An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism Part 25

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IN WHICH CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The forgiveness of sins is made mine _in the Church_ through the Word of G.o.d and the Sacraments. Faith takes hold of and clings to the promises therein given. Special a.s.surance of forgiveness is also given in Confession and Absolution.

HE DAILY FORGIVES ABUNDANTLY ALL MY SINS. Even if I am a sincere Christian, I am an imperfect and sinful creature, and I need G.o.d's forgiveness every day. [I John 1:8, 9, Rom. 7:18-25] By keeping me in a state of repentance and faith, the Holy Spirit secures to me the continuous forgiveness of all my sins. The Christian's life is a daily repentance and a daily believing that G.o.d for Christ's sake graciously pardons all our transgressions and shortcomings. [Luke 11:3, 4, Rom 8:32+]

AND THE SINS OF ALL BELIEVERS. All who lead a life of daily repentance and faith are daily and abundantly forgiven.

2. _THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY AND THE LIFE EVERLASTING_. The work of the Holy Spirit in me will not be completed until the last day.

HE WILL RAISE UP ME AND ALL THE DEAD AT THE LAST DAY. The bodies of all men shall be raised from the dead and re-united with the souls from which they were parted at death. [John 5:28, 29+, Acts 24:15+] These bodies will be essentially the same which we had on earth, but they will be immortal and incorruptible. [I Cor. 15:42] The bodies of the believers will be endowed with new and glorious properties, like the body of Christ after His resurrection. [I Cor. 15:42-44, Phil. 3:21+]

They will be fit tabernacles for the glorified souls to inhabit through all eternity. They will be spiritual bodies, freed from all the imperfections and limitations to which they were subject on earth. The bodies of those believers who are still alive at Christ's second coming shall undergo the same change in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. [I Cor. 15:51-53]


[John 3:16] The believers shall then enter upon the full and perfect enjoyment of eternal salvation. [Matt. 25:34] Here we have the forgiveness of sins, but there we shall have life everlasting. The believers shall obtain an eternal inheritance in heaven, [I Pet. 1:4+]

and enter upon the enjoyment of a bliss so exalted that we cannot form any adequate conception of it here on earth. There will be differences of glory proportioned to the strength of faith and the zeal in labor manifested on earth. [I Cor 15:41, 42, Luke 19:17-19] But all shall be perfectly happy. They shall be free from sin and from every evil, [Rev.

21:4+] and dwell in the light of G.o.d's presence forever. [I Thess. 4:17, John 17:24, Rev. 7:15]

_Eternal Death_. The impenitent and unbelieving shall be cast into eternal torment, [Matt. 25:41] and shall suffer indescribable pain and misery for ever. [Rev. 14:11] The greater their wickedness and neglected opportunities on earth, the deeper will be their remorse and anguish.

[Luke 12:47, 48, Matt. 25:41] Having refused to let the Holy Spirit make them fit for entrance into heaven, [Rev. 21:27, Matt. 7:23] they shall be cast out into the only place for which they are fit, into h.e.l.l. [Luke 16:23, 24]

QUESTIONS.--1. What are the fruits of the Holy Spirit's work in us? 2.

How does the forgiveness of sins become yours? 3. Where is the forgiveness of sins made yours? 4. How do we obtain daily forgiveness?

5. When will the Holy Spirit's work in you be completed? 6. Describe the resurrection of the dead. 7. What is to be said about everlasting life?

8. Why will the impenitent and unbelieving be cast into h.e.l.l?

SCRIPTURE VERSES.--I John 1:7. The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

Rom. 8:32. He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

John 5:28, 29. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of d.a.m.nation.

Acts 24:15. There shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.

Phil. 3:21. Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fas.h.i.+oned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

I Pet. 1:4. To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.

Rev. 21:4. And G.o.d shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are pa.s.sed away.

READING.--Christ Judging the World, Matt. 25:31-46.





Prayer is the conversation of the believing heart with G.o.d. [Ps. 19:14+]

It is as necessary for the life of the soul, as breathing is for that of the body. As children of G.o.d we must live in communion with Him; and we cannot be Christians without prayer. For this reason G.o.d has given us His name to use in prayer, and the Saviour has taught us how to pray in the Lord's Prayer.

To WHOM WE SHOULD PRAY. Our prayers should be addressed to G.o.d alone, [Matt. 4:10.] and not to the Virgin Mary, the saints, the angels, or any other creatures.

