Saving Sophia Part 11

Saving Sophia -

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Sophia goes on. aThat first night at the swimming pool, I suppose I thought youad just ignore me, or say I was silly, but you didnat. So I kept going a" I was sort of enjoying myself a" and you were such a willing audience, it was easy, and yes, Nedas right, it was all wrong.a aYou told me you didnat like him,a I say, finding my voice. It sounds surprisingly calm. aThat he isnat your dad. That he kept you apart. That you havenat heard from your mum for two months, havenat seen your mum in five yearsaa Sophiaas mum gives a cry. aGoodness a" no! Five years? Five weeks, perhaps.a I pause, trying to make all the stories fit together. aYou made out that he was an international criminal. You told me he was a murderer.a aSophia?a says her mum, stroking Sophiaas heavy black plait. aWhat have you told your friends?a aI told them you were a singer.a aA singer? Well, I am.a aA princess.a aTrue also.a aAnd an actressaa Sophiaas mum smiles. aI am a singer a" an opera singer.a aYou didnat live in the flat with the c.o.c.kroaches?a I ask.

aI once lived in a flat with c.o.c.kroaches,a says Dad, rearranging the sugar bowl. aWonderful survivors.a Mum glares at him.

aNo c.o.c.kroaches,a says Sophia, sounding defeated. aNo flat in Maida Vale, no school with a checked dress, no rats.a aWe have mostly lived in flats, that much is true,a says Sophiaas mum. aAnd itas true that since I married Trevor, I have seen less of Sophia. He felt it was better that she went away to school and as I travelled a great deal it made sense.a aWhy didnat you come when we ran away?a says Sophia through her tears.

aOh I did a" I tried to a" the police contacted me. Iave been ringing Trevor twice a day, until he disappeared a" goodness knows where heas gone a" and Iave been trying to get here. I emailed you, of course a" Iave been doing it every day. I canat tell you how difficult it is to get a flight to London from Christmas Island at this time of year.a aHeas probably in Acapulco with all the other international criminals,a says Ned.

aShh, Ned,a says Mum. aThatas up to the police now. Iam sure theyall tell us when they find him.a Sophiaas mum takes Sophiaas hand and a little frown crosses her perfect brow. aI know Skyping and emailing twice a week isnat the same as being around much. I am sorry I have not been here to see you grow up a" I am very sorry for that, my love.a aSkype?a I squeak. aI thought you werenat allowed near the internet?a Sophia rubs her head against her motheras hand. aSorry, Lottie.a They make the perfect mother and daughter picture.

Something boils up, something huge and purple and very, very angry. aSorry? Sorry! Sorry for nearly killing us all, sorry for leading me across the country for nothing?a I slam my hands on the table-top, and a milk bottle jumps into the air and tips, flooding the table. I ignore it, Iam too furious. aI did it because I thought you were desperate, that there was no other way for you to see your mother! And then, and then it turns out that your motheras here all the time a" that she isnat dead or chained up or IGNORING YOU, sheas here and she cares about you! And not only that a" she emails you a" you email her a" you Skype a" MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK. YOU ARE IN CONTACT WITH HER!a I step back from the dripping table. aI canat believe we went through with it a" that you let me go through with it a" you must be mad!a aI wasnat mad a" I was desperate a" I havenat seen Mum for ages a" monthsaa aYouare seeing her now!a aBut look what it took to see her. Weave had to run away, wander around the countryside for days, eat out of binsaa Tears stream down Sophiaas face.

aOh darlingaa says Sophiaas mother. aNot eating out of bins? Surely notaa I interrupt. aNot to mention the car crash and nearly being killed. Look what you did to me!a aYou didnat have to come.a aYou told me you hadnat seen your mother for five years a" of course I had to come.a aOK a" that was wrong a" but I couldnat think of any other way a" and you seemed to want to come.a aI didnat want to be kidnapped a" I didnat want to be chained to a car leaking petrol into a ditch.a aLottie! I didnat know that was going to happen and I certainly didnat plan it that way. I thought wead find Mum, have lunch with her, stay in a hotel. I didnat think theyad kidnap us or that Wesson would nearly kill us, but please, see it from my point of view! Youave got to understand, suppose you never got to see your mum a" think about it.a Her voice drops.

