Hui You Tian Shi Ti Wo Ai Ni Chapter 5.2

Hui You Tian Shi Ti Wo Ai Ni -

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* * * Continued from Part 1 * * *   Winter pa.s.sed, and the weather instantly heated up. Sunlight shone through the windows of the library’s study room in scintillating rays. Rows of shelves; students immersed themselves in sourcing various magazines and reference books. On the long tables, students held their pencils, scratching notes on paper for revision.   Xiao Mi lugged academic periodicals a metre high onto the table, and sat down, wiping sweat off her brow. She opened them and read meticulously, slotting a bookmark whenever she caught sight of ‘Human Resource’ between pages. Half an hour later, she had already used up a dozen bookmarks.   Mm, that’s about it.   She stretched her arms, yawning. Then, she turned to face Yi Tang Yao, who was sound asleep on the table.   “Wake up......” She nudged his arms.  

He remained in slumber, his brows knit in a scowl, as if struggling to fight against the annoying disturbance.   “Wake up!” She hissed in his ear.   Ugh...... To h.e.l.l with you! This warm sunlight is the most suitable for sleep! Who is it that’s courting death! His hands tightened into fists on the table, his eyes shut, teeth grinding a series of curses.   “Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up......”   Just like from a scripture, a series of chants reverberated around him. His fist was held so tight it creaked, and Yi Tang Yao abruptly raised his head. His eyes were ignited! Does she have a death wish?!   Xiao Mi was reading her theses quietly.   Her head was lowered, a tranquil smile tugging at the corners of her lips. At the sound of movement, she turned her head, and smiled in surprise. “Ah, I was about to call you up, and here you are awake. That’s good.”   “Just now......” Yi Tang Yao glared at her. It’s evidently her voice disturbing him!   “I wanted to wake you earlier on, but.” Her smile was adorable. “Seeing you sleep so sweetly, I wanted to let you sleep for a while more.” Huu, his gaze was terrifying.   “It isn’t you?!”   “Me? What about me?” Xiao Mi scratched her head, bemused. Then, her eyes lit up. “You dreamt about me just now, didn’t you?”   Yi Tang Yao surveyed her, with a look of suspicion.   “What did you dream about me?” She smiled ecstatically. “Tell me!”   “I dreamt about you turning into a buzzing housefly!”   “That’s impossible.”   “Why?”   “The insect which buzzes is a bee.”   “......”   “A housefly drones, so that can’t be possible.” Her whole face beamed adorably, with a voice slightly exasperated. “You need to read more, so you wouldn’t make these...... cough...... mistakes.”   With that, she pushed a fat pile of periodicals in front of him.   “The content you need to read, I have already indicated with bookmarks. There isn’t much. You can read them first, while I continue searching for materials.”   Xiao Mi lowered her head, covering her face with a hand, as she flipped through a new periodical. Covertly, her eyes flitted. Yay! Her lips branched into a candid smile within her palm. Heehee, no matter what apperance he takes, she is still able to tease him into silence. How cute!   Yi Tang Yao stared at the periodicals on the table in a trance.   A dream? Bee? Housefly? ...... Hey! Does he look like an idiot?! And he obviously heard her laughing!   “Hey!” He growled coldly.   She hastily stiffened the smile on her lips, putting on a serious, attentive expression.   “What is it?”   You suck at acting! Yi Tang Yao cursed inwardly. Her lips carried a surrept.i.tious smile, and her eyes had a suspicious glint to them. Just like a little fox who had stolen a chicken.   Yet—   It seems that she’s that little bit cuter than when she was sick.   “Why should I read this stuff!”   Flipping through the periodicals, the pages bookmarked were all related to some boring topic - ‘Human Resource’. Yi Tang Yao irritably pushed them aside, nearly knocking into the boy who was reading beside him.   “Sorry sorry......” Xiao Mi hastily apologized, smiling towards the student. She lugged the books back in front of Yi Tang Yao, whispering. “Have you forgotten about the thesis?”   “Which one?”   Xiao Mi resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Cough, keep in mind, keep in mind, an angel cannot display an inelegant expression. She took a deep breath, smiling adorably. “The one the Human Resource Teacher a.s.signed us.”   Yi Tang Yao finally caught a wisp of its shadow in his faraway memories.   “...... Didn’t you write it for me?”   “I did.”   “Then, what’s there to write?” Yi Tang Yao was skeptical her brain had been fried senile from the fever.   Xiao Mi kept a flat expression, struggling to contain her eye from flipping up. She squeezed out a dry smile.   “You were honest, you said the thesis isn’t yours.”   “......” Yi Tang Yao was stunned, and abruptly felt stars spinning before his eyes.   Xiao Mi smiled. “So, before Friday, you have to hand in a new thesis to the teacher.”   “Your smile is really callous.” Amidst the dizzying array of stars, he was still able to see her snicker furtively.   “I didn’t, cough!” Xiao Mi lowered her head, and when she raised it, it was yet another chaste, angelic smile. “Actually, I do admire your integrity and courage. To have written the thesis for you on my own accord is recklessness on my part. So, you should do your thesis well this time.”   “You’ll write for me.”   “.......?” Xiao Mi was taken aback.   “You hear me, write it for me!”   The thick pile of books was shoved back to Xiao Mi, and Yi Tang Yao crumpled back onto the desk to sleep.   “But, last time you—“   “At that time, I didn’t know what scheme you’re playing up.”   “Scheme?”   “For example, using a thesis to blackmail and coerce me to date with you.” He fired her a glare, his voice chilling.   Xiao Mi’s mouth gaped open. Rascal, does she look like the type who would coerce others?!” A huge white eye flipped. She finally understood how Lv Dong Bin felt when bitten[1].   “Hey!”   “......” She looked deflated.   “You’re hideous when you roll your eyes.” His voice was harsh and cutting like a knife.   “Did I roll my eyes?” She searched around her, even burying under the table. “Where did it roll to? Why can’t I find it?”   “Xiao Mi!” Yi Tang Yao’s face contorted.   She tousled her hair, and asked inquisitively. “Are you trying to laugh, or cry?”   Yi Tang Yao gave her a flick on the forehead!   It hurts~~   Xiao Mi held her forehead, wincing.   “And, you pushed me off the cab last time, didn’t you?!” Yi Tang Yao was ferocious. Weird, she was as frail as a weed when she was sick. Now that she recovered, she was energetic yet really detestable.   Xiao Mi’s eyes were that of adulation.   “Wow, you could even remember stuff from so long ago, amazing!”   “Have you forgotten?” His voice grated through his teeth,   She nodded enthusiastically.   Another flick erupted on her forehead.   “Do you remember now?!” His gaze was terrifying.   Xiao Mi clasped her forehead, and made a show of having seen the light. “Ahh! I remember!” She chuckled, and held out her hand. “The fare is 60 dollars in total, I won’t charge interest.”   “Piack!”   His gigantic palm slapped at her hand!   “It seriously hurts~~” Tears tumbled within the rims of her eyes. She miserably ma.s.saged her scarlet palm. “So painful~~ My hand hurts and my head hurts as well~~”   She is faking it! Yi Tang Yao stared at her, unconcerned.   Just that, her palm seemed to blister slightly and her forehead looked red and swollen. She lowered her head, her shoulders trembling.   “Hey.”   He growled at her.   Her head remained low. Except for the quiver in her shoulders, she was as still as a statue.   “Let me see!” He yanked her hand over, fingering it. Her palm was burning hot. d.a.m.n it! It was apparent he didn’t use a lot of strength! He bit his lip, eyes filled with vexation.   “Is it really painful?”   He ma.s.saged her hand.   “You just have to blow on it and the pain will go away.” She whispered, her voice shaking.   “Those are meant to trick little children.” He frowned. d.a.m.n it, only idiots would do something this moronic.   She didn’t speak again, her shoulders trembling.   The students in the library all read quietly, with the occasional one or two in whispers. Sunlight trickled in through the gla.s.s windows, s.h.i.+ning lithe and gentle.   Yi Tang Yao’s face stiffened. His suave eyebrows knitted so tight, they could squash a fly between them. His head lowered, he dragged her into an isolated corner out of sight.   “Huu----!”   Towards her palm, he fiercely exhaled a deep blast of air!   Ticklis.h.!.+ Xiao Mi could no longer tolerate it, and burst out giggling. She frantically clasped her mouth, not daring to laugh too loud.   Yi Tang Yao glared at her.   Xiao Mi held both hands to her mouth. Seriously, seriously too cute! She laughed till little sprinkles of tears burst forth from her eyes. She knew it, she had always known; no matter what he looked like, he would always be good to her.   “Mi! Ai!”   Yi Tang Yao bellowed.   Teachers and students alike in the library all looked in their direction.   “Shh!”   She made a forbidden hand gesture, and spoke in her softest voice. “Quiet. This is the library.”   “You fooled me!” Yi Tang Yao accused her, enraged.   “Yeah.” She stuck out her tongue.   “You promised me.”   “d.a.m.n it! What did I promise?!”   “You said you’ll date me for a month. Then, for this month, you’re my boyfriend.” Xiao Mi smiled playfully, and continued to read her articles. “I was just joking with my boyfriend, what’s the deal with that.”   As she said that, she secretly glanced at the frozen Yi Tang Yao.   “Hey.”   “What!” His voice was severe.   “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”   “......”   “Thank you.” Her eyes shaped like luminescent crescents.   Yi Tang Yao was silent for a long while, and finally flopped back onto the table to sleep, with a languid voice. “You’ll write the thesis yourself! Don’t hara.s.s me, or I’ll blow your brains up!”     *             *             *   Dusk, Xiao Mi hugged the photocopied articles back to Maple Dormitory Five, a smile still lightly hung across her lips. She inhaled deeply. The scent of summer was sultry yet warm, and there is even a refres.h.i.+ng fragrance. Ah, it’s true, what a beautiful scent! Actually, to use ‘beautiful’ in describing it doesn’t seem too appropriate, but that was the only word that surfaced in her mind.   