Faefever Part 14

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I slept with it in my hand.

"We could fight, fight, Mac. Maybe we can't kill them without the sword, but we sure could kick some f.e.c.king a.s.s, and maybe they'd think twice about settin' up shop in our city. I could save dozens of people every day, if she'd just let me. I see 'em walking down the street, holding hands with a human"-she shuddered-"and I know that person's gonna die. I could save them!" Mac. Maybe we can't kill them without the sword, but we sure could kick some f.e.c.king a.s.s, and maybe they'd think twice about settin' up shop in our city. I could save dozens of people every day, if she'd just let me. I see 'em walking down the street, holding hands with a human"-she shuddered-"and I know that person's gonna die. I could save them!"

"But the Unseelie you stopped would only move on to another victim, if you didn't kill it, Dani. You'd be saving one person to sentence another." I'd thought this through myself. I felt the same things. We were hopelessly outnumbered with only two weapons.

Her mouth twisted. "That's what Rowena says, too."

Ugh. I was not not like Rowena. "In this case, she's right. Diverting them isn't enough. We need more weapons. More ways to kill them, and I can't give up my spear, so if they're using you to bait some kind of trap . . ." I warned. "I didn't kill Moira. It like Rowena. "In this case, she's right. Diverting them isn't enough. We need more weapons. More ways to kill them, and I can't give up my spear, so if they're using you to bait some kind of trap . . ." I warned. "I didn't kill Moira. It was was an accident. But I won't let anyone take my spear away." an accident. But I won't let anyone take my spear away."

"They're not trying to trap you, Mac. I swear. They just want to talk to you. They think there's stuff happening that you don't know about, and they think you might know some stuff we don't. They want to trade info."

"What do they think I don't know?" I demanded. Was there some threat I was unaware of? A new, even worse enemy out there, gunning for me?

"If I tell you anything else, they'll get mad at me, and half the abbey's usually mad at me. I'm not p.i.s.sing off the other half. They said they'd meet on neutral ground, and that you could choose where. Will you do it?"

I made a show of considering it but my mind was already made up. I wanted to know what they knew, and desperately wanted access to their archives. Rowena had given me a glimpse into one of their many books about the Fae the day Dani had taken me to meet her at PHI. She'd shown me the first few sentences of an entry about V'lane, and I'd been itching to get my hands on it ever since, and finish the rest of it. If information about the Sinsar Dubh Sinsar Dubh existed, it was a good bet the existed, it was a good bet the sidhe sidhe-seers had it, somewhere. Not to mention my hope that somewhere in the abbey were answers to my questions about my mother, and heritage. "Yes. But I'll need a show of faith."

"What do you want?"

"Rowena has a book in her desk-"

Dani stiffened instantly. "No f.e.c.king way! She'd know! I'm not taking it!"

"Not asking you to. You have a digital camera?"

"Nope. Sorry. Can't do." She folded her arms.

"I'll loan you mine. Photograph the pages about V'lane and bring them to me." My plan would serve the dual purposes of getting me more information, and proving that she was willing to defy Rowena for me. It would also make her read about the object of her misguided fantasies, and hopefully cure her of them.

She stared at me. "If she catches me, I'm dead."

"Don't let her catch you, then," I said. Then I softened, "Do you think you can do it, Dani? If it's really too dangerous . . ." She was was only thirteen, and I only thirteen, and I was was pitting her against a woman with years of wisdom and experience, ruthless intentions, and a spine of steel. pitting her against a woman with years of wisdom and experience, ruthless intentions, and a spine of steel.

Her lambent eyes gleamed. "I'm superfast, remember? You want it, I'll get it." She glanced around the bookstore. "But if things get really bad, I'm coming to live with you."

"Oh no, you're not." I said, trying not to smile. She was such such a teenager. a teenager.

"Why not? It looks cool to me. No rules, either."