Mum and Sophiaas mum are holding hands. They both look shocked. Iam shocked. Dadas rubbing his, and Nedas drawing a smiley face in a pool of spilled sugar.

aImagine running away time after time, hoping it would bring your mum, but it doesnat, it just brings a man in a suit with a bad temper. Put yourself in my place.a Thereas a choking noise from Sophiaas mum and she reaches for Dadas filthy hankie.

aBut you didnat tell me the truth! You could have told me the truth a" there would have been other ways.a aIave tried everything else.a Sophiaas face is red and swollen; she no longer looks at all beautiful. aI couldnat get through to her any other way.a I canat even think how to answer her. A final surge of fury brings uncontrollable tears and I canat even see the table, Ned, Dad, Mum or Sophia.

I think I want to burst.

I think I want to explode.

Instead I go outside and stand in the rain.

What seems like hours later, Mum comes to find me. Iave wandered out of the garden and into the fields. My trainers have wicked up all the water and Iam now more wet than dry, but I canat stop crying and until I do I donat want to go back into the house.

Buster came with me. Heas soaking wet now, but he doesnat seem to mind.

aNed was right,a I mutter to Mum as she puts her arm around my shoulder. aHe said it could be lies. But I wanted to believe it.a aI know, darling,a says Mum. aI know.a aI wanted something exciting to happen,a I say. aI get so bored, here a" with just a" plants.a Mum doesnat say anything, just turns me so that weare walking back towards the river.

aI know it sounds silly,a I say. aBut I wanted to be a hero.a She squeezes my shoulders. aIt doesnat sound silly at all. I think we all want to be heroes. When I was your age I wanted to be a hero; sometimes, I still do. We all want to solve problems for other people a" thereas nothing wrong with it. Anyway, from what I heard, you were a hero.a aWas I?a aYou saved Sophiaas life, and Miss Wessonas. If you hadnat broken out of that car youad have alla"a Mum stops. aIt would have ended badly.a We walk a little further.

aBut she told me she never saw her mum a" at all, for years at a time, that he was stealing her mumas money, that head killed people, that he might even kill her mum. In fact, that her mum might already be dead.a aYes,a says Mum. aBut imagine having someone coming between you and me, stopping us from seeing each other? She just wanted to see her mum.a I try to imagine it, and pull Mum a little closer.

aI suppose Sophia didnat tell you that her mum was Ireneas niece,a she says when we stop under a tree.

aWhat?a aI thought I recognised her when she came in, so after you stomped out, I asked.a aIs that how Pinheadas been able to get hold of the house?a Mum nods. aBut because I asked, she now knows what he was up to, and sheas going to find out how he managed to get the deeds. So thereas still hope.a aMum, do you think Pinheadas really a criminal?a I ask.

She laughs. aI donat know but heas not very nice, is he? That night in the kitchen I had him down as a bouncer.a aSnap!a I say, and laugh for the first time in ages.

aDo you want to go back in?a asks Mum.

But I donat. Iad rather stand in the wet.

So we wait to see Sophia climb into her mumas s.h.i.+ny little rental car and see it head off down the b.u.mpy track, muddy water spraying up the sides.

Mum doesnat say anything, and we just wander back towards the house, kicking off our shoes in the damp porch, and padding into the kitchen, our wet socks making prints on the floor.

aSheas gone,a says Dad, unnecessarily.

I look up at Ned. Iam waiting for him to tell me he told me so but he doesnat. aSorry, sis,a he says. aSorry we let it happen to us.a He stands and comes over to me and puts his arms around my shoulders. It feels lovely.

aIave got something for you,a I say, running for his bag that is sagging against the wall in the hall. I find Pinky and Perky and the mug with the sock and egg. aHere.a Ned picks it out and rolls the egg on to the table. aItas untouched. It even survived the car cras.h.!.+a I shrug, thinking of all the gla.s.s and mud and metal. aMiraculous,a I say.

aActually, itas not miraculous,a says Ned. aItas to do with the design and makeup of the sh.e.l.l structureaa aShh, Ned,a says Mum. aFor now, itas miraculous.a I laugh, because I knew thatas exactly what Ned would say.

