Every-Day Errors of Speech Part 27

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=Matrix=--ma'trix, not mat'rix.

=Mistura=--mis-tu'ra, not mis'tu-ra.

=Molecule=--mol'e-kule, not mo'le-kule.

=Mollities=--mol-lish'i-ez, not mol'li-tez.

=Molybdenum=--mol-ib-de'num, not mo-lib'de-num.

=Nasmyth=--na'smith, not naz'mith.

=Nicolai=--nee'ko-li, not nik'o-la.

=Nucleolus=--nu-kle'o-lus, not nu-kle-o'lus.

=Oris=--o'ris, not or'is.

=Ovale=--o-va'le, not o-val'e.

=Panizzi=--pa-nit'see or pa-net'see, not pan-iz'zy.

=Pepys=--peps, not pe'pis nor pep'is.

=Pes Anserinus=--pez an-ser-i'nus, not pez an-ser'i-nus. I once heard a professor describing the facial nerve to his cla.s.s, and he dwelt upon this plexus for some time, calling it the "Pons Asinorum."

=Podagra=--pod'a-gra, not po-da'gra. Worcester gives po-dag'ra also.

=Podophyllum=---pod-o-phyl'um, not po-doph'yl-lum.

=Process=--pros'ess, not pro'sess.

=Prostate=--pros'tate, not pros'trate.

=Purkinje=--pooR'kin-yeh or poor'kin, not par-kin'je.

=Pylorus=--pi-lo'rus, not pi-lor'us.

=Pyrethrum=--pir'e-thrum, not pi-re'thrum.

=Quadrumana=--quad-ru'ma-na, not quad-ru-ma'nia.

=Rubeola=--ru-be'o-la, not ru-be-o'la.

=Sacrum=--sa'krum, not sak'rum.

=Sagittal=--saj'it-tal, not sa-jit'tal. Danglison gives the latter.

=Sanies=--sa'ni-ez, not sa'nez nor san'ez.

=Scabies=--sca'bi-ez, not scab'ez nor sca'bez.

=Seidlitz=--sid'litz, not sed'litz, unless spelled =Sedlitz=.

=Sinapis=--si-na'pis, not sin'a-pis.

=Squamous=--skwa'mus, not skwaw'mus.

=Systole=--sis'to-le, not sis'tole.

=Tinctura=--tinc-tu'ra, not tinct'u-ra.

=t.i.tanium=--ti-ta'ni-um, not ti-tan'i-um.

=Trachea=--tra-ke'a or tra'ke-a, not track'e-a.

=Tremor=--tre'mor, not trem'-or. Webster allows the latter also.

=Trismus=--triss'mus, not triz'mus.

=Umbilicus=--um-bi-li'kus, according to Worcester, Thomas and Dunglison. Webster gives um-bil'i-kus.

=Variola=--va-ri'o-la, not va-ri-o'la.

=Veratrum=--ve-ra'trum, not ve-rat'rum.

=Vertebral=--ver'te-bral, not ver-te'bral.

=Virchow=--fir'ko, not vr'chow nor vr'kow.

=Zinci=--zin'si, not zink'i.


The following extract is from the letter of a friend, to whom were sent some of the advance pages of this work: "I am absolutely filled with astonishment to see how many simple words I have been misp.r.o.nouncing all my life, and would have kept on misp.r.o.nouncing to the end of my days if my thoughts had not been directed to them. If I were in your place I would end the book with a story in which all the words would be used in the course of the narrative. I can imagine no amus.e.m.e.nt more instructive or interesting than for a social party to read in turns, under some penalty for each mistake."

I had myself conceived the idea of presenting the words untrammeled with explanation of the orthoepy, or marks of accent; but the form was not decided upon.

The effort to compose a narrative was abandoned after a fair trial; for to have a plot and also bring the words in natural position would require a large volume; otherwise, it made senseless jumble. In the trial sentences given the objects are gained in small s.p.a.ce. Those objects are to allow readers to exercise the memory and test their friends; and at the same time to use the words syntactically. It is hoped that the reader will pardon any absurdities of context; as they can not be avoided where one is compelled to use so many selected words, and is obliged to force them into a small compa.s.s.


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