Vondel's Lucifer Part 29

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Whatever doth breathe May rightly the Creator praises bring, Who each his being gave and unto each Gave his degree. Whene'er it pleaseth Him, The element of earth shall change to air, To water, or to fire; the Heaven itself, 190 To Earth; an Angel, to a beast; mankind, To Angels or to something new and strange.

One Power rules over all, and thus can make The proudest tower become the humblest base.

The least received is in pure money given.

Here is no choice. Here wit and knowledge fail.

In such unlikeness doth G.o.d's glory lie.

So see we with things lightest weighed those things Of greatest weight, which thus e'en heavier grow: Thus beauty fairer glows o'er beauty glossed, 200 Hue cast o'er hue, the diamond splendor over The blue turquoise; so see 'gainst odors odors, The light intense against the glimmer dim, The galaxies unto the stars opposed.

Our place within the universal plan Thus to disturb, into confusion all Things throwing that once G.o.d did there dispose And place; and all the creature may arrange: This is mis-shapen to the inmost joint.

Cease, then, this murmuring. The G.o.dhead can 210 The state of Angels miss; nor aided is By others' service; for the glorious Realm Eterne nor music needs, nor incense, nor These odors swung, nor harmonies of praise.

Ungrateful Spirits, be still: your base tongues curb.

Ye know not G.o.d's design. Be ye content With your established lot, and unto G.o.d And Gabriel's decree yourselves submit.


Is then the high state of the ruling Spirits So changeable? They stand on slippery ground, 220 How pitiable their lot! how miserable!


Because a lesser in this Realm shall reign?

We shall remain as now: how are we wronged?


They are the nighest G.o.d, their refuge sure And Father: they upon His breast have lain: Now lies a lesser one more close than they.


For one to grieve o'er others' bliss shows lack Of love, and scents of envy and of pride.

Let not this stain upon the purity And brightness of the Angels thus remain. 230 To strive in concord, love, and faithfulness.

The one against the other here, doth please The Father, who all things in ranks ordained.


So they maintain the rank the Heavens them gave; But hardly can endure man's slave to be.


That's disobedience, and from their rank They thus shall fall away. Thou seest how, too, The hosts of Heaven, in golden armor clad And in appointed ranks arrayed, keep watch, Each in his turn; how this star sets and that 240 Ascends; and how not one of all on high The l.u.s.tre dulls of others there more clear, Nor yet of those more dim; how some stars, too, A greater, others lesser orbits trace: Those nearest to Heaven most swift and those beyond More slowly turn: yet midst this all, among These inequalities of light, degree, And rank, of orbit, kind, and pace, thou seest No discord, envy, strife. The Voice of Him Who ruleth all this measured cadence leads, 250 That listens and Him faithfully obeys.


The firmament remains, as G.o.d decreed.

Had it not pleased Him thus to disarrange The state of Angels, they would not, as now, Awake the stars from their harmonious peace, Nor thus disturb with plaints these quiet courts,


Beware lest thou this discontent shouldst flame.


We would this low'ring cloud might leave our sky Before it bursts and sets the vast expanse Of Heaven in flames. They grow in numbers.

Who 260 Shall them appease? Who cometh hitherward?



Alas! alas! where is our bliss departed?


All goeth well: we gain increase. In grief The Angels now a.s.semble, and in woe Their heads they droop together. What doth move You. Angel hosts, with sighs and groans to mourn?

Can, then, the bloom of happiness thus fade?

In peace all to possess that Spirit can wish From G.o.d, the Giver--doth even this content You not? Ye therefore stand in your own light. 270 And cherish mournfulness, whose cause I can Nor fathom nor discern. Come, cease your groans, Nor longer tear your standards and your robes Without a cause; but clear your clouded face And darkened forehead with new radiance, O children of the Light! The voices shrill.

Whose deep-resounding songs the G.o.dhead praise, Grow faint, displeased that ye should mingle with Their G.o.dlike melody such spurious sounds And b.a.s.t.a.r.d tones. Your bitter moan doth mar 280 The rhythm of the celestial palace till These vaults re-echo with your woe. The wail Of sorrow through the highest arches rolls.

From sphere to sphere: nor without crime can ye By such sad discord thus the growth disturb Of G.o.d's great name and glorious majesty.


Chief Lord, whose potent word unnumbered bands Would call to arms, thou comest most opportune To soothe our misery and to prevent By thy great power this threatened injury 290 And undeserved disgrace. Shall Gabriel The sacred crown of the holy Angels place On Adam's head: through Adam's son and heir Crush G.o.d's first-born? 'Twere better far had we Not been made ere the splendor-dazzling sun His chariot mounted and in Heaven shone.

The G.o.dhead chose in vain the Spirits as guards Of these immobile courts, if thus He shall.

Against their vested Rights, Himself oppose; Who guiltless to resistance are provoked 300 By dire impatience and necessity.

We were rejoicing here, enraptured with The praise to G.o.d outpoured, were bowing low In deep humility, and wors.h.i.+pping 'Mid burning censers with devotion flamed:-- All-quivering with the rippling notes, the Heavens, From choir to choir, unto the sound gave ear-- Yea, melted slowly in delicious joy, With song and harp enchanted--when the trump Of Gabriel 'mid the rising harmony 310 Blew that decree, and midst the glory fell This sudden thunderbolt of night. There lay We all amazed, dispersed, with gloom depressed.

The gladness died away. Hushed were the throats Pregnant with praise. The youngest son was given The crown, the sceptre, and the blessing, while The eldest-born, thus disinherited, By Majesty Supreme, marked as a slave Remains. That is the part obedience, Devotion, love, and faithfulness receive 320 From G.o.d's rich treasury, that mourning brings; That wrath enkindles, and thoughts of revenge, Grown out of righteous hate, to smother in His blood this upstart man, ere he shall crush The Angels in their state; and they be forced, As base and craven slaves, with fetters bound, To run before his lash and at his will, Even as he keeps the beasts beneath in awe.

Chief Lord, thou canst prevent our fall, and by Our charter yet preserve our Rights: protect 330 Us by thy power. We are prepared even now To follow 'neath thy standard and command, To be thy troops. Lead on. 'Tis glorious To battle for one's honor, crown, and Right.


Methinks that thou art wrong. O King of Lords, 'Twere better to avert this. Give no cause For mutiny or discord: give no cause Whereby Rebellion grows. What remedy?

How reconcile you with the Majesty Supreme?


He doth transgress the holy Right 340 Once to the Angels given.


The lawful Rights Of subjects to transgress can them inflame, And fires enkindle that the very air Would soon consume. How poor a recompense For stainless faith! How shall we best conduct Ourselves amid this mournful hopelessness?


'Twill comfort us one bold attempt to make.


What venture this? Adopt a softer pace.

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