Dad rustles around, rearranging scones on the plate, while Mum refills the kettle and slams it on to the stove.

aI thought we were helping her,a I say.

aI know, I know,a says Dad. aNo oneall blame you for what you did.a aMiss Sackb.u.t.t?a I ask.

Dad laughs. aMiss Sackb.u.t.tas just very relieved that youare back. Sheas not a woman to hold grudges. Sheas coming round later to see if youare all right.a aWhat about you and Mum?a aUs?a says Dad. aItas been an interesting week, but weare just glad to see you home, safe.a aReally?a I ask.

aReally,a says Dad, glancing at Mum, who is wiping her nose on her sleeve again.

When the rain stops Ned and I go for a walk together. I donat think we ever have before, ever, but thereas a first time for everything. Dad gives us some money and we buy crisps and sweets from the post office, and although Iave always thought we were missing out because we didnat spend our pocket money on crisps and sweets, theyare a bit of a disappointment and what I really want is an apple.

aWhat did you think when you left me?a asks Ned.

I eat another spangle chew and think about it. aI think I thought Iad lost you for ever,a I say.

aReally?a says Ned. aAnd how did that make you feel?a He looks far too cheerful so I say, aGreat, I felt great. It was such a disappointment when I saw you again.a Ned punches me on the arm.

Itas fine a" itas how it should be.

Miss Sackb.u.t.t turns up under a huge flowery umbrella.

aLottie!a She drops the umbrella and wraps me in her arms before sniffing loudly and uttering, aLottie,a again. She smells of rose water and baked beans.

aIam really sorry,a I say, leaning her umbrella against the door. aI must have caused you the most enormous amount of trouble.a aNo, Lottie a" Iam the one who should be sorry,a says Miss Sackb.u.t.t, sinking to a chair and fanning her face. aItas all my fault a" I should never have trusted that Wesson woman. I canat even bear to think about it. And that man, he had such a lovely car, and nice manners.a She raises her eyebrows so that they go outside her spectacle frames. aIad no idea he wasnat what he seemed. I feel so silly.a Miss Sackb.u.t.t sits looking sad, somehow older and deflated as if someone popped her romantic bubble.

aIam sorry for running away, though,a I say, looking up at Mum who nods.

aRunning away?a Miss Sackb.u.t.tas shoulders heave and she lets out a slow sigh, deflating still more. She gazes out of the kitchen door at the rain dripping from the ferns in the garden. aRunning awayas not a crime. Doesnat every child dream of running away? I know I did.a aDid you?a asks Dad, presenting her and Mum with cracked mugs of tea.

aOh yes, several times,a says Miss Sackb.u.t.t. aI once reached the Isle of Wight, you know.a Miss Sackb.u.t.t examines a black spot on the side of the mug. aBut I wanted to get to France. I wanted an adventure.a aHow old were you?a I ask.

aFifteen,a says Miss Sackb.u.t.t, biting into a scone. aI was in love.a Mum raises an eyebrow. aWho with?a aJust France,a says Miss Sackb.u.t.t. aI think I still am.a aMum, what happened? I mean to you, and Dad and Ned.a I look up at Mum. She wipes the steam from the kitchen window as if she hasnat heard me. Eventually, she speaks. aThe police found us very quickly the day after youad left, and before Ned had returned. I was ready to throttle you. The story was very difficult to piece together. I couldnat believe youad been kidnapped, and I couldnat believe youad be stupid enough to follow a girl who has a repeated history of running away. I mean, you! Of all people. It was baffling a" and very worrying.a aSorry,a I say.

aAfter a couple of days I felt that wead entered a new kind of nightmare, where we lived in police stations and ate Pot Noodles.a aOh.a aAnd then Ned came back to Bream in a police car, and of course I was ma.s.sively relieved to see him, but it became more worrying still. I thought wead have to search every sc.r.a.p of the country, but in the end it was you that brought you back, you survived, you did all the right things. And Iam so glad.a Mum hugs me. I bury myself deep in her lumpy sweater and hug her back.

