Man, Past and Present Part 2

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[16] For a full description see _Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc._ March, 1913.

Also A. Keith, _The Antiquity of Man_, 1915, p. 320, and pp. 430-452.

[17] C. Dawson and A. Smith Woodward, "Supplementary Note on the Discovery of a Palaeolithic Human Skull and Mandible at Piltdown (Suss.e.x)," _Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc._ April, 1914.

[18] _The Antiquity of Man_, 1915, p. 209.

[19] Thus Lucretius:

"Arma antiqua ma.n.u.s, ungues, dentesque fuerunt, Et lapides, et item silvarum fragmina rami."

[20] _Jour. Anthrop. Inst._ 1896, p. 133.

[21] _Inaugural Address_, Brit. a.s.s. Meeting, Toronto, 1897.

[22] M. Boule, "L'homme fossile de la Chapelle-aux-Saints," _Annales de Paleontologie_, 1911 (1913). Cf. also H. Obermaier, _Der Mensch der Vorzeit_, 1912, p. 364.

[23] _Prehistoric Man_, 1912, p. 60.

[24] _Der Mensch der Vorzeit_, 1912, p. 365.

[25] This is not generally accepted. See A. Keith's diagram, p. 5 and pp. 9-10.

[26] W. J. Sollas, "On the Cranial and Facial Characters of the Neandertal Race," _Phil. Trans._ 1907, CXCIV.

[27] J. Fraipont and M. Lohest, "Recherches Ethnographiques sur les Oss.e.m.e.nts Humains," etc., _Arch. de Biologie_, 1887.

[28] Gorjanovi[vc]-Kramberger, _Der diluviale Mensch von Krapina in Kroatia_, 1906.

[29] M. Boule, "L'homme fossile de la Chapelle-aux-Saints," _L'Anthr._ XIX. 1908, and _Annales de Paleontologie_, 1911 (1913).

[30] H. Klaatsch, _Prahistorische Zeitschrift_, Vol. I. 1909.

[31] Peyrony and Capitan, _Rev. de l'Ecole d'Anthrop._ 1909; _Bull. Soc.

d'Anthr. de Paris_, 1910.

[32] G. Schwalbe, "Der Schadel von Brux," _Zeitschr. f. Morph. u.

Anthr._ 1906.

[33] Makowsky, "Der diluviale Mensch in Loss von Brunn," _Mitt. Anthrop.

Gesell. in Wien_, 1892.

[34] See A. Keith, _The Antiquity of Man_, 1915, Chap. X.

[35] H. Klaatsch, "Die," etc., _Zeitschr. f. Ethn._ LII.


[36] L. Lartet, "Une sepulture des troglodytes du Perigord," and Broca, "Sur les cranes et oss.e.m.e.nts des Eyzies," _Bull. Soc. d'Anthr._ de Paris, 1868.

[37] R. Verneau, _Les Grottes de Grimaldi_, 1906-11.

[38] For a complete list with bibliographical references, see H.

Obermaier, "Les restes humains Quaternaires dans l'Europe centrale,"

_Anthr._ 1905, p. 385, 1906, p. 55.

[39] A. Keith, _The Antiquity of Man_, 1915, p. 158. See also W. J.

Sollas, _Ancient Hunters_, 1915, p. 186 ff.

[40] H. Klaatsch, "Die," _Zeitschr. f. Eth._ 1910, LII.

p. 513.

[41] The Mesvinian implements are now accepted as artefacts and placed by H. Obermaier immediately below the Ch.e.l.lean, though M. Commont interprets them as Acheulean or even later. See W. J. Sollas, _Ancient Hunters_, 1915, p. 132 ff.

[42] R. Smith and H. Dewey, "Stratification at Swans...o...b..,"

_Archaeologia_, LXIV. 1912.

[43] So called from Ch.e.l.les-sur-Marne, near Paris.

[44] Cf. J. Dechelette, _Manuel d'Archeologie prehistorique_, I. 1908, p. 89.

[45] From Aurignac (Haute-Garonne), Solutre (Saone-et-Loire), and La Madeleine (Dordogne).

[46] Mas-d'Azil, Ariege.

[47] W. J. Sollas, _Ancient Hunters_, 1915, pp. 378-9.

[48] "Les Subdivisions de paleolithique superieur," _Congres Internat.

d'Anth._ 1912, XIV. pp. 190-3.

[49] H. Breuil and E. Cartailhac, _La Caverne d'Altamira_, 1906. For a list of decorated caves, with the names of their discoverers, see J.

Dechelette, _Manuel d'Archeologie prehistorique_, I. 1908, p. 241. A complete _Repertoire de l'Art Quaternaire_ is given by S. Reinach, 1913; and for chronology see E. Piette, "Cla.s.sifications des Sediments formes dans les cavernes pendant l'Age du Renne," _Anthr._ 1904.

[50] From La Fere-en-Tardenois, Aisne.

[51] Cf. W. J. Sollas, _Ancient Hunters_, 1915, pp. 95, 534 f.

[52] _Die Alpen in Eiszeitalter_, 1901-9. See also "Alter des Menschengeschlechts," _Zeit. f. Eth._ XL. 1908.

[53] See W. J. Sollas, _Ancient Hunters_, 1915, p. 561.

[54] H. Obermaier, _Der Mensch der Vorzeit_, 1911-2, p. 332.

[55] _The Antiquity of Man in Europe_, 1914, p. 301.

[56] _Ancient Hunters_, 1915, p. 567.

[57] _Proc. Prehist. Soc. E. Anglia_, 1. 1911, p. 60.

[58] Discourse at the R. Inst.i.tute, London, _Nature_, Jan. 6 and 13, 1898.

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