Every-Day Errors of Speech Part 23

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=Irene=--i-re'ne, not i-reen'.

=Jacqueline=--jaq'ue-lin, not jak'a-line.

=Joan=--jo-an', not jo'an.

=Joshua=--josh'u-a, not josh'a-wa.

=Leopold=--le'o-pold, not lep'old. =Leopold= (German)--la-o-polt.

=Lionel=--li'o-nel, not li-o'nel.

=Louisa=--loo-e'za, not loo-i'za.

=Marion=--mar'i-on, not ma'ri-on.

=Penelope=--pe-nel'o-pe, not pen'el-ope.

=Phebe=--phe'be, not pheeb.

=Philander=--phi-lan'der, not phil-an'der.

=Philemon=--phi-le'mon, not phil'e-mon.

=Reginald=--rej'i-nald, not reg'i-nald.

=Rosalie=--roz'a-le, not ro'za-le.

=Rosalind=--roz'a-lind, not ro'za-lind.

=Rosamond=--roz'a-mond, not ro'za-mond.

=Rowland=--ro'land, not row'land.

=Sigismund=--sij'is-mund, not sig'is-mund. =Sigismund= (German)--seeG'is-moont.

=Silvester=--sil-ves'ter, not sil'ves-ter.

=Sophia=--so-phi'a, not so'phi-a.

=Ursula=---ur'su-la, not ur-su'la.

=Viola=---vi'o-la, not vi-o'la.


=Achitophel=--a-kit'o-phel, not a-chit'o-phel. A nickname given to the Earl of Shaftesbury and used by Dryden in his satirical poem of "Absalom and Achitophel."

=Adonais=--ad-o-na'is, not a-do'ni-as nor a-don'i-as. A name given to the poet Keats by Sh.e.l.ley.

=Adriana=--ad-ri-an'a, not a-dri-a'na nor a-dri-an'a. A character in the "Comedy of Errors."

=aegeon=--e-je'on, not e'je-on. A Syracusan merchant in the "Comedy of Errors."

=aemilia=--e-mil'i-a, not e-me'li-a. Wife of aegeon in the "Comedy of Errors."

=Agramante=--a-gra-man'ta, not ag'ra-mant unless written =Agramant=. King of the Moors in "Orlando Furioso."

=Agricane=--a-gre-ka'na, not ag'ri-kane. Written also =Agrican= (ag'ri-kan). King of Tartary in "Orlando Innamorato."

=Al Borak=--al bor'ak, not al bo'rak. An imaginary animal of wonderful appearance and fleetness, with which it was claimed that Mohammed made a journey to the seventh heaven.

=Alcina=--al-che'na, not al-se'na. A fairy in "Orlando Innamorato."

=Alciphron=--al'si-phron, not al-siph'ron. The name of a work by Bishop Berkeley and of a character in the same.

=Alciphron= is also the name of a poem by Thomas Moore and the hero of his romance, "The Epicurean."

=Almanzor=--al-man'zor, not al'man-zor. A character in Dryden's "Conquest of Granada."

=Al Rakim=--ar ra-keem', not al ra'kim. The dog in the legend of the "Seven Sleepers of Ephesus."

=Al Sirat=--as se-rat', not al' si-rat. An imaginary bridge between this world and the Mohammedan paradise.

=Angelica=--an-jel'i-ka, not an-jel-e'ka. A princess of great beauty in "Orlando Innamorato."

=Angelo=--an'je-lo, not an-jel'o. A prominent character in "Measure for Measure." A goldsmith in the "Comedy of Errors."

=Archimago=--ar-ki-ma'go, not ar-chi-ma'go nor ar-chim'a-go. A character in Spenser's "Faery Queen."

=Argalia=--aR-ga-lee'a, not ar-ga'li-a. Brother of Angelica in "Orlando Innamorato."

=Argantes=--aR-gan'tess, not ar-gan'tez. An infidel hero in "Jerusalem Delivered."

=Asmodeus=--as-mo-de'us, not az-mo'de-us. An evil spirit.

=Baba, Ali=--a'lee ba'ba, not al'i ba'ba. A character in the "Forty Thieves."

=Baba, Ca.s.sim=--kas'sim ba'ba, not kas'sim ba'ba. Brother of Ali Baba.

=Bajardo=--ba-e-aR'do, not ba-jar'do. Rinaldo's steed in "Orlando Innamorato."

=Balwhidder=--bal'hwith-er, not bawl'whid-der. A pastor in Galt's "Annals of the Parish."

=Banquo=--bank'wo, not bang'ko. A Scottish warrior and a character in "Macbeth."

=Ba.s.sanio=--bas-sa'ni-o, not bas-sa'ni-o. Husband of Portia in "Merchant of Venice."

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