Legend of Ravaging Dynasties v2c8

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L.O.R.D - Volume 2, Section 8: The Dark Night Has Gone
L.O.R.D (New Version)
Movie t.i.tle: L.O.R.D (Legend of Ravaging Dynasties)
Author: Guo Jingming
Published: 2016
Translation: [email protected]

Volume 2: Bewstowment of the Seal
Section 8: The Dark Night Has Gone

Most of the town folks keep their heads low and do not speak, but are all quietly judging the motionless Lianquan in the distance from the corners of their eyes.

The man from the carriage alights slowly; on his fancy robes are silver trims and embroidered flowers, reflecting a white glare from the sun.
He moves towards Lianquan unhurriedly. Lianquan’s body twitches slightly then. The corners of the man’s lips lift slightly, “So you’re still alive.” Lifting his knee,, and uses the soles of his shoes to flip her face over to face him. He tells Lianquan: “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that, we are the top soul bending family in Rennes?”

“Top……well then……that certainly helped a lot……” Lianquan gets up slowly, due to the impact from before, her neck, backbone and joins have all been broken. After she straightens up, she begins to twist her neck, arms and waist slowly, as if rebuilding the broken pieces of her body. Cracking sounds emit from her joints as she twists from her body, yet at the same time, a faint smile hangs on her lips. The scene is undeniably strange.

A silver of confusion appears in the man’s eyes, “What did you just say?”

“I said……” Lianquan twists her neck, as if pus.h.i.+ng the last wooden wedge into place, “You have soul powers, that really helped a lot, because I once swore that I will never will someone who does not have that.”

“What sort of joke is this!” The man’s pupils tighten and he gives off a murderous air that causes ripples in his robes.

Lianquan doesn’t even give him the opportunity to attack. She lifts her silver glove cladded right hand into the air and air and the man’s body is raised high into the air as if being thrown by a pair of large, invisible hands. Lianquan then extends her left hand elegantly and slowly clenches her fist lightly at a puddle of water some distance away. Numerous round water droplets break through the ground and hovers around Lianquan. She twists her palm and her fingers spread at the man in the sky------

The water droplets the size of pearls shoot towards the man at rapid speed. A series of dull thuds sound, they are the sound of the b.a.l.l.s of water going through the man’s body. These round drops of water morphed into indestructible metallic b.a.l.l.s under the control of a force. They surround his body maniacally and with insane speed, they repeatedly going through his body like a group of insane insects consinuously, resulting in numerous holes on his body. Red mist of blood splatters across the sky, coating the white stonewalls of the surroundings with a layer of scarlet dust.

The man’s corpse falls to the ground with a dull thud.

Those water droplets coated with his blood has became countless vivid beads, as if individual insects that had their fill of blood, hovering ominously a few meters over his body.

Lianquan remains expressionless, but from the faint light in her eyes, you can tell that she seems satisfied. She waves her hand lightly and scarlet blood droplets seem to lose their ability to hover. They turn into raindrops and splatter on his body.

His body now contains countless gaps with even more thick blood oozing out. A black pool of blood congeals underneath the man’s body a short while later.

Lianquan moves over and crouches beside him before gently removing her hood. The man’s pupils tremble and he seems as if he has seen a horrifying monster.

The sea breeze blows at Lianquan’s hair. Under the sunlight, the imprint on her neck beneath her ear is as clear as day.

“…… ‘Seal of the Lord’?……” The man gurgles out a few words from his blood-filled mouth, “You are……”

Remaining expressionless, Lianquan nods, looking at the dying man before her, she tells him seriously: “Yes, I am Guishan Lianquan, the fifth ‘Disciple’.

[West of Aslan Empire - Forest outside Town of Fauser]

When he opens his eyes, the dark night has gone. The sky is very bright and the clouds are like silver hair that has been combed through, like pristine white strands of silk clinging closely to the azure sky. The sunlight projects through the gaps between the leaves, forming speckles of light around his body. The wind carries the fresh scent of the leaves, warmed up under the sun and spreads gently through the trees.

As if through the night, the bitter cold winter has retreated deep into the forest and at this moment, Fauser seems to have fallen into a warm
spring after the snow melted.

Everything seems delightful, as if the nightmarish killings from last night never happened.

Remembering this, Qi Ling sits up abruptly. He subconsciously moves his hand towards his chest and presses down. The weird thing is that, his chest that had been pierced through by the icicles from last night does not hurt at all. There are only a few large holes on his clothes. He reaches into his clothes from the holes and what he feels are smooth skin, no wounds or scars. He pulls his sleeves and pants up only to see that his limbs are fine as well.

He suddenly remembers. Shen Yin!

Turning his head, he looks at the steep walls of the mountain. The hole from the impact is still there, but the wildly growing crystals have all disappeared. Qi Ling runs towards the cliff and grabs onto the vines that grow on it. He climbs up agilely, noting the changes in his body as he does so. Not only does he not feel like someone who barely sc.r.a.ped death, he feels as if he has an infinite amount of energy. Soon, he reaches the height of the mouth of the cave. He looks around but only finds a pile of rubble.

Yet yesterday he had clearly seen Shen Yin being struck by a few flashes of lightning and she fell into this cave. It had also been filled with razor-sharp icicles. Qi Ling touches the rocks at the mouth of the cave and notices that the scratches are all recent, this proves that what happened yesterday wasn’t an illusion, this hole is really something that has only existed recently. Then what about Shen Yin?

After he climbs back down to the ground with disappointment, he lifts his head and discovers a silver-haired man sitting before him.
He is seated on the exposed root of an ancient tree, the blackened tree root jutting out from the ground, hovering over the air for some distance before burying itself into the ground again, as if erecting a bridge of which the circ.u.mference is as thick as a person’s embrace. The tree had been near where he woke up, yet he failed to notice them at all.

The speckles of light fall through the large green crowns of trees and projects onto the man’s face. His face, under the clear light, looks extremely fair. It compliments his s.h.i.+ny silver hair, making him look as if he is carved from ice. He gives off an aura of unsettling pa.s.siveness. The robe on his body floats around in the air, but it does not seem to be blown by wind, but it moves in a slow and mystical way that floats like clouds. His gaze is focused on the ancient sheep-skin bound book in his hands. He does not speak and looks mysterious.

Qi Ling has no idea of who he is or where he comes from. Since last night, it feels as if his entire world is like a kaleidoscope turned upside down. Bizzare. This is why he decides to not cause trouble and with light steps, he attempts to walk around the man and then escape.

“You’re awake.” The man opens his mouth when Qi Ling manages to near the ancient tree. He puts away the book before standing. He glances at Qi Ling before telling him coldly, “Let’s go.”

“Go? Go where?” Qi Ling shuffles towards the other side of the path and curls up at the side of a tree. He is completely baffled by his words and feels nervous. “Sir, I just woke up, I haven’t even washed my face yet. I don’t even know you so why should I go with you?”

The silver-haired man replies coldly, “My name is Yin Chen.”

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