"I'd drown you in rules. All kinds of rules. No TV, no loud music, no boys, no magazines, no snacks or soda, no sugar, no-"

"I get it, I get it," she said sourly. Then she brightened. "So, I can tell 'em you'll meet?"

I nodded.

Dani watched the counter for me, while I ran upstairs and got my Kodak. I changed the settings so it would take the highest resolution photos possible, and told her to make sure she got the entire pages, so I could download them onto my computer, zoom in on the images, and read. I told her to call me as soon as she had them; we'd set a place and time to meet.

"Be safe, Dani," I said, as she wheeled her bike out the door. There was a storm brewing in the streets of Dublin, and I didn't mean those dense black clouds currently crawling across the rooftops. I could feel it. Like a bad moon really was was rising, and even worse trouble was on the way. Ever since I'd danced to that song the other night, I hadn't been able to shake it from my head. It was such boppy, happy-sounding music to be accompanied by such grim predictions. rising, and even worse trouble was on the way. Ever since I'd danced to that song the other night, I hadn't been able to shake it from my head. It was such boppy, happy-sounding music to be accompanied by such grim predictions.

She glanced back over her shoulder at me. "We're kinda like sisters, aren't we, Mac?"

A knife twisted in my gut. There was such a hopeful look on her face. "Yeah, I guess we are." I didn't want another sister. Ever. I didn't want to worry about anyone but me.

Still, I did the closest thing to praying I knew how to do, and whispered a silent invocation to the universe to watch over her, as I closed the door.

The dark clouds creeping over the city exploded, thunderheads cras.h.i.+ng, raindrops biting with October's chill teeth, flash-flooding the pavement, gus.h.i.+ng down the gutters, overflowing the grates, and sweeping all my customers away.

I cataloged books until my vision blurred. I made myself a cup of tea, turned on the gas logs, cozied up to the fire, and paged through a book on Irish fairy tales, hunting for truth in the myth, while picking at a lunch that was the UK equivalent of Ramen noodles. I haven't had much of an appet.i.te since I ate Unseelie. Not for food, anyway.

Last night Barrons and I hadn't said a word to each other all the way back to the bookstore. He'd dropped me at the front and watched me walk in. Then, he'd given me a smile that was all teeth and nastiness, and driven straight into the Dark Zone, managing to say "f.u.c.k you, Ms. Lane," without even bothering to open his mouth. He knows how much his refusal to tell me why the Shades don't eat him irks me.

I want to be so fearless. want to be so fearless. I I want to be so bad and tough that all the monsters leave me alone. want to be so bad and tough that all the monsters leave me alone.

I tugged Alina's journal entry from my pocket and read it again, more slowly this time.

Her worst fear had come true, and here I was, left alone with a lifetime of things unsaid and undone. I'd never gotten that hug. I knew I needed to push past the emotional punch and focus on the Haven's prophecy, the five, and the new questions her journal entry raised, but I was detoured by memories. There'd been so many nights that I'd sprawled on my bed, talking to Alina on the phone. Mom was always making good stuff, filling the house with the mouth-watering aroma of yeast, caramel cream sauces, and spices. Dad was always yelling at the Braves with old man Marley during baseball season. I would have prattled aimlessly about boys and school and my idiotic complaints about whatever I used to complain about, believing the whole time she and I were immortal.

What a shock when life ends at twenty-four. n.o.body's ready for it. I missed my rainbow quilt. I missed my mom. G.o.d, I missed- I stood, crammed the page back in my pocket, and pruned my dark thoughts in the seedling stage before they could sprout. Depression gets you nowhere but tangled in an overgrown garden that can choke the life out of you.

I moved to the window and stared out at the rain. Gray street. Gray day. Gray rain, splas.h.i.+ng grayly on gray pavement. What was that Jars of Clay song on my iPod? "My world is a flood. Slowly I become one with the mud." "My world is a flood. Slowly I become one with the mud."

