The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Part 11

The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States -

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Leaves opposite, their bases or petioles connected by stipules or a stipular line. LOGANIACEae, 345

Leaves when opposite without stipules.

Stamens free from the corolla or nearly so; style 1.

ERICACEae, 309

Stamens almost free from the corolla; style none. ILICINEae, 107

Stamens in the sinuses of the corolla; style 1. DIAPENSIACEae, 326

Stamens inserted on the tube of the corolla,

Four; pod 2-celled, circ.u.mscissile. PLANTAGINACEae, 422

Four; ovary 2--4-celled; ovules solitary. VERBENACEae, 401

Five or rarely more.

Fruit of two or four seed-like nutlets. BORRAGINACEae, 360

Fruit a few-seeded pod.

Calyx 5-cleft; style 3-lobed or -cleft. POLEMONIACEae, 354

Sepals 5; styles 1 or 2, entire or 2-cleft; seeds large, only one or two in a cell. CONVOLVULACEae, 367

Fruit a many-seeded pod or berry.

Styles 2. Hydrolea, in HYDROPHYLLACEae, 360

Style single. SOLANACEae, 373

[+][+] _Stamens fewer than the lobes of the corolla._

Stamens 4, didynamous.

Ovary 2-celled; the cells several-seeded. ACANTHACEae, 399

Ovary 2--4-celled; the cells 1-seeded. VERBENACEae, 401

Stamens only 2 with anthers; ovary 4-lobed. Lycopus, in l.a.b.i.aTae, 408

Stamens 2, rarely 3; ovary 2-celled.

Low herbs; corolla scarious, withering on the pod.


Herbs; corolla rotate, or somewhat funnelform, and slightly irregular. Veronica, in SCROPHULARIACEae, 386

Shrubs or trees; corolla perfectly regular. OLEACEae, 335

DIVISION III. APETALOUS: corolla (and sometimes calyx) wanting.

[A.] _Flowers not in catkins._

[1.] _Ovary or its cells containing many ovules._

Ovary and pod inferior (i.e. calyx-tube adherent to the ovary),

Six-celled; stamens 6--12. ARISTOLOCHIACEae, 444

Four-celled; stamens 4. Ludwigia, in ONAGRACEae, 187

One-celled, with parietal placentae.

Chrysosplenium, in SAXIFRAGACEae, 172

Ovary and pod wholly naked (there being no calyx),

Two-celled, 2-beaked; flowers capitate; tree. HAMAMELIDEae, 179

Two-celled, many-ribbed; aquatic herb. PODOSTEMACEae, 444

Ovary and pod superior, i.e. free from the calyx.

Five-celled and 5-beaked, opening across the beaks, which fall off at maturity; stamens 10. Penthorum, in CRa.s.sULACEae, 176

Three-celled and 3-valved, or 3--5-celled and circ.u.mscissile.

FICOIDEae, 198

Two-celled or one-celled; placentae central.

Stamens inserted on the throat or tube of the calyx.


Stamens inserted on the receptacle or the base of the calyx,

Alternate with the 5 sepals. Glaux, in PRIMULACEae, 331

Opposite the sepals when of the same number. CARYOPHYLLACEae, 82

One-celled, with one parietal placenta. RANUNCULACEae, 34

Ovaries 2 or more, separate, simple. RANUNCULACEae, 34

[2.] _Ovary or its cells containing only 1 or 2, rarely 3 or 4, ovules._

[*] _Pistils more than one, and distinct or nearly so._

Stamens inserted on the calyx; leaves with stipules. ROSACEae, 150

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