The Breitmann Ballads Part 32

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Dooks - Ducks.

Doon - Tune.

Doonderblix - Thunder and lightning.

Dorn - A thorn. Dorn lieder - Thorn-songs.

Drawed he in - (literal rendering of the German Zog er ein,) Dreimal,(Ger.) - Three times.

Drocks - Drakes, dragons; (Ger. Drachen.) Druckerei - Printing-office.

Dummehrlichkeit,(Ger.) - Honest simplicity.

Dunkelheit - Darkness.

Dursty,(Ger. Durstig) - Thirsty.

Earnsthaft, ernsthaft - Serious.

Eber,(Ger.) - Wild boar.

Eberschwein,(Ger.) - Wild boar.

Eckhartshausen - A German supernaturalist.

Eher,(Ger.) - Sooner. In the dialect it has the meaning of "before."

Einander to sprechen mit,(Ger.) - To speak together.

Eins, zwei, drei - One, two, three.

Einsichen, to take up one's abode with.

Eldern,(Ger. Eltern) - Parents.

Elfenbein,(Ger.) - Ivory.

Emerich - King Emerich, hero of a German legend.

Emsig Gruebler,(Ger.) - a.s.siduous inquirer.

Engel,(Ger.) - Angel.

Englandrinn,(Ger.) - English woman.

Entlang,(Ger.) - Along.

Erfinder,(Ger.) - Inventor.

Erfounden,(Ger. Erfunden) - Invented.

Ergeben,(Ger.) - Resigned.

Error-dom, Irrthum - Error.

Erstaun, Erstaunished, erstaunt - Astonished.

Erstarrt,(Ger.) - Aghast.

Erwaitin',(Ger. Erwartend) - Awaiting, expecting.

Euchre, Eucre - Sort of game played with cards, very much in vogue in the West.

Euchred - From Euchre, the game of cards.

Fackeltantz,(Ger.) - Torch dance.

Fancy or crabs - Fast horses.

Fanes, Wetterfahnen - Weatherc.o.c.ks.

Fa.s.s,(Ger.) - Barrel.

Fat - Printer's term.

Feldwebel,(Ger.) - A sergeant.

Feinslieb,(Ger.) - Fair or fine love.

Fenster - A window.

Fichte - A German philosopher.

Finster,(Ger.) - Dark, dismal.

Foal - Full.

Foll - To fall.

Foon - Fun.

Foors - First.

Fore-by - Literal translation of the German Vorbei.

Fore-lying - Literal translation of Vorliegend.

Foreschlag,(Ger. Vorschlag) - Proposal.

Foresetzen - To set, put (lay) before an audience.

Foxen,(Ger. Fuchsen) - Foxes.

Frank-tiroir - Franc-tireur.

Francois Villon - An old French humorous poet, whom Boileau speaks of as the first who began to write truly modern French.

Frau,(Ger.) - Woman.

Freie,(Ger.) - Free.

Freischarlinger,(Ger. Freischaerler) - A member of a Free Corps; especially applied to those who belonged to the Free Corps formed in Southern Germany during the Revolution in 1848.

Freischuetz,(Ger.) - Free shot, one who shoots with charmed bullets, the name of Karl Maria Von Weber's celebrated opera.

Friederich Rothbart - Frederic Barbarossa, the great Emperor of Germany and one of the German legendary heroes. He is supposed to sleep in the Kyffhauser in Thuringia, and to awaken one day, when he will bring great glory over Germany.

Frolic - Frohlich, merry.

Froze to de ready - Held fast to the money.

Fullenden - Vollenden - To complete, perfect.

Fuss,(Ger.) - Foot.

Fust or Faust - The partner of Gutemberg, the inventor of the art of printing.

Gambrinus - A mythical King of Brabant, supposed to have been the inventor of beer.

Gandertate - Candidate.

Ganz,(Ger.) - Ganz.

Gans egal - Quite the same.

Ganz und gar,(Ger.) - Altogether, all over.

Garce,(French) - Wench.

Ga.s.s und Stra.s.s,(Ger.) - Lane and street.

Gast,(Ger.) - Guest.

Gasbalgs - Bladder of gas.

Gauer - Valleys.

Gaul darn - G-- ---n.

Gaul dern - A Yankee oath.

Gauner-sprache,(Ger.) - Thieves' language.

Ge-bildet - Built, with the German augment.

Ge-birt',(Ger. Geburt) - Birth.

Geborn - Born, with the augment.

Ge-brudert,(formed like ge-schwister,) - Brothers.

Geh hin mein Puch,(German of the 16th century).

Gehst nit mit rechten Dingen zu - Dost not do it by any natural means; there is witchcraft in it.

Gekommene - Arrived(newly arrived).

Gekommen so,(Ger.) - Come thus.

Ge-kostet - Cost, with the German augment.) Gesangverein,(Ger.) - Singing-society.

Ge-screech, Geschrei - Bawling, clamour.

Gesembled - a.s.sembled, with the augment of the German preterite.

Geshmasht - Smashed, with German augment.

Gespickt,(Ger.) - Larded.

Gestohlen - Stolen.

Gestohlen und bekannt,(Ger.) - Stolen, and known.

Gesundheit,(Ger.) - Health.

Gewehr,(Ger.) - Musket.

Gewiss - Certainly.

Gift,(Ger.) - Poison.

Gilt - In the ordinary sense, and also in the same verse, "gilt,"

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