Hui You Tian Shi Ti Wo Ai Ni Chapter 5.1

Hui You Tian Shi Ti Wo Ai Ni -

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-- Chapter 5 –   The door to the clinic was forcibly jolted open with a ‘bang’!   The deafening sound startled the school doctor, Yang Run. His hand jerked, needle in his grasp.  It was close to jabbing a spot beside the veins of the female patient. He frowned slightly, ignoring the commotion, as he continued his injection.   “Hey! Come here.”   A fierce, tyrannical voice erupted in the clinic.   Yang Run pushed the syringe. He then extracted the needle, using an alcohol swab to dab at her skin. He instructed her, “Come for the last injection at noon.”   “Doctor, I told you to come, you hear me!” That tone conveyed irritation.  

“Thank you, doctor.” The girl couldn’t help but look towards the door, and glimpsed a pair of blazing eyes with murderous intent. Scary! Frightened, she frantically escaped from the clinic.   Yang Run tossed the needle and swab into the trash can.   “Are you deaf?!”   A roar resounded beside Yang Run.   Yang Run didn’t raise his head, his right finger lifted. The direction he pointed to was a board hung on the white wall.   “Please do not disturb.”   Yi Tang Yao’s face flashed, the veins on his forehead palpitating. If not for his hands that were still carrying Xiao Mi, he would have thrown a fist at him!   “Tsk!”   Xiao Mi giggled furtively in his arms. Ever since coming to Sheng Shu, it was a first seeing Yi Tang Yao eat humble pie. Along the way from cla.s.sroom to clinic, he embraced her really tightly. Her bones felt like they would shatter from his grip; it hurts.   “What’re you laughing at?!” Yi Tang Yao glared at her.   “Hic......” Xiao Mi tried to retract the smile on her face, with a cough. “We finally arrived at the clinic, I’m happy, heehee.”   Yi Tang Yao’s fierce gaze continued to bore down on her, yet it felt like the rims of her eyes contained an unusual laughter.   “Cough, it isn’t very good of you to talk like that just now, the doctor......”   “Shut up!” Yi Tang Yao roared at Xiao Mi. “You’re lecturing me because of him?! Didn’t you say the one you like is—“   He halted his words abruptly, his expression deadpan, lips pursed.   Yang Run tidied up his work at hand, then turned around to survey that raucous boy.   He was tall and handsome, his hair a shade of ochre that was akin to sunlight. His nose adorned a minuscule diamond, his facial features elegant and beautiful; yet they held a contumacious air about them. In his arms was a girl. His carrying posture appeared stiff. His disposition resembled a clumsy boy who has no idea how to care for a doll.   “Are you Yi Tang Yao?” Yang Run asked him.   Yi Tang Yao’s brows rose. “I don’t know you.” From then till now, he has never stepped into the clinic before.   “Pei You is my junior.” In his university years, Yang Run had a close friends.h.i.+p with Pei You. There were times when he caught a glimpse of a photo in Pei You’s wallet, a shot of him and Yi Tang Yao. He has also heard brief stories about Yi Tang Yao from Pei You.   “Oh.” Yi Tang Yao muttered. So he is a friend of Pei You.   “For a person with heart problems, you don’t have a very good temper.” Yang Run said flatly.   “f.u.c.k you!”   Yi Tang Yao cussed. Stupid You! In a fit of anger, his arms tightened. Xiao Mi’s bones creaked slightly.   “Ah......”   Xiao Mi winced softly.   “Aren’t you going to put the patient down, she’s going to get strangled by you.” Yang Run shook his head. Pei You, who always has a gentle and considerate disposition, would actually be friends with Yi Tang Yao, someone reckless and difficult. This world indeed, never ceases to wonder.   Yi Tang Yao started, and lowered his head at Xiao Mi, to see her face flushed and breathless from coughing. He cursed, frowning, and walked to the sickbed, setting her down.   “Thank you.”   Xiao Mi spoke, coughing.   Yi Tang Yao was silent. He pulled the covers over her, wrapping her up like a dumpling, as he shouted at Yang Run.   “Hey! Get over here and examine her!”   Yang Run walked over leisurely, the smile in his lips placid, as if he hadn’t a worry in his heart.   “Could you hurry up!” Yi Tang Yao’s loud voice reverberated.   “Don’t do that......” Xiao Mi grabbed his wrist, her palm scalding hot. Her hold felt as light as a feather. “Your shouting is making my ears ring, I feel dizzy......”   “Really?” Although he doubted his voice had such power, strangely, he still lowered his voice.   Xiao Mi blinked. “That’s not true, I lied.”   “You—“   “I’m really happy.” She smiled, her smile seemingly transparent. Her hand remained on his wrist, delicate and warm.   Yi Tang Yao stared at her.   “Thank you, for being so kind to me.” She closed her eyes with a sigh. “Do you know? You’re so kind, it’s like you’re an angel......”   Angel? What the h.e.l.l is that! Yi Tang Yao’s brows creased.   Taken by surprise, Yang Run appraised Yi Tang Yao for a long while, trying to find a remnant of an angel in him. Looking from all angles, he eventually determined that Yi Tang Yao is still an angel in development. As to whether the process of his development would take as long a time as an ape’s evolution to a h.o.m.osapien, that still remains to be a profound question.     “I’m not an angel!” Yi Tang Yao muttered irascibly. He hated mushy words like these.   “...... Oh.” Xiao Mi scratched her head weakly. Sigh, it doesn’t matter. Any ordinary angel wouldn’t admit himself as one. She opened her eyes, maintaining a smile on her lips. “That...... you don’t have to treat me so well...... I will...... be at a loss of what to do......” She was used to his fierce, irritable manner. To suddenly see his panicked affability, not knowing why, her heart aches from it.   “I wasn’t treating you well. It’s just, I promised you that as long as you found my diamond, I’ll go out with you for a month.” Yi Tang Yao dragged his words. His expression displayed indifference, yet that affected gaze slightly revealed anxiety.   “Oh...... that’s how it is......”   His nervousness seemed to have infected Xiao Mi. Her heart panicked, and she started hacking vigorously.   “Doctor—!”   Yi Tang Yao hollered again, the veins on his forehead pulsing.   Yang Run had already reached Xiao Mi’s bed. He supported her, and gently pat her back, to aid in her breathing. “How long have you had this fever?”   “Coughcough...... cough...... four days......”   “It hasn’t recovered after so long?” Yang Run frowned.   Xiao M clasped her mouth, in fits of coughing. Cough, actually it should have been much better. It’s just that she jumped into freezing water in the fountain pool.   ‘Hey! Let go of her!”   Yi Tang Yao grabbed the back of Yang Run’s collar in his rage, yanking him aside!   “Who gave you the permission to touch her!”   With the sudden loss of her pillar of support, Xiao Mi fell hard back onto the bed with a loud ‘bam’! Ah, she groaned inwardly. That hurts. Thank goodness the pillow is soft, otherwise, her head would swell for sure.   “Speak up, how is she? Does she need to be admitted to the hospital for treatment?!” Yi Tang Yao glared at Yang Run, who had fallen to the side, a face of aggravation.   Yang Run inhaled deeply, suppressing the ball of fire in his stomach. This brat, if not for his illness, he really had the urge to beat him into a pulp.   “It’s fine. She’ll recover after one to two days of medication and rest.” Yang Run walked to his desk beside the window, noting her condition with a fountain pen. “But—“   “What?” Yi Tang Yao probed on.   “If there’s someone who constantly yells at her, depriving her of rest and quiet, then the recovery would be extremely slow.” Yang Run answered flatly.   Yi Tang Yao froze. Does he think he’s an idiot? These words should be fed to the dogs! But...... ‘Your shouting is making my ears ring, I feel dizzy......’   He looked from Yang Run to Xiao Mi. His lips were abruptly tight.   Following the events that afternoon, Yi Tang Yao actually didn’t say another word.     *             *             *     Wei Guo Guo couldn’t believe her own eyes. As she listened to English on the radio while eating popcorn in the dormitory, Yi Tang Yao actually carried Xiao Mi inside. He clumsily laid her on the bed, so that she could lie down, then covered her with a blanket and ordered her to sleep.   