As I stared, unblinking into the grayness, a brilliant shaft of sunlight splintered the rain, directly in front of me.

I looked up, seeking its source. The beam pierced the dark clouds, a radiant lance shot down from heaven, forming a perfect golden circle on the dreary, drenched sidewalk, inside which there was no rain, no storm, just suns.h.i.+ne and warmth. I thumbed a Tums from my pocket. My tea and noodles were abruptly an unpleasant stew in my stomach.

Speaking of the sidhe sidhe-seer's equivalent of Lucifer . . .

"Funny," I said. But I wasn't laughing. Fae-induced nausea coupled with an impossible illusion spelled one thing: V-l-a-n-e. The only thing missing was a frenzy of Fae l.u.s.t, and I braced myself for it. His name piercing my tongue suddenly tasted sweet as honey, felt smooth and supple and s.e.xy in my mouth. "Go away," I told the illusory shaft of sun, focusing my sidhe sidheseer center on it. It didn't evaporate.

Then V'lane was standing in it, but he wasn't Fae, and he wasn't the biker man. He was a version of himself I'd never seen before: he looked human, and he was definitely muted. Still, he was inhumanly beautiful. He was wearing white swim trunks that contrasted perfectly with his gold skin, and flaunted his flawless body. His hair slid like silk over his bare shoulders. His eyes were amber, warm with invitation.

He'd come to punish me. I knew that. And still still I wanted to step outside, splash through the rain and join him in his sunny oasis. Hold his hand. Run away for a while, maybe to Faery, where I could play volleyball and drink beers with a perfectly convincing illusion of Alina. I stuffed that thought back in my padlocked box and checked the chains. They weren't holding so good today. I wanted to step outside, splash through the rain and join him in his sunny oasis. Hold his hand. Run away for a while, maybe to Faery, where I could play volleyball and drink beers with a perfectly convincing illusion of Alina. I stuffed that thought back in my padlocked box and checked the chains. They weren't holding so good today.

I will attend to you later, he'd said last night. he'd said last night. You broke our bargain. There is a price for that. You broke our bargain. There is a price for that.

"Leave me alone, V'lane," I called through the window. It echoed off the gla.s.s back at me, and I wasn't sure he heard. Maybe he could read lips. Suddenly the windowpane separating us was gone. Drops of wind-driven rain needled my face, my hands.

"You are forgiven, MacKayla. Upon reflection, I realized it was not your fault. You were not responsible for Barrons' interference. I do not expect you to be able to control him. To demonstrate my understanding, I have come, not to punish you, but to give you a gift."

His "gifts" all had strings attached, and I told him so, with a tongue that tasted of nectar.

"Not this one. This is for you and only for you. I will gain nothing from it."

"I don't believe you."

"I could have harmed you long before now if I wished."

"So? Maybe you're just putting it off. Sucking me in for the grand finale." I brushed rain from my face, and pushed my hair back. It was simultaneously curling and drooping, becoming an unmanageable mess. "You can put the window back anytime."

"I took your hand and accompanied you into the halls of my enemies, trusting you not to Null me. Return the honor, sidhe sidhe-seer." The temperature was dropping. "I gave you my name, the means to summon me at will." The rain turned to sleet.

"Not inspiring trust with your little display of temper." A strong gust of wind dumped a sudden bucket of rain on me.

"Oh! You did that on purpose!" I dragged a sleeve across my face, mopping at it. It didn't help. My sweater was soaked.

He didn't deny it. Just c.o.c.ked his head, studied me. "I will tell you about the one you call Lord Master."

"I don't call him Lord Master and never will," I bristled. I battled the urge to leap out the window, grab him, and demand to know whatever he knew. don't call him Lord Master and never will," I bristled. I battled the urge to leap out the window, grab him, and demand to know whatever he knew.

"Would you like to know who he is?"

"You said you'd never heard of him when I told you about him." I studied my nails, knowing if he knew how badly I wanted the information, he'd make it harder to get. Probably try to trade it for s.e.x.

