of bark, wood, and pith; the wood forming a layer between the other two, increasing, when the stem continues from year to year, by the annual addition of a new layer to the outside, next the bark. Leaves netted-veined. Embryo with a pair of opposite cotyledons, or rarely several in a whorl. Flowers having their parts usually in fives or fours.


Pistil consisting of a closed ovary, which contains the ovules and forms the fruit. Cotyledons only two.


Floral envelopes consisting of both calyx and corolla; the petals not united with each other. (Several genera or species belonging to Polypetalous Orders are dest.i.tute of petals, or have them more or less united.)


_Herbs or some woody plants, with a colorless and usually acrid juice, polypetalous, or apetalous with the calyx often colored like a corolla, hypogynous; the sepals, petals, numerous stamens, and many or few (rarely single) pistils all distinct and unconnected._--Flowers regular or irregular. Sepals 3--15. Petals 3--15, or wanting. Stamens indefinite, rarely few. Fruits either dry pods, or seed-like (achenes), or berries. Seeds anatropous (when solitary and suspended the rhaphe dorsal), with hard and a minute embryo.--Leaves often dissected, their stalks dilated at the base, sometimes with stipule-like appendages. (A large family, including some acrid-narcotic poisons.)

Synopsis of the Genera.

Tribe I. CLEMATIDEae. Sepals normally 4, petal-like, valvate in the bud, or with the edges bent inward. Petals none, or small. Achenes numerous, tailed with the feathery or hairy styles. Seed suspended.--Leaves all opposite.

1. Clematis. Climbing by the leafstalks, or erect herbs.

Tribe II. ANEMONEae. Sepals 3--20, often petal-like, imbricated in the bud. Stamens mostly numerous. Achenes numerous or several, in a head or spike.--Herbs, never climbing; leaves alternate, or radical, the upper sometimes opposite or whorled.

[*] Petals none (rarely some staminodia). Seed suspended.

[+] All but the lower leaves opposite or whorled. Peduncles 1-flowered.

2. Anemone. Involucre leaf-like, remote from the flower. Leaves compound or dissected. Pistils very many.

3. Hepatica. Involucre close to the flower, of 3 oval bracts, calyx-like. Leaves radical, simple and lobed. Pistils several.

4. Anemonella. Stigma terminal, broad and flat. Radical leaves and involucre compound. Peduncles umbellate. Achenes 4--15, many-ribbed.

[+][+] Leaves alternate, compound. Flowers panicled, often dicious.

5. Thalictrum. Sepals usually 4, petal-like or greenish, Achenes few.

[*][*] Petals none. Sepals 3--5, caducous. Seed erect. Leaves alternate.

6. Trautvetteria. Achenes numerous, inflated, 4-angled. Flowers corymbose. Filaments white, clavate.

[*][*][*] Petals evident. Sepals usually 5. Achenes many.

7. Adonis. Sepals and petals (5--16, crimson or scarlet) flat, unappendaged. Seed suspended.

8. Myosurus. Sepals spurred. Petals 5, white. Achenes in a long spike.

Scapes 1-flowered. Seed suspended.

9. Ranunculus. Petals 5, yellow or white, with a scale or gland at base.

Achenes capitate. Seed erect.

Tribe III. h.e.l.lEBOREae. Sepals imbricated in the bud, rarely persistent, petal-like. Petals often nectariferous or reduced to staminodia or none. Pods (follicles) or berries (in n. 20, 21) few, rarely single, few--many-seeded.--Leaves alternate.

[*] Ovules and commonly seeds more than one pair. Herbs.

[+] Flowers regular, not racemose. Petals inconspicuous nectaries or slender or none. Sepals tardily deciduous.

10. Isopyrum. Petals none. Sepals broad, white. Pods few. Leaves compound.

11. Caltha. Petals none. Sepals broad, yellow. Leaves kidney-shaped, undivided.

12. Trollius. Petals 5--20, narrow, pitted above the base. Pods sessile.

Leaves palmately lobed.

13. Coptis. Petals 5--6, small, hollowed at apex, white. Pods long-stalked. Leaves radical, trifoliolate.

14. h.e.l.leborus. Petals small, tubular, 2-lipped. Sepals 5, broad, persistent and turning green. Pods sessile.

15. Eranthis. Petals small 2-lipped nectaries. Sepals 5--8, narrow, deciduous. Flower solitary, involucrate.

[+][+] Sepals and large spur-shaped petals regular, each 5.

16. Aquilegia. Pistils 5, with slender styles. Leaves ternately compound.

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