After which, he turned to glare at the dumfounded Wei Guo Guo. With big strides, he turned off the buzzing radio.   “Don’t listen to it! You’ll disturb Xiao Mi!”   Wei Guo Guo was speechless, her mouth hanging open. In cla.s.s, she had the impression Yi Tang Yao was only experiencing a moment of insanity. She didn’t expect it to last this long.   Yi Tang Yao grabbed the popcorn in her hands, with a low growl.   “Eating this makes too much noise.”   Wei Guo Guo was in a daze, forgetting even to blink.   Yi Tang Yao glared at her for a moment, frowning. “Go to the library! Xiao Mi needs rest. You’re too loud!”   The door shut with a ‘bang’.   Wei Guo Guo was thrown out of the room by Yi Tang Yao. She stood there stupidly, shaking her head, without notion of what’s going on. That, seems to be her dormitory; that, Xiao Mi seems to be her friend; it, seems like the one who’s always vehement towards Xiao Mi is him!   And—   Even if she were to go to the library, she would need her bag, wouldn’t she?!   Recovering from her trance, Wei Guo Guo pounded the door vigorously.   “Hey! Open up! My bag’s still inside! Besides, the one who should leave is you! With you taking care of Xiao Mi, her condition would only get worse!”   The door opened.   Wei Guo Guo was caught off balance, almost toppling into the room. A bag slammed into her face. Her foot couldn’t even step within a 1cm radius into the room, before she was severely shut out.   Yi Tang Yao’s voice reverberated from inside the door.   “If you dare disturb Xiao Mi’s sleep again, I’ll sever your neck!”   What a menacing voice!   Wei Guo Guo quivered, a chill setting off gooseb.u.mps on her skin. She battled with her thoughts for a long time, and finally decided to give in to him. Picking the bag from the floor, she decided to quietly leave for the library. Then, her eyes suddenly widened—   Tsk!   The bag Yi Tang Yao threw out was Xiao Mi’s!   Yi Tang Yao is a moron!   Yi Tang Yao is a pig!   From that day on, except for nighttime, in the dormitory, Yi Tang Yao basically didn’t allow anyone to ‘disrupt’ Xiao Mi’s recovery. Wei Guo Guo, Cheng Yuan and Yang Ke Wei could only roam outside every day. Cheng Yuan was fine with it; she spent most of her time in the library anyway. But, for Wei Guo Guo and Yang Ke Wei, it was h.e.l.l. Yang Ke Wei’s face was stiff with anger, but she didn’t dare to flare up in Yi Tang Yao’s presence. Heehee, seeing her amusing expression became Wei Guo Guo’s only entertainment for those few days.   Surprisingly, Xiao Mi did recover very quickly.   “If I still didn’t get well, you guys would ignore me already.” Xiao Mi laid comfortably on her bed, guilt-ridden towards the exasperated Wei Guo Guo.   “Hmph!”   “I’m so sorry......”   “Hmph!”   “Guo Guo......” Xiao Mi tousled her hair, a face of distress.   “Hmph!” Wei Guo Guo rolled her eyes at her. “Only you’re a diamond, the rest of us are gra.s.s! It’s so infuriating!”   “I’m sorry, Guo Guo.” Xiao Mi lowered her head. She knew Yi Tang Yao had gone overboard, but, he never gave her a chance to speak. Every time she opened her mouth, he would yell at her to shut up. If she insisting on talking, he would trammel her mouth with the blanket.   “Yi Tang Yao is a moron!” Wei Guo Guo pouted, spouting all the words she had uttered countless times for the past few days.   “Oh.”   “What’s with that ‘oh’! He’s a moron, yet you still like him. You’re an idiot even bigger than a moron!”   “Oh.”   “What’s with that ‘oh’ again!” Wei Guo Guo shot Xiao Mi a glare.   “A moron. I am a moron, so I only know to say ‘oh’.” Xiao Mi put on an idiotic smile.   “Tsk! I can’t stand you!”   Wei Guo Guo couldn’t help but burst out laughing. With this laugh, she really has no way of getting angry anymore.   “What exactly do you like about Yi Tang Yao, Xiao Mi?”   Xiao Mi’s smile gradually receded. Her expression turned distinctly serene. At that moment, Wei Guo Guo could sense a heartrending emotion transuding from the rims of her eyes. Then, Xiao Mi smiled. Her smile was mild, like the breeze of noon outside their windows.   “As long as it’s him, I’ll like everything there is.”   * * * To Be Continued * * *

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