The Life of William Ewart Gladstone Volume I Part 57

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Jan. 20. On the corn laws at Walsall.

March 31. Proposes rejection of bill admitting Jews to corporate office.

April Revised edition of _The Church in its Relations with the State_, published.

May 10. Opposes reduction of duty on foreign sugar.

July 29. Re-elected for Newark,--Mr. Gladstone, 633; Lord John Manners, 630; Mr. Hobhouse, 394.

Sept. 3. Appointed vice-president of the board of trade.

" 14. Returned unopposed for Newark.


Feb. 8. Proposes colonial trade resolutions, and brings in bill for better regulation of railways.

" 14. Replies to Lord J. Russell's condemnation of government's proposals for amending corn law.

" 25. Opposes Mr. Christopher's sliding scale amendment.

March 9. On second reading of corn law importation bill.

April 15. On Colonial Customs Duties bill.

May 13. On preferential duties for colonial goods.

" 23. On importation of live cattle.

June 3. On sugar duties.

" 14. On export duty on coal.

Sept. 18. Loses finger of left hand in gun accident.


Jan. Anonymous article, 'The Course of Commercial Policy at Home and Abroad,' in _Foreign and Colonial Quarterly Review_.

" 6. Inaugural address at opening of Collegiate Inst.i.tute, Liverpool.

Feb. 13. Replies to Viscount Howick on the corn law.

April 25. Opposes Mr. Ricardo's motion for immediate free trade.

May 9. Opposes Mr. Villiers's motion for the immediate abolition of corn laws.

" 15. Attends first cabinet as president of the board of trade.

" 19. Supports bill reducing duty on Canadian corn.

June 13. Opposes Lord J. Russell's motion for fixed duty on imported corn.

Aug. 10. Moves second reading of bill legalising exportation of machinery.

Oct. 'Present Aspects of the Church' in _Foreign and Colonial Review_.


Feb. 5. Moves for select committeen on railways.

March 4. On recommendations of committee on railways.

" 7. On slave trade and commercial relations with Brazil.

" 12. Replies to Mr. Cobden's speech on his motion for committee on protective duties.

" 19. On reciprocity in commercial treaties.

" 26. Opposes motion to extend low duty on Canadian corn to colonial wheat.

April 'On Lord John Russell's Translation of the Francesca da Rimini,' in the _English Review_.

" 2. Outlines provisions of Joint Stock Companies Regulation bill.

" 4. Second son, Stephen Edward, born.

May 18. Presides at Eton anniversary dinner.

June 3. On sugar duties bill.

" 6. In support of Dissenters' Chapels bill.

" 25. Opposes Mr. Villiers's motion for abolition of corn laws.

July. Review of 'Ellen Middleton,' in _English Review._ " 8. On second reading of Railways bill.

Aug. 5. Introduces three bills for regulating private bill procedure.

Oct. 'The Theses of Erastus and the Scottish Church Establishment'

in the _New Quarterly Review_.

Dec. On Mr. Ward's 'Ideal Church,' in _Quarterly Review_.


Jan. 28. Retires from cabinet.

Feb. 4. Personal explanation.

" 24. In favour of discriminating duties on sugar.

" 26. Defends distinction between free-labour and slave-labour sugar.

March. _Remarks upon recent Commercial Legislation_, published.

April 11. On second reading of Maynooth College bill.

June. Review of 'Life of Mr. Blanco White,' in _Quarterly_.

" 2. Supports Academical Inst.i.tutions (Ireland) bill.

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