The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Part 105

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_Herbs, with milky juice, alternate leaves, and scattered flowers; calyx adherent to the ovary; the regular 5-lobed corolla bell-shaped, valvate in the bud; the 5 stamens usually free from the corolla and distinct._--Style 1, usually beset with collecting hairs above; stigmas 2 or more. Capsule 2--several-celled, many-seeded. Seed small, anatropous, with a straight embryo in fleshy Flowers generally blue and showy.


Calyx 5- (or 3--4-) lobed. Corolla wheel-shaped, 5-lobed. Stamens 5, separate; the membranaceous hairy filaments shorter than the anthers.

Stigmas 3. Capsule prismatic or elongated-oblong, 3-celled, opening by 3 small lateral valves.--Low annuals, with axillary blue or purplish flowers, in American species dimorphous, the earlier being cleistogamous. (Name from _Speculum Veneris_, the early name of the common European species.)

1. S. perfoliata, A. DC. Somewhat hairy (3--20' high); _leaves roundish or ovate, clasping by the heart-shaped base_, toothed; flowers sessile, solitary or 2--3 together in the axils, only the upper or later ones having a conspicuous and expanding corolla; _capsule oblong, short, straight, opening rather below the middle_; seeds lenticular.--Sterile open ground; common. May--Aug.

2. S. leptocarpa, Gray. Minutely hirsute or nearly glabrous (6--12'

high); _leaves lanceolate_, with flowers closely sessile in their axils; calyx-lobes of lower flowers 3; _capsule nearly cylindrical (6--9"

long, 1" thick), inclined to curve, opening by one or two uplifted valves near the summit_; seeds oblong.--W. Mo. and Ark. to Col. and W. Tex. Expanded corolla 6--9" wide.


Calyx 5-cleft. Corolla generally bell-shaped, 5-lobed. Stamens 5, separate; the filaments broad and membranaceous at the base. Stigmas and cells of the capsule 3 in our species, the short pod opening on the sides by as many valves or holes.--Herbs, with terminal or axillary flowers; in summer. (A diminutive of the Italian _campana_, a bell, from the shape of the corolla.)

[*] _Style straight; openings of capsule below the middle._

[+] _Coa.r.s.e p.u.b.escent many-flowered European species, sparingly naturalized; perennial._

C. RAPUNCULODES, L. Smoothish, slender, erect; stem-leaves ovate-lanceolate, pointed, the lower long-petioled and heart-shaped; flowers nodding, single in the axil of bracts, forming racemes; corolla oblong, 1' long.--Roadsides and fields, Canada and N. Eng. to Penn.

C. GLOMERaTA, L. (Cl.u.s.tERED B.) Somewhat hairy, stout and erect, 1 high; stem-leaves oblong or lanceolate, cordate-clasping; flowers sessile, cl.u.s.tered in the upper axils, forming a leafy head; corolla open-bell-shaped, 1' long.--Roadsides, E. Ma.s.s.

[+][+] _Slender perennials, mostly glabrous; flowers one or few, on slender peduncles._

1. C. rotundiflia, L. (HAREBELL.) Slender, branching (5--12' high), 1--10-flowered; _root-leaves round-heart-shaped_ or ovate, mostly toothed or crenate, long-petioled, early withering away; _stem-leaves_ numerous, _linear or narrowly lanceolate, entire, smooth; calyx-lobes awl-shaped_, from {1/3} to {2/3} the length of the bright-blue corolla (which is 6--9" long); _capsule nodding_.--Rocky shaded banks, throughout the northern part of our range, and southward in the mountains.--A delicate and pretty species, but with a most inappropriate name, since the round root-leaves are rarely obvious. (Eu.)

Var. arctica, Lange. Stems more upright and rather rigid; lowest leaves spatulate; the very slender calyx-lobes soon spreading or deflexed; corolla {2/3}--1' long. (C. rotundifolia, var. linifolia, _of Man_.) of the Great Lakes, and northward. (Eu.)

Var. velutna, DC., has the whole herbage canescently p.u.b.escent.--Sand-hills of Burt Lake, Mich. (_E. J. Hill_).

2. C. aparinodes, Pursh. (MARSH BELLFLOWER.) _Stem simple and slender, weak_ (8--20' high), few-flowered, somewhat 3-angled, _rough backward on the angles, as are the_ slightly toothed _edges and midrib of the linear-lanceolate leaves; peduncles diverging_, slender; _lobes of the calyx triangular_, half the length of the bell-shaped nearly white corolla; _capsule erect_.--Wet grounds, throughout our range.

