The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge Volume I Part 34

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[79:2] First published in the _Morning Chronicle_, Dec. 1, 1794: included in 1796, 1803, 1828, 1829, and 1834.

[80:A] 'Our elegant correspondent will highly gratify every reader of taste by the continuance of his exquisitely beautiful productions. No.

II. shall appear on an early day.'


t.i.tle] Effusion v. 1796: Sonnet x. 1803: Sonnet iv. 1828, 1829, 1834.

[4] for dreadless] where fearless M. C. Dec. 1, 1794.

[6] A] An M. C., 1796-1803, 1828, 1829. the insulted] her injur'd M. C.

[7] pour] pour'dst M. C., 1796, 1803.

[8] unmatch'd] matchless M. C.

[10] With heav'n-breath'd blessings; and, when late the doom M. C.

[11] die] rise 1803.


Though the great Sun not meets our wistful gaze Still glows wide Heaven

M. C.

[Below l. 14] Jesus College Cambridge M. C.



As late I lay in Slumber's shadowy vale, With wetted cheek and in a mourner's guise, I saw the sainted form of FREEDOM rise: She spake! not sadder moans the autumnal gale--

'Great Son of Genius! sweet to me thy name, 5 Ere in an evil hour with alter'd voice Thou bad'st Oppression's hireling crew rejoice Blasting with wizard spell my laurell'd fame.

'Yet never, BURKE! thou drank'st Corruption's bowl![80:2]

Thee stormy Pity and the cherish'd lure 10 Of Pomp, and proud Precipitance of soul Wilder'd with meteor fires. Ah Spirit pure!

'That Error's mist had left thy purged eye: So might I clasp thee with a Mother's joy!'

_December_ 9, 1794.


[80:1] First published in the _Morning Chronicle_, Dec. 9, 1794: included in 1796, 1803, 1828, 1829, and 1834. This Sonnet was sent in a letter to Southey, dated December 11, 1794. _Letters of S. T. C._, 1895, i. 118.


_Yet never_, BURKE! thou dran'kst Corruption's bowl!

When I composed this line, I had not read the following paragraph in the _Cambridge Intelligencer_ (of, November 21, 1795):--

'_When Mr. Burke first crossed over the House of Commons from the Opposition to the Ministry, he received a pension of 1200 a year charged on the Kings Privy Purse._ When he had completed his labours, it was then a question what recompense his service deserved. Mr. Burke wanting a present supply of money, it was thought that a pension of 2000 _per annum_ for _forty years certain_, would sell for eighteen years' purchase, and bring him of course 36,000. But this pension must, by the very unfortunate act, of which Mr. Burke was himself the author, have come before Parliament. Instead of this Mr. Pitt suggested the idea of a pension of 2000 a year for _three lives_, to be charged on the King's Revenue of the West India 4-1/2 per cents. This was tried at the market, but it was found that it would not produce the 36,000 which were wanted. In consequence of this a pension of 2500 per annum, _for three lives_ on the 4-1/2 West India Fund, the lives to be nominated by Mr. Burke, that he may accommodate the purchasers is _finally_ granted to this disinterested patriot. He has thus retir'd from the trade of politics, with pensions to the amount of 3700 a year.' 1796, Note, pp.



t.i.tle] Effusion ii. 1796: Sonnet vii. 1803: Sonnet ii. 1828, 1829, 1834.

[1] As late I roam'd through Fancy's shadowy vale MS. Letter, Dec. 11, 1794.

[4] She] He MS. Letter, 1794.

[12] Urg'd on with wild'ring fires MS. Letter, Dec. 17, 1794, M. C.

[Below l. 14] Jesus College M. C.



Though rous'd by that dark Vizir Riot rude Have driven our PRIESTLEY o'er the Ocean swell; Though Superst.i.tion and her wolfish brood Bay his mild radiance, impotent and fell; Calm in his halls of brightness he shall dwell! 5 For lo! RELIGION at his strong behest Starts with mild anger from the Papal spell, And flings to Earth her tinsel-glittering vest, Her mitred State and c.u.mbrous Pomp unholy; And JUSTICE wakes to bid th' Oppressor wail 10 Insulting aye the wrongs of patient Folly; And from her dark retreat by Wisdom won Meek NATURE slowly lifts her matron veil To smile with fondness on her gazing Son!

_December_ 11, 1794.


[81:1] First published in the _Morning Chronicle_, December 11, 1794: included in 1796, 1803, 1828, 1829, and 1834. In all editions prior to 1852, 'Priestley' is spelled 'Priestly'. The Sonnet was sent to Southey in a letter dated December 17, 1794.


t.i.tle] Effusion iv. 1796: Sonnet ix. 1803: Sonnet iii. 1828, 1829, 1834.

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