Cultus Arborum Part 9

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DULAURE (J. A.) Des Divinites Generatrices, ou du Culte du Phallus chez les anciens et les modernes; 1st edition, 8vo, pp. xxiv. 428 _Paris_, 1805

DULAURE (J. A.) Histoire abregee de differens Cultes, des Cultes qui ont precede et amene l'idolatrie ou l'adoration des figures humains (vol. I); et des Divinites generatrices chez les anciens et les modernes (vol. 2); 2 vols 8vo, pp. x. 558, xvi. 464 _Paris_, 1825

[The 2nd vol. is a reprint of foregoing considerably enlarged, and was _suppressed_.]

DULAURE (J. A.) Des Divinites Generatrices, ou de Culte du Phallus, chez les anciens et les modernes, augmentee par l'auteur; 8vo, pp. xvi. 422 _Paris_ (_Siseux_), 1885

[A reprint of the suppressed 2nd vol. of the 1825 edition]

DOMENECH (l'Abbe) Ma.n.u.scrit pictographique Americain, precede d'une notice sur l'ideographie des Peux--Rouges; 8vo, 228 pp. of ill.u.s.trations _Paris_, 1860

DOMENECH (l'Abbe) La Verite sur le "Livre des Savages;" 10 pp. of plates and text, 8vo _Paris_, 1861

FORLONG (Major-General) Rivers of Life, or Sources and Streams of the Faiths of Man in all Lands, with maps, many ill.u.s.trations, and large coloured chart of Faith Streams; 2 vols. 4to, pp. xii. 565 and 659, and chart in case _London_, 1883

D'HANCARVILLE (P. F. Hugues) Monumens de la vie privee des douze Cesars, d'apres une suite de pierres gravees sans leur regne; 4to, front. and 50 plates and text _a Rome_, 1786

D'HANCARVILLE (P. F. Hugues) Monumens du Culte Secret des Dames Romaines, d'apres, &c., &c., pour Servir de Suite a la vie des douze Cesars; 4to, front. and 50 plates and text _a Rome_, 1790

[Both works since reprinted.]

INMAN (Thos., M.D.) Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names, an attempt to trace the religious belief, sacred rites, and holy emblems of certain nations, by an interpretation of the names given to childhood, &c.; 3 vols. 8vo, privately printed _London_, 1869

[The 3rd vol. having the same t.i.tle was printed, but not published, and in that form is excessively rare; but it was subsequently reprinted with a different t.i.tle and other alterations, as:

"Ancient Faiths and Modern, a Dissertation upon Wors.h.i.+ps, Legends and Divinities, in Central and Eastern Asia, Europe and elsewhere, before the Christian era, showing their relations to religious customs as they now exist; 8vo _New York_, 1876"]

INMAN (Thos., M.D.) Ancient, Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism, 2nd edition, enlarged with Essay on Baal-Wors.h.i.+p, the a.s.syrian Groves, and other allied symbols, by John Newton, M.R.C.S.; 8vo, many ill.u.s.trations _London_, 1875

JENNINGS (Hargrave) Phallism, celestial and terrestrial, heathen and Christian, its connexion with the Rosicrucians and the Gnostics, and its foundation in Buddhism, with an Essay on Mystic Anatomy; 8vo, pp. xxvii.

298 _London_, 1884

JENNINGS (Hargrave) Ill.u.s.trations of Phallism, consisting of ten plates of remains of ancient Art, with descriptions; 8vo _London_, 1885

KNIGHT (R. P.) An Account of the Remains of the Wors.h.i.+p of Priapus, lately existing at Isernia, in the Kingdom of Naples, in two Letters, one from Sir William Hamilton, K.B. ... to Sir Joseph Banks ... and the other from a person residing at Isernia; to which is added A Discussion on the Wors.h.i.+p of Priapus, and its connexion with the mystic Theology of the Ancients; 4to, pp. 195, 18 plates and an extra one _London_, 1786

KNIGHT (R. P.) A Discourse on the Wors.h.i.+p of the Priapus, and its connexion with the mystic theology of the Ancients; to which is added, An Essay on the Wors.h.i.+p of the Generative Powers during the middle ages of Western Europe; 4to, pp. xvi. 254, and 40 plates, p.p. _London_, 1865

[The "Essay" is understood to have been written by the late Thos.

Wright, a.s.sisted by Sir James Emerson Tennent and Mr. George Witt; 125 copies were printed, of which six were on large paper, and are naturally very scarce.]

KNIGHT (R. P.) Le Culte de Priape et les rapports avec la Theologie Mystique des Anciens, par Richard Payne Knight, Suivi d'un Essai sur le Culte des Pouvoirs generateurs durant le moyen age, traduits de l'Anglais, par E.W. (said to have been Madame Yga); 4to, pp. viii. 224, 40 plates, Luxembourg _Brussels_, 1886

[110 copies only printed.]

KNIGHT (R. P.) Do. do., 4to, pp. xviii. 200, 40 plates _Bruxelles_, 1883

[500 copies printed.]

