Legend of Ravaging Dynasties v2c6

Legend of Ravaging Dynasties -

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L.O.R.D - Volume 2, Section 6: Monster
L.O.R.D (New Version)
Movie t.i.tle: L.O.R.D (Legend of Ravaging Dynasties)
Author: Guo Jingming
Published: 2016
Translation: [email protected]

Volume 2: Bewstowment of the Seal
Section 1: Monster

[West of Aslan Empire - Forest outside Town of Fauser]

The moonlight flows on the ground of the town of Fauser, resembling a layer of gloomy mercury squirming slowly.

The surface of the main pathway is constructed of rough yellow gneiss, now covered with a layer of faint blue sh.e.l.l of ice. On the path, a cl.u.s.ter of crystals as beautiful as corals envelops Kins and Liuna’s corpse, their appearance congealing in amber, resulting in a beauty shrouded under the shadow of death.

The inn had been bustling with noise before but at this moment, there is no one murmuring. The deadly silence stretches and inflates slowly to fill up the entire s.p.a.ce. The ground, the walls, the walkway, the yard - everything covered in strong ice crystals. Fresh blood and pieces of corpse sprays everywhere. The innards, intestines and blood that had been steaming before……at this moment, they have long gone cold and froze over.

The sweet stench of blood permeates into the night.

No lights.

The brightness of the entire town seems to be taken away by the ghouls hidden in the darkness. The dense forest surrounding this small town is pitch black, no sound, no warmth. There is only the blizzard that is gradually becoming more violent in the cold darkness.

It is as if all of Qi Ling’s senses are shattered. Only the sharp howling of the wind fills his years. Like a copper needle scratching across a metal surface, countless high-pitched and sharp humming sounds attack his eardrums, transmitting into his brain and causing a searing pain. Every inch of his body is in clear pain, his body and limbs feel as if they are being sliced by knives continuously.

The scene before his eyes extend into blur rays of lights. Qi Ling’s vision slackens in this tornado-like speed. Before he sees anything clearly, he can only see murky light before his eyes— he feels that he is being carried by something and speeding at an extremely fast speed. It should be some kind of monster - it cannot be human. It is impossible for humans to be so quick.

What remains in his memory is the picture of the inn from before— although the inn has long turned into an eerie cold grave wrapped under the ice and snow. When Shen Yin used the silvery silk threads to coc.o.o.n him and drag him out from the inn to save their lives, Qi Ling saw on the frozen floor of the inn where dozens of sharp crystal-like blades shot out of the ground wildly, forming into sharp and thick vines, recklessly engulfing the bodies of those soul masters. They bury themselves into their scalps like snakes, and then ripping them apart violently. They surge out from beneath their feet, piercing into the soles of their feet before pus.h.i.+ng their way up maniacally along the bone of their s.h.i.+ns. Dozens of crackling ice crystals resembling large monstrous snakes wrap around the Shen family. Using their sharp thorns, they slice through their skin and rip their bodies apart with violent strength. All of the people are dragged into a terrifying abyss by these chilling vines of ice.

The Shen family that has been radiating divine light just a few moments before has turned into a pile of lifeless meat chunks. The heart wrenching shrieks seem to remain in the cold air. Coupled with the strong stench of blood, they unfurl after them.

Qi Ling can’t hold it in and and feels like vomiting.

His vision clears up gradually and he realizes that he is draped on Shen Yin’s back. He is being tied to Shen Yin’s body by the silver silk threads, and Shen Yin is rus.h.i.+ng towards the gloomy depths of the forest at unbelievable speed. It feels like flying. Her delicate and beautiful face is now completely shrouded in the shadow of terror, her lips pale. “Aren’t you going to save them……” Qi Ling squeezes words out from his throat, Shen Yin does not turn back, instead, she replies coldly: “I can’t, they are bound to die……”

After Shen Yin finishes her sentence, she clenches her teeth and waves her right hand towards the front wildly. A few white rays of light flush out from the palms of her hands and are directed forward where they wind around of large tree trunks. Shen Yin tugs harshly and the two surges towards the front once again. The ground beneath their feet flips up from the heavy turbulence, as if a large reaping knife is leaving deep gullies behind in its wake. The constantly explosive sounds drag across the forest, rus.h.i.+ng towards the depths of the forest where the lighting becomes more and more dim.