With somewhat the habit of a Galium.

3. C. divaricata, Michx. Very smooth; stem loosely branched (1--3 high); _leaves oblong-lanceolate_, pointed at both ends, _coa.r.s.ely and sharply toothed; flowers numerous_ on the branches of the large compound panicle; _calyx-lobes awl-shaped_, about half the length of the pale-blue small corolla (3" long); style exserted.--Dry woods and rocks, mountains of Va., E. Ky., and southward.

[*][*] _Style declined and upwardly curved, much longer than the rotate corolla; openings of the capsule close to the summit; inflorescence spicate._

4. C. Americana, L. (TALL BELLFLOWER.) Annual; stem mostly simple (3--6 high); leaves ovate and ovate-lanceolate, taper-pointed, serrate, mostly on margined petioles, thin, somewhat hairy (2--6' long); spike 1--2 long; corolla light blue, 1' broad.--Moist rich soil, western N. Y. to Minn., south to Ga. and Ark.


_Shrubs, sometimes herbs, with the flowers regular or nearly so; stamens as many or twice as many as the 4--5-lobed or 4--5-petalled corolla, free from but inserted with it; anthers 2-celled, commonly appendaged, or opening by terminal c.h.i.n.ks or pores, introrse_ (except in Suborder 3); _style 1; ovary 3--10-celled_. Pollen compound, of 4 united grains (except in Suborder 4). Seeds small, anatropous. Embryo small, or sometimes minute, in fleshy large family, very various in many of the characters, comprising four well-marked suborders, as follows:--

SUBORDER I. Vaccinieae. (WHORTLEBERRY FAMILY.) Calyx-tube adherent to the ovary, which forms an edible berry or berry-like fruit, crowned with the short calyx-teeth. Anther-cells opening at the apex.--Shrubs or somewhat woody plants, with scaly buds.

1. Gaylussacia. Ovary 10-celled, with a single ovule in each cell. Fruit a berried drupe with 10 small seed-like nutlets.

2. Vaccinium. Berry 4--5-celled (or imperfectly 8--10-celled by false part.i.tions), many-seeded. Anther-cells tapering upward into a tube.

3. Chiogenes. Berry 4-celled, many-seeded, its summit free. Anther-cells not prolonged into a tube, but each 2-pointed. Slender trailing evergreen.

SUBORDER II. Ericineae. (HEATH FAMILY proper.) Calyx free from the ovary.

Corolla monopetalous, rarely polypetalous, hypogynous.--Shrubs or small trees.

Tribe I. ARBUTEae. Fruit indehiscent, a berry or drupe. Corolla deciduous.

4. Arctostaphylos. Corolla urn-shaped. Drupe berry-like, 5--10-seeded.

Tribe II. ANDROMEDEae. Fruit a loculicidal capsule (berry-like in n. 6).

Corolla deciduous.

[*] Anther cells opening through their whole length, not appendaged.

5. Epigaea. Corolla salver-shaped. Calyx of 5 separate dry and pointed sepals.

[*][*] Anther-cells opening only at the top. Corolla not salver-shaped.

[+] Calyx becoming enlarged and berry-like in fruit.

6. Gaultheria. Calyx 5-cleft, in fruit enclosing the capsule. Anthers 4-awned at top.

[+][+] Calyx dry, not becoming fleshy after flowering.

[++] Corolla urceolate to cylindrical, 5-toothed; not heath-like.

7. Andromeda. Calyx valvate and very early open, naked. Capsule globular. Seeds mostly hanging on the central placenta.

8. Oxydendrum. Calyx short, early open, naked. Capsule oblong-pyramidal.

Seeds all ascending. A small tree.

9. Leucothoe. Calyx slightly or much imbricated, naked or bibracteate.

Corolla cylindraceous. Capsule depressed, 5-lobed, the valves entire.

10. Ca.s.sandra. Calyx of rigid imbricated ovate sepals, bibracteate.

Corolla cylindraceous. Capsule splitting when ripe into an outer and inner layer, the inner of 10 valves.

[++][++] Corolla campanulate, 4--5-lobed or -parted; heath-like, with acerose imbricated leaves.

11. Ca.s.siope. Calyx of ovate imbricated sepals. Capsule globular-ovoid, 4--5-valved, the valves 2-cleft.

Tribe III. ERICEae. Corolla persistent, becoming scarious. Capsule septicidal.

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