WHY WE SHOULD PRAY. We should pray, 1. Because we constantly need G.o.d's mercy in temporal and spiritual things. 2. Because we owe G.o.d our thanks for his many benefits. [Ps. 103, Jas. 1:17] 3. Because G.o.d has commanded us to pray. [Matt. 6:9, Matt. 26:41] 4. Because G.o.d has promised to hear us. [Matt. 7:7, 8+, Ps. 50:15]

WHEN WE SHOULD PRAY. 1. Always; [Luke 21:36+] that is, our soul should live in constant communion with G.o.d, and always be open toward Him. 2.

Whenever we feel special need of prayer: in danger, [Matt. 8:25]

distress, anxiety, [Matt. 8:25] sickness, [Jas. 5:14, 15] bereavement, sorrow, [Ps. 25:16, 17] temptation, [Matt. 26:41] or when we are burdened with the sense of our guilt. [Luke 18:13.] 3. At fixed times: [Dan. 6:10] every morning and evening, at meal-times; in family wors.h.i.+p; [Josh. 24:15+] in church. [Matt. 18:20+]

FOR WHOM WE SHOULD PRAY. 1. For ourselves. 2. For our fellow-Christians.

[Eph. 6:18+] 3. For all men: [I Tim. 2:1+] for friends and foes, [Matt.

5:44+] the poor and the rich, the afflicted and the tempted. 4. For the Church. 5. For the State.

OUR PRAYERS SHOULD CONTAIN: 1. Adoration, 2. Thanksgiving. 3.

Confession, 4. Pet.i.tion. 5. Intercession.

THE MANNER. Our prayers should be the sincere utterance of our hearts; otherwise they will be a mere mockery. [Matt. 6:5] They may be in our own words or those of another. It will often be profitable to use the prayers found in good prayer-books or in the Liturgy, and to draw largely from the Psalms, which are a treasury of good and beautiful prayers. We should not lengthen our prayers by vain repet.i.tions, nor repeat the Lord's Prayer or any other prayer a certain number of times as if that were a merit. [Matt. 6:7] Nor should we shorten our prayers through laziness, indifference, and the like. The Lord's Prayer should generally be added to our own prayers as a summary of those things for which we should pray.

THE POSTURE which we a.s.sume should indicate reverence to G.o.d. We should kneel or stand with folded hands. If we are unable to a.s.sume either of these postures, we may pray in any position. We stand in church on Sunday, because it is the day of the Lord's resurrection and a day of joy. We should not sit still in church while others stand, unless we are too weak or ill to stand. Kneeling is an att.i.tude of humiliation, particularly appropriate for the confession of sins.

IN CHRIST'S NAME. We should always pray in Christ's name, and never omit His name to please men or avoid offence; for our prayers are only heard for Christ's sake. We have the promise that whatever we ask in His name will be given to us. [John 16:23] To pray in Christ's name means to pray, 1. As one who trusts in Christ and asks to be heard for His sake.

[Eph. 2:18+, Rom. 5:2] 2. As one who prays in Christ's spirit, submitting all things to G.o.d's will, and saying with Christ, "Not my will, but Thine, be done." [Matt. 26:29, Matt 6:10]

IN FAITH. We should pray in faith, believing that G.o.d will answer our prayer for Jesus' sake. [Jas. 5:16+] If we do not pray in faith, we shall not be heard. [Jas. 1:6, 7]

THE ANSWER TO PRAYER. G.o.d always answers the prayer of the believer.

Those who ask and receive not, have either asked amiss, [Jas. 4:3] or have not asked in faith. If we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us. [John 5:14+] He answers our prayer, 1. By granting us what we ask, though perhaps after a long delay, by which He tries our faith and patience. 2. He grants us good things instead of the hurtful things for which we ignorantly ask. 3. He gives us strength to bear the burden which we pray to have removed, [II Cor. 12:9] and thus confers a greater blessing than the removal of the burden would be.

QUESTIONS.--1. What is prayer? 2. To whom alone should we pray? 3. Why should we pray? 4. When should we pray? 5. For whom should we pray? 6.

What should our prayers contain? 7. What is to be said about the manner of our praying? 8. What is to be said about the posture in prayer? 9.

Why must we pray in Christ's name? 10. What is meant by praying in Christ's name? 11. What is to be said about the importance of praying in faith? 12. Does G.o.d always answer prayer? 13. In what ways does He answer?

SCRIPTURE VERSES.--Ps. 19:14. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

Matt. 7:7, 8. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Luke 21:36. Watch ye, therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pa.s.s, and to stand before the Son of man.

Josh. 24:15. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Matt. 18:20. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

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