European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae Part 49

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* _Cuticle of pileus fibrillose or floccose._

=cervinus=, Schaeff. P. 4-9 cm. campan. exp. even, glabrous, then broken up into fibrillose squamules which fall away, smoky with a yellowish or fawn-coloured tinge; g. white then flesh-colour; s. 5-9 cm. solid, whitish with black fibrils; sp. 7-8 5-6; cystidia ventricose.

var. _rigens_, Pers. P. grey, blackish, virgate or squamulose; s.

glabrous, somewhat s.h.i.+ning.

var. _patricius_, Schulz. P. whitish then grey with umber or tan scales, then almost glabrous, silky s.h.i.+ning, and radiately cracked; s. even, white.

var. _eximius_, Saund. and Sm. Large and showy. P. even, with a separable viscid pellicle, reddish-umber, vermilion near edge when young; s. fibrillose, at length blackish.

var. _petasatus_, Fr. P. umb. glabrous, greyish white, with a separable pellicle, at length striate to middle; s. fibrillosely striate, at length tawny.

var. _Bullii_, Berk. P. convex, smooth, even, pallid, disc darker; s.

pale brown.

[=sororiata=, Karst. P. campan. exp. floccosely scaly, yellow; g.

flesh-colour; s. pallid then yellowish; sp. 7-8 6.

[=montellicus=, Sacc. P. flesh spongy, dry, exp. yellowish, almost glabrous; g. olive-grey; s. fibrous, rufescent, incurved; sp. 10 8.

=umbrosus=, Pers. P. 3-5 cm. campan. then exp. lacunose-rugose, at first downy, umber, edge ciliato-fimbriate; g. edge smoky-fimbriate; s. 4-7 cm. solid, squamulosely downy, pale; sp. 6-7 5; cystidia ventricose.

Differs from _P. cervinus_ in downy p. and dark-edged gills.

=ephebius=, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. obtuse, covered with bluish down, edge naked; g. yellowish flesh-colour; s. 4-7 cm. stuffed, glabrous, slightly striate, whitish or tinged grey; sp. 7 4.

Differs from _P. cervinus_ in minutely downy p. which is sometimes brownish-violet.

var. _drepanophyllus_, Schulz. P. umber; s. at length hollow.

[=granulatus=, Bres. (= _plautus_, Q., not of Fr.) P. campan. then exp.

hygr. edge striate, rufescent, densely covered with minute granules of same colour; g. free, edge fimbriate; s. hyaline-white, often compressed, grooved, rather scurfy, somewhat rooting; sp. 6-8.

=violarius=, Ma.s.s. P. 1.5-2.5 cm. hemisph. then nearly plane, minutely velvety, watery, dark purple, flesh grey; g. flesh-colour, edge serrulate; s. 2-3 cm. hollow, whitish upwards, base pale brown with black fibrils; sp. subgl. 5-6.

=salicinus=, Pers. P. 2-3 cm. exp. sub.u.mb. bluish-grey, disc darker and floccosely rugose; g. rosy; s. 2-3 cm. stuffed, fibrillose, bluish-white; sp. ----.

var. _beryllus_, Pers. P. greenish.

var. _floccosus_, Karst. P. floccosely scaly.

=hispidulus=, Fr. P. 1-1.5 cm. convexo-plane, pilose or silky, grey, edge at length slightly striate; g. flesh-colour; s. 3-4 cm. fistulose, even, glabrous, silvery-white; sp. ----.

[=curtus=, Karst. P. convexo-exp. obtuse, longitudinally fibrillose or cracked, with short, stout, erect, muricately squarrose scales at disc, pallid then fuscescent; g. adnexed, broad, ventricose; s. rigid, short, equal, wavy, floccosely squamulose, fuscescent, apex naked; sp. rough, 5 3-4.

Resembling _Inocybe lacera_ but smaller and shorter.

=pellitus=, Fr. White. P. 2-4 cm. convexo-plane, even, dry, silky; g.

flesh-colour; s. 3-4 cm. stuffed, glabrous, even, s.h.i.+ning; sp. ----.

var. _punctillifer_, Q. P. exp. whitish, centre tinged fuscous, and with minute umber squamules; s. whitish, squamulose below; sp. 3-4.

var. _gracilis_, Bres. P. white, becoming very faintly tinged umber at disc; s. cylindrical, glabrous; sp. 5-6 long.

[=Roberti=, Fr. P. convex then plane, obtuse, slightly hairy, not sulcate, white tinged fuscous; g. very broad, s.h.i.+ning white; s. apex hollow, solid below and slightly thickened.

Fries considers this sp. as near to _P. semibulbosus_ notwithstanding the white gills.

** _Pileus atomately pruinose, subpulverulent._

[=plautus=, Weinm. P. campan. exp. even, glabrous, tan when moist, smoky h.o.a.ry; g. flesh-colour; s. fistulose, soft like velvet, blackish brown.

var. _terrestris_, Bres. P. exp. edge wavy, dry, pruinosely velvety, sooty black, rugulose; g. edge subfimbriate; s. velvety, blackish; sp. 6 5.

[=cinereus=, Q. Scurfy-flocculose, grey. P. with raised veins forming pits; s. springing from a white byssoid mycelium; sp. glob. 6-8.

=na.n.u.s=, Pers. P. 3-5 cm. exp. obtuse, rugulose, smoky, sprinkled with floccose bloom; g. flesh-colour; 3-4 cm. solid, rigid, striate, white; sp. subgl. echin. 5-6.

var. _lutescens_, Fr. Stem and g. or first only, yellowish.

var. _major_, Cke. Larger. P. even, greyish.

All the forms differ from _P. cervinus_ and its vars. in having subglobose spores.

[=exiguus=, Pat. P. exp. reddish brown, bristling with minute squamules; g. distant from stem, ventricose; s. white, pruinose, thickened at base, solid; sp. 6-7 3.

Near _P. na.n.u.s_, but smaller and p. squamulose.

=melanodon=, Secr. P. convexo-plane, umb. pulverulent, edge slightly striate, dull yellow; g. pale flesh-colour, edge with minute black teeth; s. fistulose, slender, firm, glabrous, s.h.i.+ning.

=spilopus=, B. and Br. (= _spodopileus_, Sacc.) P. 2-3 cm. exp. sub.u.mb.

radiately rugulose, brownish or dark fawn; g. pale salmon; s. 3-4 cm.

equal, whitish or tinged fawn, with scattered black points, solid; sp.

subgl. 7-8.

=semibulbosus=, Lasch. White. P. 1-2 cm. hemispher. obtuse, atomately mealy, sulcate; g. pale flesh-colour; s. 1.5-2 cm. p.u.b.escent, base swollen; sp. ----.

[=candidus=, Pat. Small. P. convex, even, white, silky; g. rosy; s.

white, downy, base thickened.

*** _Pileus naked, glabrous._

=roseoalbus=, Fr. P. 4-7 cm. exp. even, glabrous, rosy, edge naked; g.

rather distant, flesh-colour; s. 4-6 cm. solid, attenuated, whitish or tinged red, with white meal; sp. rough, subgl. 5-6.

=leoninus=, Schaeff. P. 3-5 cm. thin, campan. then exp. glabrous, naked, yellow, or tinged tawny; g. yellowish flesh-colour; s. 4-7 cm. solid, glabrous, striate, whitish; sp. ----.

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