European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 63

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Allied to _I. trechispora_, differing in being very glutinous and in rounded free gills.

[=imbecilis=, Pa.s.s. P. glabrous, rather viscid, white then clay-colour; g. whitish then rusty-rose; s. solid, long, cylindrical, watery, with white meal above.

=vatricosa=, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. convex then plane, sub.u.mb. glabrous, viscid, silky at margin, whitish; g. white then fuscescent; s. 2-3 cm.

fistulose, contorted, pulverulent; sp. ----.

Habit of _I. geophylla_ but smaller and viscid at first.

=Whitei=, B. and Br. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. convex, tawny, edge whitish, at length exp. and all tawny, fibrillose, rather viscid; g. white then pallid; s. 2-3 cm. slightly thickened at base, white then brownish; sp.

9 4.

=tricholoma=, A. and S. Whitish. P. 2-4 cm. plano-depr. rather viscid, with adpr. white fibrils, edge strigosely fringed; g. decur.; s. 3-4 cm.

slender, squamulose above; sp. rough, 4.

=strigiceps=, Fr. P. convex-obtuse then exp. strigosely silky with long fibrils, rufescent, edge at first involute, strigosely ciliate; g.

adnato-decur.; s. stuffed, downy, white.

var. _eriocephala_, Fr. P. yellowish-white, silky, with appendiculate white down at edge; g. adnate; s. fistulose, becoming compressed.


A. INDUSIATI. _Veil evidently cortinate, hence the pileus is often superficially silky near the margin._

=mussivum=, Fr. P. 5-10 cm. convex exp. obtuse, viscid, at length squamulose, yellow disc often brownish; g. emarginate, yellowish; s.

8-12 cm. solid, equal, entirely fibrillose, yellowish, apex rather pruinose; sp. 12 6.

=sinuosum=, Fr. P. 7-14 cm. exp. wavy, viscid, even, almost glabrous, yellowish or pale brick-red then pale; g. emarginato-free, broad, pallid then rusty; s. 8-13 cm. hollow, stout, fibrous, soft, white floccosely-scaly above; sp. ----.

=fastibile=, Fr. Smell unpleasant. P. 4-7 cm. compact, exp. wavy, viscid, glabrous, pale yellowish tan; g. emarginate, rather distant, pallid then cinnamon, lacrymose; s. 4-7 cm. subbulbous, white, fibrously scaly, veil evident; sp. 10 6.

var. _alba_, Fr. S. longer, equal, partly hollow, apex fibrously scaly; g. distant.

var. _elegans_, Lindgr. Edge of p. sulcate or rugoso-plicate. Form B.

Pileus purple-brown.

=senescens=, Batsch. P. 4-9 cm. exp. rather viscid, ochre or flesh-colour with tinge of rust, rusty yellow when old, edge crisped, h.o.a.ry; g. dusky rust colour; s. 6-9 cm. thinner and whitish upwards, scaly and darker below; sp. 10 6.

=glutinosum=, Lindg. P. 4-7 cm. exp. glutinous, with white superficial scales, yellowish white, discoid; g. crowded, yellowish then cinnamon; s. 6-7 cm. subbulbous, whitish squamulose, apex mealy; sp. 10-12 5.

=testaceum=, Batsch. Smells like radishes. P. 3-5 cm. campan.-convex, even, rather viscid, brick-red then pale, rather opaque; g. nearly free, crowded, rusty; s. 6-7 cm. hollow, subbulbous, floccosely fibrillose, pallid, apex mealy; sp. 10 5-6.

[=rubrum=, Otth. P. campan. then conico-exp. splitting into shreds, clear red, yellowish when dry; flesh reddish; g. free; s. equal, fibrous, often slightly bulbous, colour of p.

=firmum=, Pers. P. 4-7 cm. campan. exp. umb. viscid, brick-red, discoid; g. dry, edge white toothed; s. 4-7 cm. solid, pallid, everywhere floccosely scaly; sp. 10 5.

[=mitratum=, Fr. P. campan.-gibbous, viscid, often cracked, yellowish brick-red, umbo prominent, stout, fuscous then pale, g. crowded, sinuato-adnate; s. solid or becoming hollow, equal, yellowish-white, fibrous, dusky yellow from veil.

=claviceps=, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. convex, exp. disc gibbous, even, naked, pallid; g. dry, pallid; s. 4-7 cm. equal, everywhere white mealy, fuscous downwards; sp. 10-11 5.

Differs from _H. firmum_ in dark base of s. and paler g.

[=fusipes=, Bres. Smell like spirit of wine. P. convex-gibbous, edge broadly incurved, viscid, glabrous, tinged tan; g. broad, edge white-fimbriate; s. pallid, base fusiformly rooting; sp. 12-15 9-10.

