Every-Day Errors of Speech Part 15

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=Yacht=--yot, not yat. =Yachting= (yot'ing), etc.

=Yeast=--yest, not est.

=Yellow=--yel'lo, not yal'lo.


=Zoology=--zo-ol'o-jy, not zoo-ol'o-jy. =Zoological= (zo-o-loj'i-cal), etc.


In the vocabulary just completed, it has been the design to point out the majority of errors occurring in the p.r.o.nunciation of the words usually selected by people of fair or excellent education to carry on ordinary English discourse. In the portion of the work now under consideration, nothing like such thoroughness is contemplated.

After a moment's reflection, it will appear to any one, that to mention the thousands upon thousands of proper names, the erroneous p.r.o.nunciation of which is rather to be expected than the correct, would require an elaborate volume. Every one who has striven to become a fine orthoepist has longed for the ability to comprehend the p.r.o.nunciation of that myriad of names, any one of which is apt to confront him in any book or paper he may chance to pick up. But to become a proficient in this respect would require years of study and a knowledge of the principles of many foreign languages.

Amongst geographical names, for example, who but the specially instructed would think of p.r.o.nouncing correctly _Goes_ (Hooce), _Gelves_ (Hel'ves) or _Jalapa_ (Ha-la'pa); or amongst biographical names, _Gaj_ (gi), _Geel_ (Hal) or _Geijer_ (gi'er).

It is fortunate for the reputation of those who bear the name of being good scholars, that errors in the p.r.o.nunciation of most proper names are excusable, which is not the case with the mistakes that have before been laid down. But there are some proper names, of such constant occurrence in daily lectures, reading and conversation, that errors connected with them are not to be overlooked. It is the intention here, simply to call attention to the more common of these, and to lead the reader to appreciate the fact that if one depends upon the usual power of the English letters to gain a correct p.r.o.nunciation of proper names, he will be more often led astray than otherwise.

The Authorities consulted are the best--Webster, Worcester, Lippincott's Universal p.r.o.nouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology and Lippincott's p.r.o.nouncing Gazetteer of the World.


=Abednego=--a-bed'ne-go, not ab-ed-ne'go.

=Abiathar=--a-bi'a-thar, not ab-i-a'thar.

=Adonibezek=--a-don-i-be'zek, not a-don'i-be-zek.

=Adonijah=--ad-o-ni'jah, not a-don'i-jah.

=Agee=--ag'e-e, not a'je.

=Ahasuerus=--a-has-u-e'rus, not a-haz-u-er'us.

=Aijalon=--aj'a-lon, not a'ja-lon.

=Akrabattine=--ak-ra-bat-ti'ne, not ak-ra-bat'i-ne.

=Alpheus=--al-phe'us, not al'phe-us.

=Amasai=--a-mas'a-i, not am-a-sa'i.

=Andronicus=--an-dron-i'cus, not an-dron'i-cus.

=Antiochia=--an-ti-o-ki'a, not an-ti-o'kia.

=Ararat=--ar'a-rat, not a'ra-rat.

=Arimathea=--ar'i-ma-the'a, not ar-i-ma'the-a.

=Aristobulus=--ar-is-to-bu'lus, not ar-is-tob'u-lus.

=Aroer=--ar'o-er, not a-ro'er.

=Aroerite=--ar'o-er-ite, not a-ro'er-ite.

=Asarael=--a-sar'a-el, not az-a-ra'el.

=Asmodeus=--az-mo-de'us, not az-mo'de-us.

=Beelzebub=--be-el'ze-bub, not bel'ze-bub.

=Belial=--be'li-al, not be-li'al.

=Bethhaccerem=--beth-hak'se-rem, not beth-has'se-rem.

=Bethphage=--beth'pha-je, not beth'phaje.

=Bethuel=--be-thu'el, not beth'u-el.

=Cainan=--ka-i'nan, not ka'nan.

=Cherub= (a city)--ke'rub, not cher'ub.

=Chittim=--kit'tim, not chit'tim.

=Chloe=--klo'e, not klo.

=Crates=--kra'tez, not kratz.

=Cyprians=--sip'ri-anz, not si'pri-anz.

=Delilah=--del'i-lah, not de-li'lah.

=Ecbatana=--ek-bat'a-na, not ek-ba-ta'na.

=Eloi=--e-lo'i not e'loi.

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