Even with the speed of a hurricane, the suffocating sense of doom from behind them is still chasing after them closely. It is approaching.
Qi Ling turns his head around. In the distance, it is misty and chaotic. The down-like pieces of snow dance uninhibitedly in the forest. The ground is freezing over at an unbelievable speed, getting closer and closer to them. The crackling sound of the surface of the ice freezing sounds akin to a monster chewing in the deadly silent forest.

There is a large shadow in the white blizzard that is chasing after them.

The temperature of the forest is lowering dramatically. Qi Ling’s limbs are cold; when he opens his mouth, he realises that he can no longer control his tongue for clear speech. With great effort, he tries but only manages to squeeze out sounds, when they reach the edge of his mouth, they become meaningless husky screams. The howling of the blizzard surrounding them engulfs his voice rapidly. His thoughts are a mess; the sharp coldness is like a knife, dragging his life force out from his body and ripping it into pieces. Qi Ling’s eyes close slowly, gradually losing consciousness.

“Faster, faster, I don’t want to die……” He hears a scattering of Shen Yin’s twisted voice sounding as if someone has their hands around her throat. It is filled with unsetting horror.

Shen Yin can detect the enormous amount of soul power the soul beast behind her is emitting, that is Cang Xue Zhi Ya that managed to kill Lijier and everyone in her clan easily. The soul powers rush from the back like an overwhelming tide. She knows that she cannot win. All she can do is run.

Her soul powers have been released to her limit, countless silver threads explode in the form of light from her body, maneuvering forward like wind, pulling them forward. Just when she is in relief and antic.i.p.ation of escaping from this catastrophe, she sees the mountain-form rising from the ground at the end of the forest.


Shen Yin stands rooted to the ground in despair as she stares at the dead end before her. The monster behind her is quickly approaching.

Shen Yin turns stiffly in fear, she sees that Qi Ling has fallen from her back and his consciousness is blurry. A thin, white layer of frost forming over his handsome face, ice flakes caught in his straight brows. He looks like he is on the edge of death.

Shen Yin lifts her eyes to look at the menacing swirl of wind and snow from the depths of the forest and clenches her teeth.

“If this must be how it is going to be……”

The storm clouds above their heads surge. The loud sound of thunder erupts constantly from the depths of the cloud cover.

Looking down from the faintly blue night sky, you will see that the entire vast forest is engulfed in a chaotic blizzard. The s.p.a.ce between each towering tree is entangled with strong white silk the thickness of wrists, complexly, they weave the dim forest into a hunter’s web that emits the fragrance of death, as if a large spider has left a white death trap on the ground.

In the pitch-black shadows of the forest, occasionally there will be halos of light flickering one after another, and then they will disappear mysteriously, as if there are countless pairs of large eyes in the darkness.

Shen Yin presses down on the fear in her chest that is about to leap out. Her trembling pupils stares unmovingly at the gradually approaching ball of wind and snow.

—Do not be afraid, as long as you channel all the soul powers in your body to feel the opponent’s speed in the widest area possible, you will not die……

—Already formed my web array. Every silk thread can help me detect the flow and changes of the opponent’s soul powers specifically, as long as I can calm down to sense it, I will be able to be know the direction and impact of the opponent’s attack beforehand……

—I don’t wish to die……

---I don’t want to die……oh, it will be okay……

—Yes. It’s alright, if it reaches the breaking point, I can still……

Shen Yin gradually constrains the fear in her heart and closes her eyes slowly. She releases her soul powers from her body, like liquid, they flow along the white threads. The soul powers distribute on each and every one of the threads of the web equally. A grand web to capture the prey is forming.

All minute changes in the dark, all attempts of attack, all flows of soul powers and each minor tremble will be transmitted from the spider webs to her body. As if she suddenly became a gargantuan monster, spreading the white nerves across the whole forest, and right now, the whole forest is her tremendous frame.

“It’s here!” Her eyes open with force.

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