The Vitamine Manual Part 9

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DRUMMOND, J. C.: Observations upon the growth of chickens under laboratory conditions. Biochem. J., 1916, x, 77.

DRUMMOND, J. C.: The growth of rats upon artificial diets containing lactose. Biochem. J., 1916, x, 89.

DRUMMOND, J. C.: A study of the water-soluble accessory growth promoting substance in yeast. I. Biochem. J., 1917, xi, 255.

DRUMMOND, J. C.: A comparative study of tumour and normal tissue growth.

Biochem. J., 1917, xi, 325.

DRUMMOND, J. C.: A study of the water-soluble accessory substance. II. Its influence upon the nutrition and nitrogen metabolism of the rat. Biochem.

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DRUMMOND, J. C.: Note on the role of the antis...o...b..tic factor in nutrition. Biochem. J., 1919, xiii, 77.

DRUMMOND, J. C.: Nutrition on diets practically devoid of fats. J.

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DRUMMOND, J. C.: Research on the fat-soluble accessory substance. I.

Observations on its nature and properties. Biochem. J., 1919, xiii, 81.

DRUMMOND, J. C.: Research on the fat-soluble accessory substance. II.

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DRUMMOND, J. C.: The nomenclature of the so-called accessory food factors.

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DRUMMOND, J. C., AND COWARD, K. H.: Researches on the fat-soluble accessory substance. III. Technique. Biochem. J., 1920, xiv, 661.

DRUMMOND, J. C., AND COWARD, K. H.: Researches on the fat-soluble accessory substance. IV. Nuts as a source of vitamine A. Biochem. J., 1920, xiv, 665.

DRUMMOND, J. C., AND COWARD, K. H.: Researches on the fat-soluble accessory substance. V. The nutritive value of animal and vegetable oils and fats considered in relation to their color. Biochem. J., 1920, xiv, 668.

DRUMMOND, J. C., AND COWARD, K. H.: Researches on the fat soluble accessory substance. VI. The effect of heat and oxygen on he nutritive value of b.u.t.ter. Biochem. J. 1920, xiv, 744.

DRUMMOND, J. C., GOLDING, J., ZILVA, S. S., AND COWARD, K. H.: The nutritive value of lard. Biochem. J., 1920, xiv, 742.

DRUMMOND, J. C.: Some aspects of infant feeding. Lancet, London, 1918, ii, 482.

DUBIN, H. E., AND LEWI, M. J.: A stable vitamine product. Amer. J. Med.

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DUBIN, H. E.: The preparation of a stable vitamine product and its value in nutrition. Science, li, 71, 1920.

DURAND, J. I.: The influence of diet on the development and health of the teeth. J. Am. Med., 1916, lxvii, 564.

DUTCHER, R. A.: Vitamine Studies. I. Observations on the catalase activity of tissues in avian polyneuritis. J. Biol. Chem., 1918, x.x.xvi, 63.

DUTCHER, R. A., AND COLLATZ: Vitamine Studies. II. Does water-soluble vitamine function as a catalase activator. J. Bio. Chem., 1918, x.x.xvi, 547.

DUTCHER, R. A.: Vitamine Studies. III. Observations on the curative properties of honey, nectar and corn pollen in avian polyneuritis. J.

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DUTCHER, R. A.: Vitamine Studies. IV. Antineuritic properties of certain physiological stimulants. J. Biol. Chem., 1919, x.x.xix, 63.

DUTCHER, R. A., PARSONS, E. M., AND BIESTER, A.: The antis...o...b..tic properties of raw lean beef. Science, 1919, l, 184.

DUTCHER, R. A., PIERSON, E. M., AND BIESTER, A.: Vitamine Studies. V. The antis...o...b..tic properties of raw beef. J. Biol. Chem., 1920, xlii, 301.

DUTCHER, R. A., DAHLE, C. D., ECKELS, C. H., MEAD, S. W., AND SCHAEFFER, 0. G.: Vitamine Studies. VI. The influence of the diet of the cow upon the nutritive and antis...o...b..tic properties of milk. J. Biol. Chem., 1920, xlv, 119.

DUTCHER, R. A.: The nature and function of the antineuritic vitamine.

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DUTCHER, R. A., KENNEDY, C., AND ECKELS, C. H.: The influence of the diet of the cow upon the fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamines of cow's milk.

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EDDY, W. H.: The isolation of a growth producing substance from sheep pancreas. J. Biol. Chem., 1916, xxvii, 113.

EDDY, W. H., AND STEVENSON, H. C.: Studies in the vitamine content. J.

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EDDY, W. H., AND ROPER, J. C.: The use of pancreatic vitamine in marasmus.

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EDDY, W. H., AND ROPER, J. C.: The use of pancreatic vitamine in cases of infant malnutrition. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., 1916, xiv, 52.

EDDY, W. H., AND CALKINS, G. N.: The action of pancreatic vitamine on the metabolic activity of paramecium. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., 1917, xiv, 162.

EDDY, W. H.: Further observations on pancreatic vitamine. Proc. Soc. Exp.

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EDDY, W. H., AND STEVENSON, H. C.: The suitability of the Bachman test for water-soluble B. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., 1919, xvii, 52.

EDDY, W. H., AND STEVENSON, H. C.: Some results with a new technique in vitamine measurement, 1920, xvii, 268.

EDDY, W. H., HEFT, H. L., STEVENSON, H. C., AND JOHNSON, R.: The yeast test as a measure of vitamine content. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med.

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EDDY, W. H.: Further studies of the use of water-soluble vitamine in the treatment of infant malnutrition. J. Biol. Chem., 1920, xli, p. x.x.xiv Proc.

EDDY, W. H.: The Vitamines--a bibliographic review. Abstr. Bacteriol., 1919, iii, 313.

EDIE, E. S., AND SIMPSON, G. C. E.: Annals Trop. Med. and Parsitol. 1911, v, 313.

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