John Baptist Jackson Part 25

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GORI GANDELLINI, G. _Notizie Istoriche degl' Intagliatori._ Siena, 1771, vol. 2, p. 156.

GUSMAN, P. _La Gravure sur bois et d'epargne sur metal du XIVe au XXe siecle._ Paris, 1916, pp. 32, 164-165, 193, 252.

HARDIE, MARTIN. _English Coloured Books._ New York and London, 1906, pp.


While a brief but sensitive account of Jackson is given, the main emphasis is on the _Essay_ as an ill.u.s.trated book.

HEINECKEN, C. H. VON. _Idee generale d'une collection complette d'estampes._ Leipzig and Vienna, 1771, p. 94.

h.e.l.lER, J. _Geschichte der Holzschneidekunst._ Bamberg, 1823, pp.

295-296. _Praktisches Handbuch fur Kupferstichsammler._ Leipzig, 1850, p. 334.

Lists 10 chiaroscuros by Jackson.

h.e.l.lER, J., and ANDRESEN, A. _Handbuch fur Kupferstichsammler._ Leipzig, 1870, vol. 1, pp. 706-707.

Lists 11 prints by Jackson.

HUBER, M. _Notices generales des graveurs et des peintres._ Dresden, 1787, pp. 676, 698.

HUBER, M., and ROST, C. C. _Handbuch fur Kunstliebhaber und Sammler._ Zurich, 1808, vol. 9, pp. 129-131.

HUBER, M., ROST, C. C., and MARTINI, C. G. _Manuel des curieux et des amateurs d'art._ Zurich, 1797-1808, vol. 9, pp. 121-123.

First catalog of Jackson's work; lists 10 t.i.tles.

JACKSON, JOHN BAPTIST. _An Essay on the Invention of Engraving and Printing in Chiaro Oscuro, as Practised by Albert Durer, Hugo di Carpi, &c., and the Application of It to the Making Paper Hangings of Taste, Duration, and Elegance._ London, 1754.

Written by Jackson to promote his wallpapers, it repeats some of his a.s.sertions in the _Enquiry_ but gives little detail concerning his career. It is important as an ill.u.s.trated book and as an early doc.u.ment in the history of wallpaper. The prints have suffered from the use of an inferior oil vehicle.

KAINEN, JACOB. "John Baptist Jackson and his Chiaroscuros." _Printing and Graphic Arts_, vol. 4, no. 4, 1956, pp. 85-92.

An excerpt from the present work, then in progress, in a different version.

KREPLIN, B. C. "John Baptist Jackson," in Thieme, U., and Becker, F., _Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildenden Kunstler._ Leipzig, 1907-1950, vol.

18, pp. 224-225.

The most comprehensive biographical dictionary of artists. Has a good article on Jackson and a small bibliography.

LE BLANC, C. _Manuel de l'amateur d'estampes._ Paris, 1854-1888, vol. 2, p. 416.

Particularly valuable for its catalogs of the work of engravers.

With Nagler, contains the largest listing of Jackson's prints.

LEVIS, H. C. _A Descriptive Bibliography of Books in English Relating to Engraving and the Collection of Prints._ London, 1912, pp. 182-184.

LEWIS, C. T. C. _The Story of Picture Printing in England During the 19th Century; or Forty Years of Wood and Stone._ London, 1928, pp. 2, 21, 26, 34, 40, 43, 195.

Written in an oppressively popular style with emphasis on Baxter and Le Blond. Jackson is mentioned often but sketchily as the distant ancestor of "picture printing."

LINTON, W. _The Masters of Wood Engraving._ London, 1889, p. 214.

Discusses the subject from the standpoint of a late-19th-century technician. Nevertheless is open-minded, if slightly superior, about the chiaroscuro woodcut.

LONGHI, G. _Catalogo dei piu celebri intagliatori in legno ed in rame._ Milan, 1821, p. 51.

MABERLY, J. _The Print Collector._ London, 1844, p. 130.

The first American edition, New York, 1880, edited by Robert Hoe, copies the annotated description of the _Essay_ from Bigmore and Wyman.

MCCLELLAND, N. _Historic Wall-Papers._ Philadelphia and London, 1924, pp. 47, 79, 141-154, 165, 324-329, 423.

Makes many references to Jackson, largely inaccurate.

MIREUR, H. _Dictionnaire des ventes d'art fait en France._ Paris, 1911-1912, vol. 4, p. 23.

MuLLER, F., and KLUNZINGER, K. _Die Kunstler Aller Zeiten und Volker._ 1857-1864, vol. 2, p. 430.

MuLLER, H. A., MuLLER, H. W., and SINGER, H. W. _Allgemeines Kunstler-Lexicon._ Frankfurt, 1895-1901, vol. 2, p. 240.

NAGLER, G. K. _Allgemeines Kunstler-Lexicon._ Munich. 1835-51, vol. 6, pp. 383-384.

The most extensive of all dictionaries of artists up to the time of Thieme and Becker, _q.v._ With Le Blanc, has the fullest catalog of Jackson's prints.

_Die Monogrammisten_, Munich, 1858-1879, vol. 3, pp. 730, 836.

OMAN, C. C. _Catalogue of Wall-Papers._ London, Victoria and Albert Museum, 1929, pp. 24-25, 33.

A good historical account which includes Jackson's contributions to the rise of scenic wallpaper.

PALLUCCHINI, RODOLFO. _Mostra degli incisori Veneti del settecento._ Venice, 1941, ed. 2, pp. 16, 103-104.

Catalog of the exhibition held in Venice in 1941.

PAPILLON, J. M. _Traite historique et pratique de la gravure en bois._ Paris, 1766, vol. 1, pp. 323-324, 327-329, 415.

Contains personal recollections of Jackson and his career in France.

The book is valuable as the first technical treatise on the woodcut, but the historical section is notoriously inaccurate and heavily weighted with Papillon's prejudices.

PERCIVAL, MACIVER. "Jackson of Battersea and his Wall Papers." _The Connoisseur_, 1922, vol. 62, pp. 25-36.

REDGRAVE, S. _Dictionary of Artists of the English School._ London, 1874, p. 227.

REICHEL, ANTON. _Die Clair-Obscur-Schnitte des XVI., XVII. und XVIII.

Jahrhunderts._ Zurich, Leipzig, and Vienna, 1926, p. 48.

The finest work on chiaroscuro, with 100 magnificent facsimile ill.u.s.trations in color, fully described, and black-and-white ill.u.s.trations in the text. Reproduces two of Jackson's Ricci prints in actual size and color.

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