Charlotte Bronte and Her Circle Part 31

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'For a month past an urgent necessity to buy and make some things for winter-wear had been importuning my conscience; the _buying_ might be soon effected, but the _making_ was a more serious consideration. At this juncture Ellen arrives with a good-sized parcel, which, when opened, discloses the things I required, perfectly made and of capital useful fabric; adorned too--which seemly decoration it is but too probable I might myself have foregone as an augmentation of trouble not to be lightly incurred. I felt strong doubts as to my right to profit by this sort of fairy gift, so unlooked for and so curiously opportune; on reading the note accompanying the garments, I am told that to accept will be to confer a favour(!) The doctrine is too palatable to be rejected; I even waive all nice scrutiny of its soundness--in short, I submit with as good a grace as may be.

'Ellen has only been my companion one little week. I would not have her any longer, for I am disgusted with myself and my delays, and consider it was a weak yielding to temptation in me to send for her at all; but, in truth, my spirits were getting low--prostrate sometimes, and she has done me inexpressible good. I wonder when I shall see you at Haworth again. Both my father and the servants have again and again insinuated a distinct wish that you should be requested to come in the course of the summer and autumn, but I always turned a deaf ear: "Not yet," was my thought, "I want first to be free--work first, then pleasure."

'I venture to send by Ellen a book which may amuse an hour: a Scotch tale by a minister's wife. It seems to me well told, and may serve to remind you of characters and manners you have seen in Scotland.

When you have time to write a line, I shall feel anxious to hear how you are. With kind regards to all old friends, and truest affection to yourself; in which Ellen joins me,--I am, my dear Miss Wooler, yours gratefully and respectfully,



'HAWORTH, _October_ 8_th_, 1852.

'MY DEAR MISS WOOLER,--I wished much to write to you immediately on my return home, but I found several little matters demanding attention, and have been kept busy till now.

'I reached home about five o'clock in the afternoon, and the anxiety which is inseparable from a return after absence was pleasantly relieved by finding papa well and cheerful. He inquired after you with interest. I gave him your kind regards, and he specially charged me whenever I wrote to present his in return, and to say also that he hoped to see you at Haworth at the earliest date which shall be convenient to you.

'The week I spent at Hornsea was a happy and pleasant week. Thank you, my dear Miss Wooler, for the true kindness which gave it its chief charm. I shall think of you often, especially when I walk out, and during the long evenings. I believe the weather has at length taken a turn: to-day is beautifully fine. I wish I were at Hornsea and just now preparing to go out with you to walk on the sands or along the lake.

I would not have you to fatigue yourself with writing to me when you are not inclined, but yet I should be glad to hear from you some day ere long. When you _do_ write, tell me how you liked _The Experience of Life_, and whether you have read _Esmond_, and what you think of it.--Believe me always yours, with true affection and respect,



'BROOKROYD, _December_ 7_th_, 1852.

'MY DEAR MISS WOOLER,--Since you were so kind as to take some interest in my small tribulation of, I write a line to tell you that on Sunday morning a letter came which put me out of pain and obviated the necessity of an impromptu journey to London.

'The _money transaction_, of course, remains the same, and perhaps is not quite equitable; but when an author finds that his work is cordially approved, he can pardon the rest--indeed, my chief regret now lies in the conviction that papa will be disappointed: he expected me to earn 500 pounds, nor did I myself antic.i.p.ate that a lower sum would be offered; however, 250 pounds is not to be despised. {275}

'Your sudden departure from Brookroyd left a legacy of consternation to the bereaved breakfast-table. Ellen was not easily to be soothed, though I diligently represented to her that you had quitted Haworth with the same inexorable haste. I am commissioned to tell you, first, that she has decided not to go to Yarmouth till after Christmas, her mother's health having within the last few days betrayed some symptoms not unlike those which preceded her former illness; and though it is to be hoped that those may pa.s.s without any untoward result, yet they naturally increase Ellen's reluctance to leave home for the present.

