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"It is impossible for me to supply accurate data as to the incidence of the disease amongst the Maori race at present, but I am confident that reports have a natural tendency to become exaggerated. I do not consider that returned Maori soldiers, owing to the treatment they received before being discharged from the service, have been a factor in the introduction of the disease amongst the settlements. If they have in some areas, it has been from fresh infection, which their experience of prost.i.tution in Egypt and Europe has made them more liable to acquire from professional and amateur prost.i.tutes in towns. At the same time, the experience of returned soldiers as to the value of treatment makes them more likely to seek such aid."
(E.) _Death-certificates._
There are no trustworthy statistics in any part of the British Empire of the deaths due to venereal disease. Many persons die from illnesses which result from an initial syphilis contracted perhaps many years prior to death. It is well known that medical pract.i.tioners, from a laudable desire to spare the feelings of relatives, refrain from stating the primary cause of death in such cases, and merely enter the secondary or proximate cause. For the same reason, the statistics regarding deaths due to alcoholism, and perhaps in a less degree some other factors in the mortality returns, are incomplete and consequently useless.
Both the Royal Commission on Venereal Diseases and the Birth-rate Commission recommended that the medical attendant should issue two certificates--one, which would be a simple certificate of death, to be handed to the relatives, and the other, a confidential certificate giving the primary cause of death, which would be transmitted to the Registrar.
The Registrar-General for New Zealand, Mr. W.W. Cook, in his evidence in chief, stated that he did not favour these suggestions. A certificate of death, he said, cannot be regarded as confidential, as the information contained therein is recorded in the death entry, which may be inspected by the public, and of which a copy may be obtained by any applicant. In reply to questions, however, he stated that the law could no doubt be altered so as to make the death-certificate confidential, the information to be given up only on an order from a Court of justice.
Apart from the fact that the insurance companies might object, he did not see any objection from the public point of view.
Mr. Malcolm Fraser, the Government Statistician, said that there was considerable division of opinion on this question at the British Empire Statistical Conference held in London in 1920, when statisticians from all parts of the Empire were present. It was generally agreed that the system was good theoretically, but some doubt was expressed whether in practice there would be as much improvement as was expected, since the system would depend entirely on the medical attendant strictly complying therewith and disclosing the true cause of death in every case. Any system of confidential information always had that failing. The witness thought the register must be open for persons having a right to call for copies of entries. In dealing with insurance claims at death the truth or otherwise of the statement in the proposal form was important, and might require verification by inspection of the death entry. At the Conference Dr. Stevenson, the Statistician to the Registrar-General of the United Kingdom, was very p.r.o.nounced in his advocacy of the confidential form of certificate. The Conference pa.s.sed the following resolutions: "(1.) That the present system of open certification tends to prevent candid statements of the causes of death, and thus introduces a systematic error into death statistics. (2.) That the error would be eliminated by a system of confidential certification."
The Committee, while agreeing that such a system of registration of deaths would undoubtedly afford better means of approximating to correct returns of mortality not only from venereal diseases but also from alcoholism and some other diseases, would point out that, if New Zealand were to adopt the reform while the rest of the Empire retained the present system, the result would be to place the Dominion in an apparently unfavourable light in comparison with other parts of the Empire in regard to the mortality from these diseases.
In discussing this order of reference the Committee desire it clearly understood that these causes are not peculiar to New Zealand, and do not operate more extensively in New Zealand than elsewhere. The Committee are concerned, however, in discussing this question only as it affects New Zealand.
The causes of the spread of venereal disease may be cla.s.sified under two main headings: (1) The presence of infected individuals acting as foci of infection; (2) the occurrence of promiscuous s.e.xual intercourse, by which in the great majority of cases the disease is actually transmitted from one individual to another.
(1.) _The Presence of Infected Individuals._
These sources of infection arise and persist for the following reasons:--
(1.) Neglect by infected persons to undergo treatment. (2.) Neglect to continue treatment till no longer infective. (3.) The treatment of infected individuals by unqualified persons, such as chemists, herbalists, chiropractors, &c. In these cases the disease becomes chronic, and the best opportunity for its treatment and cure has pa.s.sed before the case is seen by a medical man. (4.) By the introduction of venereal disease to this country from overseas.
