Every-Day Errors of Speech Part 19

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=Terpsich.o.r.e=--terp-sik'o-re, not terp'si-kore.

=Thebae=--the'be, not thebe.

=Theodamas=--the-od'a-mas, not the-o-da'mas.

=Theodamus=--the-o-da'mus, not the-od'a-mus.

=Theodotus=--the-od'o-tus, not the-o-do'tus.


=Theodorus=--the-o-do'rus, not the-od'o-rus.

=Thessalonica=--thes-sa-lo-ni'ka, not thes-sa-lon'i-ka.

=Thrace=--thra'se, not thrase.


=Adam.= As an English name is p.r.o.nounced ad'am; as French, a-dong', as German, a'dam.

=Annesley=--anz'le, not an'nes-le.

=Arundel=--ar'un-del, not a-run'del.

=Bacciochi=--bat-cho'kee, not bak-ki-o'kee.

=Beatrice=--ba-a-tree'cha or be'a-treess, not be-at'ris.

=Beethoven=--ba'to-ven, not beet'ho-ven.

=Belvedere=--bel-va-da'ra, not bel-ve-dere'.

=Beranger= (Fr. Beranger)--ba-rong-zha', not ber'an-jer.

=Blucher=--bloo'ker, not blu'cher.

=Boccaccio=--bo-kat'cho, not bok-kas'i-o.

=Boleyn=--bool'in, not bo'lin nor bo-lin'.

=Boniface=--bon'e-fa.s.s or Fr. bo-ne-fa.s.s', not bon'e-face.

=Boucicault= or =Bourcicault=--boo-se-ko' or boor-se-ko', not boo'se-kawlt.

=Bozzaris=--bot'za-ris, not boz-zar'is, as generally called.

=Brown-Sequard= (Fr. Sequard)--brown-sa-karr', not see-kward'.

=Buchanan=--buk-an'an, not bu-kan'an.

=Bull, Ole=--o'leh bool, not ol' bool.

=Buonaparte=--boo-o-na-parr'ta, not bo'na-part; the latter is the allowed English p.r.o.nunciation when spelled =Bonaparte=.

=Bysshe=--bish, not bish'she.

=Cecil=--ses'il or sis'il, not se'sil.

=Cenci=--chen'chee, not sen'see.

=Chevalier=--sheh-va-le-a', not shev-a-leer'.

=Crichton=--kri'ton, not krik'ton.

=D'Aubigne= (Fr. D'Aubigne)--do-ben-ya', not daw-been'.

=Daubigny=--do-ben-ye', not daw-be'ny.

=Disraeli=--diz-ra'el-e, not diz'rel-ee.

=Drouyn de Lhuys=--droo-ang' deh lwee'.

=Gillot=--zhe-yo', not jil'lot nor jil-lo'.

=Giovanni=--jo-van'nee, not je-o-van'nee.

=Goethe=--p.r.o.nounced much like gur'teh, leaving out the r; not goth nor goth.

=Hemans=--hem'anz, not he'manz.

=Ingelow=--in'je-lo, not ing'e-lo.

=Ivan=--e-van', not i'van.

=Juarez=--joo-a'rez or Hoo-a'reth, not jaw'rez.

=Lancelot=--longss-lo', not lan'se-lot.

=Lavater=--la'va-ter or la-va-tair', not lav'a-ter.

=Macleod=--mak-lowd', not mak-le'od.

=Marat=--ma-ra', not ma-rat'.

=Marion=--mar'i-on, not ma'ri-on.

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