'Secondly, I am to say, that when the present you left came to be examined, the costliness and beauty of it inspired some concern.

Ellen thinks you are too kind, as I also think every morning, for I am now benefiting by your kind gift.

'With sincere regards to all at the Parsonage,--I am, my dear Miss Wooler, yours respectfully and affectionately,


'_P.S._--I shall direct that _Esmond_ (Mr. Thackeray's work) shall be sent on to you as soon as the Hunsworth party have read it. It has already reached a second edition.'


'HAWORTH, _January_ 20_th_, 1853.

'MY DEAR MISS WOOLER,--Your last kind note would not have remained so long unanswered if I had been in better health. While Ellen was with me, I seemed to revive wonderfully, but began to grow worse again the day she left; and this falling off proved symptomatic of a relapse.

My doctor called the next day; he said the headache from which I was suffering arose from inertness in the liver.

'Thank G.o.d, I now feel better; and very grateful am I for the improvement--grateful no less for my dear father's sake than for my own.

'Most fully can I sympathise with you in the anxiety you express about your friend. The thought of his leaving England and going out alone to a strange country, with all his natural sensitiveness and retiring diffidence, is indeed painful; still, my dear Miss Wooler, should he actually go to America, I can but then suggest to you the same source of comfort and support you have suggested to me, and of which indeed I know you never lose sight--namely, reliance on Providence. "G.o.d tempers the wind to the shorn lamb," and He will doubtless care for a good, though afflicted man, amidst whatever difficulties he may be thrown. When you write again, I should be glad to know whether your anxiety on this subject is relieved. I was truly glad to learn through Ellen that Ilkley still continued to agree with your health. Earnestly trusting that the New Year may prove to you a happy and tranquil time,--I am, my dear Miss Wooler, sincerely and affectionately yours,



'_January_ 27_th_, 1853.

'MY DEAR MISS WOOLER,--I received your letter here in London where I have been staying about three weeks, and shall probably remain a few days longer. _Villette_ is to be published to-morrow. Its appearance has been purposely delayed hitherto, to avoid discourteous clas.h.i.+ng with Mrs. Gaskell's new work. Your name was one of the first on the list of presentees, and directed to the Parsonage, where I shall also send this letter, as you mention that you are to leave Halifax at the close of this week. I will bear in mind what you say about Mrs. Morgan; and should I ever have an opportunity of serving her, will not omit to do so. I only wish my chance of being useful were greater. Schools seem to be considered almost obsolete in London. Ladies' colleges, with professors for every branch of instruction, are superseding the old-fas.h.i.+oned seminary. How the system will work I can't tell. I think the college might be very useful for finis.h.i.+ng the education of ladies intended to go out as governesses, but what progress little girls will make in them seems to me another question.

'My dear Miss Wooler, I read attentively all you say about Miss Martineau; the sincerity and constancy of your solicitude touches me very much. I should grieve to neglect or oppose your advice, and yet I do not feel that it would be right to give Miss Martineau up entirely. There is in her nature much that is very n.o.ble. Hundreds have forsaken her, more, I fear, in the apprehension that their fair names may suffer if seen in connection with hers, than from any pure convictions, such as you suggest, of harm consequent on her fatal tenets. With these fair-weather friends I cannot bear to rank. And for her sin, is it not one of those which G.o.d and not man must judge?

'To speak the truth, my dear Miss Wooler, I believe if you were in my place, and knew Miss Martineau as I do--if you had shared with me the proofs of her rough but genuine kindliness, and had seen how she secretly suffers from abandonment, you would be the last to give her up; you would separate the sinner from the sin, and feel as if the right lay rather in quietly adhering to her in her strait, while that adherence is unfas.h.i.+onable and unpopular, than in turning on her your back when the world sets the example. I believe she is one of those whom opposition and desertion make obstinate in error, while patience and tolerance touch her deeply and keenly, and incline her to ask of her own heart whether the course she has been pursuing may not possibly be a faulty course. However, I have time to think of this subject, and I shall think of it seriously.