(2.) _The Occurrence of Promiscuous s.e.xual Intercourse._
A striking portion of the evidence placed before the Committee was that which showed the very small amount of professional prost.i.tution in New Zealand. This was supported by the valuable evidence of Mr. W. Dinnie, ex-Commissioner of Police, and Mr. A.H. Wright, Commissioner of Police.
The latter witness stated that there were only 104 professional prost.i.tutes in the Dominion.
It would appear also that the professional prost.i.tute, as a result of her knowledge and experience, is less likely to transmit venereal disease than the "amateur." It is therefore princ.i.p.ally to clandestine or amateur prost.i.tution that one must look for the dissemination of the disease, and inquiry into the conditions which tend to the production of the amateur prost.i.tute is a direct inquiry into the causes of the prevalence of venereal disease.
The evidence before the Committee shows that this promiscuity is very prevalent, and that it is not confined to any particular social strata.
The fact is also strikingly demonstrated by Table A in the appendix.
From this table it will be seen that during the period 1913-21 there were 10,841 illegitimate births and 33,738 legitimate first births within one year after marriage. If to the illegitimate births we add the total number of live births occurring within the first seven months of marriage viz., 12,235--which may be safely considered to have been conceived before marriage, we get a total of 23,076 births in which conception took place extra-maritally. In other words, more than 50 per cent. of total first births occurring within twelve months of marriage result from s.e.xual contact prior to marriage.
Some factors which contribute in a greater or less degree to the moral laxity which leads to promiscuous s.e.xual intercourse are:--
(1.) The relaxation of parental control, which was emphasized by many witnesses. Girls stay less at home and a.s.sist less in the work of the home, preferring whenever opportunity offers, to go to the pictures or some other form of entertainment.
(2.) Lack of education of the young in the facts pertaining to s.e.x.
Especially the Committee would call attention to the unfounded belief of many that continence in young men is injurious to health.
(3.) Bad housing and general conditions of living. When members of both s.e.xes are crowded together in restricted accommodation in which often insufficient conveniences are supplied, it is easy to conceive of a relaxation of the proprieties of life which might lead to acts of immorality.
In this connection the Committee desire to call attention to the excellent work done by the Y.W.C.A. and other bodies in the provision of hostels in which girls are provided with board and lodging at very reasonable cost. The Committee were surprised to learn that full advantage was not taken of these provisions, and that the accommodation at these hostels was not fully occupied. It would appear that many girls resent the very slight amount of supervision and restraint exercised over them, precisely as they do parental control.
(4.) The presence in the community of individuals, especially girls, who are to some degree mentally defective or morally imbecile. The Committee were given several individual instances in which such girls had acted as foci of infection; they are easily approached, and facile victims for men. In spite of a degree of mental or moral defect they may be physically attractive.
(5.) Economic conditions which delay marriage may reasonably be regarded as a factor in conducing to an increased frequency of extra-marital s.e.xual relations.h.i.+p. Graph A in the appendix shows clearly that the age of marriage in both s.e.xes has, with slight fluctuations, steadily increased from 1900 to 1921.
(6.) Alcohol tends to the dissemination and persistence of venereal disease: it increases s.e.xual desire, lessens control, causes the individual to be less careful as regards cleanliness, &c., after exposure to infection, and militates against effective treatment.
It is to be pointed out, however, that the lower control possessed by some individuals may be the actual predisposing cause, both of laxity in s.e.xual matters and of the excessive ingestion of alcohol.
There appears no doubt that alcohol is an important factor in the prevalence of venereal disease, although probably not so potent as represented by some witnesses.
(7.) Accidental infections are undoubtedly rare. They may arise from contact with W.C. seats, dirty towels, and eating and drinking utensils in public places.