KNIGHT (R. P.) The Wors.h.i.+p of Priapus, an Account of the Fete of St. Cosmo and Damiano, celebrated at Isernia in 1780, in a letter to Sir Joseph Banks.... In which is added, Some Account of the Phallic Wors.h.i.+p, derived from a Discourse on the Wors.h.i.+p of Priapus, by Richard Payne Knight, edited by Hargrave Jennings; 4to, pp. xi. 37 _London_, 1883

[100 copies printed.]

MACFIE (M.) Religious Parallelisms, and Symbolisms ancient and modern (Phallic Wors.h.i.+p, &c.); 8vo _London_, 1879

MULJI (Karsandas) History of the Sect of Maharajas, or Vallabacharyas in Western India; 8vo, pp. xv. 182 and app. 183, ill.u.s.trated _London_, 1865

[500 copies were printed, but only 75 reserved for sale in Europe, the rest were sent to Bombay, so the work is now scarce.]

O'BRIEN (Henry) The Round Towers of Ireland, or the History of the Tuath de Danaans for the first time unveiled; 8vo, ill.u.s.trated _London_, 1834

[A "curious" Preface is to be found in the earlier impressions.]

OPHIOLATREIA.--An Account of the Rites and Mysteries connected with the Origin, Rise and Development of Serpent Wors.h.i.+p, Serpent Mounds and Temples, the whole forming an exposition of one of the phases of Phallic or s.e.x Wors.h.i.+p; 8vo, vellum p.p., _London_, 1889

PHALLISM.--A Description of the Wors.h.i.+p of Lingam-Yoni in various parts of the World and in different Ages, with an Account of ancient and modern Crosses, particularly of the Crux Ansata, and other Symbols connected with the Mysteries of s.e.x Wors.h.i.+p; 8vo p.p., _London_, 1889

PHALLIC WORs.h.i.+P.--A Description of the Mysteries of the s.e.x Wors.h.i.+p of the Ancients, with the History of the Masculine Cross; 8vo p.p., _London_, 1886

PHALLIC OBJECTS, Monuments and Remains, Ill.u.s.trations of the Rise and Development of the Phallic Idea (s.e.x Wors.h.i.+p) and its embodiment in Works of Nature and Art; 8vo, etched frontispiece p.p., _London_, 1889

PHALLIC OBJECTS AND REMAINS.--Catalogo del Museo n.a.z.ionale di Napoli, Raccolta p.o.r.nographica (Phallic Collection); folio _Napoli_, 1866

PHALLIC OBJECTS AND REMAINS.--Guide pour la Musee Royal Bourbon, par Verde, trad. par C. C. J. (Phallic Collection, 161 subjects, ii. pp.

169-194); 2 vols. 8vo _Naples_, 1831-2

PHALLIC OBJECTS AND REMAINS.--Musee Royal de Naples, Peintures, Bronzes, et Statues erotiques du Cabinet Secret, avec notes explicatives de plusieurs auteurs; 62 gravs. coloriees, 2 vols. 4to _Bruxelles_, 1876

PHALLIC OBJECTS AND REMAINS.--The Secret Museum of Naples, being an account of the Erotic Paintings, Bronzes and Statues contained in that famous "Cabinet Secret," by Col. Fanin; 4to, 60 full-page ill.u.s.trations, some coloured p.p., _London_, 1872

PHALLIC OBJECTS AND REMAINS.--Histoire des Antiquites de la villo de Nismes et de ses Environs, extrait de M. Menard, 1st edition, 1829, avec Supplement et de Notes, &c. (with curious plates of Phallic Remains); 8vo _Nimes_, 1829-30

Do. do. 5th edition, par Perrot; 8vo, enlarged _Nismes_, 1834

PHALLIC OBJECTS AND REMAINS.--Herculaneum et Pompei, Recueil general des Peintures, Bronzes, Mosaques ... augmente de sujets inedits, graves au trait sur cuivre, par H. Roux aine, et accompagne d'un texto explicatif par M. L. Barre; 8 vols. 8vo _Paris_, 1875-6

[The Phallic collection--la Musee Secret--is in a separate case.]

[ROCCO (Sha)] The Masculine Cross and Ancient s.e.x Wors.h.i.+p; _woodcut ill.u.s.trations_, crown 8vo _New York_, 1874

ROLLE (P.N.) Recherches sur le Culte de Bacchus, symbole de la force reproductive de la Nature, sous ses rapports generaux dans les mysteres d'Eleusis, les Dionysiaques; 3 vols. 8vo _Paris_, 1824

ROSENBAUM (Dr. J.) Geschichte der l.u.s.tseuche im Alterthume, nebst ausfuhrlichen untersuchungen uher den Venus, und Phallus Cultus, Bordelle, Paederastie, &c....; 2nd edition, pp. 464, 8vo _Halle_, 1845

Do. do. 3rd edition, pp. 484, 8vo _Halle_, 1882

Do. traduct. Francaise par Santluz, in Archives de la Medicine Belge; 3 vols. 8vo 1845-6-7

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