'As to what I have seen in London during my present visit, I hope one day to tell you all about it by our fireside at home. When you write again will you name a time when it would suit you to come and see me; everybody in the house would be glad of your presence; your last visit is pleasantly remembered by all.

'With kindest regards,--I am always, affectionately and respectfully yours,


A note to Miss Nussey written after Charlotte's death indicates a fairly shrewd view on the part of Miss Wooler as regards the popularity of her friend.


'MY DEAR MISS ELLEN,--The third edition of Charlotte's Life has at length ventured out. Our curate tells me he is a.s.sured it is quite inferior to the former ones. So you see Mrs. Gaskell displayed worldly wisdom in going out of her way to furnish gossip for the discerning public. Did I mention to you that Mrs. Gibson knows two or three young ladies in Hull who finished their education at Mme.

Heger's pension? Mrs. G. said they read _Villette_ with keen interest--of course they would. I had a nice walk with a Suffolk lady, who was evidently delighted to meet with one who had personally known our dear C. B., and would not soon have wearied of a conversation in which she was the topic.--Love to yourself and sisters, from--Your affectionate,



Something has already been said concerning the growth of the population of Haworth during the period of Mr. Bronte's Inc.u.mbency. It was 4668 in 1821, and 6301 in 1841. This makes it natural that Mr. Bronte should have applied to his Bishop for a.s.sistance in his pastoral duty, and such aid was permanently granted him in 1838, when Mr. William Weightman became his first curate. {280} Mr. Weightman would appear to have been a favourite. He many times put in an appearance at the parsonage, although I do not recognise him in any one of Charlotte's novels, and he certainly has no place among the three famous curates of _s.h.i.+rley_. He would seem to have been the only man, other than her father and brother, whom Emily was known to tolerate. We know that the girls considered him effeminate, and they called him 'Celia Amelia,' under which name he frequently appears in Charlotte's letters to Ellen Nussey. That he was good-natured seems to be indisputable. There is one story of his walking to Bradford to post valentines to the inc.u.mbent's daughters, when he found they had never received any. There is another story of a trip to Keighley to hear him lecture. He was a bit of a poet, it seems, and Ellen Nussey was the heroine of some of his verses when she visited at Haworth. Here is a letter which throws some light upon Charlotte's estimate of the young man--he was twenty-three years of age at this time.


'_March_ 17_th_, 1840.

'MY DEAR MRS. ELEANOR,--I wish to scold you with a forty-horse power for having told Mary Taylor that I had requested you not to tell her everything, which piece of information has thrown her into tremendous ill-humour, besides setting the teeth of her curiosity on edge. Tell her forthwith every individual occurrence, including valentines, "Fair E---, Fair E---," etc.; "Away fond love," etc.; "Soul divine,"

and all; likewise the painting of Miss Celia Amelia Weightman's portrait, and that _young lady's_ frequent and agreeable visits.

By-the-bye, I inquired into the opinion of that intelligent and interesting young person respecting you. It was a favourable one.

"She" thought you a fine-looking girl, and a very good girl into the bargain. Have you received the newspaper which has been despatched, containing a notice of "her" lecture at Keighley? Mr. Morgan came and stayed three days. By Miss Weightman's aid, we got on pretty well. It was amazing to see with what patience and good-temper the innocent creature endured that fat Welshman's prosing, though she confessed afterwards that she was almost done up by his long stories.

We feel very dull without you. I wish those three weeks were to come over again. Aunt has been at times precious cross since you went--however, she is rather better now. I had a bad cold on Sunday and stayed at home most of the day. Anne's cold is better, but I don't consider her strong yet. What did your sister Anne say about my omitting to send a drawing for the Jew basket? I hope she was too much occupied with the thoughts of going to Earnley to think of it.

I am obliged to cut short my letter. Everybody in the house unites in sending their love to you. Miss Celia Amelia Weightman also desires to be remembered. Write soon again and--Believe me, yours unalterably,

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