(8.) Other factors of minor importance which were mentioned in evidence were the modern dress of women, which was stated to be in certain cases s.e.xually suggestive, and certain modern forms of dancing. There appears some grounds to suppose that dances conducted under undesirable conditions contribute to s.e.xual immorality, but the Committee see no reason to condemn dancing generally because the coincident conditions under which it has been or is conducted in some cases have contributed to impropriety. The cinema was stated by some witnesses to have an immoral tendency both in the nature of the pictures presented and in the conditions under which they are viewed by the audience. The Committee suggest that a stricter censors.h.i.+p might with advantage be exercised, and should include the posters advertising the films.
It has been stated that venereal disease has increased in New Zealand with the return of the Expeditionary Force from overseas. Ample evidence, however, was given to the Committee that there has been no increase of the disease due to returned soldiers. These men were treated prior to their discharge until non-infective.
There is no question that the most effective way of avoiding venereal disease is to refrain from promiscuous s.e.xual intercourse. The problem which the Committee have been asked to consider has very important medical aspects, but, while these must not be neglected, it is essential to the health and well-being of the nation that the enemy should be attacked with every moral and spiritual weapon:--
Self reverence, self-knowledge, self-control,-- These three alone lead life to sovereign power.
The absence of proper training and instruction of the young is undoubtedly responsible for a great deal of the evil which has been shown to exist. Children are led into bad habits through ignorance, and young men and young women grow up with utterly false ideals of life, and in many cases fall into deplorable laxity of conduct.
There is an impression among many young men that chast.i.ty is either impossible or at least is inconsistent with physical health. There is the highest medical authority for stating that this notion is absolutely wrong, while there is no difference of opinion whatever as to the serious risks of contracting diseases of a very loathsome character incurred by those who do not restrain their pa.s.sions. Apart from this aspect of the question, it must be obvious to every thinking person that looseness of conduct between the s.e.xes such as is shown to exist in New Zealand is destructive to the high ideals of family life a.s.sociated with the finest types of British manhood and womanhood, and if not checked must lead to the decadence of the nation.
A sounder state of public opinion needs to be cultivated. The moral stigma at present attached to sufferers from venereal disease should rest upon all who sacrifice to their own selfish pa.s.sions the chivalrous relations which should subsist between the s.e.xes. Those who are unfortunate enough to contract disease incur a punishment so terrible that they deserve our pity and our succour, always provided that they seek skilled treatment and refrain from any conduct likely to communicate the disease to others. The man or woman who negligently or wilfully does anything likely to lead to the infection of any other person is a criminal, and should be treated as such.
To bring about this healthier state of public opinion much might be done by the various Churches, by the Press, and by all who are in a position to influence the thoughts of others. It is a duty which should be shared by all--it cannot be left entirely to the Government, to Parliament, or to the medical profession. If a healthier atmosphere were created for the proper consideration of this subject, instead of the unwholesome fog of prudery in which it has been enveloped in the past, a great deal will have been gained.
One result of the mistaken policy of reticence which has prevailed is to be seen in the fact, already mentioned, that children are allowed to grow up either in ignorance of s.e.x physiology or with perverted ideas due to the want of proper instruction. Nearly every witness who spoke on the subject before the Committee agreed that such instruction would come best from the parents, but there is also practical unanimity among those who gave evidence that very few parents are capable of giving such instruction in the right way, and the vast majority are unwilling to attempt it. In these circ.u.mstances our chief hope for the future seems to lie in an endeavour to educate the children in such a way that they, the parents of the future, may be enabled to deal justly with their own children in this vital matter. Nevertheless, the Committee would be failing in their duty did they not point out that all parents have a serious responsibility to their children which they cannot evade without laying themselves open to grave reproach. It is probable, as one of the witnesses remarked, that "nothing they could do for their children's happiness in life would be of equal value to the outlook which they might give to their children upon this matter. Apart from any possibility of moral ruin or disease, such an outlook would colour the whole mature life of their children in respect to what is probably the foundation of the greatest human happiness--namely, home relations.h.i.+p."
The Committee recommend that the Department of Health be asked to prepare a suitable pamphlet to a.s.sist those parents who desire to instruct their boys and girls on this subject. It is also suggested that where parents feel themselves unable to undertake the necessary instruction, the family doctor should be asked to talk to the boys.