[=birrum=, Fr. P. exp. discoid, disc rugulose, pale tan, with superficial white squamules near edge; g. rounded then truncate and free; s. solid, fusiformly rooting, rather woolly with white imbricated squamules.

=punctatum=, Fr. P. 2-5 cm. exp. silky then almost glabrous, the darker disc punctate with viscid warts, tan, paler when dry; g. narrow, crowded, pallid then rusty bay; s. 5-9 cm. hollow, equal, apex white pruinose; sp. 7-11 5-6.

=versipelle=, Fr. P. 5-7 cm. viscid with tough gluten, discoid, at length wavy, crust-colour, adglutinated and silky at edge, then glabrous; g. crowded, broad, reddish white then tan; s. 4-7 cm.

silky-white, apex pruinose; sp. 12 long.

[=subtortum=, Karst. P. convex then plane, obtuse, even, glabrous, irreg. at first, silky near edge from veil, viscid, pale brick-red or pallid, disc darker; g. adnato-subdecur. crowded, edge crenate; s.

hollow, usually twisted, whitish, apex mealy; sp. 7-9 4-6.

=mesophaeum=, Fr. P. 3-4 cm. conico-convex then plane, even, viscid, almost naked, gilvous, disc bay; g. emarginate, crowded, thin; s. 4-7 cm. tough, equal, slender, fibrillose, whitish then rusty, apex pruinose; sp. 7-8 4-5.

Disc of p. sometimes umber.

var. _holophaeum_, Fr. P. umb. everywhere dusky fuscous; s. fuscescent, subannulate.

=strophosum=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. expanded, sub.u.mbonate, viscid, disc bay, edge white with veil; g. crowded; s. 3-5 cm. hollow, silky, whitish, ring near the apex distinct but imperfect; sp. 8-9 5.

[=elatellum=, Sacc. (= _Roumeguerites elatellus_, Karst.) P. hemisph.

even, glabrous, naked, pale fuscescent, sometimes spotted, yellowish livid when dry; g. adnate, much crowded, narrow, pale tan; s. tall, equal, naked, whitish, ring, inf. entire, persistent, membranous, tinged fuscous; sp. 7-9 4-6.

=subcollariatum=, B. and Br. P. 2-3 cm. convex, exp. rather glutinous, pale ochre-tan, centre darker; g. broadly adnate, soon separating from s. and attached to a collar, pale tan, edge whitish; s. 4-5 cm.

flexuous, pale, brownish below, pulverulent; sp. 12-13 6.

=violascens=, Otth. P. convex, umb. dry, silky s.h.i.+ning, bright violet, disc adpressedly squamulose and brownish; g. reddish violet then brownish; s. pale violet then rufous-fibrillose, base slightly bulbous, yellowish.

[=deflectens=, Karst. P. exp. depr. rugulose, dry, scurfy-squamulose, bright yellow-tan; g. crowded, lanceolate; s. equal, fistulose, tough, rooting, paler than p. everywhere white-scurfy; sp. 7-9 5-6.

B. DENUDATI. _Pileus glabrous, veil absent from the first._

=sinapizans=, Fr. Smell like radishes. P. 7-12 cm. compact, exp. rather wavy, even, glabrous, rather viscid, pale tan; g. deeply emarginate, broad, dry, crowded, entire; s. 6-10 cm. stout, equal, fibrillose, white, apex white-scaly; sp. 12 7.

Differs from _H. sinuosum_ in strong smell and absence of veil.

=crustuliniforme=, Bull. P. 5-10 cm. convex then exp. glabrous, rather viscid, often rather wavy, yellowish-red, disc darker then pale; g.

sinuate, thin, narrow, whitish then brown, edge crenulate and with beads of moisture; s. 4-7 cm. solid, firm, subbulbous, whitish, with minute white recurved flecks; sp. 11-12 6.

[=Syrjense=, Karst. P. convex, exp. obtuse, dry, even, glabrous, brick-red; g. adnexed, crowded, pallid, edge crenulate; s. equal, wavy, twisted, white, white-flocculoso-pulverulent above, at length entirely umber; sp. 10-11 5-6.

Subcaespitose; stems cohering at base.

=hiemale=, Bres. (= _H. crustuliniforme_, var. _minor_, Cke.) P.

exp.-gibbous or depr. viscid, glabrous, edge incurved and white flocculose at first, pallid tan, centre reddish tan; g. crowded, sinuate and almost free, edge white-floccose; s. whitish, apex with white scurf; sp. 12-13 6-7.

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