"I have learned much since then."

"So, who is he?" I said, in a bored voice.

"Accept my gift."

"Tell me what your 'gift' is first."

"You have no plans for the afternoon." He glanced at the flooded street beyond his warm, sunny oasis. "You will have no customers. Will you sit in your chair and pine for lost things?"

"You're p.i.s.sing me off, V'lane."

"Have you ever seen the Caribbean Sea? There are hues in those waves that nearly vie with Faery."

I sighed. No. I'd dreamed of it, though. Sun slanting off water was one of my favorite things in the world, whether it was swimming-pool-blue or shades-of-tropic. During the winter in Ashford, I used to go to the local travel agent's office in town and thumb through the pamphlets, dreaming of all the exotic, sunny places the husband I hadn't met yet was going to take me. Part of the reason I was so depressed in Dublin was from simple lack of sun. My time in the subterranean caves beneath the Burren had sapped me. I not only love sun, I need need it. I think if I'd grown up in the colder, drearier North, I'd have been a completely different person. Sure, the sun comes out here, but not nearly as often as it does in Georgia, and not the same way. Dublin doesn't get those months of long, blissfully blazingly hot summer days, crowned by a sky so blue it hurts to look at, and a sultry heat that warms you to the core. My bones are cold here. So is my heart. it. I think if I'd grown up in the colder, drearier North, I'd have been a completely different person. Sure, the sun comes out here, but not nearly as often as it does in Georgia, and not the same way. Dublin doesn't get those months of long, blissfully blazingly hot summer days, crowned by a sky so blue it hurts to look at, and a sultry heat that warms you to the core. My bones are cold here. So is my heart.

A few hours in the tropics, plus information about the Lord Master?

The rain slanting in through the windowless hole p.r.i.c.ked my skin with the icy spines of a dozen porcupines. Would he really forgo retaliation against me for breaking our bargain? I was in no position to shut the Seelie prince out of my life. Whether I trusted him or not, I needed to be on decent terms with him, and if he really was offering me a Get Out of Jail Free card, I'd be crazy not to take it. I couldn't cower in the bookstore from him every time he showed up. I was going to have to confront him on unwarded ground eventually.

"Put the window back." I wasn't going to be blamed by Barrons for another missing window, or risk that big nasty Shade out back getting in.

"Do you accept my gift?"

I nodded.

When the pane was back, I went to the counter, swapped my soaking cardigan for a dry jacket over my damp s.h.i.+rt, and bent to extract the spear from my boot and holster it beneath my arm. It was gone.

Apparently the bookstore being warded only kept him out out. It didn't keep him from performing his tricks in or on the store itself. I made a mental note to discuss this problem with the intractable owner and keeper of the wards. Surely with all his secrets and inexplicable abilities Barrons could do better than that.

I flipped the sign to CLOSED, CLOSED, locked up, splashed through the puddles, stepped into the sun and, when V'lane offered his hand, nullified my intent to Null, and laced my fingers with his. locked up, splashed through the puddles, stepped into the sun and, when V'lane offered his hand, nullified my intent to Null, and laced my fingers with his.

I was in Cancun, Mexico, sitting in a disappearing-edge swimming pool, on a bar stool that was actually under under the water, watching palm trees sway in a sultry breeze against the unmistakable aqua splendor of the Caribbean Sea; drinking coconut, lime, and tequila from a scooped-out pineapple, with the salt spray of breaking surf and sun kissing my skin. the water, watching palm trees sway in a sultry breeze against the unmistakable aqua splendor of the Caribbean Sea; drinking coconut, lime, and tequila from a scooped-out pineapple, with the salt spray of breaking surf and sun kissing my skin.

Translation: I'd died and gone to heaven.

Dublin, the rain, my problems, my depression: All of it had vanished in the blink of a Fae Prince's sift.