aAnd darling, why did you go with her?a asks Dad, as heas feeding Buster.

aWhy?a aYes,a says Mum. aYou must have wanted something.a aI told you, I liked her story and I wanted an adventure a" she offered one. And I made her a promise.a aHmmaa says Dad.

aAnd,a I say, my heart beating faster at what I might possibly be about to say. aAnd a" I wanted to get away from all thisaa I wave my arms to show the plants and tanks of scorpions. aItas not normal, you know a" other people donat have all this a" stuff.a Dad looks up and stares at me as if Iam talking Martian.

aOther people have parents in suits, and smart cars with dvd players.a aAh,a says Mum, looking at Dad. aWe did wonder.a aItas just that weare not normal. I sort of wish we were normal a" but thenaa I look around at the crumbling plaster, the dust, the piles of books, the chipped crockery.

aItas home.a The phone rings. Itas the police. Theyave found the flash drive. And theyave found Pinhead. Heas in Estonia.

aSorry a" the brake lines? So that would mean that all the brake fluid would leak out, wouldnat it?a Dad takes off his and rubs his eyes as he listens to the person on the other end of the phone. Thereas a long pause. aAttempted murder a" I see.a He listens again.

aI should think sheas pretty furious.a More silence.

aSo Maria Wesson would be a material witness then, shead know exactly what he was up to?a A pause.

aAnd what exactly was he up to?a A pause.

aSixteen million.a Dad makes a long low whistle. aOh my word! What a ridiculous amount.a A pause.

aTwenty-three companies in twelve countries? Why would anyone need so many?a A pause.

aSquirrelling, was he? Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Of course, putting things in different pots all over the world, just in case.a A pause.

aSo actually a" yes, I understand. No a" we wonat tell a soul, not until it comes to court, but youall have to extradite him, wonat you? Hmm a" could be a while then, but gosh, yes a" lucky escape. Thank you. I will a" yes, I will.a Dad puts down the phone and looks at me over his aYou did well, Lottie sweetie. That flash thing had everything they needed on it and the woman, Maria thingummybob, spilled the beans on him. It seems heas been stowing Sophiaas motheras money away for some time. Stealing from her and lots of other people, large amounts in dodgy European property deals. Sophia was right after all. Mr Pinehead is a very nasty piece of work.a aAnd what about Wesson?a asks Ned.

aShe was his lover and his accomplice, but his appearance in Estonia instead of Rio as theyad planned, and cutting the brake lines of the car she was driving, seem to have loosened her tongue. Canat help feeling a little sorry for the poor mug.a aBrake lines?a Dad takes off his specs and rubs the lenses on his sweater. aIt seems he tried to kill you all. He tampered with the car. She may have been driving badly, but she wouldnat have been able to slow down. Head cut the brake lines; then once the fluid had leaked out she would have been unable to stop and the car would be lethal.a aFlip,a says Ned.

aOh,a is all I can say.

Dad leans forward and pulls a hair from my face. aYou really did do well, sweetheart.a aWhat about Ireneas house?a asks Mum.

aThey didnat say anything about that,a says Dad. aPerhaps he never actually got his hands on it.a aBut he didnat kill anybody?a I ask.

aNo,a says Dad. aHe didnat a" so far as they know a" but he tried. He tried to kill you. And he and his Estonian pals have stolen a great deal of money. So when they do catch him, heall be going down for a long time.a Weare playing UNO, now. All of us, in the house with the rain beating on the windows. It feels great, although somethingas still hanging in the air.

Mumas made pancakes. Dadas serving them up with mushrooms for supper. Ned laid the table, and we played cards while we waited. And itas lovely because weare all getting on together really well, but I canat help feeling that I ought to do something about Sophia. Trouble is, I donat know what.

I donat actually do anything about Sophia for a week. I canat face her. Anyway, thereas Nedas birthday to look forward to. It makes Mum and Dad tidy up for hours and hours beforehand; Dad even calls in a plumber who fixes the loo so that it doesnat sing every time it deigns to flush, and Mum moves the scorpions out into the greenhouse.