She headed towards the scent.   On the windowsill of the management office, there is a stalk of pure, white flowers. A little gla.s.s bottle, half of it filled with water; dark green leaves entwining four to five bright, refined white flowers. They quietly bloomed, permeating a mellow fragrance. That scent seemed to detach from time and s.p.a.ce, suffusing into Xiao Mi’s heart.   “What flower is this?”   Curious, she carefully touched its petals with a finger.   Auntie Chen closed her registration work records, and raised her head, smiling amicably. “It’s a gardenia.”   “Gardenia?” Xiao Mi’s breathing was light. In the past, she had read about it in books, and all described the gardenia as pure and fragrant. But, she had never gotten the chance to see it with her own eyes. She never expected this, but the gardenia is even cuter than how the legends describe it.   “Do you like it?”   “Mm! It’s a beautiful flower, not to mention it’s really, really fragrant!”   Auntie Chen rose, lifted the bottle of gardenias and placed it in Xiao Mi’s hands. She smiled. “Then, I’ll give it to you. Remember to change its water every day. It should still bloom for three to four days.”   “No, no......” Xiao Mi frantically placed the flowers back on the window, embarra.s.sed. “Auntie Chen, ever since the past few days while I was sick, you have always been taking care of me. You treated me so well...... my heart...... I don’t know how to thank you...... I can’t accept your flowers......”   “Silly girl......” Auntie Chen clasped Xiao Mi’s hands in hers, and patted them. “You just transferred here, there’re so many things you’re unfamiliar with. It’s only right for me to take care of you. Moreover, some time ago, I heard from the other girls about you. I know you have suffered some grievances.”   Xiao Mi bit her lip. “I didn’t, everyone’s really nice to me.”   Auntie Chen surveyed her, smiling. “Xiao Mi, Auntie likes you. From the day you moved into the dormitory, Auntie has taken a liking to you. So, from now on, if there’s anything, remember to tell Auntie, and Auntie will help you with it.”   The rims of Xiao Mi’s eyes reddened. “Mm, I know, thank you Auntie.” Her mother had pa.s.sed away when she was still very young, and her father is a doctor in the Red Cross. Every year, he’s basically away from home, treating patients and disaster victims. Auntie Chen’s care is like a torrent of warmth surging into her, threatening to squeeze her tears out.   “You’ll take the flowers.” Auntie Chen placed the gardenias in Xiao Mi’s hands again. “You can display it beside your bed if you like. Sniffing its fragrance would lighten your mood, and your health would recover faster.”   “Mm!”   Xiao Mi no longer argued against her. She took a deep breath, and suddenly put down the materials and flowers in her hands, extending her arms to embrace Auntie Chen.   “Auntie Chen, I like you too!”   That said, her face was slightly red. She quickly took her flowers and books, barging up the storey to her room.   Auntie Chen watched Xiao Mi’s disappearing figure. She smiled. That benevolent smile, seemed to lightly surround her in a gentle glow.   The dormitory was empty.   Xiao Mi placed the gardenias on her study desk, and leaned over to whiff its scent. Ah, she was so happy she felt like singing, heehee. Opening up the periodicals, she sat down, and prepared to write a thesis. This time, after she finished the first draft, she must get Yi Tang Yao involved and willing to comment. Otherwise, if the teacher were to ask, the beans would be spilled once again.   The orange highlighter stroked through valuable information.   She was immersed in reading.   The sky outside the windows darkened.   “Ding dongg—“   The sudden ringing of the phone startled Xiao Mi.   She hastily picked it up. “h.e.l.lo? Who’s there?”   “Xiao Mi......”   The voice from the receiver rendered Xiao Mi speechless. For a few seconds, she forgot to breathe, her entire body frozen. The hand holding the phone gradually tightened.

  * * * To Be Continued * * *     [1] 吕洞宾被咬 – This phrase relates to a myth, and a proverb ‘The dog bites Lv Dong Bin, not knowing his well-intended meaning. The tale talks about a kind merchant, Lv Dong Bin, who took in a starving, homeless scholar, Gou Yao, and cared for him like his own child. The merchant only wanted the scholar to focus on his studies. Even as he got married, in order to prevent him from getting distracted, he refused to allow the scholar to meet his wife. The scholar became successful and moved away because of his job. Subsequently, the merchant’s house was burned down from a fire, the merchant lost his means to support his family and thought to seek help from the scholar. However, the scholar made no promises to lend him money, and the merchant left, disappointed, only to find a house built over his charred land and his wife and children crying over a coffin. Turns out it was a joke, there were taels within the coffin with a note. “Gou Yao is not ungrateful, and has given riches and a house along the way. You had my wife sleep alone on her wedding, and I’ll let your wife cry her heart for you.” The proverb comes from Gou Yao and ‘dog bite’ having the same p.r.o.nunciation.

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