My bikini today, courtesy of V'lane, was leopard print, three embarra.s.singly tiny triangles. A gold belly chain, inset with amber, draped my hips. I didn't care how nearly naked I was. The day was blindingly bright and beautiful. The sun was warm and healing on my shoulders. The double shots of Cuervo Gold in my drink weren't hurting, either. I was glowing golden inside and out.

"So? Who is he? You said you'd tell me about the Lord Master," I prompted.

His hands were on me then, rubbing suntan oil into my skin that smelled of the coconut and almond, and for a short time I forgot that I even had had a tongue that could ask questions. a tongue that could ask questions.

Even when he's fully muted, there's magic in a death-by-s.e.x Fae's hands. They make you feel like you're being touched by the only man who could ever know you, understand you, give you what you need. Illusion, deception, and lie, perhaps, but it still feels feels real. The mind may know the difference. But the body doesn't. The body is a traitor. real. The mind may know the difference. But the body doesn't. The body is a traitor.

I leaned into V'lane's touch, moving under his strong, sure strokes, purring inwardly while he petted me. His iridescent eyes burned a s.h.i.+mmering shade of amber, like the gems on my belly chain, grew sleepy, heated, promising me s.e.x that would blow my mind away.

"I have a suite, MacKayla," he said softly. "Come." He took my hand.

"I bet you say that to all the girls," I murmured, and pulled away. I shook my head, trying to clear it.

"I despise girls. I like women. They are infinitely more . . . interesting. Girls break. Women can surprise you."

Girls break. I had no doubt he'd broken more than a few in his time. I'd not forgotten the book in Rowena's study that credited this very Fae with being the founder of the Wild Hunt. The thought jarred me back to reality. "Who is he?" I asked again, scooting to the farthest edge of my bar stool. "Stop touching me. Honor your promise."

He sighed. "What is it you humans say? All work and no play-"

"-might just keep me alive," I finished dryly.

"I will keep you alive." will keep you alive."

"Barrons says the same thing. I'd prefer to be able to do it myself."

"You are a mere human, a woman at that."

I felt my jaw jut. "Like you said. Women can surprise you. Answer my question. Who is he?" I motioned the bartender for a fresh pineapple-hold the tequila-and waited.

"One of us."

"Huh?" I blinked. "The Lord Master is Fae Fae?"

V'lane nodded.

Although I'd gotten a Fae read off the Lord Master the two times we'd met, I'd also gotten a human read, similar to what I sensed in Malluce and Derek O'Bannion. I'd thought the Fae part was because the Lord Master ate Fae, not because he was was Fae. "But I don't sense full Fae from him. What's the deal?" Fae. "But I don't sense full Fae from him. What's the deal?"

"He is no longer. He who calls himself the Lord Master was formerly a Seelie known as Darroc, a trusted member of the queen's High Council."

I blinked. He was Seelie Seelie? Then what was he doing leading the Un Unseelie? "What happened?"

"He betrayed our queen. She discovered he was working secretly with the Royal Hunters to overthrow her, and return to the old ways, and old days in which no Fae bowed to an insult of a Compact, or had any use for humans other than pa.s.sing diversion." Alien, ancient eyes studied me a moment. "Darroc's special diversion was playing with human women for a long, cruel time, before destroying them."

An image of Alina's body as it had looked lying on the morgue table rose up in my mind. "Have I told you how much I hate him?" I hissed. For a moment I couldn't say any more, couldn't even think past him hurting my sister and leaving her to die. I breathed deep and slow, then said, "So, what, you threw him out of Faery and dumped him on us?"

"When the queen uncovered his treason, she stripped him of his power and immortality, and banished him to your realm, condemning him to suffer the brevity and humiliation of a mortal life, and die-the cruelest sentence for a Fae, crueler even than ceasing to exist by immortal weapon, or . . . simply vanis.h.i.+ng the way some of us do. To die was insult to injury. Mortal indignity is the greatest indignity of all."

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