Encouraged by the comments of the plumber when he comes to call, Dad paints the hall and takes twenty-seven and-a-half pairs of leaky wellies to the dump along with a swampy paddling pool and a trampoline from Freecycle that never worked.

That drives Mum to get rid of her collection of The Toxicology Month magazines that sheas been saving up since 1980 and clean out the cupboard under the stairs which leads to a man coming and wiping out the largest collection of woodworm ever seen.

They donat actually wear suits when Nedas friends turn up, but they do manage to look fairly ordinary, and Dad cooks frozen pizzas in the stove, even though heas always called them amoney for old ropea.

Nedas friends love the house, love the slugs, love the snails, love Mumas scorpions, love the fungi growing over the fridge.

Their parents actually sit on chairs and drink cups of tea when they come to pick them up, and Mum and Dad manage to talk quite normally.

No homemade champagne.

No dead chickens.

When I finally say Iad like to see Sophia, itas the day after Nedas birthday. Mum, Dad and Ned all hover in the background just in case I explode and kill her.

Iam not angry any more, just hurt. And puzzled.

She comes with her mum, who sits and drinks tea with my mum, like real mums do.

aWhat have you been doing since last weekend?a asks Sophia, keeping an armas length between us.

I shrug. aHanging out with Ned, appreciating him as my brother a" helping mum with her scorpions, avoiding high places and cars.a Sophia laughs.

aWhat about you?a aGetting to know my mum.a aDid she understand?a I ask.

Sophia stands and crosses the room. aShe did a" she apologised a" I apologised. We watched TV together, cooked a meal, went for a walk.a aWhy?a I ask, twisting my hair around my finger. aWhy didnat you tell me the truth?a She stares at the ceiling. It might provide an answer but I canat help feeling it should be coming from inside her head. aI thought you wouldnat get it a" you wouldnat get that I just wanted to see my mum. And I wanted you to be my friend. You made me feel safe.a My jaw quivers as if Iam going to cry, but I donat know if theyall be tears of happiness or sadness. aCouldnat we have told the police, and then got on with being friends? Couldnat we just have hung out together a" chatted, listened to music, gone shopping a" whatever it is other people do?a aI didnat think it would work and, honestly, I didnat have you down as that sort of person. I thought you wanted a challenge. Sorry. I got it wrong.a aActually, you didnat get it wrong. Iam not really a shopping sort of person a" I mean a" lookaa I point at the crumbling plaster and the books crammed anyhow into the bookcase. aThis is how I am, this is where I come from.a aExactly,a says Sophia. aThatas why I like you.a aLike me? Like me? Then why did you do that to me?a Sophia doesnat answer for a long time.

aIam really sorry, Lottie. Iam really sorry for making you go through all that.a aAre you sorry for making me climb off that building?a She nods her head.

aSorry for making me eat from dustbins?a She smiles.

aSorry for nearly killing me in a car crash?a She sucks in her breath and nods. I see tears in her eyes.

aAnd Sophia.a I take a big breath. aIam sorry for not understanding what it feels like to be separated from your family. I think I do now a" or at least, Iam beginning to.a We step out into the garden. The sunas s.h.i.+ning and Dadas mowed the gra.s.s. It almost looks like other peopleas gardens.

aWeare moving to Ireneas house,a says Sophia.

aOh?a I say.

aMum and me. It belongs to her. She visited it when she was little and she loves it. She wants to repair it. She loves all of Ireneas things, too. Mum showed it all to me and itas lovely, perfect as it is a" well, without the trees in the gutters. What would you think of that?a she asks.

aMe?a aYes a" you.a I think about it. Sophia living down the road. Sophia who likes an adventure. Sophia, the girl with whom Iave had the best fun in my life.

aIad think,a I say, athat it was a good thing. A very good thing.a



First published in the UK in 2014 by Nosy Crow Ltd.

The Crowas Nest, 10a Lant Street.

London, SE1 1QR, UK.

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