Instruction to the girls should certainly come from the mother, but failing this a little wise counsel and advice from a woman doctor should be secured.
In regard to the teaching of s.e.x hygiene in schools some interesting evidence was given to the Committee by Mr. Caughley, Director of Education, Mr. T.R. Cresswell, Princ.i.p.al of the Wellington College (speaking on behalf of the Secondary Schools a.s.sociation), and by some of the women doctors and others who were good enough to attend as witnesses.
Mr. Caughley stresses the point that it is not mere knowledge of physiology that will meet the case. He considers that the most important thing of all is to establish in the minds of the children n.o.ble ideals with regard to infanthood and motherhood. Lessons in connection with the care of all birds and animals for their young, with the love and devotion of parents for their young, with all that is beautiful and tender connected with the homes of animals and birds, would establish a kind of reverence about everything that is connected with birth. He deprecates mechanical, systematic, and consecutive instruction in the mere facts of s.e.x hygiene, for even the fullest knowledge on this subject is known to have very little deterrent effect in the temptations of life. He would rather aim at creating the right atmosphere in a school, such as would make any coa.r.s.e or unworthy mention of any of these matters in the hearing of a child appear more or less repulsive, and would in general enable him to put in its proper setting any knowledge that might come to him from various sources.
Mr. Cresswell gave the Committee an extremely interesting _resume_ of the answers to a _questionnaire_ which he addressed to the head of every secondary school in the Dominion. He suggested--(1) That a determined public effort should be made to rouse parents to a sense of their responsibility in regard to this matter by means of broadcasted pamphlets, and that they should be furnished with simple, specially written leaflets to a.s.sist them in giving instruction to their children; (2) that s.e.x hygiene be made a compulsory subject in all training-colleges, the instructors being specially qualified doctors; (3) that regular courses of public lectures be delivered in suitable centres; (4) that teachers, and especially physical instructors, be encouraged to stress the value of physical fitness to pupils collectively, and, where need is indicated, to have private talks with individuals; (5) that teachers be advised to take every opportunity during lessons in hygiene, physiology, botany, &c., to give children a sane and normal outlook on s.e.x matters.
Incidentally it was suggested that girls' schools suffer somewhat through being staffed almost exclusively by celibate teachers. "The knowledge and sympathy of a real mother would," it was urged, "be invaluable to many girls in our secondary schools. Does it seem a trivial suggestion that in every girls' school there should be one honoured official, the 'school mother,' a sympathetic motherly person whose duty it should be to get into personal touch not only with individual girls but also with individual parents?"
The views expressed by the Swedish Committee of Experts in Medicine and Pedagogy are well worthy of quotation: "It is ill.u.s.trative of the broad view taken by the committee of their task," says the _British Medical Journal_, "that they deal with the education of the child from the time it learns to speak and address inquiries as to how it came into the world. The committee look forward to the time when parents will be so enlightened that they will not tell their children silly stories about babies being brought into the home by storks, but will give a simple account which the child in later years will not discover to be mendacious. The committee hope that the child, who is gradually taught more and more about s.e.x hygiene as it pa.s.ses from one school grade to another, will eventually become a parent wise enough to instil in the next generation a frank and healthy att.i.tude towards s.e.x problems.
Parents, it is hoped, will learn to protect their infants from the undesirable caresses and kisses of strangers ... As for s.e.x teaching in school, this should be a.s.sociated with the teaching of biology, Christianity, sociology, and psychology. The question of venereal disease should not come into the curriculum until comparatively late, and until the physiology of fertilization and reproduction has been fully taught. Advanced s.e.x teaching should preferably be in the hands of doctors; but they are not always available, in which case other teachers should give instruction on this subject, male teachers dealing with boys and female teachers with girls. Teaching of s.e.x hygiene in high schools for girls should include the subject of venereal disease, and special emphasis should be laid on the protection of infants from infection. A further recommendation is that a carefully supervised library of works on s.e.x hygiene and venereal disease should be compiled at the cost of the State for the use of teachers and cla.s.ses."