The Life of William Ewart Gladstone Volume III Part 59

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Feb. 11. On motion declaring publication by _Times_ of forged Parnell letter to be breach of privilege.

March "On Books and the Housing of Them," in _Nineteenth Century_.

March 3. On report of Parnell commission.

March 24. At National Liberal club on report of Parnell commission.

March 26. At Guy's Hospital on the medical profession.

April 24. On second reading of Purchase of Land (Ireland) bill.

May 2. On disestablishment of church of Scotland.

May 12. On free trade at Prince's Hall, Piccadilly.

May 15. On Local Taxation Duties bill.

May 16. At Norwich on Parnell commission, land purchase and licensing question.

May 17. At Lowestoft on Siberian atrocities and the agricultural labourer.

April 27. Receives 10,000 liberals at Hawarden: on Mitchelstown, Irish Land bill, and Licensing bill.

June 5. On Channel Tunnel bill.

June 13. On Local Taxation Duties bill.

June 18. To depositors in railways' savings banks: on thrift.

July 17. At Burlington School, London, on the education of women.

July 24. On Anglo-German Agreement bill.

July 30. To Wesleyans at National Liberal club on Maltese marriage question, and Ireland.

Aug. 21. At Hawarden on cottage gardening and fruit farming.

July 30. "Dr. Dollinger's Posthumous Remains," in the _Speaker_.

Sept. 12. At Dee iron works on industrial progress.

Oct. 21. At Corn Exchange, Edinburgh, on government's Irish administration.

Oct. 23. At West Calder on condition of working and Ireland.

Oct. 25. At Dalkeith on home rule for Scotland and Ireland.

Oct. 27. At Music Hall, Edinburgh, on retention of Irish members, procedure and obstruction.

Oct. 29. At Dundee on free trade and the McKinley tariff. Opens Victorian Art Gallery: on appreciation of beauty.

Nov. "Mr. Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth," in _Nineteenth Century_.

Nov. 24. Letter to Mr. Morley on Mr. Parnell and leaders.h.i.+p of Irish party.

Dec. 1. Publishes reply to Mr. Parnell's manifesto to Irish people.

Dec. 2. On Purchase of Land (Ireland) bill.

Dec. 11. At Retford on Mr. Parnell and the home rule cause.

Publishes _The Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture_, a reprint of articles in _Good Words_.

_Landmarks of Homeric Study, together with an Essay on the Points of Contact between the a.s.syrian Tablets and the Homeric Text._


Jan. 27. Supports motion to expunge from journals of the House the Bradlaugh resolution (1881).

Feb. "Professor Huxley and the Swine-Miracle," in _Nineteenth Century_.

Feb. 4. Moves second reading of Religious Disabilities Removal bill.

Feb. 13. Opens free library in St. Martin's Lane: on free libraries.

Feb. 16. Condemns action of Irish executive in Tipperary trials.

Feb. 20. On disestablishment of church in Wales.

Feb. 27. On taxation of land.

March 3. On registration reform.

March 14. At Eton College on Homeric Artemis.

March 17. At Hastings on Mr. Goschen's finance, Irish policy, and the career of Mr. Parnell.

May "A Memoir of John Murray," in _Murray's Magazine_.

June 19. At St. James's Hall, at jubilee of Colonial Bishoprics Fund, on development of colonial church.

July 4. Death of W. H. Gladstone.

July 15. At Hawarden on fifty years of progress.

Sept. "Electoral Facts, No. III.," in _Nineteenth Century_.

Oct. "On the Ancient Beliefs in a Future State," in _Nineteenth Century_.

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